










In recent years, it has bee n immensely reported that …(题干中提及的现象或问题). This demonstrates that …(问题) has become a serious problem affecting our daily life, so it is high time that we took effective measures to address the issue.

We could control the issue from the following three aspects. First and foremost, corresponding regulations and rules should be adopted and enforced to …(限制或减少文中提及的问题), which could …(具体阐述这些规则如何对解决问题产生影响). Further, the public should …(公众应该做什么), which would …(具体阐述该措施带来的好处). In addition, we should …(具体阐述个人应该怎么做)to …(以达到什么效果).

In conclusion, everyone should put in their efforts in dealing with …(要解决的问题). Only through the measures mentioned above can we eventually tackle the problem.




英语写作万能模板 一. 对比观点题型 (1)要求论述两个对立的观点并给出自己的看法。 1. 有一些人认为...... 2. 另一些人认为...... 3. 我的看法...... The topic of ①-----------------(主题)is becoming more and more popular recently. There are two sides of opinions about it. Some people say A is their favorite. They hold their view for the reason of ②-----------------(支持A的理由一)What is more,③-------------理由二). Moreover,④---------------(理由三). While others think that B is a better choice in the following three reasons. Firstly,-----------------(支持B的理由一). Secondly (besides),⑥------------------(理由二). Thirdly (finally),⑦------------------(理由三). From my point of view,I think ⑧----------------(我的观点). The reason is that ⑨--------------------(原因). As a matter of fact, there are some other reasons to explain my choice. For me, the former is surely a wise choice . (2)给出一个观点,要求考生反对这一观点 Some people believe that ①----------------(观点一). For example,they think ②-----------------(举例说明).And it will bring them ③---------------(为他们带来的好处). In my opinion, I never think this reason can be the point. For one thing,④-------------(我反对该看法的理由一). For another thing,⑤---------(反对的理由之二). Form all what I have said,I agree to the thought that ⑥-----(我对文章所讨论主题的看法).


最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻! 洛基英语,免费体验全部在线一对一课程:https://www.360docs.net/doc/251254773.html,/ielts/xd.html(报名网址) 现象解释型作文模板: Recently, ____What amazes us most is_____.It is true that _____.There are many reasons explaining ______.The main reason is_____,What is more, _____,Thirdly, _____.As a result, _____. Considering all these, _____.For one thing, ____For another, ____.In conclusion, ____. As is shown above, the bar chart clearly demonstrates the relationship between the education level and earning in 2010. It is obvious that well-educated persons such as owning Doctoral degree and Master's degree have a high salary than those who have relatively low degree. Isolated as the figure seems to be, as a matter of fact, we can observe that the higher level of education you receive, the higher income you get. People’s opinions about investment in education differ from person to person. Some people say that knowledge could no longer change destiny. To them, it is not only a waste of money, but also a waste of time. Others deem that education is worthy of investment. As for me it is no doubt that education offers favorable working opportunity and handsome income, which enable us to buy what we want ,please what we love, and fulfill what we dream, and correspondingly we are able to build an ideal paradise where life can be enjoyed to the uttermost. In conclusion, we should realize significance of education, which plays a crucial role in personal growth of career. In addition, it is convinced that education is the prospect of a nation. 四级作文范文:Education Pays From the chart above, we can definitely get a conclusion that the more you learned, the higher your salary would be. The figures in the chart denied the claim that knowledge is useless. However quite a few people still hold the opinion that a higher education does no good to a better job since that there are many university students who can not get an ideal job.


说明利弊型作文对策 说明利弊型作文是以某一事物的优点和缺点为文章的主要内容,最终以考生的评论或者观点作为全文的结论。 在说明事物的利弊时,应该注意条理性。比如我们可以使用对比法中的句型来展开短文。在文章的最后一段表明个人的态度或者看法的时候,最好也能提供相应的理由或者一些扬长避短的方法来减少事物的负面影响。 这类作文的写作可采用以下模式: 第一部分:引言。标题中涉及的某一事物或现象; 第二部分:优点。例举该事物或现象的优点或积极因素;(这一部分除了可以独立成段外,也可以与第一部分合为一段,或是与第三部分合为一段) 第三部分:缺点。可以考虑用对比关联词引出该事物或现象的另一面——缺点或消极因素;

