

Andy is sorting books on the cart. He replaces a stack on the shelf -- and pauses, noticing a line of ants crawling up the wood. He glances up. The ants disappear over the top. He pulls a chair over and stands on it, peers cautiously over.



Red! “瑞德”

Red steps in with an armload of files. Andy gingerly reaches in, grabs a black feathered wing, and pulls out a dead crow.


RED (softly)瑞德(轻轻地)

Is that Jake? “是杰克吗?”

123 INT -- WOOD SHOP -- DAY (1954) 123内景—木材厂—白天

Red is making something at his bench, sanding and planning.


RED (V.O.)瑞德(旁白)

It never would have occurred to us, if not for Andy. It was his idea. We all agreed it was the right

thing to do...


124 EXT -- FIELDS -- DAY (1954) 124外景—田地—白天

Low hilly terrain all around. A HUNDRED CONS are at work in the fields. GUARDS patrol with carbines, keeping a sharp eye. We find Andy, Red, and the boys working with picks and shovels. They glance over to the pickup truck. Hadley's chewing the fat with Mert and Youngblood. A WHISTLE BLOWS.



Water break! Five minutes! “喝水时间!五分钟!”

The work stops. Cons head for the pickup truck, where water is dispensed with dipper and pail. Red and the boys look to Andy. Andy nods. Now's the time. The group moves off through the confusion, using it as cover. They head up the slope of a nearby hill and quickly decide on a suitable spot. The guards haven't noticed.

犯人们停止干活,走向卡车,水在那儿用长勺和桶分发。瑞德他们看看安迪,安迪点点头。是时候了!他们利用混乱,穿过人群。他们走到附近的一个山丘的斜坡,找到一块合适的地方,守卫们并没注意到。Jigger and Floyd start swinging picks into the soft earth, quickly ripping out a hole. Red reaches into his jacket and pulls out a beautiful wooden box, carefully stained and varnished. He shows it around to nods of approval.



That's real pretty, Red. Nice work. “真漂亮!瑞德,干得好!”


Shovel man in. Watch the dirt. “铁锨人来啦,看我的吧。”


Heywood jumps in and starts spading out the hole. 海沃德跳进去开始住洞外铲土。

125 BY THE TRUCK 125卡车旁

Youngblood glances up and sees the men on the slope. 杨伯拉德抬起头看到斜坡上的人们。YOUNGBLOOD杨伯拉德

What the fuck. “怎么搞的?”

HADLEY (follows his gaze)哈雷(随着他的眼光望去)



(works his rifle bolt) (他拉上枪栓)



Suddenly, other cons start breaking away in groups, dozens of them heading toward the slope. The guards look around.



What am I, talkin' to myself? “我在跟自己说话吗?”

126 ON THE SLOPE 126斜坡上

Andy pulls a towel-wrapped bundle from his jacket and unfolds it. Jake. Andy lays him in the box, followed by Brook's letter. Red places the casket in the hole. A moment of silence. Andy gives Red with an encouraging nod.



Lord. Brooks was a sinner. Jake was just a crow. Neither was much to look at. Both got institutionalized. See what you can do for 'em. Amen.


Muttered "amen" all around. The boys shovel dirt onto the small grave and tamp it down.


127 INT -- SHAWSHANK CORRIDORS -- DAY (1955) 127内景—肖申克监狱走廊—白天

RAPID DOLLY with Hadley. He's striding, pissed-off, a man on emission. He straight-arms a door and emerges onto--


128 EXT -- SHAWSHANK PRISON WALL -- DAY (1955) 128 外景—监狱高墙—白天

-- the wall overlooking the exercise yard. He leans on the railing, scans the yard, sees Andy chatting with Red.



Dufresne! What the fuck did you do? (Andy looks up) Your ass, warden's office, now!


Andy shoots a worried look at Red, then heads off. 安迪担心的看了一眼瑞德,然后走了。


Dozens of parcel boxes litter the floor. WILEY, the duty guard, picks through them. Hadley enters, trailed by Andy.几十个包裹盒子散落在地板上,韦利,值班守卫,在挑捡信件。哈德进入,安迪跟着。


What is all this? “这些是什么?”


You tell me, fuck-stick! They're addressed to you, every damn one!


Wiley thrusts an envelope at Andy. Andy just stares at it.



Well, take it. “喂,拿着。”

Andy takes the envelope, pulls out a letter, reads: 安迪接过信封,抽出信,念道:


"Dear Mr. Dufresne. In response to your repeated inquiries, the State Senate has allocated the enclosed funds for your library project..."

“亲爱的杜弗兰先生,为了答复您重复的请求,州议院已经拔款(信内附支票)给您的图书馆方案。”(stunned, examines check) (惊喜地看着支票)

This is two hundred dollars. 是两百美元。

Wiley grins. Hadley glares at him. The grin vanishes.



"In addition, the Library District has generously responded with a charitable donation of used books and sundries. We trust this will fill your needs. We now consider the matter closed. Please stop sending us letters. Yours truly, the State Comptroller's Office."


Andy gazes around at the boxes. The riches of the world lay at his feet. His eyes mist with emotion at the sight.



I want all this cleared out before the warden gets back, I shit you not.


Hadley exits. Andy touches the boxes like a love-struck man touching a beautiful woman. Wiley grins.



Good for you, Andy. “你真行,安迪!”


Only took six years. (beat)(q12) From now on, I send two letters a week instead of one.



(laughs, shakes his head) (大笑,摇摇头)

I believe you're crazy enough. You better get this stuff downstairs like the Captain said. I'm gonna go pinch a loaf. When I get back, this is all gone, right?


Andy nods. Wiley disappears into the toilet, Jughead Comix in hand. Alone now, Andy starts going through the boxes like a starving man exploring packages of food. He doesn't know where

to turn first. He gets giddy, ripping boxes open and pulling out books, touching them, smelling them.


He rips open another box. This one contains an old phonograph player, industrial gray and green, the words

"Portland Public School District" stenciled on the side. The box also contains stacks and stacks of used record albums.


Andy reverently slips a stack from the box and starts flipping through them. Used Nat King Coles, Bing Crosbys, etc. He comes across a certain album -- Mozart's "Le Nozze de Figaro." He pulls it from the stack, gazing upon it as a man transfixed. It is a thing of beauty. It is the Grail.


130 INT -- BATHROOM -- DAY (1955) 130内景—洗手间—白天

Wiley sits in one of the stalls, Jughead comic on his knees.


131 INT -- GUARD STATION/OUTER OFFICE -- DAY 内景--播音室/外间办公室—白天

Andy wrestles the phonograph player onto the guards' desk, sweeping things onto the floor in his haste. He plugs the machine in. A red light warms up. The platter starts spinning.


