

Why hasn't Tim Cook taken Apple private?


“With such amazing and innovative products, strong executive team and labor force, loyal customer base, significant capacity for debt, $109 billion of cash in marketable securities, it is surprising that Tim Cook has not already initiated a leveraged management buyout of the company.”


So writes Marwaan Karame of IDG Capital Group in a provocative Seeking Alpha article backed with eleven spreadsheets, seven graphs and two Monte Carlo simulations.

在给美国财经资讯网站Seeking Alpha撰写的一篇挑衅性文章中,IDG Capital Group的玛万?喀拉密写下了上面这段话。喀拉密在文中用了11个电子表格、7个图表和两个统计试验法模拟来佐证自己的观点。

You can read his analysis at Apple’s Leveraged Management Buyout Potential. But don’t miss the lively back and forth in the comment stream.

各位可以在《苹果公司管理层杠杆收购的潜在可能》(Apple’s Leveraged Management Buyout Potential)一文中看到喀拉密的分析。但是,千万别错过评论区精彩的唇枪舌战。

A sample:


–alistairt: One of the best examples I’ve seen to date of someone mindlessly applying a LBO model without consideration of the underlying business reality.

- alistairt:这是我迄今见过的生搬硬套杠杆收购模型,而丝毫不考虑根本商业现实的最好例子。

–relayer75: Not going to happen. The largest LBO in history was RJR

Nabisco, at $31 billion. This would be 18x that amount.

- relayer75:根本不可能。历史上最大的杠杆收购案例是美国雷诺兹-纳贝斯克公司(RJR Nabisco),收购价为310亿美元。假如苹果被收购,规模将是雷诺兹-纳贝斯克收购案的18倍。

–rroo: Cook is a level-headed guy, more like Gates or Buffet. LBO (money and power) are for those infected with megalomania.

- rroo:库克头脑冷静,这一点有些像盖茨或巴菲特。而只有自大狂才会对杠杆收购(金钱和权力)念念不忘。

– rsbduff: This is the same attitude that has ruined many a company. They buy them…load them up with debt…rape them…then dump them on stupid investors…once again

- rsbduff:这种态度已经毁掉了许多公司。他们将公司买下来……欠下一屁股债……把公司搜刮的干干净净……然后又让傻呼呼的投资者来接盘

–Timmiesregular: There are some benefits to being public —especially if you are profitable. Going private is only done when the company needs to be out of the public eye – like Dell.

- Timmiesregular:上市公司能享受到不少好处——特别是如果公司盈利的话更是如此。公司私有化通常是公司需要淡出公众视线时的权宜之计,戴尔就是一个很好的例子。

– Hank890: An AAPL LBO would be a major GIFT to any I-bank tasked with handling it. But it is not clear that the customers or employees would get much out of it. Just because an LBO is possible does not mean it is advisable. - Hank890:如果苹果被杠杆收购,那负责这笔交易的投行就赚大了。但客户或公司员工不见得有太大的好处。杠杆收购有可能不代表就是明智之举。

– wdchil: An LBO might have almost have made sense when Apple was below $400 but it certainly doesn’t now. The debt would be in the “sketchy junk” arena.

- wdchil:苹果股价低于400美元的时候,杠杆收购似乎讲得通,但现在绝对不合适。假如此时苹果进行杠杆收购,它的债务将基本等同于垃圾债。

– petergrayhill: This latest surge from high 400′s to 635 will end badly for the millions of mom’n’pop retail investors as well —head fake to trade. LBO is a certainty within 5 years.

- petergrayhill:苹果股价从400多美元一路上涨到635美元的最新一波上涨行情


– alexkeywest: An LBO of this company is delusional at best.

- alexkeywest:苹果将被杠杆收购简直是痴人说梦。

–doc: “Its a wonder that Tim Cook has not pursued a leveraged management buyout already” He doesn't live in a theoretical world with too much time on his hands.

- doc:“蒂姆?库克没有寻求进行管理层杠杆收购,实在是令人吃惊。”因为库克没那么闲,没工夫在那儿纸上谈兵。

– brittlerock: Does SA pay people to write this junk?

- brittlerock:Seeking Alpha花钱请人写这种垃圾文章?

To answer brittlerock: Seeking Alpha’s rates are $0.01 per page view. Authors of PRO articles receive a minimum guaranteed payment of $150-500.

