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Unit 11 Friendship

Reading Making Friends

Teaching aims

1)The knowledge aims of this period : Enable the students to have

a better understanding of the meaning of the text.

2)The ability aims: Develop the studen ts’reading ability by fast reading and intensive reading , let them learn different reading skills and develop the students’ sense of cooperative learning.

3)Emotional aims : I’ll stimulate the students to value the friendship

Teaching Methods

1) Visual presentation method

2) Cooperative inquiry method

3) the TSA method

4) Task-based language teaching

5) Evaluation method

6) Communicating Teaching Approaches

Teaching important points

1) Improve the students’ reading ability.

2)Understand the text.

Teaching difficult points

1)Summarize the main idea of the text.

2) Understand the text.

3) Retell the text.

Teaching Aids

1 a multimedia classroom

2 a blackboard

3 colorful chalk

The Design of Teaching

Teaching procedures

Instruction: In this lesson I combine Warming Up with Reading, I divided the whole class into four groups ,from the beginning to the end,there are some Required Questions (必答题)and Quick Response Questions(抢答题). When a group get a score ,I will draw an apple on the tree . The group which has the most apples is the winner.I will give an real apple to this group. At last we will get the scores and add up to the results of each term.

Step 1 Revision (5 minutes)

1)Let’s play a game.Please describe one friend in class,then ask another one to guess. Because the students are poor at

English, so I ask them to prepare before class. After that, we

should applaud to encourage them.

2)Revise the new words using ppt. 1 I will divide the class into two groups,one group speaks English,the other one speaks

Chinese,then change.2 Practice in groups. 3 Have a test in

chains。 A student ask another one ,if he can`t ,say

pass,find another one.

Step 2 Presentation and exercises.(29 minutes)

I The introduction of the new text(2 minutes): OK, so much for the new words .Boys and girls ,next let’s listen to the music and look at some pictures.Let’s learn about some famous stories about friendship.Today we’ll learn a text about friendship------- Unit 11 Friendship.

II Presentation

1 Warming up( 3')

Please open your books on Page85,let’s look at Warming up. I will ask a student to act as a teacher.First read and explain some useful words about people,then ask and answer:

(1) Do you want to make new friends?

(2) What should a good friend be like?

2 Lead to Reading:Everyone wants to make friends, now let’s learn how to make friends,OK? Next we will learn Reading