第四部分:考生的个人体会。权衡利弊,阐述个人体会或者如何扬长避短的方法。 下面以1993年的考题为例,学习该类型作文的写法: Positive and Negative Aspects of Sports Sports do us good in many ways.(优点的主题句)It does without saying that taking exercises can build up our physical strength.(优点1)In collective sports like basketball, volleyball, or football, we will learn the importance of cooperation.(优点2) While taking part in sports game, we will try our best to win and arouse in ourselves the competitive spirit.(优点3)Every coin has two sides, and sports are no exception.(缺点的主题句)We may hurt other players or ourselves if we are not careful enough when participating in sports activities.(缺点1)And again,


问题解决型 一、第一段框架构造 1、引出话题写法: (1)不容否认的是: There is no denying the fact that... No one can have failed to notice the fact that... (2)某事成为一个显着的问题: Sth has/have become a grave/marked problem with which Sb. is/are confronted. Sth is/are becoming increasingly grave in our current society. 2、举例说明:两种写法 (1)写法一:Taking a look around, we can find examples too numerous to list/ too many to enumerate. *例: Topic: Due Attention Should Be Given to the Study of Chinese. No one can have failed to notice the fact that a number of students pay little attention to the study of Chinese nowadays. Taking a look around, we can find examples too many to enumerate: some play truant from Chinese classes, some read few Chinese classics and some rarely write articles in Chinese. (2)写法二:Reports are often heard upon…The most striking instances/ones might be (that+句子)… *例: Topic: Food Safety


现象解释型作文模板 1.现象解释型模板一

2.现象解释型模板二 We have witnessed that college students vary in reading preference. According to the table of the percentage of book circulation in an American university library, the circulation of popular fictions and general nonfictions accounts for 65.9% and 18.2% respectively. And the table shows that the circulation of science/technology/education books and art/ literature/poetry books is 10.8%and 5.1% respectively. Many reasons contribute to this phenomenon. To begin with, popular fictions usually possess more appealing plot than the other types of books do, so many readers are attracted by popular fictions. Moreover, popular fictions and general nonfictions are easier to be understood. In addition, science and art books demand certain knowledge in special field of study.As a result, more students tend to choose popular fictions and general nonfictions. As to me, I’m in favor of books of science and technology. First of all, in order to deepen what I’m lea rning, I need read more books relevant to my major and observe the new development in science and technology circles. Besides, there books can also broaden my vision. To conclude, college students should choose books according to their interests and needs. Drunk Driving


英语六级作文万能模板:问题解决型 1. 模板一 1. With the development/improvement of ——,——. 2. It is necessary that——. 3. On the one hand, ——. 4. On the other hand, ——. 5. Therefore, how to —— is worthpaying attention. 6. Firstly—— 7. Secondly—— 8. For example,—— 9. Thirdly, ——. 10. In other words,—— 11. In fact, ways to —— arecountless. 12. It's time that —— 1.空格一处铺垫,空格二处填写某一问题。 2. 注解决现象引出的问题很必要。 3.解决问题很必要的理由一。 4.解决问题很必要的理由二。 5.承上启下,填要解决的问题。 6. 解决办法一。

7. 解决办法二。 8. 举例解释解决办法二。 9. 解决办法三。 10. 阐明解决办法三。 11. 出解决问题的办法多种多样。 12. 强调解决问题时不可待。 2. 模板二 1. There has been a discussionrecently abouot——. 2. It is obvious that——. 3. Additionally, ——. 4. So it is high time, —— 5. First of all, —— 6.The reason is—— 7.Secondly—— 8.That is to say,—— 9. Thirdly, ——. 10. In fact, more than three wayscan be adopted,—— 11. As for me, —— 12. All in all, —— 1.提出现存的问题。 2.解决问题很必要的理由一 3.解决问题很必要的理由二。



