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Open your book.打开你的书.

Put on your watch. 戴上你的手表.

Turn on the light. 打开灯.

Shut your handbag. 合上你的手提包.

Take off your shoes. 脱下你的鞋子.

Turn off the tap. 关上水龙头.

Sweep the bedroom. 打扫卧室.

Clean the windows. 擦窗户.

Dust the cupboard. 给碗橱掸灰.

Empty the suitcase. 清空手提箱.

Read this magazine. 读这份杂志.

Sharpen these pencils. 削铅笔.


number 20,000.

Is Nicola making the bed? 尼古拉在铺床吗?

No, she isn't making the bed. 不,她没在铺床.

What's she doing? 她在做什么?

She's typing a letter. 她在打一封信.

Number 90,000.

Is Jack putting on his shirt? 杰克在穿衬衫吗?

No, he isn't putting on his shirt. 不,他没在穿衬衫.What's he doing? 他在做什么?

He's reading a magazine. 他在看杂志.

Number 70,000.

Is the dog drinking its milk? 狗在喝牛奶吗?

No, it isn't drinking its milk. 不,它没有喝牛奶.

What's it doing? 它在做什么?

It's eating a bone. 它在啃骨头.

Number 80,000.

Is your sister emptying the basket? 你姐姐在倒空篮子吗?No, she isn't emptying the basket. 不,她没在倒空篮子.What's she doing? 她在做什么?

She's looking at a picture. 她在看一张图片.

Number 600,000.

Is Tim cleaning his teeth? 蒂姆在刷牙吗?

No, he isn't cleaning his teeth. 不,他没在刷牙.

What's he doing? 他在做什么?

He's sharpening a pencil. 他在削铅笔.

Number 400,000.

Is the cat eating? 猫在吃东西吗?

No, it isn't eating. 不,它没在吃东西.

What's it doing? 它在做什么?

It's drinking its milk. 它在喝牛奶.

Number 60,000.

Is Sally dusting the dressing table? 沙莉在给梳妆台掸灰吗?

No, she isn't dusting the dressing table. 不,她没在给梳妆台掸灰.What's she doing? 她在做什么?

She's shutting the door. 她在关门.

Number 40,000.

Is Mr. Richards turning on the light? 里查德先生在开灯吗?

No, he isn't turning on the light. 不,他没在开灯.

What's he doing? 他在做什么?

He's opening the window. 他在开窗户.


Number 220,231.

T:What are the cooks doing? 厨师们在做什么?

Are they washing dishes?他们在刷盘子吗?

S:No, they aren't washing dishes. 不,他们没在刷盘子.

They're cooking. 他们在做饭.

Number 331,342.

T:What are the children doing? 孩子们在做什么?

Are they crying? 他们在哭吗?

S:No, they aren't crying. 不,他们没在哭.

They're sleeping. 他们在睡觉.

Number 442,453.

T:What are the men doing? 那些男人在做什么?

Are they cooking? 他们在做饭吗?

S:No, they aren't cooking. 不,他们没在做饭.

They're shaving. 他们在刮胡子.

T:What are the children doing?孩子们在做什么?

Are they sleeping?他们在睡觉吗?

S:No, they aren't sleeping.不,他们没在睡觉.

They're crying.他们在哭.

Number 664, 675.