He slides the Mozart album from its sleeve, lays it on the platter, and lowers the tone arm to his favorite cut. The needle HISSES in the groove...and the MUSIC begins, lilting and gorgeous. Andy sinks into Wiley's chair, overcome by its beauty. It is "," a duet sung by Susanna and the Contessa.

他从封套中取出唱片,放在托盘上,把唱臂放到他最喜欢的一节上,唱针在唱片的凹槽上发出’嘶嘶’声,音乐响起,明快、宜人。安迪躺在韦利的椅子上,为音乐的美丽而沉醉。’Deutino: Che soave zeffiretto’苏珊娜和孔德萨的二重唱。

132 INT -- BATHROOM -- DAY (1955) 132内景—洗手间—白天

Wiley pauses reading, puzzled. He thinks he hears music.



Andy? You hear that? “安迪,你听到了吗?”


Andy shoots a look at the bathroom...and smiles. Go for broke. He lunges to his feet and barricades the front door, then the bathroom. He returns to the desk and positions the P.A. microphone. He works up his courage, then flicks all the toggles to "on." A SQUEAL OF FEEDBACK echoes briefly...


134 INT/EXT -- V ARIOUS P.A. SPEAKERS -- DAY (1955) 134内/外景—各个扬声器—白天

...and the Mozart is suddenly broadcast all over the prison.


135 INT -- BATHROOM -- DAY (1955) 135内景—洗手间—白天

Wiley lunges to his feet, pants tangling around his ankles. 韦利猛得站起来,裤子缠在脚踝处。



Cons all over the prison stop whatever they're doing, freezing in mid-step to listen, gazing up at the speakers.


137 The stamping machines in the plate shop are shut down (137)


138 The laundry line goes silent, grinding to a halt (138)


139 The wood shop machines are turned off, buzzing to a stop (139)


140 The motor pool...the kitchen...the loading dock...the exercise thru yard...the numbing routine of prison life itself...all grinds thru 140


143 to a stuttering halt. Nobody moves, nobody speaks. Everybody just stands in place, listening to the MUSIC, hypnotized. 143


144 INT -- GUARD STATION -- DAY (1955) 144内景—播音室—白天

Andy is reclined in the chair, transported, arms fluidly conducting the music. Ecstasy and rapture. Shawshank no longer exists. It has been banished from the mind of men.


145 EXT -- EXERCISE YARD -- DAY (1955) 145 外景—操场—白天

CAMERA TRACKS along groups of men, all riveted. 镜头掠过人群,所有的人都怔在那儿。

RED (V.O.)瑞德(旁白)

I have no idea to this day what them two Italian ladies were singin' about. Truth is, I don't want to know. Some things are best left unsaid. I like to think they were singin' about something so beautiful it can't be expressed in words, and makes your heart ache because of it.


CAMERA brings us to Red. 镜头拉回瑞德。

RED (V.O.)瑞德(旁白)

I tell you, those voices soared. Higher and farther than anybody in a gray place dares to dream. It was like some beautiful bird flapped into our drab little cage and made these walls dissolve away...and for the briefest of moments -- every last man at Shawshank felt free.


146 INT -- PRISON CORRIDOR -- DAY (1955) 146内景—走廊—白天

FAST DOLLY with Norton striding up the hallway with Hadley.


RED (V.O.)瑞德(旁白)

It pissed the warden off something terrible. “这声音十分地激怒了监狱长。”

INT -- GUARD STATION/OUTER OFFICE -- DAY (1955) 内景--播音室/外间办公室—白天

Norton and Hadley break the door in. Andy looks up with a sublime smile. We hear Wiley POUNDING on the bathroom door:


WILEY (O.S.)韦利

LET ME OUUUUT! “让我出……去!”

148 INT -- SOLITARY WING -- DAY (1955) 148内景—禁闭室大门—白天

LOW ANGLE SLOW PUSH IN on the massive, rust-streaked steel door. God, this is a terrible place to be.


RED (V.O.) 瑞德(旁白)

Andy got two weeks in the hole for that little stunt.


149 INT -- SOLITARY CONFINEMENT -- DAY (1955) 149内景—禁闭室—白天

Andy doesn't seem to mind. His arms sweep to the music still playing in his head. We hear a FAINT ECHO of the soaring duet.


150 INT -- MESS HALL -- DAY (1955) 1 50内景—食堂—白天


Couldn't play somethin' good, huh? Hank Williams?



They broke the door down before I could take requests.



Was it worth two weeks in the hole? “在那洞里呆两星期值得吗?”


Easiest time I ever did. “我曾有过的最轻松的一段时间。”


Shit. No such thing as easy time in the hole. A week seems like a year.



I had Mr. Mozart to keep me company. Hardly felt the time at all.



Oh, they let you tote that record player down there, huh? I could'a swore they confiscated that stuff.



(taps his heart, his head) (拍拍胸口、脑袋)

The music was here...and here. That's the one thing they can't confiscate, not ever. That's the

beauty of it. Haven't you ever felt that way about music, Red?



Played a mean harmonica as a younger man. Lost my taste for it. Didn't make much sense on the inside.



Here's where it makes most sense. We need it so we don't forget.



Forget? “忘记?”


That there are things in this world not carved out of gray stone. That there's a small place inside of us they can

never lock away, and that place is called hope.


Hope is a dangerous thing. Drive a man insane. It's got no place here. Better get used to the idea.



(softly) Like Brooks did? (轻轻地)“就像布鲁克斯?”


151 AN IRON-BARRED DOOR 151一扇铁栅门

slides open with an enormous CLANG. A stark room beyond. CAMERA PUSHES through. SEVEN HUMORLESS MEN sit at a long table. An empty chair faces them. We are again in:


INT -- SHAWSHANK HEARINGS ROOM -- DAY (1957) 内景—听讯室—白天

Red enters, ten years older than when we first saw him at a parole hearing. He removes his cap and sits.


MAN #l男1

It says here you've served thirty years of a life sentence.


MAN #2男2

You feel you've been rehabilitated? “你觉得你已改过了么?”


Yes sir, without a doubt. I can say I'm a changed man. No danger to society, that's the God's honest

truth. Absolutely rehabilitated.

“是的,毫无疑问。我可以说我是一个改过自新的人,不再危害社会,上帝保证。完全悔过。”CLOSEUP -- PAROLE FORM 特写—假释表

A big rubber stamp slams down: "REJECTED." 大大的橡皮图章砸下:’驳回’。

152 EXT -- PRISON YARD -- DUSK (1957) 152外景—监狱操场—傍晚

Red emerges into fading daylight. Andy's waiting for him.



Same old, same old. Thirty years. Jesus. When you say it like that...



You wonder where it went. I wonder where ten years went.


Red nods, solemn. They settle in on the bleachers. Andy pulls a small box from his sweater, hands it to Red.



