









Nowadays we are producing more and more rubbish Why do you think this is happening? What can gover nments do to help reduce the amount of rubbish p roduced?

It is true that in almost every country today each household and family p roduces a large amount of waste every week

套句+ 同义词替换:more and more= a large amount of

Some people believe that childre n should be allowed to stay at home and p lay un til they are six or seve n years old Others believe that it is imp orta nt for young childre n to go to school as soon as p ossible

What do you think are the adva ntages of atte nding school from a young age?

In many pl aces today, childre n start p rimary school at around the age of six or seven 主被动之间的转换:should be allowed to stay at home = start their p rimary school 同义词的替换:un til they are six or seve n years old = at the age of six or seve n

In some coun tries young people are en couraged to work or travel for a year betwee n finishing high school and starting university studies Discuss the advantages and disadva ntages for young people to do this

It is quite com mon these days for young people in many coun tries to have a break from study ing after graduati ng from high school.

主被动之间的转换,以及同义替换:fin ish high school = graduate from high school




1. It is true that 是真实的

2. I tend to agree that 我同意…

3. It is quite com mon ?是常见的

4. There is no doubt that 是毫无疑问的

5. There is no denying that 是毫无疑问的

6. It is un de niable that 是毫无疑问的

地点:in many places; in many countries; in many big cities; almost every country/

city/ place 时间:in recent decades/ years; today; these days; recently; nowadays


雅思大作文考题分成两种:report & argume ntativeo

对于report (题目一般会涉及至U why do you think it is important to you think people can

…;how do tackle this problem )

In many coun tries schools have severe p roblems with stude nt behavior

What do you think are the cause of this?

What soluti ons can you suggest?

Poor stude nt behavior seems to be in creas in gly wides pread p roblem and I think that moder n

lifestyles are p robably res pon sible for this


描述。E . g . 5

Happin ess is con sidered to be very imp orta nt in life

Why is it difficult to defi ne?

What factors are imp orta nt in achiev ing happin ess?

Happin ess is very difficult to defi ne, because it means so many differe nt things to different

people . While some people link happiness to wealth and material success, others thi nk it lies in emotio ns and lovi ng personal relati on shi ps Yet others thi nk that sp iritual p aths, rather tha n either the material world or relati on shi ps with peop le, are the only way to true happin ess

点到了why difficult--通过引用两组不同人的观点,把造成这个现象的原因大致导出,与上一个例子有异曲同工之妙。

对于argumentative (do you agree or disagree? ; discuss both views and give your opin io n . ; is it a p ositive or n egative devel opment?,这种题型基本上都问了作者的观点,所以在开头段落的描写过程中没什么特别大的区别。

Using a compu ter every day can have more n egative tha n po sitive effects on young childre n. Do you agree or disagree?

I tend to agree that young childre n can be n egatively affected by too much time spent on the compu ter every day

改写题目+ 主动变被动:have more n egative tha n p ositive effects on = can be

n egatively affected by

直接表达自己的观点:I tend to agree that

Some people feel that entertainers (e g . film stars, pop musicians or sports stars are p aid too much money

Do you agree or disagree?

Which other types of job should be highly p aid?

I agree with the view that stars in the en terta inment bus in ess are usually over paid. This is true whether we are considering stars of film, sport or popular music, and it ofte n seems that the amount of money they are able to earn in as short time cannot po ssibly be justified by the amount of work they do.


In creas ing the p rice of p etrol is the best way to solve grow ing traffic and p olluti on problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

What other measures do you thi nk might be effective?

There is no doubt that traffic and p olluti on from vehicles have become huge problems, both in cities and on motorways everywhere Solving these problems is likely to n eed more tha n a sim pie rise in the p rice of p etroJ



