





Artificial Intelligence(AI):人工智能;Aspect:方位



Boolean operation:布尔*作(逻辑*作)Buffer:缓冲区;




Continuous data:连续数据Coordinate system:坐标系统Database:数据库;

Database approach:数据库方法Database management system(DBMS):数据库管理系统

Data entry:数据输入;

Data set:数据集

Data standards:数据标准;

Data structure:数据结构

Data visualization:数据可视化;Derived data:派生数据

Original data:原始数据;



Discrete data:离散数据;

Distributed system:分布式系统Fractal:分形;


Land information system(LIS):土地信息系统

Map algebra:地图代数;

Map projection:地图投影

Map scale:地图比例尺;








Proximity analysis:邻近分析



Relational database:关系数据库;

Site suitability analysis:位置适宜度分析

Spatial accuracy:空间准确度;Spatial analysis:空间分析

Spatial precision:空间精度;

Spatial relationship:空间关系Subset:子集;

Terrain analysis:地形分析

Thematic map:专题地图;Topology:拓扑

Tracking GIS:动态GIS;

UTM(Universal Transverse Mercator):通用横轴麦卡托投影




vector 矢量

merge 合并



infrastructure 基础设施

dynamic 动态的

sequence 顺序









coherence 连贯的

impairing 削弱

tentative延伸的holographic 透视的currency 流行的



tabular表格的distribution 分配

a bar chart直方图depicted描述


retrieval 检索


census人口puch assembled 集中的configuration配置cutting-edge 前沿terrific 极端

overlay 叠加accomplishment 技巧thematic 主题tremendously 非常的multidisciplinary多学科的holistic 整体的


dimensional 维数peripheral外设innovative创新的interdisciplinary 交叉学科competent 有能力的attribute属性interchanged相互交换reference参照物constitute组成




proximity 相近的latitude经度

longitude纬度landscape 外观



perimeter周长trend surface趋势面designate 描绘


sparse 稀少



configuration 参数clustered 群聚的

lunar crater火山口termed 术语为……hydrologic水文的function功能


temporal 暂时的

critical关键的demographic 人口统计的vary改变







obsolete 荒废的extrapolated推断的preliminary 预备的address反映spreadsheet电子表格synergy协同





surveyed site测量点statistical analysis 数据分析query查询




drag 拖

redundancy冗余duplication复制accommodate查询decimal 十进制arbitrary 随意的robust增强dedicate致力于even偶数rectangular矩形rasterization栅格化magnifictionfangda unaided eye肉眼coarse粗糙resolution分辨率crude粗糙digitized数字化linear直线triangle 三角形adjacent临近的ends端点

bends 拐点vertice顶点





hence从此以后coordinate position坐标位置border边界

evolution发展exaggerated 放大的



plotter绘图仪demonstrate 演示










GIS专业英语词汇 2010

Alogrithm:算法; Accuracy:准确度; Application:应用; Artificial Intelligence(AI):人工智能;Aspect:方位Attribute:属性; Binary:二进制; Boolean operation:布尔*作(逻辑*作) Buffer:缓冲区; Cartography:制图学; Cell:单元; Chain:链Continuous data:连续数据 Coordinate system:坐标系统 Database:数据库; Database approach:数据库方法 Database management system(DBMS):数据库管理系统Data entry:数据输入; Data set:数据集 Data standards:数据标准; Data structure:数据结构 Data visualization:数据可视化; Derived data:派生数据 Original data:原始数据; Digitize:数字化; Digitizer:数字化仪 Discrete data:离散数据; Distributed system:分布式系统 Fractal:分形; Geocoding:地理编码(地址编码)Georeferenced:地理参考; Land information system(LIS):土地信息系统 Map algebra:地图代数;Map projection:地图投影Map scale:地图比例尺; Metadata:元数据 Overlay:叠置; Parcel:地块Peripherals:外设; Pixel:像元 Plotter:绘图仪; Polygon:多边形 Precision:精度; Proximity analysis:邻近分析 Query:查询; Recode:重编码


