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Pre-reading activities

Task I. 略

Task II. 略

Task III. 略

While-reading activities

Task I.

1. weather

2. ancestors

3. gifts

4. tricks

5. arrival

6. Mohandas Gandhi

7. Harvest

8. farm produce 9. parades 10. Easter

Task II. 1-C 2-A 3-D 4-B


1. have been held

2. what

3. to honor

4. For

5. them

6. arrival

7. agricultural

8. coming

9. covered 10. as


I. 1. Could 2. would 3. shouldn't 4. Can 5. Would

6. can

7. can

8. May

9. might 10. could

11. must 12. couldn't 13. must

II. 1. Would 2. shall 3. can’t 4. should 5. must



One possible version:

All thoughts rushed into Li Fang’s head at the same time. “What should I say? She must have got the wrong place.” Finally he decided to tell her the truth. “Forgive me, honey! Nothing unusual happened to me! I had been waiting for you in the coffee shop since 7 o’clock. Thinking you could not love me, I was so heart-broken that I threw the chocolates and roses away. You know I love you so much. Can you give me another chance? I’ll buy you the most beautiful roses and the sweetest chocolates,” Li Fang said honestly.

“I don’t need any chocolates or roses. Your honesty is the best gift for me,” Hu Jin said. They walked down the street hand in hand.



Part 1

I. 1. feasts 2. starve 3. origins

4. custom

5. harvested

6. beauty

7. gather

II. 1. celebrations 2. arrival

3. agricultural

4. hunters

5. energetic

III. 1. from 2. in 3. of 4. in 5. of

IV. 1. dress up 2. took place

3. have fun with

4. played a trick on

5. looking forward to

V. 1. He was awarded the gold medal for being the fastest runner.

2. We all admire him for his success in business.

3. He gained valuable experience while working on the project.

4. She sounds as though she's got a sore throat.

Part 2

1. should

2. must

3. can

4. may

5. might

6. Would

7. could

8. could

9. must 10. shall 11. should

12. can't

Part 3

I. 1. wipe 2. forgive 3. sadness 4. wept

II. 1. On 2. in 3. of 4. in 5. for

III. 1. set off 2. turn up

3. keeps his word

4. It was obvious

5. apologize for

6. held his breath

IV. 1-4 CDAE


Book 3 Unit 1 听说材料及参考答案


Part A 略

Part B

M: Sharon Myers is a thirteen-year-old writer whose first book was published last year. Sharon, tell us about that book.

W: Well, I love writing. I’ve kept a diary for a couple of years. I wrote about my days, poems, stories, and stuff like that. When my pen pal was moving to a new city with her family —just like I’d done the year before— I wrote down some advice for her. She thought it was great and said I should write a little book about it for other kids. So I did.

M: Did anyone help you?

W: I only showed it to my dad after it was finished. He thought it was good. So, I sent it to just one company to see what they would say.

(1) 学生问:你怎么知道该选哪家公司呢?How did you know which company to choose?

录音答:I did a search on the Internet and found the publisher that already published that sort of book and emailed them. The next morning my

parents got a phone call from them. They wanted to publish mine. (2) 学生问:成为一名作家对你有影响吗?Has being an author changed you?

录音答:I don’t really think so. I just go to school, hang out with the same friends, take care of my pets, and do regular things. But I do get