Anniversary gift. Open it. “周年礼物,打开它。”

Red does. Inside the box, on a thin layer of cotton, is a shiny new harmonica, bright aluminum and circus-red.



Had to go through one of your competitors. Hope you don't mind. Wanted it to be a surprise.



It's very pretty, Andy. Thank you. “它真漂亮,安迪,谢谢你!”


You gonna play something? “想来一段儿吗?”

Red considers it, shakes his head. Softly: 瑞德考虑了一下,轻轻地摇摇头:


Not today. “今天不。”

CELLBLOCK FIVE/ANDY'S CELL -- NIGHT (1957) 153内景—五号/安迪的号房—夜晚

Men line the tiers as the evening count is completed. The convicts step into their cells. The master switch is thrown and all the doors slam shut -- KA-THUMP! Andy finds a cardboard tube on his bunk. The note reads: "A new girl for your 10 year anniversary. From your pal. Red."

人们在楼层上排着队完成晚上的例行点名。犯人们各自走进他们的号房。主开关被关上,所有的门都被’咔—砰’地锁住。安迪发现他的铺上有个纸筒,上面写着:“一个新的姑娘,纪念你的十周年。你的伙计,瑞德。”154 INT -- ANDY'S CELL -- LATER (1957) 154内景—安迪的号房—一会儿

Marilyn Monroe's face fills the screen. SLOW PULL BACK reveals the new poster: the famous shot from "The Seven Year Itch," on the subway grate with skirt billowing up. Andy sits gazing at her as lights-out commences...


INT -- RED'S CELL -- NIGHT (1957) 155内景—瑞德的号房—夜晚

...and we find Red gazing blankly as darkness takes the cellblock. Adding up the months, weeks, days...


He regards the harmonica like a man confronted with a Martian artifact. He considers trying it out -- even holds it briefly to his lips, almost embarrassed -- but puts it back in its box untested. And there the harmonica will stay...





RED (V.O.)瑞德

Andy was as good as his word. He kept writing to the State Senate. Two letters a week instead of one.


...and the BLACKNESS disintegrates as a wall tumbles before our eyes, revealing a WORK CREW with picks and sledgehammers, faces obscured outlaw-style with kerchiefs against the dust. Behind them are GUARDS overseeing the work.


Andy yanks his kerchief down, grinning in exhilaration. Red and the others follow suit. They step through the hole in the wall, exploring what used to be a sealed-off storage room. 安迪扯下毛巾,愉快的笑着,瑞德和其他人也都笑了起来。他们跨过墙洞,在这个曾被封闭的储藏室中搜寻。

RED (V.O.)瑞德(旁白)

In 1959, the folks up Augusta way finally clued in to the fact they couldn't buy him off with just a

200 dollar check. Appropriations Committee voted an annual payment of 500 dollars, just to shut him up.



157 INT -- PRISON LIBRARY -- DAY (1960) 157 内景—图书馆—白天

TRACKING the construction. Walls have been knocked down. Men are painting, plastering, hammering. Lots of shelves going up. Red is head carpenter. We find him discussing plans with Andy.


RED (V.O.)瑞德(旁白)

Those checks came once a year like clockwork. “那些支票准确无误的一年一到。”

158 INT -- PRISON LIBRARY -- DAY (1960) 158 内景—图书馆—白天

Red and the boys are opening boxes, pulling out books.


RED (V.O.)瑞德(旁白)

You'd be amazed how far Andy could stretch it. He made deals with book clubs, charity groups...he bought remaindered books by the pound...


Treasure Island. Robert Louis... “金银岛,罗伯特.路易斯”


(jotting) (记下)

...Stevenson. Next? “下一个是斯蒂文森吗?”


I got here an auto repair manual, and a book on soap carving.



Trade skills and hobbies, those go under educational. Stack right behind you.



The Count of Monte Crisco... “基科山恩仇记……”


Cristo, you dumbshit. “基督山,你个笨蛋。”


...by Alexandree Dumb-ass. “亚力山大.大马屎著……”


Dumas. You boys'll like that one. It's about a prison break.


Floyd tries to take the book. Heywood yanks it back. I saw it first. Red shoots Andy a look.

弗洛伊德试图拿那本书,海沃德赶忙把书收了回来。(请教:I saw it first.I指的是谁?)瑞德瞄了安迪一眼。RED瑞德

Maybe that should go under educational too. “也许也应归教育类。”

159 INT -- WOOD SHOP -- DAY (1961) 159内景—木材厂—白天

Red is making a sign, carefully routing letters into a long plank of wood. It turns out to be--


160 INT -- PRISON LIBRARY -- DAY (1963) 160内景—图书馆—白天

-- the varnished wood sign over the archway: "Brooks Hatlen Memorial Library." TILT DOWN to reveal the library

in all its completed glory: shelves lined with books, tables and chairs, even a few potted plants. Heywood is wearing headphones, listening to Hank Williams on the record player.

上过漆的牌子挂在图书馆的门上:’纪念布鲁克斯.哈特兰图书馆’。镜头向下,显示出图书馆 内:书架上摆放着成行的书,桌子、椅子,甚至还有几盆植物。海沃德戴着耳机在听汉克.威廉姆斯的唱片。

RED (V.O.)瑞德(旁白)

By the year Kennedy was shot, Andy had transformed a broom closet smelling of turpentine into the best prison library in New England.


161 EXT -- SHAWSHANK PRISON -- DAY (1963) 161外景—肖申克监狱—白天



RED (V.O.)瑞德(旁白)

That was also the year Warden Norton instituted his famous "Inside-Out" program. You may remember reading about it. It made all the papers and got his picture in LIFE magazine.



...a genuine, progressive advance in corrections and rehabilitation. Our inmates, properly supervised, will be put to work outside these walls performing all manner of public service. Cutting pulpwood, repairing bridges and causeways, digging storm drains...


ANGLE TO Red and the boys listening from behind the fence.



These men can learn the value of an honest day's labor while providing a valuable service to the community -- and at a bare minimum of expense to Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Taxpayer!



Sounds like road-gangin', you ask me. “听起来像修路队,要问我的话。”


Nobody asked you. “没人问你。”

162 EXT -- HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION SITE -- DAY (1963) 外景—筑路工地—白天

A ROAD-GANG is grading a culvert with picks. There's dust and the smell of sweat in the air. GUARDS patrol with sniper rifles, A pushy WOMAN REPORTER in an ugly hat bustles up the grade, trailed by a PHOTOGRAPHER.



You there! You men! We're gonna take your picture now!



Give us a break, lady. “让我们休息会儿,女士。”


Don't you know who I am? I'm from LIFE magazine! I was told I'd get some co-operation out here! You want me to report you to your warden? Is that what you want?