现象解释型英语作文模板 【篇一:现象解释类作文模板】 现象解释类作文模板 第一段阐述现象 1. recently/in recent years/nowadays/at present, the phenomenon of … has caused public attention/has been brought into focus/aroused great concern. 2. nowadays,…has become a problem we have to face. 3. nowadays, an increasing/growing number of people are concerned about the problem… 4. in this day and age, …receives decreasing attention in …第二段说明原因或分析现象 1. the following reasons can account for … among them, …in addition, … besides…. 2. many reasons contribute to this phenomenon. to start with, …what’s more , …last but not the least, … 3. the reasons why ….lie in several aspects. first and foremost,…what’s more, …, finally,… 4. this phenomenon involves several complicated factors. in the first place,…in the second/next place,... firstly…,secondly… for one thing…, for another…


所谓问题解决题型是指题目要求大家对社会上存在的某个问题提出解决方法;其常见形式是:一、目前存在某个问题;二、这种问题的危害或产生原因;三、给出解决方法。 Nowadays, tuition and fees for college education are much higher than ever before. How to finance college education has become a matter of concern for many students. Different people have different ways to solve this problem. Some get all of the money from their parents. Some apply for a loan especially set up for college students. Some acquire the money completely by themselves, doing a full-time job in summer or winter holiday. Some other students may ask their parents for most of it and earn the rest in their spare time in college, by doing a part-time job. As far as I’m concerned, I prefer the last way.Having acquired most of the tuition and fees from my parents, I needn’t worry too much about the money and can concentrate on my study. On the other hand, a part-time job in my spare time makes my campus-life colorful. I can make a lot of friends, improve my abilities and learn lots of knowledge. So, I choose this way to cover my tuition and fees. 写作要领:此类作文的重点在于如何解决问题,因此在简单地提出问题和分析问题之后,应该将文章的中心定为于解决问题方法上。其次考生在列举对策时,不仅要使问题的原因和问题的解决对应起来,而且要通过firstly, secondly, what’s more, finally等连接词的使用来确保文章的连贯性和条理性,从而使结构紧凑有序、论证有理有据。(二)基本提纲模式:第一部分:开篇。提出问题,即对现状、形势或者困难的描述第二部分:主体。分析问题和解决问题,即列举做某一件事情或是解决某一问题的几种方法第三部分:总结。评价或选择,即对


解决方案怎么写 篇一:如何写售前解决方案 如何写售前解决方案 一般要为客户撰写的售前方案分为:项目建议书、项目解决方案、项目投标书。 项目建议书用于动员客户启动项目,为客户启动项目提供何行性建议分析,或者用于客户初步选型阶段,获得调研机会后再编制解决方案。 解决方案用于恰谈技术协议和合同之前持软件技术交底,或者用于议标阶段,重在介绍软件供货商的技术能力和实施服务能力等方面的优势。 投标书用于客户的招标文档,按照客户要求的格式进行发挥,要充分说明公司各个方面的综合实力,以战胜对手。 项目建议书的参考结构: 1 引言 2 企业业务现状分析与诊断 3 项目目标规划 3.1 项目规划原则 3.2 项目总体目标和分阶段目标 3.3 项目预期周期和成本规划 4 项目必要性分析

5 项目可行性分析 5.1 相关技术的发展现状介绍 5.2 软件公司相关产品的能力分析 5.3 企业具备的管理、硬件、组织和技术基础 6 项目的经济效益分析 7 结束语 建议书的要求是简短紧凑,内空翔实,目标规划清楚,便于高层决策,可以在一份建议书中列出几个可选技术方案,推动客户高层决策。 解决方案的参考结构: 1 引言 2 业务现状分析与诊断 3 系统架构规划 3.1 总体目标 3.2 指导思想 3.3 总体功能框架 3.4 硬件部署体系 …… 4 系统业务技术解决方案 4.1 关键业务问题解决方案(可多个) 4.2 关注重点技术问题介绍

4.3 其他标准功能介绍 …… 5 系统实施方案 5.1 实施管理方法 5.2 实施团队构成 5.3 实施里程碑计划(可分解子系统实施计划) 5.4 各阶段双方工作配合说明 5.5 风险分析及对策 5.6 沟通和质理保证计划 5.7 培训计划 5.8 系统预期阶段效益 …… 6 服务内容及措施 7 典型案例 8 结束语(合作建议) 9 附件(软件公司介绍) 投标书的参考结构 投标书是针对招标书的答复性文件,基本包含解决方案的全部内容,再增加公司优势和投标需要的相关资质附件。投标书结构没有一定之规,按客户招标书要求准备即可。 篇二:如何撰写工作方案