景观设计要素专业术语 英文大全 (喜欢请转 ) 来邓卓迪的日志 2.0001 园林学 landscape architecture, garden ar-chitecture 2.0002 造园学 garden making, landscape garden-ing 2.0003 环境园艺学 environmental horticulture 2.0004 观赏园 艺学 ornamental horticulture 2.0005 园林艺术 garden art 2.0006 园林美学 garden aesthetics 2.0007 园林建筑学 garden architecture 2.0012 盆景 miniature landscape, penjing 2.0013 园林 garden and park 2.0014 园林学史 history of garden architecture 2.0015 园林规划 garden planning, landscaping planning 2.0016 园林设计 garden design 2.0017 园林机具设备 gardening machine 2.0018 园林管理 garden management 2.0019 园林生态 landscape ecology 2.0020 绿化 greening, planting 2.0021 环境绿化 environmental greening 2.0022 绿地面积 green area 2.0023 绿地率 ratio of green space 2.0024 城市绿化覆盖率 urban green coverage 2.0025 工厂绿化 factory greening, factory garden-ing 2.0026 街道绿化 street greening, street planting 2.0027 车行道绿化 driveway greening 2.0028 分车带绿化 dividing stripe greening 2.0029 人行道绿化 sidewalk greening 2.0031 郊区绿化 suburban greening 2.0032 公路绿化 highway greening railway greening, railway planting bank planting balcony greening 2.0036 窗台绿化 window-sill greening 2.0037 屋顶绿化 roof greening vertical greening climber greening bridgehead greening 2.0041 花园 garden 2.0042 专类花园 specified flower garden 2.0030 群众绿化 mass planting movement 2.0008 园林建筑 2.0009 园林工程 2.0010 园林植物 2.0011 观赏植物 garden building garden engineering landscape plant ornamental plant 2.0033 铁路绿化 2.0034 堤岸种植 2.0035 阳台绿化 2.0038 垂直绿化 2.0039 攀缘绿化 2.0040 桥头绿化


GIS专业英语词汇 Alogrithm:算法; Accuracy:准确度; Application:应用; Artificial Intelligence(AI):人工智能;Aspect:方位 Attribute:属性; Binary:二进制; Boolean operation:布尔*作(逻辑*作)Buffer:缓冲区; Cartography:制图学; Cell:单元; Chain:链 Continuous data:连续数据Coordinate system:坐标系统Database:数据库; Database approach:数据库方法Database management system(DBMS):数据库管理系统 Data entry:数据输入; Data set:数据集 Data standards:数据标准; Data structure:数据结构 Data visualization:数据可视化;Derived data:派生数据 Original data:原始数据; Digitize:数字化; Digitizer:数字化仪 Discrete data:离散数据; Distributed system:分布式系统Fractal:分形; Geocoding:地理编码(地址编码)Georeferenced:地理参考; Land information system(LIS):土地信息系统 Map algebra:地图代数; Map projection:地图投影 Map scale:地图比例尺; Metadata:元数据 Overlay:叠置; Parcel:地块 Peripherals:外设;Pixel:像元 Plotter:绘图仪; Polygon:多边形 Precision:精度; Proximity analysis:邻近分析 Query:查询; Recode:重编码 Relational database:关系数据库; Site suitability analysis:位置适宜度分析 Spatial accuracy:空间准确度;Spatial analysis:空间分析 Spatial precision:空间精度; Spatial relationship:空间关系Subset:子集; Terrain analysis:地形分析 Thematic map:专题地图;Topology:拓扑 Tracking GIS:动态GIS; UTM(Universal Transverse Mercator):通用横轴麦卡托投影 Node:结点; Vertex:节点 Viewshed:可视域 vector 矢量 merge 合并 slope溢出 terrain地形 infrastructure 基础设施 dynamic 动态的 sequence 顺序 cumulative积累 outline大纲 horizon视野 substantial真实的 paradigm范例 perceptions理解 integrated完整的 analog类似物 coherence 连贯的 impairing 削弱