(sighs) (叹口气)

No, ma'am. “不,夫人。”


That's more like it! Now I want you all in a row with big bright smiles on your faces! Grab hold of your tools and show 'em to me!


She turns, motioning her photographer up the grade. Heywood glances around at the other men.



You heard the lady. “你们听到她说的了吧。”

Heywood unzips his pants, reaches inside. The others do likewise. The woman turns back and is greeted by the sight of a dozen men displaying their penises and smiling brightly. Her legs go wobbly and she sits heavily down on the dirt grade.



C'mon! We're showin' our tools and grinnin' like fools! Take the damn picture!


163 INT -- SOLITARY CONFINZMENT -- NIGHT (1963) 163内景—禁闭室—夜晚

Heywood sits alone in the dark. He sighs. 海沃德独自坐在黑暗中,叹息着。

RED (V.O.)瑞德(旁白)

None of the inmates were invited to express their views...


164 EXT -- WOODED FIELDS -- DAY (1965) 164外景—林区—白天

A ROAD-GANG is pulling stumps, bogged down in mud.


RED (V.O.)瑞德(旁白)

'Course, Norton failed to mention to the press that "bare minimum of expense" is a fairly loose term. There are a hundred different ways to skim off the top. Men, materials, you name it. And, oh my Lord, how the money rolled in...


Norton strolls into view with NED GRIMES at his heels. 诺顿走过来视察,耐德紧跟着。


This keeps up, you're gonna put me out of business! With this pool of slave labor you got, you can

underbid any contractor in town.



Ned, we're providing a valuable community service. “耐德,我们正在提供有意义的社会服务。”


That's fine for the papers, but I got a family to feed. The State don't pay my salary. Sam, we go

back a long way. I need this new highway contract. I don't get it, I go under. That's a fact. (hands him a box) Now you just have some'a this fine pie my missus baked specially for you, and you think about that.


Norton opens the box. Alongside the pie is an envelope. He runs his thumb across the thick stack of cash it contains.


IN THE BACKGROUND, a winch cable SNAPS and whips through the air, damn near severing a man's leg. He goes down, screaming in mud and blood, pinned by a fallen tree stump. Men rush over to help him. Norton barely takes notice.



Ned, I wouldn't worry too much over this contract. Seems to me I've already got my boys committed elsewhere. You be sure and thank Maisie for this fine pie.


165 INT -- NORTON'S OFFICE -- NIGHT (1965) 165内景—诺顿办公室—夜晚

ANGLE on Maisie's pie. Several pieces gone. 镜头对着梅齐的馅饼,已经吃掉了几块。

RED (V.O.)瑞德(旁白)

And behind every shady deal, behind every dollar earned...


TILT UP to Andy at the desk, munching thoughtfully as he totals up figures on an adding machine.


RED (V.O.)瑞德(旁白)

...there was Andy, keeping the books. “都由安迪登记入帐。”

Andy finishes preparing two bank deposits. Norton hovers near the desk, keeping a watchful eye.



Two deposits, Casco Bank and New England First. Night drop, like always.


Norton pockets the envelopes. Andy crosses to the wall safe and shoves the ledger and sundry files inside. Norton locks the safe, swings his wife's framed sampler back into place. He cocks his thumb at some laundry and two suits in the corner.



Get my stuff down t'laundry. Two suits for dry-clean and a bag of whatnot. Tell 'em if they over-

starch my shirts again, they're gonna hear about it from me. (adjusts his tie) How do I look?



Very nice. “非常好!”


Big charity to-do up Portland wa(q12). Governor's gonna be there. (indicates pie) Want the rest of that? Woman can't bake worth shit.


166 INT -- PRISON CORRIDOR -- NIGHT (1965) 166内景—监狱走廊—夜晚

Andy trudges down the corridor with Norton's laundry, the pie box under his arm.


167 INT -- LIBRARY -- DAY (1965) 167内景—图书馆—白天

TILT UP FROM PIE to find Red munching away as he helps Andy sort books on the shelves.



Got his fingers in a lot of pies, from what I hear. “他把手伸到了许多的馅饼里,我听说的。”


What you hear isn't half of it. He's got scams you haven't dreamed of. Kickbacks on his kickbacks.

There's a river of dirty money flowing through this place.


Money like that can be a problem. Sooner or later you gotta explain where it came from.



That's where I come in. I channel it, funnel it, filter it...stocks, securities, tax free municipals... I send that money out into the big world. And when it comes back...



It's clean as a virgin's whistle(q13)? “干净的就像处女吗?(请教:virgin’s whistle?)”


Cleaner. By the time Norton retires, I will have made him a millionaire.



Jesus. They ever catch on, he's gonna wind up wearing a number himself.



(smiles) (微笑)

I thought you had more faith in me than that. “我以为你相信我的能力的。”


I'm sure you're good, but all that paper leaves a trail. Anybody gets too curious -- FBI, IRS, whatever -- that trail's gonna lead to somebody.



Sure it will. But not to me, and certainly not to the warden.



Who then? “那是谁?”


Peter Stevens. “皮特.斯蒂文斯。”


Who? “谁?”


The silent, silent partner. He's the guilty one, your Honor. The man with the bank accounts. That's

where the filtering process starts. They trace it back, all they're gonna find is him.



Yeah, okay, but who the hell is he? “是的,好吧,但他倒底是谁?”


A phantom. An apparition. Second cousin to Harvey the Rabbit. (off Red's look) I conjured him out of thin air. He doesn't exist...except on paper.



You can't just make a person up. “你怎么能编造出一个人呢!”


Sure you can, if you know how the system works, and where the cracks are. It's amazing what you can accomplish by mail. Mr. Stevens has a birth certificate, social security card, driver's license.

They ever track those accounts, they'll wind up chasing a figment of my imagination.


Jesus. Did I say you were good? You're Rembrandt.



It's funny. On the outside, I was an honest man. Straight as an arrow. I had to come to prison to

be a crook.


168 EXT -- PRISON YARD -- DUSK (1965) 外景—操场—傍晚


Does it ever bother you? “这使你苦恼过吗?”


I don't run the scams, Red, I just process the profits. That's a fine line, maybe. But I've also built

that library, and used it to help a dozen guys get their high school diplomas. Why do you think the

warden lets me do all that?




To keep you happy and doing the laundry. Money instead of sheets.



I work cheap. That's the trade-off. “我工作的廉价,这就是交易。”

TWO SIREN BLASTS draw their attention to the main gate. It swings open, revealing a prison bus waiting outside. 两声急促的笛声把他们的注意力转移到监狱大门,大门摇晃着打开,显现出在外面等着的囚车。

169 INT -- PRISON BUS -- DUSK (1965) 169内景—囚车—黄昏

Among those on board is TOMMY WILLIAMS, a damn good-looking kid in his mid-20's. The bus RUMBLES through the gate.