回复brittlerock:Seeking Alpha的稿费费率是,页面点击量的单价为0.01美元。专业文章的作者每篇文章保证能获得150-500美元的保底收入。



adj. 杠杆的;杠杆作用的v. (美)杠杆式投机,举债经营(leverage的过去分词形式)

initiate[i'ni?ieit, i'ni?i?t, -eit]video

vt. 开始,创始;发起;使初步了解n. 开始;新加入者,接受初步知识者adj. 新加入的;接受初步知识的innovative['in?uveitiv]video

adj. 革新的,创新的


adj. 行政的;经营的;执行的,经营管理的n. 经理;执行委员会;执行者;经理主管人员


adj. 重大的;有效的;有意义的;值得注意的;意味深长的n. 象征;有意义的事物


n. 能力;容量;资格,地位;生产力

Different sleeping position for different personality


Sleeping like a log: More than half of us in the UK sleep curled up in the foetal position, left, suggesting we are a nation of worriers, while the second most common position is the log, right, which indicates a rigid personality


Do you sleep like a log? Or are you more of a yearner, a freefaller or a foetal?


More than half of people in the UK curl into the foetal position as they sleep - a sign they are seeking comfort - according to new research.


The "log” is the second most common position, adopted by those with rigid personalities, according to the study by a body language expert.


'Yearners', who sleep with arms outstreched, account for the 25% of the population who are longing to chase their dreams. 17% of those surveyed adopt the 'freefall' position, suggesting they feel a lack of control over their lives.


The position you choose while sleeping reveals a startling amount about your personality, according to body language expert Robert Phipps.


Mr Phipps has identified four positions and says the foetal – most favoured by worriers – is by far the most common.


More than half of us (58 per cent) adopt it and sleep with knees up and head down. The more we curl up, the more comfort we’re seeking, he says. The second most common position is the log (28 per cent).


A straight body, with arms and legs by the side, apparently indicates stubbornness and they can wake up stiffer than when they went to sleep, says Mr Phipps.


Nap-time: 'Yearners' sleep with their arms outstreched, left, while 'freefallers' sleep on their stomachs with their arms at right-angles, right.


The 25 per cent of us that are a yearner – arms stretched out in front – are either chasing a dream or being chased.


Yearners are their own worst critics says Mr Phipps, always expecting great results. They wake up eager to face the challenges of the day.


Freefallers – face down, arms outstretched – make up 17 per cent and feel they have little control over their life. Physically this is the least comfortable position.


Mr Phipps’s survey asked people to record their most common sleeping positions, with some naming more than one. He said: ‘A good night’s sleep sets you up for the following day and our sleeping positions can determine

how we feel when we wake.’



vt. 使吓一跳;使惊奇vi. 惊吓;惊跳;惊奇n. 惊愕;惊恐


n. 批评家,评论家;爱挑剔的人


n. 自由下坠,自由下落


vt. 显示;透露;揭露;泄露n. 揭露;暴露;门侧,窗侧


vt. 采取;接受;收养;正式通过vi. 采取;过继


vt. 使…卷曲;使卷起来vi. 卷曲;盘绕n. 卷曲;卷发;螺旋状物


vt. 伸展,张开;vi. 伸展;adj. 可伸缩的;n. 伸展,延伸


adj. 严格的;僵硬的,死板的;坚硬的;精确的


adj. 更硬的(sniff的比较级)


adv. 显然地;似乎,表面上


adj. 呆板的;坚硬的;严厉的;拘谨的;拘谨的adv. 僵硬地;彻底地n. 死尸;令人讨厌者;流通票据;劳动者vt. 亏待侍者等vi. 在商业上惨败


adj. 胎儿的;似胎儿的


adj. 严格的;僵硬的,死板的;坚硬的;精确的


n. 个性;品格;名人


vt. 使…卷曲;使卷起来vi. 卷曲;盘绕n. 卷曲;卷发;螺旋状物


n. 迹象;符号;记号;手势vi. 签署;签名vt. 签署;示意

Why Are Handsome Men Such Jerks?


