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No trade, no kill !
Animals are human and they are our friends . Let’s begin to protect the rare animals ! Let’s act from ourselves! Come on ! Act ,please !
Go on
11.millons of 12.fall to 13.the wool 14. for an animal which has to survive at high altitude 15.a shawl made from the wool 16.the profits can be huge 17.shoot whole herds ofantelopes 18.are skinned on the spot is exported to 20.completely illegal 21.a ban on the trade 22.came into fashion
ModFra Baidu bibliotekle 6
Animals in Danger
1.古朴国宝: 大熊猫 2.仰鼻蓝面: 金丝猴 3.长江奇兽: 白鳍豚 4. 中华之魂: 华南虎 5. 东方之珠: 朱鹮 6.堪称国鸟: 褐马鸡 7.孑遗物种: 扬子鳄 8.高原神鸟: 黑颈鹤 9.雪域喋血: 藏羚羊 10.失而复得: 四不象
•24. government •25. take an active part in protecting •26. habitat •27.officials •28.volunteers who come from all over the country •29.getting tough with the dealers. •30.International cooperation seems to be working
Reading comprehension
Read the text again and find the topic of each paragraph
Para1.A brave and great man was killed. Para2.the reason why antelopes was endangered Para3.How antelopes are killed. Para4.The Chinese government began to protect the antelope Para5.the effect of the action
Saving the Antelope
Read the text carefully
Find the meaning of these words and phrases

1.a freezing cold day 2.a group of poachers 3.endangered Tibetan antelope 4 put down their guns 5.Although surprised 6.advantage the battle which followed 8.frozen body 9.given his life to save 10.the twentieth century 11.millons of
一个盗猎分子在山上发现了一群藏羚羊,就在他开枪准备射击时,羊 群发现了险情,很快向远处逃散。猎人举枪追击,体格健壮的藏羚羊跑在 前面,把小一点的羚羊扔在了后面。追到一个峡谷时,其余的藏羚羊都纷 纷纵身跳了过去,只丢下一对母子。盗猎者很快追上了落在后面的母子俩。 藏羚羊的弹跳能力很强,速度快的时候能跳数丈远。还没有完全长大的小 羚羊跳不了那么远。很显然,在这种危险的情况下,它要不就是跌入深谷 摔个粉身碎骨,要不就是落入盗猎手中,而母羚羊足以跳过峡谷逃生。 盗猎者紧随其后追击,快追到峡谷尽头时,母子俩同时起跳,但是弹 跳的那一瞬间母亲放慢了速度,几乎只用了和小羚羊相当的力量。母亲在 半空中先于小羚羊下降,小羚羊稳稳地踩在母亲的背上,以此作为支点第 二次起跳,顺利地逃到对面的峡谷,而它的母亲却无力第二次起跳,落入 深谷摔死了。 这一幕让盗猎者震惊了!他跪倒在地,含着泪将罪恶的枪扔到山谷里。 尽管母爱不一定要以自戕为代价,但那一降是母爱的升华,是母爱的 至高境界,感天动地;那一跪是良心的觉醒,更是对母爱的至诚敬仰。一 个是爱的牺牲,一个是爱的觉醒。
藏羚羊为羚羊亚科藏羚属动物,1996年被国际 自然保护联盟列为濒危物种,2000年列为濒危 物种,同时受到中国《野生动物保护法》的一级 重点保护。雌藏羚羊生育后代时都要千里迢迢的 到可可西里生育。 。随着内陆城市不断发展,环保意识不断提高, 相信会有更多的人加入到志愿者队伍中来,而这 些志愿者都是保护区的精神财富,也希望更多的 人能投入到藏羚羊和生态保护中来。