170 EXT -- PRISON YARD -- DUSK (1965) 170 外景—操场—黄昏

The new fish disembark, chained together single-file. The old- timers holler and shake the fence. A deafening gauntlet.


171 INT -- CELLBLOCK EIGHT -- NIGHT (1965) 171 内景—八号囚室—夜晚

Tommy and the others are marched in naked and shivering, covered with delousing powder, greeted by TAUNTS and JEERS.


172 INT -- TOMMY'S CELL -- NIGHT (1965) 172 内景—汤米的号房—夜晚

The bars slam with a STEEL CLANG. Tommy and his new CELLMATE take in their new surroundings.



Well. Ain't this for shit? “好哇,这是人住的地儿吗?”

173 INT -- PRISON CORRIDOR -- DAY (1965) 173 内景—走廊—白天

DOLLYING Tommy as he struts along, combing his ducktail, cigarette behind his ear. (We definitely need The Coasters or Del Vikings on the soundtrack here. Maybe Jerry Lee Lewis.)


RED (V.O.)瑞德

Tommy Williams came to Shawshank in 1965 on a two year stretch for B&E. Cops caught him sneakin' TV sets out the back door of a JC Penney.


174 INT -- WOOD SHOP -- DAY (1965) 174 内景—木材厂—白天

A SHRIEKING BUZZSAW slices ten-foot lengths of wood. Red runs the machine while some other OLD-TIMERS feed the wood.


RED (V.O.)瑞德(旁白)

Young punk, Mr. Rock n' Roll, cocky as hell... “一个小混混--摇滚先生,极其骄傲自大……”

Tommy is hauling the cut wood off the conveyor and stacking it, It's a ball-busting job, but the kid's a blur(q13).



(slapping his gloves) C'mon there, old boys! Movin' like molasses! Makin' me look bad!


The old guys just grin and shake their heads. 老家伙们只是笑着摇摇头。

RED (V.O.)瑞德(旁白)

We liked him immediately. “我们很快就喜欢上了他。”

175 INT -- MESS HALL -- DAY (1965) 175 内景—食堂—白天

Tommy regales the old boys with his exploits: 汤米正向大家吹嘘他的事情:


...so I'm backin' out the door, right? Had the TV like this... (mimes his grip) Big ol' thing. Couldn't see shit. Suddenly, here's this voice: "Freeze kid! Hands in the air!" Well I just stand there holdin' on to that TV, so the voice says: "You hear what I said, boy?" And I say, "Yes sir, I sure did! But if I drop this fuckin' thing, you got me on destruction of property too!"


The whole table falls about laughing. 整个桌子上的人笑做一团。

176 INT -- LIBRARY -- DAY (1965) 176内景—图书馆—白天

Poker game in progress. Tommy, Andy, Red and the boys. 汤米、安迪、瑞德和其它人在打扑克。HEYWOOD海沃德

You did a stretch in Cashman too? “你还在凯什曼服过刑?”


Yeah. That was an easy ride, let me tell you. Work programs, weekend furloughs. Not like here.



Sounds like you done time all over New England. “听起来你走遍了整个新英格兰。”


Been in and out since I was 13. Name the place, chances are I been there.



Perhaps it's time you considered a new profession. (the game stalls) What I mean is, you don't seem to be a very good thief. Maybe you should try something else.



What the hell you know about it, Capone? What are you in for?



(wry glance to Red) Everyone's innocent in here. Don't you know that?


The tension breaks. Everyone laughs. 紧张感被打破,大家笑了起来。

177 INT -- VISITOR'S ROOM -- DAY (1965) 177 内景—探访室—白天

CAMERA TRA VELS the room. Chaotic. CONS are waiting their turn or talking to visitors through a thick plexi


镜头扫过整个房间,一片混乱。犯人们在等着轮到自己,通过厚厚的有机材料制成的防护罩与探访者交谈。RED (V.O.)瑞德(旁白)

As it turns out, Tommy had himself a young wife and new baby girl...


Tommy's at the end of the row, phone to his ear. Other side of the glass is BETH, near tears, fussing with a BABY on her lap.



...said we can stay with them, but Joey's gettin' out of the service next month, and they barely got

enough room as it is. Plus they got Poppa workin' double shifts and the baby cries half the night. I just don't know where we're gonna go...


PUSH IN on Tommy's face as he listens. 镜头推进正在仔细倾听的汤米的面部。

RED (V.O.) 瑞德(旁白)

Maybe it was the thought of them on the streets...or his child growing up not knowing her daddy...


178 INT -- LIBRARY -- DAY (1965) 178内景—图书馆—g白天

Tommy enters, the strut gone from his step. A little scared. He finds Andy filing library cards.


RED (V.O.)瑞德(旁白)

Whatever it was, something lit a fire under that boy's ass.



I'm thinkin' maybe I should try for high school equivalency. Hear you helped some fellas with that.



I don't waste time on losers, Tommy. “我不想把时间浪费到废物身上,汤米。”


(tight) (紧张地)

I ain't no goddamn loser. “我可不是他妈的废物。”


That's a good start. If we do this, we do it all the way. One hundred percent. Nothing half-assed.


Tommy thinks about it, nods. 汤米考虑了一下,点头同意。


Thing is, see... (leans in, mutters) ...I don't read all that good.



(smiles) Well. You've come to the right place then.(微笑)“很好,那你就来对地方了。”

179 INT -- LIBRARY -- DAY (1965) 179 内景—图书馆—白天

We find Andy giving an impassioned reading: 安迪在热情的朗读:


"...and the lamplight o'er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor...and my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor, shall be lifted nevermore!"

“他头上的灯光把他的身影映在地板上……我的灵魂从影子中飘出,浮在上面,再也不能升起!”Andy slaps the book shut, immensely pleased with himself.



So this raven just sits there and won't go away? “那只乌鸦就坐在那儿没有离开吗?”


That's right. “没错。”


(beat) Why don't that fella get hisself a 12-gauge and dust the fucker(q13)?

180 INT -- LIBRARY -- DAY (1965) 180 内景—图书馆—白天

Tommy tries to read as Andy looks on: 汤米努力阅读,安迪一旁看着:


"The cat sh--The cat shh..." (glances up) The cat shat on the welcome mat?


Andy shakes his head. 安迪摇摇头。


Not exactly. “不对。”

181 INT -- LIBRARY -- DAY (1965) 181 内景—图书馆—白天

Andy chalks the alphabet on a blackboard. 安迪在黑板上写字母。

RED (V.O.) 瑞德

So Andy took Tommy under his wing. Started walking him through his ABCs...