Content目录- Design Explanation设计说明- Master Plan总平面- Space Sequence Analysis景观空间分析- Function Analysis功能分析- Landscape Theme Analysis景观景点主题分析图- Traffic Analysis交通分析- Vertical Plan竖向平面布置图- Lighting Furniture Layout灯光平面布置示意图- Marker/Background Music/Garbage Bin标识牌/背景音乐/垃圾桶布置图-Plan平面图- Hand Drawing手绘效果图- Section剖面图- Detail详图- Central Axis中心公共主轴- Reference Picture参考图片- Planting Reference Picture植物选样- 材料类:- aluminum铝- asphalt沥青- alpine rock轻质岗石- boasted ashlars粗凿- ceramic陶瓷、陶瓷制品- cobble小圆石、小鹅卵石- clay粘土-

crushed gravel碎砾石- crushed stone concrete碎石混凝土- crushed stone碎石- cement石灰- enamel陶瓷、瓷釉- frosted glass磨砂玻璃- grit stone/sand stone砂岩- glazed colored glass/colored glazed glass彩釉玻璃-granite花岗石、花岗岩- gravel卵石- galleting碎石片- ground pavement material墙面地砖材料- light-gauge steel section/hollow steel section薄壁型钢-light slates轻质板岩- lime earth灰土- masonry砝石结构- membrane张拉膜、膜结构- membrane waterproofing薄膜防水- mosaic马赛克- quarry stone masonry/quarrystone bond粗石体- plaster灰浆- polished plate glass/polished plate磨光平板玻璃- panel面板、嵌板- rusticated ashlars粗琢方石- rough rubble粗毛石-


G I S专业英语

第一课 Comprehensive:全面的,综合的,Intellectual:智力的,才智的Jargon:专业术语 Terminology:专业术语Geomatique:地理信息技术Geoscience:地球科学Derivative:派生物,衍生物Cartography:地图绘制学,地图绘制Architect:建筑师 Preliminary:初步的,起始的Enumerate:列举,枚举Resemble:像,与……相似Transformation:转换 第二课 Automated:自动化的Equivalent:a等价的Cartographer:绘制图表者,制图师Mylar:胶片 Electronic:电子的 Encode:编码Orthophotoquad:正射影像图Aerial:空中的,航空的Aggregation:集合,聚合,集合体Reproduction:再现,复制,繁殖Dissemination:传播,宣传,传染Counterpart:相似之物Compactness:致密性 Complexity:复杂,复杂性Hamper:阻碍,束缚 Retrieval:取回,恢复,修补Analog:模拟的 Planimeter:测面器,求积仪 Phenomena:现象Quantitative:数量的,定量的Histogram:直方图,柱状图Supplementally:追加,补充Modification:修改,变型Cartogram:统计地图,统计图Hand-drawn:手绘 Emergency:紧急事件Employe:雇佣,雇工

Clarify:澄清,阐明Taxonomy:分类学,分类法Bifurcation:分歧,分叉 Parcel:地块 Conservation:保存,保持Procurement:获得,取得,采购Wildlife:野生动植物Earthquake:地震 Landslide:泥石流,山崩Cadastral:地籍的,有关土地清册的Geodetic:大地测量学,最短线的Sophisticated:精致的,复杂的 第三课 Pervade:弥漫,遍及 Aspect:坡向,方向,面貌Inevitable:必然的,不可避免的Proprietary:所有的,专利的Mineral:矿物的,矿质的Military:军队,军人 Electricity:电力,电流Telecommunication:通讯,电信学Interconnect:使相互连接,相互联系Administrative:管制的,行政的Environmental:环境的,周围的Attribute:属性,特质Procedure:步骤,程序,手续Manipulation:操作,操纵,处理Historically:历史上地,Subsume:把…..归入,把…..包括在Eclipse:形成蚀,使黯然失色Visualization:可视化,Immense:巨大的,广大的Analogue:类似,相似物Conventional:常见的,惯例的Enquire:询问,打听Coniferous:松柏科的 Highlight:强调,突出, Stress:强调,加压力与 Derive:得到,源于 Discipline:纪律,学科,惩罚Algorithm:算法, Interpret:说明,口译,解释Artificial:人造的,仿造的,虚伪的 Geomatique:地理信息技术Cartography:地图绘制学,地图绘制Preliminary:初步的,起始的Cartographer:绘制图表者,制图师Encode:编码 Aggregation:集合,聚合,集合体Retrieval:取回,恢复,修补Analog:模拟的 Quantitative:数量的,定量的Histogram:直方图,柱状图Cartogram:统计地图,统计图Parcel:地块 Geodetic:大地测量学,最短线的Cadastral:地籍的,有关土地清册 的 Attribute:属性,特质 Procedure:步骤,程序,手续 Prime meridian:本初子午线 Algorithm:算法, Discipline:纪律,学科,惩罚Visualization:可视化, Globe;球体 Map projection地图投影 Planar projection;平面投影Azimuthal projection;方位投影Characteristic,特征,特性Reference globe;参考椭球体 Scale factor;比例因子 Principle scale;主比例尺Equivalent projection;等积投影Equidistant;等距投影 Mercator transverse;横轴莫卡托投影Gnomonic protection;中心切面投影Lambert‘s equal area projection 兰伯特等级方位投影


