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1、- Are you feeling better today, Jack?- ____

(C:Yes, thank you, doctor. But I still don't feel well )

2、- Thank you ever so much for your lovely gift.- ____

(B:I'm glad you like it. )

3、- How are you, Bob?- ____, Ted. (B:I'm fine. Thank you. )

4、- Thanks for your help.- ____. (A:My pleasure )

5、- Hello, I'm Harry Potter.- Hello, my name is Charles Green, but ____.

(C:call me Charles )

6、- Would you like something to drink? What about a cup of tea?- ____

(A:No, thanks. )

7、- What's the problem with your bike?- ____ (C:Nothing serious. )

8、- Paul, ____?- Oh, that's my father! And beside him, my mother.

(B:who's talking over there )

9、- Hi, Tom, how's everything with you?- ____ , and how are you? (B:Hm, not too bad )

10、- That's a beautiful dress you have on!- ____. (A:Oh, thanks. I got it yesterday )

11、- What are you majoring in?- ____ (C:Mathematics. )

12、- Are you going on holiday for a long time?- ____ (C:No. Only a couple of days. )

13、-- Must I take a taxi?-- No, you____. You can take a car. (D:don't have to )

14、-- We are going to have a singing party tonight. Would you like to join us?-- __.

(A:I'm afraid not, because I have to go to an important meeting )

15、-- May I use your bike for a moment?-- ____. (C:By all means )


Passage 1

We say that a person has good manners if he or she behaves politely and is kind and helpful to others. Everyone likes a person with good manners but no one likes a person with bad manners. "Yes", you may say , " but what are good manners? How do I know what to do and what not to do?"

People all over the world agree that being well-mannered really means being kind and helping others, especially to those older or weaker than ourselves. If you remember this, you will not go very far wrong.

Here are some examples of the things that a well-mannered person does or does not do.

He never laughs at people when they are in trouble.Instead, he tries to help them. He is always kind, never cruel, either to people or to animals. When people are waiting for a bus, or in a post office, he takes his turn.He does not push to the front of the queue. In the bus, he gives his seat to an old person or a lady who is standing. If he accidentally bumps into someone, or gets in their way, he says, "excuse me" or "I'm sorry".

He says "please" when making a request, and "thank you" when he receives something. He stands up when speaking to a lady or an older person, and he does not sit down until the other person is seated. He does not interrupt other people when they are talking. He does not talk too much himself. He does not talk loudly or laugh loudly in public. When eating, he does not speak with his mouth full of food. He uses a handkerchief when he sneezes or coughs.

1、Which of the following is considered as being well-mannered? -- ______

(C:Helping older people )