182 INT -- MESS HALL -- DAY (1965) 182 内景—食堂—白天

TRACK the table to Tommy and Andy. Discussing a book.


RED (V.O.)瑞德

Tommy took to it pretty well, too. Boy found brains he never knew he had.


183 EXT -- EXERCISE YARD BLEACHERS -- DAY (1965) 183 外景—操场看台—白天


The cat sh--shh--shimmied up the tree and crept st--stel--stealthily out on the limb...


184 INT -- WOOD SHOP -- DAY (1965) 184 内景—木材厂—白天

Tommy intent on a paperback, mouthing the words. Behind him, wood is piling up on the conveyor belt. 汤米专心看着书,喃喃地读着。他的身后,传送带上的木头堆成一堆。

RED (V.O.)瑞德

After a while, you couldn't pry those books out of hands. “再看一会儿,你就拔不出来啦!”


Ass in gear, son! You're putting us behind! “抬起你的屁股,小子!大家都等着你呢!”

Tommy shoves the book in his back pocket and hurries over. 汤米把书塞进口袋,赶忙干活。

185 INT -- LIBRARY -- DAY (1965) 185 内景—图书馆—白天

Tommy writes a sentence on the blackboard. Andy steps in, shows him how to reconstruct it.


RED (V.O.)瑞德(旁白)

Before long, Andy started him on his course requirements. He really liked the kid, that was part of it. Gave him a thrill to help a youngster crawl off the shit heap. But that wasn't the only reason...


186 INT -- ANDY'S CELL -- NIGHT (1966) 186 内景—安迪的号房—夜晚

TIGHT ANGLE on chessboard. Most of the pieces complete. PAN TO Andy lying in his bunk, carefully polishing...


RED (V.O.) 瑞德(旁白)

Prison time is slow time. Sometimes it feels like stop-time. So you do what you can to keep going...


...and we keep going past Andy in a SLOW PAN of the cell. Sink. Toilet. Books. Outside the window bars, we hear another TRAIN passing in the night...


RED (V.O.)瑞德(旁白)

Some fellas collect stamps. Others build matchstick houses. Andy built a library. Now he needed a new project. Tommy was it. It was the same reason he spent years shaping and polishing those rocks. The same reason he hung his fantasy girlies on the wall...


...STILL PANNING, past a chair, a sweater on a hook...and finally to the place of honor on the wall...


RED (V.O.)瑞德(旁白)

In prison, a man'll do most anything to keep his mind occupied.


...where the latest poster turns out to be Racquel Welch ins fur bikini. Gorgeous. "One Million Years, B. C. " SLOW PUSH IN

……最新换上的海报是穿着裘皮比基尼的兰蔻.薇芝。海报上写着’ 公元前一百万年’镜头推进……

RED (V.O.)瑞德

By 1966...right about the time Tommy was getting ready to take his exams...it was lovely Racquel.


187 INT -- LIBRARY -- DAY (1966) 187 内景—图书馆—白天

Tommy's taking the big test. Andy's monitoring the time. Deep silence, save for Tommy's pencil-scribbling. A few old-timers are browsing the shelves, sneaking looks their way. Tommy tries to ignore them. Concentrate.


Andy clears his throat. Time's up. Tommy puts his pencil down,



Well? “怎么样?”


Well. It's for shit. (gets up in disgust) Wasted a whole fuckin' year of my time with this bullshit!



May not be as bad as you think. “也没你想的那么坏。”


It's worse! I didn't get a fuckin' thing right! Might as well be in Chinese!



We'll see how the score comes out. “我们先看看你得了多少分。”


I'll tell you how the goddamn score comes out... “我来告诉你那该死的分数吧……”

Tommy grabs the test, wads it, slam-dunks it into the trash.



Two points! Right there! There's your goddamn score! (storms out) Goddamn cats crawlin' up trees, 5 times 5 is 25, fuck this place, fuck it!


Tommy is gone. Red and others stare. Andy gets up, pulls the test from the trash, smoothes it out on the desk.


188 INT -- WOOD SHOP -- DAY (1966) 188 内景—木材厂—白天

Rest break. Tommy and Red sipping Cokes. 休息时间,汤米和瑞德喝着可乐。


I feel bad. I let him down. “我感觉很糟,我让他失望了。”


That's crap, son. He's proud of you. Proud as a hen. (off Tommy's look) We been friends a long time. I know him as good as anybody.


Smart fella, ain't he? “聪明之人,是吗?”


Smart as they come. Used to be a banker on the outside. “聪明之极,没进来时曾是银行家。”


What's he in for anyway? “那他是怎么进来的?”


Murder. “杀人。”


The hell you say. “瞎扯。”


You wouldn't think, lookin' at him. Caught his wife in bed with some golf pro. Greased 'em both. C'mon, boy, back to work...


《肖申克的救赎》经典台词汇总 寄语:肖申克的救赎,故事发生在1947年,银行家安迪被指控枪杀了妻子及其情人,安迪被判无期徒刑,这意味着他将在肖恩克监狱中渡过余生。但是他从来没有放弃希望,猜到了开头,却没猜到结局结局让人意想不到,不剧透,大家有时间去看看这部经典影片吧。 1. Red,记住,希望是件美丽的东西,也许是最好的东西。美好的东西是永远不会死的。 2. 恐惧让你沦为囚犯,希望让你重获自由。 3. A diploma is not necessarily can create a person, just as a prison may not be defeated every one. 4. 瑞德读安迪留下的条子:记住,瑞德,希望是件美丽的东西,也许是最好的东西。美好的东西是永远不会死的。 5. 瑞德话外音:这些高墙还真是有点意思。一开始你恨它,然后你对它就习惯了。等相当的时间过去后,你还会依赖它。 6. 要么忙着生,要么忙着死。 7. Red reading a note left by Andy: Remember, Red, hope is good thing, mabye the best of things. And no good thing ever dies. 8. 这就是意义所在。你需要它,就好像自己不要忘记。忘记世上还有不是用石头围起来的地方。忘记自己的内心还有你自己的东西,他们碰不到的东西。 9. 我希望太平洋就和我梦中所见的一样蔚蓝。 10. 希望是好东西,也许是最好的东西,好的东西是不会轻易逝去。 11. Red narrating: We sat and drank with the sun on our shoulders and felt like freemen. h*ll, we could have been tarring the roof of one of our own houses. We 12. I've had some long nights in stir. 13. I think the only free man can feel this kind of excitement, a free man step on a long journey, towards the uncertain future.


