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Chinese Phonetics
Chinese Phonetics
Chinese Phonetics
Chinese Phonetics
Chinese Phonetics
Chinese Phonetics
Class Three
Read syllables
b + āi
p + ài
Class Three
Pronunciation essentials for j, q and x
j,q, x are pronounced by the coordination of the front of the tongue and the hard palate. j is unaspirated while q is aspirated. A strong release of breath is made when q is articulated. When x is articulated, the front of the tongue should not touch the hard palate. There keeps a narrow passage between them.

Chinese Phonetics
Chinese Phonetics
jīqì jiāoqū jiāxiāng jìnxiū qījiān qǐngjià qíngxū qǔxiāo xìngqù xīnqíng xuānjǔ xiaojie
Class Three
ai ei ui ao ou iu
Class Three
Pronunciation essentials for ai, ei, ao and ou
When ai, ei, ao and ou are articulated, the sound of the first vowel which is the main vowel is louder and longer than that of the second one. The sound of the second vowel is lighter and shorter. When these finals are pronounced, the tongue position keep changing in a sliding rather than a jerking manner.
g (ē é ě è) k (ā á ǎ à ) h(ū ú ǔ ù)
gē gé gě gè kā ká kǎ kà hū hú hǔ hù
Class Three
Read the following syllables and pay attention to differences between g, k and h.
The pronunciation of g is similar to the “g” in “good”, while the pronunciation of k is similar to the “k” in “look”. The pronunciation of h is similar to the “h” in “him”.
Chinese Phonetics
Class Three
Read the following syllables and pay attention to differences between j, q and x.
j (ī í ǐ ì) q(ū ú ǔ ù)
x (iā iá iǎ ià)
jī jí jǐ jì qū qú qǔ qù xiā xiá xiǎ xià
Chinese Phonetics
Chinese Phonetics
gē gàn gǎo guā gǔn gāng
kē kàn kǎo kuā kǔn kāng
Chinese Phonetics
Class Three
Read the following syllables and pay attention to differences between g, k and h.
b p m f d t nl bó pà mǔ fǎ dú tìnú lè
morning afternoon evening how and good
1. Good morning/afternoon/evening/night. 2. Thank you. /You are welcome. 3. Sorry./It doesn’t matter. 4. How are you?/I’m fine, and you?
1. The articulation of initials j, q, and x
In the phonology of Mandarin Chinese, the location for articulating j, q, and x is slightly behind that for zh, ch, sh and r. They are dorsals pronounced by the coordination of the tongue surface and the hard palate.
d + uì
t + óu
tó u
b + èi bèi
m + ěi měi
n + ǎo nǎo
l + iú
Class Three
2. Initials:
Class Three
Pronunciation essentials for g, k and h
The location for articulation of g, k and h is the hindmost. They are articulated by the coordination of the back part of the tongue and the soft palate. g is unaspirated while k is aspirated. A strong release of breath is made when k is articulated.