园林景观专业英语词汇 园林景观专业英语词汇 规划planning 草图sketch;rough map 平面plan 剖面section 立面elevation 透视perspective 示意图diagram 容积率coverage 城市设计urban design; civic design 区域规划regional planning 步行轴ped axis 总体规划general planning; master planning 分区规划district planning 近期建设规划immediate plan 城市详细规划detailed planning 控制性详细规划control detailed planning 修建性详细规划site plan 居住区规划residential district planning 城市化urbanization

城市生态urban ecology 可持续发展sustainable development 历史文化名城保护规划Plan of Preservation of Historic Cities 旧城改建urban redevelopment 开发区development area 城市化水平urbanization level 城市群agglomeration 城镇体系urban system 卫星城satellite town 城市基础设施urban infrastructure 居民点settlement 市municipality; city 生态基础设施ecological infrastructure 牧场pasture 市域administrative region of a city 商业区commercial district 行政中心administration center 商业街commercial street 科技园technological region 校园规划campus planning 城市中心区urban center district


地理信息系统(GIS)词汇表accreditation 委派accuracy 准确度acquisition 获取activity patterns 活动模式 added value 附加值adjacency邻接Aeolian 伊奥利亚人的, 风的, 风蚀的 Age of Discovery 发现的年代aggregation聚合algorithm, definition算法,定义 ambiguity 不明确analytical cartography 分析制图 application programming interfaces(APIs) 应用编程接口 ARCGis 美国ESRI公司开发的世界先进的地理信息系统软件 ArcIMS 它是个强大的,基于标准的工具,让你快速设计和管理Internet地图服务 ArcInfo 在ArcGIS软件家族中,ArcInfo是GIS软件中功能最全面的。它包含ArcV iew和ArcEditor所有功能,并加上高级空间处理和数据转换 ArcNews 美国ESRI向用户终生免费赠送的ArcNews报刊 ArcSDE ArcSDE在ESRI GIS软件和DBMS之间提供通道,是一个空间数据引擎 ArcUser Magazine 为ESRI用户创建的报刊 ArcView 桌面GIS和制图软件,提供数据可视化,查询,分析和集成功能,以及创建和编辑地理数据的能力ARPANET ARPA计算机网(美国国防部高级研究计划局建立的计算机网) aspatial data 非空间数据Association of Geographic Information (AGI) 地理信息协会attribute data 属性数据attributes, types 属性,类型attributive geographic data 属性地理数据autocorrelation 自相关Autodesk MapGuide 美国Autodesk公司生产的Web GIS软件Automated mapping/facility management(AM/FM) systems 自动绘图/设备管理系统facilities 设备avatars 化身A VIRIS 机载可见光/红外成像光谱仪 azimuthal projections 方位投影batch vectorization 批量矢量化 beer consumption 啤酒消费benchmarking 基准Berry, Brian best fit line 最优线 binary counting system 二进制计算系统binomial distribution 二项式分布 bivariate Gaussian distribution 二元高斯分布block encoding 块编码 Bosnia, repartitioning 波斯尼亚,再分离成两个国家buffering 缓冲区分析 Borrough, Peter Business and service planning(retailing) application in petroleum and convenience shopping 石油和便利购物的业务和服务规划(零售)应用business drivers 业务驱动 business, GIS as 业务,地理信息系统作为Buttenfield, Barbara cadasters 土地清册Callingham, Martin cannibalizing 调拨 Cartesian coordinate system笛卡尔坐标系Cartograms 统计地图 cartographic generalization 制图综合cartographic modeling 地图建模 cartometric transformations 量图变换catalog view of database 数据库目录视图 census data人口普查数据Census of Population 人口普查 central Place Theory 中心区位论central point rule 中点规则 central tendency 中心倾向centroid 质心choropleth mapping分区制图 choosing a GIS 选择一个地理信息系统class 类别classification generalization 分类综合client 客户端client-server C/S结构客户端-服务器cluster analysis 聚类分析 clutter 混乱coastline weave 海岸线codified knowledge 编码知识 COGO data 坐标几何数据COGO editing tools 坐标几何编辑工具Collaboration 协作 Local level 地方级National level 国家级Collection-level metadata 获取级元数据Commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) systems 成熟的商业化系统chemas-microsoft-comfficeffice" />>>