分析利弊型-英语写作万能模板 Nowadays many people prefer __________ (主题) because it plays a significant role in our daily life. Generally, its advantages can be seen as follows. On the one hand, ________________ (主题的优点1). On the other hand, ___________________ (主题的优点2). But everything can be divided into two. The negative aspects are also apparent. One of the important disadvantages is that ___________________ (主题的缺点1). To make matters worse, __________________________ (主题的缺点2). Through the above analysis, I believe that the positive aspects far outweigh its negative aspects. Whatever effects it has, one thing is certain, ________ (主题) itself is neither good nor bad. It is the uses to which it is put that determine its value to our society.


英语六级作文:问题解决型题目写作模板 导读:2013年12月四六级考试改革以来,大学英语六级的听力和阅读题型和分值都有一些变化,唯独写作的题型、分值和解题时间没有发生任何变化,依旧是30分钟时间要求考生写一篇200字左右的命题作文,占总分的15%,评分主要采用总体评分方法,阅卷老师从语言和内容两个方面就对文章的整体印象给出奖励分,所以考生要充分利用这30分钟写出一篇文理通顺、准确连贯的文章,才能取得比较好的成绩。建议考生先用3分钟左右时间审题并构思文章整体写作思路,用2分钟写一个简要的提纲,然后用20分钟左右写全文,最后留两分钟时间检查全文,改正一些明显的语言错误如单词拼写错误、主谓不一致等。文都英语辅导老师在本文中为考生提供了六级作文常考的问题解决型题目模板,帮助考生备考。 一、问题解决型文章结构 这类题目要求考生就题干中提出的问题进行阐述,并提出相应的解决方案或应对措施,全文可以用三段式结构呈现: 第一段:引入话题,描述问题 第二段:阐述问题原因,提出解决方案 第三段:总结全文

二、问题解决型文章模板 文章标题 In recent years, it has bee n immensely reported that …(题干中提及的现象或问题). This demonstrates that …(问题) has become a serious problem affecting our daily life, so it is high time that we took effective measures to address the issue. We could control the issue from the following three aspects. First and foremost, corresponding regulations and rules should be adopted and enforced to …(限制或减少文中提及的问题), which could …(具体阐述这些规则如何对解决问题产生影响). Further, the public should …(公众应该做什么), which would …(具体阐述该措施带来的好处). In addition, we should …(具体阐述个人应该怎么做)to …(以达到什么效果). In conclusion, everyone should put in their efforts in dealing with …(要解决的问题). Only through the measures mentioned above can we eventually tackle the problem. 从以上模板可以看出,大学英语六级作文问题解决型题目的写作方式——首段引入需要解决的问题,并简要阐述解决该问题的必要性;第二段首句为主题句,概述解决该问题需要从几个方面入手,之后有三、四句话分别阐述各方面具体应该怎么做以及各措施会对解决该问题有些帮助;最后一段再次总结上文,并说明


对比观点型写作模板 1) 要求论述两个对立的观点并给出自己的看法。 1.有一些人认为。。。 2.另一些人认为。。。 3.我的看法。。。 The topic of ___________(主题)is becoming more and more popular recently. There are two sides of opinions of it. Some people say A is their favorite. They hold their view for the reason of _________支持A的理由一)What is more, ____________(理由二). Moreover, _________(理由三). While others think that B is a better choice in the following three reasons. Firstly, ________(支持B的理由一). Secondly (besides),________(理由二). Thirdly (finally), __________(理由三). From my point of view, I think __________(我的观点). The reason is that ___________(原因). As a matter of fact, there are some other reasons to explain my choice. For me, the former is surely a wise choice. 2) 给出一个观点,要求考生反对这一观点 Some people believe that ___________(观点一). For example, they think ___________(举例说明).And it will bring them ___________(为他们带来的好处). In my opinion, I never think this reason can be the point. For one thing, __________(我不同意该看法的理由一). For another thing, _________(反对的理由之二). Form all what I have said, I agree to the thought that ___________(我对文章所讨论主题的看法). 说明利弊型写作模板 这种题型往往要求先说明一下现状,再对比事物本身的利弊,有时也会单从一个角度(利或弊)出发,最后往往要求考生表明自己的态度(或对事物前景提出预测)1.说明事物现状 2.事物本身的优缺点(或一方面) 3.你对现状(或前景)的看法 Nowadays many people prefer _________(A) because it has a significant role in our daily life.


