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摘要 (1)

Abstract (2)

第一章绪论 (3)

第二章营销策略概述 (4)

2.1 营销学 (4)

2.2 营销策略 (4)

2.3 星巴克的发展 (5)

2.4美人鱼的演变 (5)

第三章星巴克营销策略分析 (7)

3.1 星巴克的现状 (7)

3.2 星巴克的营销策略 (7)

3.2.1 营销策略分析 (7)

3.2.2 先行者优势 (8)

3.2.3 产品目录 (9)

3.2.4 员工福利 (9)

3.2.5 阿拉比卡咖啡豆的质量管理 (10)

3.2.6 第三空间 (11)

3.3 SWOT分析 (11)

第四章星巴克在中国的营销策略 (14)

4.1 星巴克在中国的现状 (14)

4.2 星巴克的竞争对手 (15)

4.3 星巴克在中国的营销策略 (16)

4.3.1 在华营销策略 (16)

4.3.2 在华市场定位 (17)

4.3.3 在华所面临的问题 (17)

第五章星巴克成功的启示及未来发展建议 (19)

5.1 星巴克营销策略启示 (19)

5.2 星巴克在华经营模式转变的原因 (19)

5.3 未来发展建议 (21)

5.4 中国企业发展的营销建议 (22)

5.4.1 差异化营销 (22)

5.4.2 创新策略 (23)

5.4.3 品牌延伸 (23)

结论 (25)

谢辞 (27)

参考文献: (28)


图1 星巴克标志的演变(图来源于Zack Higbee & Michelle Ton. The Future of Starbucks. Journal of business) (6)



对于爱喝咖啡的人来说,星巴克是一个耳熟能详的名字,这家成立于1971 年的咖啡公司是目前世界领先的特种咖啡的零售商以及星巴克品牌拥有者。1987 年,霍华德·舒尔茨收购了星巴克,并以自己的理念来经营星巴克,为公司注入了发展的动力。目前,星巴克在全世界39 个国家拥有超过1.3 万家门店、14.5 万名员工。在全球,星巴克一周销量达4000 多万杯咖啡饮料。迄今已在包括港澳台地区在内的大中华区开设近500 家门店,中国已成为星巴克最大的海外市场。随着中国市场的拓展,越来越受到白领和年轻消费者的青睐;但是,星巴克作为一款海外品牌,需要面对水土不服的危险。解决这些未来需要面对的问题,成为了星巴克开拓中国市场的关键,也对未来中国企业的发展提供鉴借。因此,本文将通过国内外对于星巴克营销战略的探讨研究,对星巴克在中国的营销策略进行综述与分析。


Marketing Strategies Analysis of Starbucks


For the people who like drink coffee, Starbucks is a familiar words. This company, which was found in 1971, is the leading special coffee retailer and the owner for Starbucks brand in the world at present. Since Howard Shultz acquired Starbucks, and used self ideas to manage it in 1987, Starbucks have developed by leaps and bounds. Presently, Starbucks have over 13 thousand branches and 145 thousands employees in 39 countries over the world. Starbucks sells over 40 million coffee drinks in one week worldwide. By now, there are nearly 500 branches have been built in Great China Area, and China has become the biggest abroad market for Starbucks. With the further development in Chinese market, more and more white collar and young people become major consumers of Starbucks. However, as a foreign brand, Starbuck still have the threat from the culture shock. How to solve these problems in the future has become the key for Starbucks to expand Chinese market. This article will analysis marketing strategies of Starbucks in China through study and discussion both from domestic and foreign.

Key words:Starbucks; The Third Space; Experiential Marketing; Word of Mouth Marketing