草图Draft drawing/sketch 平面Plan 总平面master plan 剖面Section 立面Elevation 正立面Facade 透视图Perspective 轴测图Axonometric view 示意图/分析图Diagram 地图分析/制图mapping/ mapping diagram 图表chart/table 容积率floor area ratio 覆盖率Coverage 城市设计Urban design; civic design 区域规划Regional planning 总体规划comprehensive planning/ master planning/ overallplanning 分区规划District planning/ zoning act 控制性详细规划Regulatory Plan 修建性详细规划Site planning (constructive-detailed planning) 场地规划Site planning 近期建设规划Immediate planning 步行轴Walking axis 概念设计conceptual design

方案设计schematic design 扩初设计design development 详细设计、细部设计Detail Design 城市 城市化Urbanization 城市生态Urban ecology 城市农业urban farming/ urban agriculture 经济能量来源Economy energy sources 可持续发展Sustainable development 历史性城市的保护规划Preservation Plan of historic cities 旧城更新、改造Urban Regeneration/Urban Revitalization/Retrofitting Plan 城市再开发Urban Redevelopment 开发区Development area 城市化水平Urbanization level 城市群Urban Agglomeration/ Metropolitan Area/ Metropolitan Coordinating Region/mega region 城市系统Urban system 卫星城市(城镇)Satellite town/ affiliate township 城市基础设施Urban infrastructure 市政基础设施Municipal Infrastructure 绿色基础设施Green Infrastructure 生态基础设施Ecological Infrastructure 居民点Settlement


平面 Plan 总平面 master plan 剖面 Section 立面 Elevation 正立面 Facade 透视图 Perspective 轴测图 Axonometric view 示意图/分析图 Diagram 地图分析/制图 mapping/ mapping diagram 图表 chart/table 容积率 floor area ratio 覆盖率 Coverage 城市设计 Urban design; civic design 区域规划 Regional planning 总体规划 comprehensive planning/ master planning/ overallplanning 分区规划 District planning/ zoning act 控制性详细规划 Regulatory Plan 修建性详细规划 Site planning (constructive-detailed planning) 场地规划 Site planning 近期建设规划 Immediate planning 步行轴 Walking axis 概念设计 conceptual design 方案设计 schematic design

扩初设计 design development 详细设计、细部设计 Detail Design 城市 城市化 Urbanization 城市生态 Urban ecology 城市农业 urban farming/ urban agriculture 经济能量来源 Economy energy sources 可持续发展 Sustainable development 历史性城市的保护规划 Preservation Plan of historic cities 旧城更新、改造 Urban Regeneration/Urban Revitalization/Retrofitting Plan 城市再开发 Urban Redevelopment 开发区 Development area 城市化水平 Urbanization level 城市群 Urban Agglomeration/ Metropolitan Area/ Metropolitan Coordinating Region/mega region 城市系统 Urban system 卫星城市(城镇) Satellite town/ affiliate township 城市基础设施 Urban infrastructure 市政基础设施 Municipal Infrastructure 绿色基础设施 Green Infrastructure 生态基础设施 Ecological Infrastructure 居民点 Settlement 城市 City