Julian Barnes’ The Sense of an Ending is a good novel. We know it's a good novel because lots of people like it, and because it won the Man Booker, one of the biggest prizes in English-language literature. But here’s the funny thing. After the book won the prize, people didn't like it as much! Its rating on the site Goodreads took a sudden plunge. And it wasn't the only book to suffer that fate. A recent paper by sociologists Balázs Kovács and Amanda J. Sharkey studied a group of 32 English-language novels that won major literary awards. After the prize, their ratings on Goodreads dropped from an average of just under 4 to about 3.75. A group of comparably rated novels that were short-listed for prizes, but didn't win, showed no such diminution.

朱利安·巴恩斯的小说The Sense of an Ending不错。很多人都喜欢这部小说,并且它还获得了布克奖——英语文学的重量级奖项之一。但是奇怪的事儿来了。在获奖之后,人们没有从前那么喜欢这部小说了。它在Goodreads上的排名骤然下滑,而且它并不是唯一遭此厄运的小说。最近社会学家巴拉兹·卡瓦茨和阿曼达·J·莎克里发表了一篇论文,其中研究了一组共32部英语小说,它们都曾获得过重要的文学奖项。在获奖之后,它们在Goodreads上的排名平均下滑3.75到4个位次。另外一组研究对象则是入围但是最终并未获奖的小说,它们跟获奖小说的水平相当,但是却未出现如此现象。

When a book wins a Booker, that ought to make us think it’s good. Every sociologist—OK, every human being over the age of 12—knows we like things more when we hear that other people like them. So what explains the Booker backlash?


At least in part, it’s a quirk of statistics called Berkson's fallacy. If you know one thing about correlation, it’s that correlation is not the same as causation. Two variables, like height and math scores in school kids, may be correlated, even though being good at math doesn’t make you taller, or vice versa. What’s going on is that older kids are both taller and better at math. Correlation can arise from a common cause that drives both variables in the same direction.


But that's not the only way misleading correlations can pop up. Joseph Berkson, the longtime head of the medical statistics division at the Mayo Clinic, observed in 1938 that correlations can also arise from a common effect. Berkson's research was about medical data in hospitals, but it’s easier to explain the phenomenon in terms of the Great Square of Men.


Suppose you’re a person who dates men. You may have noticed that, among the men in your dating pool, the handsome ones tend not to be nice, and the nice ones tend not to be handsome. Is that because having a symmetrical face makes you cruel? Does it mean that being nice to people makes you ugly? Well, it could be. But it doesn't have to be.


Behold the Great Square of Men. (And I'd like to note that you can find more stunning hand-drawn illustrations just like this one in How Not to Be Wrong.)

让我们回到“大方块中的男人”。(而且我想提醒你,在How Not to Be Wrong.中你会找到比下图更惊人的手绘插图)

Now, let’s take as a working hypothesis that men are in fact equidistributed all over this square. In particular, there are nice handsome ones, nice ugly ones, mean handsome ones, and mean ugly ones, in roughly equal numbers.


But niceness and handsomeness have a common effect: They put these men in the group of people that you notice. Be honest—the mean uglies are the ones you never even consider. So inside the Great Square is a Smaller Triangle of Acceptable Men:


Now the source of the phenomenon is clear. The handsomest men in your triangle, over on the far right, run the gamut of personalities, from kindest to (almost) cruelest. On average, they are about as nice as the average person in the whole population, which, let’s face it, is not that nice. And by the same token, the nicest men are only averagely handsome. The ugly guys you like, though—they make up a tiny corner of the triangle, and they are pretty darn nice. They have to be, or they wouldn't be visible to you at all. The negative correlation between looks and personality in your dating pool is absolutely real. But the relation isn't causal. If you try to improve your boyfriend’s complexion by training him to act mean, you've fallen victim to Berkson's fallacy.


The fallacy works, too, as a driver of literary snobbery. Why are popular novels so terrible? It’s not because the masses don’t appreciate quality. It’s because the novels you read are the ones in the Acceptable Triangle, which are either popular or good. So within that group, the good ones are less likely to be popular, for the same reason the handsomer men are bigger jerks. If you force yourself to read unpopular novels chosen essentially at random—I've been on a jury for a literary prize, so I've actually done this—you find that most of them, just like the popular ones, are pretty bad. And I imagine if you dated men chosen completely at random from OkCupid, you’d find that the less attractive men were just as jerky as the chiseled hunks. But that’s an experiment I can’t recommend, not even for the sake of mathematical enlightenment.



