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The pursuit of happyness" adapted from a famous American black investment expert Chris Gardner published an autobiography of the same name at the beginning of the year.This is a classic American inspirational story.As a single father, Ghana was facing his own food also is unable to solve the dilemma.In the most difficult times, Ghana had to take only the property back on his back, one hand and diapers, pushing a stroller, together with the son went to the homeless shelter.Is nowhere, father and son can only went to the park, subway toilet is such a place to stay.
Chris Gardner:People can't do something by themselves,they wanna tell you you can not do it. 克里斯·加德纳:当人们做不到一些事情的时候,他们就会对你 说你也同样不能。
Don't ever let somebody tell you you can't do something, not even me. 别让别人告诉你你成不了才,即使是我也不行。
《The pursuit of happyness》

有时Байду номын сангаас们会感到生活的不公,但是,我们是
不是忽略了什么呢?就像那个落水的傻瓜,幸福 不会送上门来,所以想守株待兔那样等着幸福来 敲门的人最终只会是与幸福无缘。同时,光抱有 希望也仅仅是换来等待的耐心,总得有双手肯去 敲开属于你幸福的那扇门…
Sometimes we may feel the injustice of life, but, if we ignore what?Like the fool, drowning will not send the door to happiness, so I want to waiting for him as waiting for the pursuit of happiness are eventually will only with happiness.At the same time, the hope is only for waiting patiently, belong to you must have a hands willing to knock on the door of happiness...
thank you every one!!!
当你处在苦难之中的时候,请千万不要放弃信念,不是 幸福不来敲门,或许只是因为幸福还没有赶到,亦或是因 为幸福赶路太急了,暂时错过了你的房门,但请你一定要 相信,只要你不放弃,还在努力,你身上散发出来的光环 一定会指引着幸福找到你,叩响你的房门的!
为了养活儿子,穷困潦倒、无 家可归的他从最底层的推销员 做起,最后成为全美知名的金 融投资家。回忆起自己的这段 过去,克里斯·加纳表示 “在 我二十几岁的时候,我经历了 人们可以想象到的各种艰难、 黑暗、恐惧的时刻,不过我从 来没有放弃过。这本自传还有 一层深意,那就是即使在最最 艰难的时刻,父亲与儿子是不 可分离的。”
To feed his son, destitute and homeless, he starts from the bottom of the salesman, finally become the well-known financial investors.Their this period of the past memories, Chris Ghana, said: "in my twenties, I had people can ima all sorts of difficult, dark, moments of fear, but I never give up. The autobiography and a layer of meaning, it is even in the most difficult moment, father and son are inseparable."
《当幸福来敲门》 The Pursuit of Happyness
《当幸福来敲门》改编自美国 著名黑人投资专家克里斯·加德 纳今年年初出版的同名自传。这 是一个典型的美国式励志故事。 作为一名单身父亲,加纳一度面 临连自己的温饱也无法解决的困 境。在最困难的时期,加纳只能 将自己仅有的财产背在背上,一 手提着尿布,一手推着婴儿车, 与儿子一起前往无家可归者收容 所。实在无处容身时,父子俩只 能到公园、地铁卫生间这样的地 方过夜。

加德纳努力赚钱,当上股票经纪后, 事业一帆风顺。1987年他在芝加哥开 设经纪公司做老板,成为百万富翁,近 年致力在南非扶贫。他出版了自传,就 是《当幸福来敲门》(The Pursuit of Happiness)。
Chris Gardner:You got a dream, you gotta protect it. 克里斯·加德纳:如果你有梦想,就要捍卫它。