Is What You See, What You Get? Geospatial Visualizations Address Scale and Usability AashishChaudhary and Jeff Baumes Unlimited geospatial information now is at everyone’s fingertips with the proliferation of GPS-embedded mobile devices and large online geospatial databases. To fully understand these data and make wise decisions, more people are turning to informatics and geospatial visualization, which are used to solve many real-world problems. To effec tively gather information from data, it’s critical to address scalability and intuitive user interactions and visualizations. New geospatial analysis and visualization techniques are being used in fields such as video analysis for national defense, urban planning and hydrology. Why Having Data Isn’t Good Enough Anymore People are realizing that data are only useful if they can find the relevant pieces of data to make better decisions. This has broad applicability, from finding a movie to watch to elected officials deciding how much funding to allocate for an aging bridge. Information can easily be obtained, but how can it be sorted, organized, made sense of and acted on? The field of informatics solves this challenge by taking large amounts of data and processing them into meaningful, truthful insights. In informatics, two main challenges arise when computers try to condense information down to meaningful concepts: disorganization and size. Some information is available in neat, organized tables, ready for users to pull out the needed pieces, but most is scattered across and hidden in news articles, blog posts and poorly organized lists. Researchers are feverishly working on new ways to retrieve key ideas and facts from these types of messy data sources. For example, services such as Google News use computers that constantly "read" news articles and posts worldwide, and then automatically rank them by popularity, group them by topic, or organize them based on what the computer thinks is important to viewers. Researchers at places such as the University of California, Irvine, and Sandia National Laboratories are investigating the next approaches to sort through large amounts of documents using powerful supercomputers. The other obstacle is the sheer vo lume of data. It’s difficult to use informatics techniques that only work on data of limited size. Facebook, Google and Twitter have data centers that constantly process huge quantities of information to deliver timely and relevant information and advertisements to each person currently logged on.. Figure 1. A collection of videos are displayed without overlap (top). The outline color represents how close each video matches a query. An alternate view (bottom) places the


专业术语英译汉affine仿射 band波段 cartography制图学 clip剪切 digitizer数字化仪 DLG数字线划图 dpi每英寸点数edgematching边缘匹配equator赤道 equiarea等积 geoid大地水准面geospatial地理空间 GPS全球定位系统Habitat栖息地 Interface接口 Item项目 Latitude纬度 legend 图例 longitude经度 median 中值 meridian子午线metadata元数据 neatline图廓线 Object-Based基于对象的parcel宗地photogrammetry摄影测量precipitation降水量 range 范围 raster栅格 resample重采样resolution分辨率 RMS 均方根 scanner扫描仪 siting 选址 TIGER拓扑统一地理编码topology拓扑 tuple数组 UTM通用横轴墨卡托投影vector矢量

专业术语汉译英 保护区protected area 比例尺Scale bar 标准差Standard deviation 标准图幅Standard picture frame 单精度Single precision 地理空间数据Geospatial data 点缓冲区Point buffer 动态分段Dynamic segmentation 度量标准Metrics 多项式变换Polynomial transformation 高程基准Elevation base 跟踪算法Tracking algorithm 规则格网Rules grid 过渡带Transition zone 基于位置服务Based on location service 畸形线Malformation line 几何变换Geometric transformation 检验图Inspection chart 解析几何Analytic geometry 空间要素Space element 平面坐标系统Planar coordinate system 曲流河Meandering river 人口普查地段Census Lot 上四分位数The upper quartile 矢量数据模型Vector data model 数据可视化data visualization 数据探查Data exploration 双精度Double precision 水文要素Hydrological elements 泰森多边型Tyson Polygons 统一建模语言Unified Modeling Language 投影坐标系统Projection coordinate system 线缓冲区Line buffer 遥感数据Remote sensing data 用材林Timber forest 晕渲法Halo rendering method 指北针Compass 属性表Property sheet 最短路径分析Shortest path analysis 最小二乘法Least squares method


