04.英语国家文化 PPT 【第3章:加拿大】

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(学习了解一些有关加拿大历史、地理、来自百度文库济、体育、 文化等方面的常识。)
★ To
learn some ABC of (vocational) education in Canada.
Part A
Text A
A Brief Introduction
(Please read p54 for the detail.)
【“加拿大”一词源自加拿大最东南的圣劳伦斯河 湾地区的易洛魁语词“kanata”, 意为“村庄 /落”。 1535年,现今魁北克市地区的原住民用 “kanata”一词来指引法国探险家 Jaques Cartie
(雅克·卡蒂埃) 前往 Stadacona 村。卡蒂埃 随后就
Chapter III
Learning Goals
(学 习 目 的 )
★ To
learn and get some general knowledge of the brief history, geography, economy, sports and culture of Canada;
the local inhabitants of the present-day Quebec City region used the word to direct the French explorer Jacques Cartie towards the village of Stadacona. Cartie later used the word Canada to refer not only to that particular village, but the whole area he had discovered. By 1545, European books & maps had begun referring to this region as Canada. (p54)
【加拿大是北美洲面积最大的国家(也是世界上面积仅次 于俄罗斯的第二大国家)。 其南部与美国接壤,西北部 与美国的阿拉斯加州接壤,从东部的大西洋沿岸延伸至 西部的太平洋沿岸(两岸之间的距离约为6400公里), 北面是北冰洋,总面积(包括面积为81.9万平方公里的 “哈得孙湾”——广东省的4.6倍)为998万平方公里。 加拿大拥有的湖泊和淡水比世界上其他任何国家都要多。 总的来说,加拿大气候不好。许多地区的冬天漫长,积 雪很厚。冬天通常是越靠北越冷,或越靠南越温暖。】
did Canada get its name?
The name Canada comes from a St. Lawrence Iroquoian
(易洛魁语的——注:“易洛魁”为北美印第安人部落) word,
kanata, which means “village” or “settlement”. In 1535,
Geography and Climate (地理与气候)
Canada is the largest country in north America (the 2nd largest in the world after Russia). It shares land borders with the US to the south and the US state of Alaska to the northwest. It stretches from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west (some 6 400 km in between); to the north lies the Arctic Ocean. Its total area (including its waters with the Hudson Bay being 0.819 million square km—the size being 4.6 times that of Guangdong P.) is 9.98 million sq. km. Canada has more lakes than any other country & much of the world’s fresh water. (p42)
Generally speaking, the climate in Canada is unfavourable. Much of Canada has long & cold winters with deep snow. It is the general case that the more northern the colder in winter, or the more southern the warmer.
A Sketch Map of Canada
Nunavut Territory
Hudson Bay 哈得孙湾
St. Lawrence River

The National Flag of Canada
The National Emblem of Canada
加 拿 大 国 徽
The House Of Canadian Parliament
加 拿 大 议 会 大 厦

Population (人口)
With such a vast territory, Canada has a population of only 33 million, of whom 40% are descendants of the British immigrants, 27% of the French immigrants, 20% of the immigrants from other European countries, and 11.5% of the immigrants from other parts of the world, with only 1.5% being Indians and Eskimos — the native inhabitants of that land. There are now some 1.3 million Chinese Canadians living in Canada. Because of the cold climate that exists throughout most of Canada, a major part of the Canadian population lives along the southern border.