《肖申克的救赎》经典台词(中英双语) 1、I guess it comes down to a simple choice: get busy living or get busy dying. 生命可以归结为一种简单的选择:要么忙于生存,要么赶着去死。 2、These walls are kind of funny like that. First you hate them, then you get used to them. Enough time passed, get so you depend on them. That`s institutionalized. 监狱里的高墙实在是很有趣。刚入狱的时候,你痛恨周围的高墙;慢慢地,你习惯了生活在其中;最终你会发现自己不得不依靠它而生存,这就是体制化。 3、Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free. A strong man can save himself. A great man can save another. 懦怯囚禁人的灵魂,希望可以感受自由。强者自救,圣者渡人。 4、I have no idea to this day what those two Italian ladies were singing about. Truth is, I don’t want to know. Some things are better left unsaid.I’d like to think they were singing about somethings so beautiful,it can" t expressed in words,and it makes your heart ache because of it.I tell you, th ose voices soared higher and farther than anybody in a great place dares to dr eam. It was as if some beautiful bird had flapped into our drab little cage and made these walls dissolve away, and for the briefest of moments, every last man is Shawshank felt free. 到今天我还不知道那两个意大利娘们在唱些什么,其实,我也不想知道。有些东西还是留着不说为妙。我像她们该是在唱一些非常美妙动人的故事,美妙得难以用言语来表达,美妙的让你心痛。告诉你吧,这些声音直插云霄,飞得比任何一个人敢想的梦还要遥远。就像一些美丽的鸟儿扑扇着翅膀来到我们褐色牢笼,让那些墙壁消失得无影无踪。就在那一刹那,鲨堡监狱的每一个人都感到了自由。


【看电影学雅思】《肖申克的救赎解析》超详细学习笔记 这个故事发生在1947年,银行家安迪(在屏幕左边的那位帅哥)被指控枪杀了妻子及其情人,安迪被判无期徒刑,这意味着他将在肖恩克监狱中渡过余生。瑞德(屏幕右边的那位帅哥)1927年因谋杀罪被判无期徙刑,数次假释都未获成功。他成为了肖恩克监狱中的“权威人物”,只要你付得起钱,他几乎有办法搞到任何你想要的东西。以上对白发生在Andy刚入狱不久,而结尾处的 Get busy living... or get busy dying (忙着活,忙着死)这两种生活态度也引发了观影者们无限地深思。此段对话发生在Andy越狱之前...... 肖申克的救赎电影经典对白解析:(红色划线词语or句子会有B老师的详细解析哦!)Andy: No. I didn’t. Somebody else did, and I wound up in here. Bad luck, I guess. 安迪:是的,我没有开枪。别人开的枪,可结果是我进了监狱。我想可能是运气太差了吧。 Red: Yeah. 瑞德:是啊。 Andy: It floats around. Has to land on somebody. It was my turn, that’s as I was in the path of the tornado①. I didn’t expect the storm would last as long as it has. You think you ‘II ever get out of here? 安迪:那晦气到处闲逛,总会落到某人的头上。结果那个人是我,就这样。我在这旋涡的中心,只是没有想到倒霉会持续这么长时间。你有没有想过离开这里的? Red: Me? Yeah. One day when I got a long, white beard and two or three marbles rolling around upstairs②. They ‘II let me out. 瑞德:我?有啊,当我老得满脸胡须、脑子不正常的时候,他们就该让我出去了。 Andy: Tell you where l’d go. Zihuatanejo. 安迪:告诉你我如果出去会去哪里,芝华塔尼欧。 Red: Zihua...? 瑞德:芝什么t? Andy: Zihuatanejo. lt’s in Mexico. A little place on the Pacific Ocean. You know what the Mexicans say about the Pacific? They say it has no memory. That’s where t want to live the rest of my life. A warm place with no memory. Op8n up a little hotel right on the beach. Buy some worthless old boat and fix it up new. Take my guests


The Shawshank Redemption L: Mr Dufresne.descibe the confrontation you had with you wife the night she was murdered? D: It was very bitter. she said she was glad I knew, that she hated all the sneaking around. and she said that she wanted a divorce in Reno. L: what was you response? D: I told her . I would not grant one. L: “I will see you in hell befor I see you in Reno”. Those were your words according to your neighbors. D: If they say so.i really don’t remember. I was upset. L: What happened afte you argued whith your wife? D: She packed a bag to go and stay with Mr. Quentin. L: Glenn Quentin, golf pro at the Snowden Hills Hounty club.whom you had discovered was your wife’s lover. Did you follow her? D: I went to a few bars first, later, I drove to his house to confront them,they weren’t home.i parked in the turnout and waited. L: With what intention? D: I am not sure, I was confused drunk, I think mostly I wanted to scare them. L: when they arrived,you went up to the house and murdered them. D: No,I ws sobering up. L: I got back in the car and I drove home to sleep it off. D: along the way I throw my gun into the Royal river. i have been very clear on this point. L: But well, I get hazy where the cleaning woman shows up the following morning and finds your wife in bed whith her lover riddled with 38-caliber bultete. Doses that strike you as a fantatic coincidence of is it just me. D: Yes, it does. L: yet you still maintain you throw your gun into the river befor the murders took place. that’s very convenient. D: It’s the truth. L: The police dragged that river for three days,and nary a gun was found. So no comparison could be made between your gun and bullets take from the bloodstained corpses go the victims and that also is very convenient,Isn’t it? Mr Dufresne. D: since I am innocent of this crime so I find it decidedly inconvenient that gun was never found. L: ladies and gentlemen, you’ve heard all the evidence you know in the facts we have the accused that the scene of the crime, we have footprints bullets on the ground bearing his fingerprints a broken bourbon bottle likewise with fingerprints and most of all we have a beautiful young women and he lover lying dead in each other’s arms.they had sinned but was the’ve crime so great as to merit to death sentence?while you think about that think about this:A revolver holds six bullets, bot eight. I submit this was not a hot-blooded crime of passion that at least could be understood if not condoned. No, this was revenge of a much more brutal cold-blooded nature. consider this: four bullets per victim no six shots fired, but eight, that means that he fired the gun empty and then stopped to reload. So that he could shoot each of them again. an extra bullet per lover right in head. J: You strike me was a particularly icy and remoseless man, Mr Dufresne. I chills my blood just to took at you,by the power vested in me the state of Maine, I hereby order you serve two life sentences back-to-back one for each of your victims, so bi it.