保留地 reserved land 步行街 pedestrian street 仓储区 warehouse district 仓储用地 warehouse land 城市(城镇) city 城市布局 urban layout 城市道路面积率 urban road area ratio 城市道路网 urban road network 城市道路网密度 density of urban road network 城市道路系统 urban road system 城市对外交通 intercity transportation 城市发展方向 direction for urban development 城市发展目标 goal for urban development 城市发展战略 strategy for urban development 城市防洪 urban flood control 城市防洪标准 flood control standard 城市防洪工程 flood control works 城市防空 urban air defense 城市防灾 urban disaster prevention 城市防震 earthquake hazard protection 城市给水 water supply 城市给水工程 water supply engineering

城市给水系统 water supply system 城市工程管线综合 integrated design for utilities pipelines 城市功能分区 functional districts 城市供电电源 power source 城市供电系统 power supply system 城市供热系统 district heating system 城市规划 urban planning 城市规划法规 legislation on urban planning 城市规划管理 urban planning administration 城市规划建设管理 urban planning and development control 城市规划区 urban planning area 城市规划用地管理 urban planning land use administration 城市规模 city size 城市化 urbanization 城市化水平 urbanization level 城市环境保护 city environmental protection 城市环境污染 city environmental pollution 城市环境质量 city environmental quality 城市环境质量评价 city environmental quality assessment 城市基础设施 urban infrastructure 城市集中供热 district heating 城市建成区 urban built-up area


地理信息系统专业英语课程教学大纲西南科技大学本科课程教学大纲 《地理信息系统专业英语》课程教学大纲 【课程代码】:13315621 【英文译名】:Professional English for Geographic Information System 【适用专业】:地理信息系统 【学分数】:3 【总学时数】:48 一、本课程教学目的和课程性质 《专业英语》是地理信息系统专业的一门必修课。 本课程的目的是使学生在进行了两年的公共英语学习后,在巩固已有知识的基础上,掌握科技英语的特点,具备教好的英语资料查阅及专业英语交流的能力。也就是说,开设本课程,主要是让学生具备“以英语为工具通过阅读获取专业所需信息的能力”。 通过本课程的学习,学生应在科技词汇、专业英语文献阅读速度、准确理解和翻译专业文献、摘要写作上有较大的提高。 二、本课程的基本要求 要求学生在学习完本课程后,能熟悉常用专业词汇,较流利地阅读并准确理解一般难度的英语原文专业文献和参考资料,能正确地撰写论文的英语摘要。 具体而言,本课程结束时,学生应掌握常见的科技英语词缀,识记词汇表中常见的300个左右专业词汇;阅读速度70词/分钟、理解力正确率70%;翻译(笔译、英?汉)350词(英)/小时;毕业设计(论文)的英语摘要语法、句法、词汇准确率达70%。

三、本课程与其他课程的关系 先修《综合外语L》。 修完本课程并考试合格后,对后续专业课程的学习过程中查阅英文资料等很有帮助。四、课程内容 课程的学习以阅读为主,精读部分要求准确理解文章内容,理解文章细节文法结构,泛读部分则通过大量快速的阅读理解,形成较为强烈的语言环境氛围,用以强化专业英语意识。并在学习中以分类词汇学习和汉英,英汉翻译和摘要写作练习为辅。 重点:巩固和提高学生在基础英语阶段中获得的能力,扩大词汇量。提高阅读能力和理解能力。培养科技英语写作能力。本课程的内容安排如下所示: 1 环境与资源学院 Unit One Surveying and Mapping Lesson One Surveying Lesson Two Surveying Instruments Lesson Three Topographic Surveying Lesson Four Traversing Lesson Five Map Projection and Maps Lesson Six Maps of Crime: Thematic Maps Unit Two Measurement, Errors and Adjustment Lesson One Errors in Measurements Lesson Two Sources of Error in Leveling Lesson Three Adjustments of Level Circuits Lesson Four Survey Adjustment