And now what happened to Julian Barnes is pretty clear. There are two reasons you might have read The Sense of an Ending and rated it on Goodreads. It might be because it’s exactly the kind of novel you’re apt to like. Or it might be because it won the Booker Prize. When a book wins a prize, then its audience expands beyond the core group of fans already predisposed to love it. That’s what every author dreams of, but more frequently read inevitably means less universally liked.

至此,朱利安·巴恩斯的遭遇已经相当明了。你可能已经读过The Sense of an Ending,并且在Goodreads上给它打了分。这其中的原因可能有两个,一个是因为它恰好就是你会喜欢的那类小说,另一个是因为它获得了布克奖。如果一本书获了奖,那么它的读者就不仅仅是那些之前就已经很热爱它的核心粉丝群体了。获奖是每一个作家梦寐以求的事情,但是一本书被读到的越频繁,喜欢它的读者的比例就越低。


n. 谬论,谬误


n. 怪癖;急转;借口


n. 后座;反斜线;后冲


n. 减少,降低;缩小


adj. 新奇的;异常的n. 小说


n. 投入;跳进vi. 投入;陷入;跳进vt. 使陷入;使投入;使插入


vt. 遭受;忍受;经历vi. 遭受,忍受;受痛苦;经验;受损害


The Chinese art of mythmaking


An outsider's perspective is valuable. But even in this age of instant information the outsider could become a poster boy made malleable by preconceived perceptions and a thirst for contrast.


In the minds of most Chinese, the word "Harvard" is synonymous with educational excellence - to the point of overshadowing other equally top-notch Western institutions of higher education except maybe Oxford and Cambridge.


However, the Harvard in the Chinese imagination is not the Harvard by the Charles River in Boston. It is a myth shrouded in layers of cultural misperception. When I was a kid, a friend of my father's, one of the very few who had been to other provinces of the country, described Harvard as a school with very high walls, where students were not allowed to go outside during the four years of their study, not even when their parents died. They had to memorize tons of text from early morning until late at night.


Now that I recall it, the Harvard believed in by this relatively well-informed person (for that era) was a cross between an ancient Chinese school and a prison. Had he been shown the movie Love Story, which was made around the same time and was about a Harvard student, he would have been devastated: "What? A student could date and get married while in school?"


Even with China's opening up and with the growing exchange of information, some Chinese people simply cannot resist the temptation of molding China's favorite foreign university in our own image, which is essentially a school staffed by thousands of tiger moms. Thus were born the rumors about the 20 statements plastered on the walls of Harvard's library. The statements were

said to include: "If you sleep now, you will have a dream, but if you study now, you will realize a dream"; "Even though happiness is not based on a person's performance records, success is the likely result"; and "If you study one more hour, you will have a better husband."


In 2012, The Wall Street Journal carried an article that quoted Professor Robert Darnton, who stated unequivocally: "As the university librarian, I can attest that no such writings exist on any of the walls at Harvard's 73 libraries." 2012年,《华尔街日报》刊登了一篇文章,援引了罗伯特·达恩顿教授的一句话,他清楚明白地说:“作为一名大学图书管理员,我敢保证,哈佛73家图书馆的墙上,都没有这样的训言。”

The professor may not know that he has many phantom colleagues who have penned Chinese best-sellers.


There is a special section in China's publishing industry, usually operated underground and with retail outlets on sidewalks, that churn out many inspirational and how-to books.


They tend to have extremely catchy titles, such as Executive Power, which was supposedly authored by a certain Professor Paul Thomas, who is on the Harvard Business School faculty. After selling 2 million copies, this volume of inspiration, which was said to be President Lincoln's favorite book, was found to be totally phony. There was no English original and Paul Thomas was a name the publisher created out of the blue. Harvard Mottos is another such book, but its author seems to have more flesh and blood than Paul Thomas of Executive Power. Danny Feng is reported to be a Beijinger who has studied in the United States. After the scam was exposed, Feng said he based his book on an online post by expanding on each of the 20 mottos. It was a fly-by-night operation, taking only two months from the book's conception to hitting store shelves.



The trend can be traced back to 2000 when Liu Yiting, the Harvard Girl was published. Liu's mother, Liu Weihua, wrote a book chronicling her methodology of teaching her daughter that ended up with the younger Liu being admitted into Harvard's undergraduate program. The book sold a cumulative 2 million copies and spawned another book of rebuttal.


