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Dear Helen Keller,

My name is Amelia Grant. I live in a small city. There, my father has an oil factory. At the age of eight, something terrible happened while I 1 playing near an oil well. It made me lose most of my hearing.

A lot has changed for me 2 then. For one thing, I cannot hear music like before. I used to love listening to my mother sing songs. When I first lost my hearing, I was sad that I 3 never again hear my mother sing. But now I put my ear to her chest 4 the vibrations(震动)of her voice. Now, I feel music instead of hearing it.

Also, I have to go to 5 different school in another city—Texas School for the Deaf. It is over 300 kilometers away from my hometown. The teachers there are kind, 6 I can only see my parents during holidays. I miss them very much.

During 7 last winter holiday, my daddy gave me a book you wrote, The Story of My Life. From it, I learned a lot about you. When you first became deaf and blind, you had a hard time showing people 8 . Because of this, you would sometimes get mad and make 9 noises. Now I know your feelings and I 10 by your book. I’m going to write to you in a few days to tell you more.


Amelia Grant 1.A.is B.are C.were D.was 2.A.since B.at C.until D.by 3.A.can B.could C.have to D.had to 4.A.feel B.to feel C.hear D.to hear 5.A.a B.an C.the D./ 6.A.because B.if C.but D.or

7.A.we B.us C.our D.ours

8.A.what do you want B.what you want C.what did you want D.what you wanted

9.A.loudest B.most loudly C.loud D.loudly 10.A.am encouraged B.will be encouraged C.encourage D.will encourage


Dear Helen Keller,

I’m glad to write to you again to tell you how your book has influenced me.

I read that you really brought your parents lots of 11 and they didn’t know what to do! Then they found a great 12 for you—Ms. Sullivan. With great patience, she showed and taught you that there was a word to describe every object and idea. Because of Ms. Sullivan, you’re now able to 13 and write by touch.

I also read that you love to ask questions. So now, I do the same thing as you do. It really helps me a lot to 14 . I am learning more now than I ever did before I lost my hearing. Maybe my mother is 15 when she says “every cloud has a silver lining.*” Even when something seems really bad, a 16 thing can come from it.

I have a best friend Anna Bailey in my city. When I lost my hearing, I 17 I would lose this friend. I thought she might want to play only with people who could hear. But I was wrong. Anna stayed 18 with me. She even helped me. She told me I would get used to being deaf. “It might take some time,” she said. “But you’ll find your feet.**” She made me feel 19 .

When I first heard about you, I was really 20 and interested. Even though you are deaf and blind, you can do almost anything! You even went to college. You are like a hero to me. I hope that one day I can visit you.


Amelia Grant *The saying means that “every sad or difficult situation has a positive side”.

**The expression “to find your feet” means “to become confident in a new situation”. 11.A.trouble B.help C.advice D.luck 12.A.cleaner B.worker C.teacher D.driver 13.A.dance B.read C.play D.watch
