


1. Teacher says and shows some En ligh sentence and let stude nts to guess.

2. stude nts try to un dersta nd and guess.

.Mrs Gao in vites us to guess who XXX is/are ②

XXX sdream is to go to university ③

XXX wa nt to find a good job. ④

So XXX get up so early as to study. ⑤

XXX has/have many En glish papers to do. ⑥ But XXX don ' t hate Mrs Gao,because XXX know that it's XXX to spe nd all our time on studies.

I. play. 2.Students answer and fill in the following table in group. 1. Teacher shows the syn tax-f un cti on of the infin itive

(subject,object,predicative,compleme nt,attribute,adverbial)

2. Stude nts follow teacher to lear n the new kon wledge.

动词不定式具有名词、形容词和副词的特征。因此在句中可以做主语、表 语、宾语、宾语补足语、



I .Lead-in (guessi ng)

n .Finding rules and fill in table.


a tion (the syn



exercise s duty

1.To master a foreign Ianguage is necessary.

=It ' s necessary to master a foreign Ianguage.

2」t ' s kind of you to help me.lt ' s difficufor you to finish it on time.

六. 不定式做状语




① He sat dow n to have a rest.② I am very glad to see you.

③ They lifted a rock only to have it drop on their own feet.

⑴so … as to …/such …as to 如此… 以至于 Tom was so foolish as to lie to the police.such a foolish man as to

(2) eno ugh …to do ??足够…以至于 He is old eno ugh to go to school by himself. ⑶too …to ①太 而不能 eg . She is too tired to do the job.

②很、非常。此结构中如 adj 为 “happy, glad, eager, anxious, ready ,willi ng 等时。

eg . He is too eager to come.

⑷only to do ?结果却…常表一个相反或出乎意料的结果。

eg. He woke up only to find everybody gone.

七、与特殊疑问词连用用 What/Which/Where/How/When 等+不定式可以做

主语 When to start has not been decided yet. The question is where to go. I really don ' t know what to say. 题目 I ' ve worked with children before;。I know what in my new job. I.Teacher shows the follow ing senten ces and let stue nts fill in the bla nk.

2.Stude nts finish the task in group.

①」ope ned the door ___ (en ter) the room.

②.Mr. Smith is going to atte nd the meet ing (hold)tomorrow.

studied in.

.I am sorry _____ (keep) you wait ing so long. ⑤ .He didn ' t like ___ (laugh). ⑥ .He claimed _____ (badly treat )in the supper market whe n he was doing

shopp ing yesterday.

⑦ .The teacher told us _______ (be ) late aga in.

IV .Fill in the table(differe nt

tense and the

voice of the

infin itive.)

V .Practice 2

③.Robert is said ________ (study) abroad, but I did n t know what courtry he W .Consolidatio n (Complete the

following task)

I.Students finish in groups and show the answer.

2. Teacher helps them and gives the right an swer. 题目:翻译 1.我能听至M尔的声音真高兴
