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1.____is well-known that Taiwan is part of China.

A. It

B. That

C. What

D. As

2.____ is clear to us all, students should obey the school’s rules.

A. As

B. What

C. Which

D. It

3.____ is known to all is that China is a developing country.

A. What

B. As

C. Which

D. It

4.Mao Zedong was born in Shaoshan, ____ now is a place of interest.

A. which

B. as

C. it

D. that

5.He spent as much time as he could ____ the experiment.

A. do

B. to do

C. did

D. doing

6.He did what he could ____ his mother do some housework.

A. to do

B. do

C. did


7.Stay ____ you are. I’ll be back soon.

A. in which

B. where

C. there

D.at the place which

8.He came to the second storey window, ____he could see what was happening across the rive.

A. from which

B. from it

C. which

D. from where

9.She is alone at home, so she has no one ____she can turn for help.

A. whom

B. /

C. to who

D.to whom

10.____advice will you fellow?

A. Whose else

B.Who’s else

C. Who else’s

D. Who’s else’s

11.He came to the shop,_____was tightly closed.

A. who’s door

B. which door

C. its door

D. the door of which

12.He was praised____what he did.

A. because

B. be came of

C. for the reason

D. as

13.The reason ____he was turned down is ____he had no money.

A. why;that

B. why;because

C. that;why

D. that;because

14.He found ____honor to be invited to give a talk here.

A. that it an

B. that an

C. it a

D. it was an

15.He came out,_____.

A. with cap on head

B. a cap on head

C. cap on head

D. cap on his head

16.To his joy, the day looked forward to____at last.

A. coming

B. come

C. came

D. have come

17. I wanted some tea, but there was _____ left.

A. no one

B. a little

C. none

D. nothing

18.---I’ve been told that the work is unfinished.

---It’s true. They____have finished it half-way.

A. mustn’t

B. can’t

C. shouldn’t

D. wouldn’t

19.They must have gone out climbing last Sunday,____ they?

A. can’t

B. haven’t

C. hadn’t

D. didn’t

20.He was____boy with____little money in his pocket____no one paid any attention to him.

A. so little a;so;that

B. such a little;so;as

C. a very little;/;that