In Truth, Xiao Yu wrote that the way Liu was trained, as described in her mother's book, is traditionally Chinese rather than Western. He adds: "The reason the myth has held up is the word Harvard. Most in China do not know the real Harvard and they placed a halo of admiration around it."


At least Liu Yiting is a real person who really got into Harvard and her mother really wrote that book.


Most of those responsible for the Harvard-related success stories may not even have a college diploma. Many of those inspirational books were hack jobs by those with marketing savvy and whose writing consists mostly of copying and pasting from online sources.


My parents did not write books. But they instinctively used comparison as a means of motivating me while I was young. "That kid next door is studying from 5 am to 10 pm, " or, "He's got all As, but what have you got?"



It dawned on me that my next-door neighbor was actually serving as a kind of miniature Harvard in my parents' pedagogy. But as a real person he posed many inconveniences, especially when he started to flunk his courses. But Harvard is always there, so remote and so impersonal that it can be whatever you need it to be.


Chinese websites are overflowing with feel-good pieces of factoids and dubious information.


People who are eager to share but are totally ignorant of such concepts as "check and verify" will resend a piece they feel important, which could instantly reach millions, usually depending on how catchy the title is. By the time experts come out to clarify, the damage is done. The clarification piece would at best make a small dent in the colossal machine of myth-making.


Misinformation flourishes with issues closest to the hearts of the Chinese people. Education is one. Because many in China are frustrated with the education system, stories from the US are needed as a contrast. Meanwhile, Chinese parents will use the "next-door kid" approach to justify their method of discipline. Likewise, Chinese show their displeasure at official corruption by spreading stories in which foreign bureaucrats were sacked for taking laughably small favors.


Mind you, not all of these stories are fabricated a la the Harvard professors' books. Some are true stories distributed by bona fide news organizations. Others have a modicum of truth, but got embellished as they went around. However, they provide a partial picture if not a distorted one.


If housing prices in China are obscenely high, those in other countries must be affordable, as attested by comparative photos with prices attached. Never mind that it's ludicrous in the first place to compare an apartment within Beijing's Third Ring Road with a house in Montana.


Many people are impatient with stories with context because the subtleties and nuances confuse them, depriving them of the pleasure of drawing simple conclusions. If you say Chinese education has certain advantages that the American way does not, and vice versa, as I have sometimes done, you'll offend both the pro-Chinese-education camp and the opposing camp. Both sides will see you as an enemy.


The third party as contrast is a natural development of an earlier trend, which is the third party as confirmation. We used to love this approach, citing foreigners' customary congratulations as testament of the high quality of our artistic works.


Just at the turning point when many Chinese awoke to this pitfall, along came Wolfgang Kubin, a German Sinologist who categorically branded Chinese literature as "trash". He grew to be the voice for Chinese discontent with our own literary scene.


I suspect that even when he stops critiquing Chinese literature people will make up quotes and attribute to him. If I come up with "20 reasons I hate Chinese literature" and put down Kubin's name, I can guarantee the piece will hit every website in China within a day.



n. 怀孕;概念;设想;开始


n. 灵感;鼓舞;吸气;妙计

plaster['plɑ:st?, 'pl?s-]video

n. 石膏;灰泥;膏药vt. 减轻;粘贴;涂以灰泥;敷以膏药;使平服


vt. 引用;传讯;想起;表彰


vt. 冒犯;使…不愉快vi. 违反;进攻;引起不舒服


adj. 教育的;有教育意义的

staff[stɑ:f, st?f]video

n. 职员;参谋;棒;支撑adj. 职员的;行政工作的vt. 供给人员;给…配备职员vi. 雇用工作人员


n. 神话;虚构的人,虚构的事


adj. 艺术的;风雅的;有美感的


n. 环境;上下文;来龙去脉

Graduation ends campus romance


Li Yi felt his heart breaking into pieces. The 25-year-old traffic engineering major at Beijing Jiaotong University stared at the text message from his girlfriend, who had just broken up with him. It made his already bittersweet graduation even more painful.


Many students experience great difficulties in their relationship when they graduate from college. Experts say it is a result of their impatience in overcoming love-related problems and a lack of planning in their love life.