2020年大学英语六级作文万能模板:问题解决型模板问题解决型作文模板 1.模板一 1. With thedevelopment/improvement of ——,——. 2. It is necessary that——. 3. On the one hand, ——. 4. On the other hand, —— 5. Therefore, how to —— is worthpaying attention. 6.Firstly—— 7.Secondly—— 8.For example,——9. Thirdly, ——. 10.In other words,—— 11.In fact, ways to —— arecountless. 12.It’s time that —— 1.空格一处铺垫,空格二处填写某一问题。 2.注重解决现象引出的问题很必要。 3.解决问题很必要的理由一。 4.解决问题很必要的理由二。 5.承上启下,填要解决的问题。 6. 解决办法一。 7 解决办法二。

8. 举例解释解决办法二。 9. 解决办法三。 10. 阐明解决办法三。 11. 指出解决问题的办法多种多样。 12. 强调解决问题时不可待。 2.模板二 1. There has been a discussionrecently abouot——. 2. It is obvious that——. 3. Additionally, ——. 4. So it is high time, —— 5. First of all, —— 6.The reason is—— 7.Secondly—— 8.That is to say,—— 9. Thirdly, ——. 10.In fact, more than three wayscan be adopted,—— 11.As for me, —— 12.All in all, —— 1.提出现存的问题。 2.解决问题很必要的理由一 3.解决问题很必要的理由二。 4.承上启下,说明解决问题的必要性。


大学英语六级作文万能模板:现象解释型Tojpic sentence ①——has become a common part ofpeople's life. ②And——has always aroused thegreatest concern. ③what impresses us most is ——. ④The reasons——are varied. 信息提示 1. 空格内用概括性的词语填出最近出现的总体现象。 2. 空格内填题目要去讨论的具体现象 3. 现象的具体表现 4. 过度句,填现象或现象带来的后果,为下文分析产生的原因做铺垫。 5. Amongthe various reasons,——plays an important role. 6. Thatis to say,—— 7. Whatis more,—— 8. Forexample,—— 5. 原因之一。 6. 具体说明原因一。 7. 原因二。 8. 举例说明原因二 9. When talking about——,——,

10. On the one hand—— 11. On the other hand,—— 12. In brief,—— 9. 空格一填作者要讨论的现象,空格二填作者的看法。 10. 支持看法的理由一或说明看法的第一个方面。 11. 理由二或第二个方面。 12. 总结。 2. 现象解释型模板二 1. We have witnessed —— 2. According to ——,—— 3. And —— 4. Many reasons contribute to—— 1. 空格内填最近出现的总体现象。 2. 空格一根据题目填thechart,thereport等,空格二内填现象的具体表现一。 3. 现象的具体表现二 4. 过度句,填现象或现象带来的后果,为下文分析产生的原因做铺垫。 5. Tobegin with ,——. 6. Moreover,—— 7. Inaddition ,—— 8. As aresult ,——


高考任务驱动型作文写作模板 总体框架:引、议、联、结(提出问题——分析问题——解决问题) 中间主体:议(分析问题),讲清楚赞成或反对的理由(好处/ 危害);兼谈对立面 思维方式(即是“论证角度和方法”):因果分析、假设分析、结果分析、背景分析、辩证思维、比较分析、让步思维(注意思考感受在例文中如何体现和表达!!!) 材料构成:以原材料为主,就事论事;但可以在其前后通过类比,★★联系相似、相关的名言、名人、名事、现实事件、生活(社会)中某种现象。★★ 论证分析角度:人与自身,人与他人,人与社会(国家),人与自然,人与传统历`史等 论证分析具体内容指向(供参考): 1、社会主义核心价值观。富强、民主、文明、和谐是国家层面的价值目标,自由、平等、公正、法治是社会层面的价值取向,爱国、敬业、诚信、友善是公民层面的价值准则。 2、依法治国理念(法律规则)。如:网络随意发帖;恶意占用公用电话;旅游不守法规;不孝不尊敬长辈;恶作剧导致违法;不准守交通规则;考试作弊,参与欺诈活动等。

