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I・ Edison was a great s ______ in the world・

2.We are all s _________ at the news that they lost the game unexpectedly.

3.He was t ________ and fell asleep soon.

4.The Young Pioneers got to the top of the mountain s _______ and sound・

5.Grandpa often told us some i _________ stories after supper.

6.Please read the i __________ before you operate the machine・

7.Tom has a poor eyesight to see anything c ________ .

8.Have you any d ________ in doing this work?

9.Hebei is in the n __________ part of china・

10.I f _______ to bring your dictionary. I left it in my drawe匚

II・ Today more and more Chinese go to study in f ______ countries.

12.Pm sony to t _________ you, but could you tell me how I can get to the airport?

13.My house is about twenty-m _________ walk by bike・

14.Fni every day e ______________ today.

15.He is not in the office. Shall I take a m _________ ?

16.The doctor insisted that he need an o ___________ a t once・

17.一Could you look after her for me while we're away?

-With p _________ ・

18.The glass was easy to break so he put it on the table s _________ .

19.There was no e _________ for being late.

20.The steps are rather n ___________ . Please take care・

21 ・ You needn't turn left or right. Just come s ___________ along die way and you'll find it at die

end of the road.

22.Everybody can borrow two books at a time from the school 1 __________ .

23.The Huangshan Mountain a ______ large numbers of tourists every year.

24.It is going to rain. You d better take ail u _________ with you.

25 ・ Do you know how to r _______ the waste paper or bottles?

26.The used car is w _____ as little as 2,000 yuan.

27.I beg your p _______ 、I can't quite catch you.

28.Shopping online is c _________ because you needn t go out.

29.Jim made up his m ______ to stay with his parents・

30.My parents always e ____________ me to try again every time I fail・

31 ・ Hawaii is famous for its beautiful b _____ ・

32.Li Tao won the first p _____ in the handwriting competition・

33.Il is our duty to keep our e _____________ clean and tidy.

34.He felt a little n _______ when it was his turn to speak at the meeting・

35.Are you satisfied with the p ____________ of Hamlet at the Great Theater?

36.Have you ever f _______ the cow?

37.I saw them r _______ the man of his money.

38.I like writing to my friends, but it c ________ a lot of timc.

39.In d_________ countries, many families can afford to buy cars・

40.He was still a _________ after he experienced the terrible earthquake・

41.The mountain is so s __________ that few people have climbed to the top of it・

42.The boy likes c _______ stamps. He has many different kinds of stamps.

43.Working hard will bring you great s __________ ・

44.My f __________ subject is English. I like it very much.

45.The light music helps to r ______ you when you feel nervous・

46.In China. we usually visit our friends and r__________ d uring the Spring Festival.

47.There are clouds of different s __________ in the sky. Some look like animals and some are

like furniture・

48.Dick r ________ a lot of presents on his birthday, and felt ver>r excited・

49.They c ________ talking for two hours after supper.

50.Can you tell the d __________ between them?

51 ・ I don't like coffee. Please give me a cup of tea i _________ .

52.December is the t ______ month of the yea匚

53.L _______ , he was not badly hurt in the accident.

54.It was because of his bike was s __________ that he had to walk to school.

55・ Lucy got up late and hurried to school without b _________ .

56.Do you think it is n _________ for us to learn to everything taught in class?

57.It wasn't very f ________ of you to slain the door in his face.

58.She always drives more c ___________ at night.

59.Many people lost their 1 _______ because of the earthquake・

60.What^s the population at the end of the t _______ century?

61 ・ The train was quite c _________ because there weren't too many people to the island.

62.Jim p _______ to the nex\r book on the desk and said. v Look! It's mine."

63.Books are my best friends・ They give me k ________ a nd make me happy.

64.I want to learn how to mn quickly and to eat h ___________ ・

65.What he did is a ____________ the law.

66.Unemployment is one of the major problems of m ________ times・
