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1.I to be popular in school, but now I get attention everywhere I go. A.wasn’t used; many B.didn’t use; tons of C.used not; many

2.—Do _________ like going to ___________?

—I don’t know.

A.woman teachers, clothes shops B.women teachers, clothes shops C.woman teachers, sport shops D.women teachers, vegetables shops 3.Look, this is________ bedroom.

A.my father and mother’s B.my father’s and mother’s

C.my father’s and mother D.my father and mother

4.Those _________ plans for the holiday sound great. How about ________?

A.girl’s ; yours B.girls’; you

C.girls ; your D.girls’; yours

5.My mother often________when she was a young girl.

A.keep diaries B.keep diary C.kept diaries D.kept diary 6.Good food and_______help her_______better.

A.exercise; study B.exercise; studies

C.exercises; studying D.exercises; to study

7.Look! The Chinese national basketball team ________ a face-to-face interview with their fans in the hall. How excited the fans are!

A.is having B.are having C.have D.has

8.Peter would like a bowl of ________noodles.

A.tomato and egg B.tomato and eggs

C.tomatoes and eggs D.tomatoes and egg

9.—What is your _______, Lingling?

—I really enjoy reading _______ stories at night.

A.interests; interesting B.interests; interest

C.interest; interesting D.interesting; interest

10.Thanks for the two _______________you gave(给)to me.

A.tape player B.tapes players C.tape players D.taper players 11.—Could you please give me ____? —Certainly.

A.some advices B.any advices

C.some advice D.advices

12.-Can I help you?

-Yes. I'd like__________ rice.

A.a small bar of B.a slice of C.a large bag of D.a piece of

13.I share my room ______ a friend of _________.

A.to, me B.with, mine C.with, me D.from, mine

14.That is my ________ and my ________ are on it.

A.desk; books B.desks; book C.desks; books D.desk, book 15.Some bananas ______ in the bag. Some mutton ______ on the table.

A.are; are B.is; is C.are; is D.is; are

16.—Is that your schoolbag?

—No, it isn’t. It’s _____.

A.her. B.Bob’s C.Bob D.him

17.There are many ________ animals in the zoo. I like pandas best. Because they are ________ cute.

A.kind of; kinds of B.kind of; kind of C.kinds of; kinds of D.kinds of; kind of 18.—_______everyone with kindness even those who are impolite to you. Remember: not because they are worth it, but because you are nice.

一Everyone should treat others with_______.

A.To treat; warmly B.Treat; warmth C.Treating; warm

19.As we know, China was the first country in the world________.

A.make papers B.to make papers C.to make paper

20.A number of________ will take part in the sports meeting and the number of them

________ over 300.

A.students; are B.student; are C.students; is

21.This zebra is an ______ animal. It lives in ______ now.

A.Africa; Africa B.African; Africa

C.Africa; African D.African; African

22.This is ________ bedroom. Jenny shares it ________ her twin sister.

A.Jenny and Maria’s; of B.Jenny and Maria’s; with

C.Jenny’s and Maria’s; about D.Jenny’s and Maria; with

23.Learning English in a classroom is important, but using English in real ________ will improve skills greatly.

A.conditions B.situations C.events D.positions 24.There are some ________and ________ on the table.

A.potatoes; tea B.chicken; sweets C.tomatos; porks D.tomatos; milk 25.—Kate, what do you have ____________ dinner?

—I have some____________, And I like them very much.

A./; chicken B.for; chicken C./; vegetables D.for; vegetables 【参考答案】***试卷处理标记,请不要删除

