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1.A new function of China’s official train ticket booking website ______to boost buyers’ chances of obtaining a ticket during the upcoming Spring Festival travel rush.

A.will be expected B.expects C.has been expected D.is expected




考查时态。句意:中国火车票预订官网的一项新功能有望在即将到来的春运期间增加购票机会。be expected to do表示“有望……”,常用于一般现在时,故D项正确。

2.Our class _______ forty-five students, in other words, forty-five students ______ our class. A.consists of, are made up of.

B.is consisted of, make up.

C.consists of, make up.

D.is consisted of, are made up of.



试题分析:考查词组辨析。consist of 表示包括......,由......组成;make up 组成;故选C。


3.Frank ________ stamps in his spare time. It’s his hobby.

A.is collecting B.collects

C.collected D.was collecting



试题分析:考查时态。句意:Frank在他的空闲时间收集邮票。这是他的爱好。根据“It’s his hobby”可知,这是Frank经常做的事情。用一般现在时,故选B。


4.This kind of gel pen which ______ smoothly is quite popular with students.

A.is written B.is writing C.wrote D.writes



试题分析:句意为:这种写起来非常流畅的中性笔很受学生的欢迎。部分动词如tear, sell, write等可用主动形式也可用被动形式,当说明事物本身所具备的性质时要用主动表被动的形式,当说明具体的动作时要用被动语态。Fg: The kind of paper tears easily.



5.---The CDs by the star ______ well.

---That’s true. More than ten million copies have been sold out so far.

A.are sold B.sell

C.sells D.is sold





6. Still many Senior Three students haven't realized reading English newspapers _______of great help to their English study.

A.is B.are C.have been D.had heen



试题分析:考查动词时态。句意:仍然有许多高三的学生没有意识到读英语报纸对于英语的学习会有很大的帮助,本句是一个宾语从句have n’t realized后加宾语从句从句应该用现在的时态,排除D,C是现在完成时强调到现在为止,根据句意也排除,,排除B是因为是动名词做主语谓语动词应该用单数形式,所以A正确。


7.My parents in Hong Kong. They were born there and have never lived anywhere else. A.live B.lived

C.were living D.will live



根据第二句中的...have never lived anywhere else.可推知,空格处应用一般现在时表示状态。句意:我父母住在香港。他们生在那里,从未在别的地方居住过。

8.——Have you seen my e-mail about our TESL project?

——Yes. Luckily I checked my e-mails yesterday. Normally I _______my e-mail box for days. A.haven’t opened

B.didn’t open

C.hadn’t opened

D.don’t open





9.As the town ______ good restaurants, we just treated the foreign friends to some local food at home yesterday.

A.didn’t have B.doesn’t have

C.won’t have D.hadn’t had





10.Experience is a hard teacher because she ________ the test first, the lesson afterwards. A.gives B.has given C.was giving D.would give




11.I know daydreaming benefits invention, but the fact that it has no solid evidence. A.will be remaining B.remained

C.remains D.had remained.



12.Professor Williams keeps telling his students that the future ___ to the well-educated. A.belongs B.is belonged

C.is belonging D.will be belonged



考查belong的用法。Belong to属于;不用被动语态。句意:威廉教授坚持告诉学生们,未