Painful parting


Having been together for seven years, Li and his girlfriend always tried to make their relationship work. But their biggest challenge came when Li got a job at a State-owned company, which promised him a Beijing hukou (household registration).


His girlfriend, however, hadn’t found a job offering her such an opportunity, so she decided to return to her hometown in Jiangsu province.


“My chance of getting a Beijing hukou was a burden on our relationship, ”Li says. “My girlfriend told me that a hukou means a stable and promising future for me, but without it she has to go her separate way.”


Zhang Danyu also broke up with her boyfriend recently. The 22-year-old accounting student at Shanghai University did so because her boyfriend is going to study abroad for two years.


“I don’t know whether I can bare the loneliness of a long-distance relationship, especially when he is in a different county, ” she says.


Besides, she’s afraid that his overseas experience will grant him a different view of the world than her. “If that’s the case, we can no longer communicate smoothly as we did in the past, ” she says.


Easy way out


According to Xia Xueluan, professor of sociology at Peking University, students break up because it’s the easiest choice.


“In graduation season, couples often face two problems: They will go to different places, and they will cultivate different world views due to their different social and work experiences, ”he says. “Both problems are difficult for students to overcome. Therefore, breaking up is regarded as the easiest option.”


Zhang Jiarui, a relationship expert at https://www.360docs.net/doc/2017938365.html,, believes that students’tendency to break up in graduation season is also the result of a lack of planning in their love life.


“Most of them rarely think about marriage. Even worse, they don’t yet have an idea of who their ideal spouse is, ” she says. “Under these circumstances they show little responsibility toward their college relationship.”


But Lei Wuming, professor of psychology at Wuhan University of Technology, says students should not avoid college relationships just because they may fail. “The purpose of being in a relationship is not merely getting married, but learning to communicate with people of the opposite sex. No matter how their college relationship ends, students will have learned important skills, ”he says.




n. 寂寞,孤独


n. 倾向,趋势;癖好


n. 心理学;心理状态


n. 登记;注册;挂号


n. 环境,情况;事件;境遇


n. 负担;责任;船的载货量vt. 使负担;烦扰;装货于

sociology[,s?usi'?l?d?i, -?i-]video

n. 社会学;群体生态学


n. 配偶vt. 和…结婚


vt. 培养;陶冶;耕作


adj. 最大的(big的最高级)

8 family-owned Fortune 500 companies




Sam Walton opened the very first Wal-Mart WMT -0.07% in 1962 in Rogers, Arkansas. The Walton family, said to be worth $150 billion, still controls more than 50% of Wal-Mart. Sam Walton’s son Rob serves as company chairman. 1962年,山姆?沃顿在阿肯色州的罗杰斯开了第一家沃尔玛(Wal-Mart)。据称




Henry Ford founded his namesake auto company more than 110 years ago with a dream of selling cars that the workingman could afford. Today, fourth- and fifth-generation Fords help run the company, where they still control 40% of the voting power through a special class of stock. Henry Ford’s great-grandson William Ford, Jr. serves as executive chairman.




After a stint in the belt and suspender business, Ralph Roberts launched Comcast in 1963 when he bought American Cable Systems, then a 1,200-subscriber service in Tupelo, Miss. Robert’s son Brian now heads Comcast as CEO and controls 33% of the voting shares of the company.

曾涉足腰带与吊裤带业务的拉尔夫?罗伯茨1963年收购美国有线系统公司(American Cable Systems)后成立了康卡斯特(Comcast)。当时的美国有线系统公司在密西西比州的图珀洛仅有1,200名用户。罗伯茨的儿子布莱恩目前担任康卡斯特公司的CEO,并持有公司33%的投票股权。

21st Century Fox


Twenty-First Century Fox was born when Rupert Murdoch split News Corp in two, separating the publishing properties, now known as the new News Corp, from its broadcasting and film assets. Earlier this year, Murdoch, who serves as chairman and CEO of Twenty-First Century Fox and owns 39.4% of the company’s class B voting common stock, named his son James co-chief operating officer.

鲁伯特?默多克将旧的新闻集团(News Corp)拆分成两部分,出版业务成为新的新闻集团,而广播与影视资产则成为二十一世纪福克斯(Twenty-First Century Fox)。默多克目前担任二十一世纪福克斯的董事长兼CEO,拥有公司39.4%有