3、中国传统文化。忠孝仁义礼智信等,强调人的道德修养、价值观或人生观。 4、创新能力。可以通过对创新与传统的思辨、热爱科学、勇于探究、追求真理、积极实践,关注科学与社会的关系等设题。如:“勇于创新”“善于创新”“创新与传统”“山寨与创新”等? 5、人性主题:即是反映与人的精神活动或行为有关的感情或思想。(在一定的社会制度和一定的历史条件下形成的人的本性。人所具有的正常的感情和理性) 比如:爱、坚强、执著、追求、宽容、包容、诚信、真诚、善良、友善、团结、高洁、帮助、自由、平淡、美、简单、尊重、伟大、深刻、平和、理智等 一、“争议型”作文材料,如全国卷1“女儿举报父亲高速接打电话”(材料+争议评价+任务+要求) 1、★“争议型”作文材料思路模型1 思路结构——— 1、第一步:引 ——概括现象(事件)、提出争议点,表明自己的判断(肯否或辩证对待,如“该争才争,争应有度”),并确定观点。 2、第二步(主体部分):议(从不同角度从权衡利弊、优劣、好处、危害等) (1)、个人角度:


2020年四级作文题目模板:解决问题型范文(七)四级作文题目:How to Solve the Problem of Heavy Traffic Nowadays, China's cities are getting increasingly crowded. The rapid increase in population is being made worse by the steady influx of people from the rural areas seeking employment. As a result, heavy traffic is a big headache, with all the roads packed with cars, bicycles and pedestrians. In my opinion, there are two ways to solve the problem. One is to build more and wider roads to make the public highways less crowded and speed up the flow of traffic. The other is to expand the number of public bus routes, so that more people can be transported and fewer people will have to travel by car or bicycle. However, each of these solutions brings problems with it. The former may occupy too much land that could be used for farms or houses; the latter may cause inconvenience for long periods in bus lines. I think the best answer to the problem of heavy traffic is a combination of the two: build more roads in places where land is less useful, and at the same time increase the number of public bus routes.



王长喜12句作文模板—— 现象解释型作文模板 模板一 Topic: ①Recently, ①描述现象,引起话题. ②What amazes us most is ②表现较为典型的一个方面 . 中 华考试网 ③It is true that ③对于现象做出的评论 . ④There are many reasons explaining ④承上启下,解释这一现象的原 因 . ⑤The main reason is ⑤说明原因一 . ⑥What is more, ⑥原因二 . ⑦Thirdly, ⑦原因三 . ⑧As a result, ⑧讲述导致的结果 . ⑨Considering all these, ⑨作者的态度 . ⑩For one thing, ⑩观点一 . 11For another, 11观点二 . 12 In conclusion, 12总结全文 . 现学现用 What Electives to Choose For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled What Electives to Choose. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:

1.各大学开设了各种各样的选修课 2.学生因为各种原因选择了不同的选修课 3.以你自己为例…… Nowadays, a growing number of electives are offered in all sorts of universities. According to a recent survey in China Daily, students can choose their favorite courses from a total number of 20,000 electives in Chinese universities. The topics include everything, from literature to engineering, from sociology to chemistry. When asked why they choose the electives, different students provide different answers. Some of them choose the electives which are easier to study; therefore, the students will be able to win the credit with little effort. Other students maintain that they choose the electives that interest them the most. Still others choose the “practical” courses because they believe these program s will help them hunt for a better job when they graduate. As to me, I choose two electives, English for Academic Purposes (EAP) and economics. The former will equip me with more knowledge to read and write academic papers; while the latter is important in that everyone has to know a little economics in order to live better in the time of “market economy”. 现象解释型模板二 Topic sentence 1)______________________ has become a common part of people’s life. (空格内用概括性的词语描述现象,即开门见山,综述现象。) 2)And_____________ has always aroused the greatest concern.(空格内填题目要去讨论的具体现象)
