新视野大学英语 第三版 视听说教程 B U

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Listening to the world
6 Discuss the questions.
2. What good or bad manners did you experience recently?
• An example of bad manners: Last night, my roommate and his friends from other dorms played cards in our room. They didn’t stop until midnight. Though I was in bed trying to fall asleep, they didn’t seem to notice at all.
3 She thinks it’s bad manners when customers in shops and restaurants use their mobile phones.
4 She thinks it’s good manners to give up one’s seat on a bus to an old person.
Listening to the world
6 Discuss the questions.
1 What kind of behavior in public places gets on your nerves?
There are many types of bad behavior in public places that can get on my nerves, such as spitting, throwing garbage on the street, cutting in line, smoking, talking loudly, throwing things from cars, etc.
Listening to the world
Sharing Listening Viewing
Listening to the world
BEFORE you listen
1 Do the quiz below. Circle your answers.
Listening to the world
Listening to the world
6 Discuss the questions.
2. What good or bad manners did you experience recently?
• An example of good manners: The other day, I went shopping in the grocery store near our campus. I bought quite a lot of things. So, when I was carrying them back to my dorm, I found them so heavy that I had to stop to take some rest by the school gate. Just then, a boy was walking past me. When he saw I was carrying so many things, he offered to help me to carry them to my dorm. I felt so grateful.
Listening to the world
BEFORE you listen
3 Talk about why you like being a morning person or an evening person.
• I like being a morning person. Here are my reasons. First, I enjoy the quietness of the mornings. Second, I have time to enjoy breakfast, the most important meal of a day. Third, I can travel to work or school before the rush hours and skip the traffic jams. Fourth, getting up early is about self-mastery, which helps me feel good about myself.
though there was a rubbish bin
1 He was in a park recently and saw a person using a rubbish bin.
2 He thinks that people talking loudly on their mobile phones on trains is bad behavior.
5 make a persuasive speech
Opening up
Think of a few specific examples for each category of the following behaviors.
violent cooperative
Listening to the world
5 Watch Part 4 and fill in the blanks.
1) anti-social 2) aware of 3) appreciate 4) attitude 5) tolerant 6) come to an end 7) walk away 8) impress
Listening to the world
3 Watch Part 2 and match the statements.
F 3
A 4
E 5
D 6
Listening to the world
(He was in a park recently and saw a Watch Part 3 and chepcekrstohnedtrroupehsistartuebmbiesnhtosn. the ground
Listening to the world
Sharing Listening Viewing
Listening to the world
1 Watch a podcast for its general idea. The people in the podcast mainly talk about what kind of behavior in public places is annoying to them, a recent example of good or bad manners they experienced, and whether people’s attitude to behavior changes as they get older.
How we
Unit 1 How we behave is who we are
Learning objectives Opening up
Listening to the world Speaking for communication Further practice in listening
Wrapping up Fun time
Learning objectives
talk about good and bad behavior in public places
2 take notes in a T-chart
3 handle an awkward situation
4 talk about a difficult decision
Listening to the world
(She thinks it’s bad manners when the 4 Watch Part 3 and checpkertshoen twruheo sistasetervminegnytso.u in a shop or
restaurant uses his / her phone.)
Listening to the world
6 Discuss the questions.
3 What do you usually do when you see someone behave inappropriately in public places?
What I usually do depends on who the person is. If it’s someone I know, I would simply tell him / her directly but politely. If it’s someone I don’t know, I usually just walk away or report to the patrol guard(s).
2 Watch Part 1 and answer the questionwenku.baidu.com.
1) To him, city life is quite impersonal. 2) When people behave kindly. 3) He feels very much annoyed. 4) About good and bad behavior.
Listening to the world
BEFORE you listen
2 Discuss your choices . Then talk about why you like being a morning person or an evening person.
If your choices are mostly “C”s, you are a real evening person and you are not really clearheaded and focused until it starts to get dark – that’s when you come alive and you feel most energetic. Your ideal schedule would be sleeping in until noon and doing all your work and socializing after dinner.
Listening to the world
BEFORE you listen
2 Discuss your choices . Then talk about why you like being a morning person or an evening person.
If your choices are mostly “B”s, it means that getting up early might not be your favorite thing in the world, but you do it if you have to and you can’t imagine why some people make such a fuss about it.
BEFORE you listen
2 Discuss your choices . Then talk about why you like being a morning person or an evening person.
If your choices are mostly “A”s, you are clearly a morning person, a person who is most efficient and alert in the morning. The downside is that you may become quickly tired when evening comes, and often feel uncomfortable at the thought of going out after nine.