《肖申克的救赎》音乐鉴赏《肖申克的救赎》是一部不可多得的优秀励志型影片。影片故事情节:被诬谋杀自己的妻子及其情夫的银行家安迪被判终身监禁来到了肖申克监狱。他的与众不同引起了黑人囚犯瑞德的注意并最终结成了很好的朋友。安迪总是沉默寡言并尽可能地维护自己作为一个正常人应该保有的一切。一个偶然的机会,他开始用自己丰富的金融知识帮助狱卒们“合法”地逃税,甚至帮助典狱长洗钱,以此换得一些对囚犯、对自己稍微宽松的待遇。他甚至不厌其烦地给州政府写信,并在几年后得到了回应---州政府向肖申克捐赠了图书、唱机、甚至史无前例的监狱图书基金—每年500美金。然而安迪终于从一个新来的囚犯那儿得知了自己妻子被杀的真相,当他向典狱长提出申诉的要求时却遭到了粗暴的回绝。因为此时贪婪的典狱长已将安迪当作自己谋取暴利的摇钱树,他甚至不惜杀掉那个知情的囚犯从而将安迪永远地留在肖申克来满足自己对于金钱无止境的贪欲。安迪对于法律公正的幻想破灭之后,终于不动声色地走上了自我救赎的道路—在一个月黑风高、闪电交加的深夜,安迪成功地穿越了自己十九年来挖成的秘密通道,重新获得了自由。 接下来就谈谈这部经典影视作品里的音乐作品:一般的越狱题材的电影都充满了紧张或者急躁的情绪旋律,像电视剧《越狱》中间的音乐就是充满的紧张的气氛,比如主角斯科菲尔在第一季中:当他在监狱的洗脸池后面弄出了一个洞,每次进去进行后期越狱工作

室都会让狱友给他把风,狱警巡视的时候放的音乐就是属于那种紧 张的、急促的、节奏快的。由于监狱特定的人物特点和环境因素, 剧情会配合人物的心理变化,往往会显示出一种紧张感和压迫感, 或者更多的是不安感。但是《肖申克的救赎》完全相反,这部电影音乐环境是围绕着希望、情感、自有、生命的多个人生主题进行布 置,涉及到对自有的感触上,音乐就显得轻快祥和,给人一种轻松 的感觉;在涉及到生命消逝情节时,音乐是那种深沉悲壮的,给人 一种哀叹惋惜的感觉;在涉及希望的时候,音乐就渐渐地细腻、温情,给人一种舒适的感觉。 当安迪得知妻子背叛了自己,坐在车里喝酒,手里拿着枪犹豫着是否杀了妻子,虽然他内心很痛苦,但是他还是依然爱着妻子,无法下手,此时的背景音乐是四十年代的布鲁斯音乐《If I didn’t care》,是一种节奏感比较缓慢,比较低沉的音乐,音乐缓慢流放,给人一种压抑、低落的感觉,与此时的安迪内心的痛苦与挣扎相吻合。安迪和其他人在监狱外面劳动的时候,面朝太阳,感受着阳光的温暖,感知着外面世界的美好,此时的音乐是一种舒缓的,联想着镜头里的暖暖的太阳、安迪在外面的舒适可以感觉这是一种惬意的、舒畅淋漓的感觉,将大自然的阳光、世界的温暖与慢节奏的弦乐相结合堪称完美。安迪在广播室播放的音乐是莫扎特的音乐——《费加罗的婚礼》的片段:音乐中的女歌手的高音清澈,非常纯净、旋律悠扬空灵,此时的监狱里面,每个角落的凡人们都能听见,纷纷停下了手中的工作,陶醉在这首音乐作品里,每个人都似乎找到了那个久违了的东西——自


黑暗孤独中只有思想 真正不灭的希望在哪里。也许,仅仅只是在我们自己心里的那一念之善罢了。 当我们心存着仁慈,以平常之心去对待所有对我们公平或者不公平的事情。 不管我们遇到的是一种什么样的状况。我们总能泰然处之并且找到通往救赎的天堂之路。 ——火神纪。题记。 史蒂芬·金编剧、蒂姆·罗宾斯和摩根·弗里曼主演、弗兰克·达拉邦特执导的第一部银幕作品。在现在看来似乎都是鼎鼎大名的这些人们,在这部电影公映的1994年的时候,最著名的也许只有史蒂芬·金和摩根·弗里曼。在当年来说,这部电影不敌同年问鼎奥斯卡的《阿甘正传》也许也就不那么奇怪了。 这是一部极其轻缓的电影。我喜欢这部电影那种娓娓道来的语调以及这种大气的节奏。这种感觉似乎只能在某种伟大的作品上才能看到;比如之前说到的《阿甘正传》。最好的电影在节奏上来说似乎只有两种,类似这种轻缓的或者那种快节奏以营造紧张气氛见长的。 说这是一部不朽的电影也许一点也不夸张,就算它在奥斯卡的角逐上失利了,可是同样改变不了这种现实。至少这是一部在你看完了之后永远也不会忘记的电影。电影用第三人称的旁白描绘了肖申克监狱二三十年间所发生的所有事情,以瑞德的视角描绘了安迪的作为和因为他而得到救赎的肖申克监狱。 大量的旁白和第三人称的视角赋予了这部电影既主观而又客观的叙述角度;而不管任何一种叙述角度都好,只要运用得当其实并没有优劣之分的,可是在我的个人喜好来说,我相对比较喜欢这种叙述方式。因为很安静,一直很安静,不带半点狂躁的味道。讲述者在安静地诉说,而我在安静地倾听。这就是我所说的那种轻缓味道里最安静的味道。 而不可否认的是,这种味道和这部电影的救赎主题是如此相得益彰的。所以,是不是也可以因此说,这部电影的这种叙述方式和主题是如此统一而给了这部电影有了那种足以让人迷醉的光茫呢。至少说,这是一部把这种叙述方式运用得当并且成功的电影。 一部伟大而不朽的作品似乎只要在我们谈及某种东西的时候就能让我们立刻联想到这部作品。比如监狱、救赎、希望、努力……我们会想到这部电影。 【关键词:黑暗】 在很多人的定义里,这首先是一部嘲讽美国司法制度和狱政制度的电影。因为如果不是因为司法制度上的错判的话,安迪是不会进入肖申克监狱;而如果不是因为狱政制度上阴暗腐败的话,安迪也不会成为诺顿的洗黑钱机器也不会有了后面的整个故事。然而在我的定义里,这部电影首先定义上应该是一部有关人性黑暗以及救赎的电影,如果把它定义在司法制度和狱政制度上的讽世之作的话反正局限了这部电影本身的那种更深一层的意义而让这部电影显得肤浅了。 在我看来,不论是司法制度上的漏洞或者是狱政制度上的阴暗腐败,其根本依旧还是人性上的阴暗和贪婪。如果说,安迪的错判入狱还仅仅只是因为司法制度上的错判,那么后来安迪得到了一个推翻错误回归到自由社会的机会,可是这个机会却威胁到了典狱长诺顿的安全和洗黑钱系统的整体流程的话,那么,这个机会被诺顿的彻底扼杀就完整地体现了这种人性上的黑暗。 人性是所有一切社会规则和法规的根本。不管多健全的制度最终依旧只能靠人去操作运转,而如果操持着整个制度的人本身依旧带着贪婪的欲望去观摩这一切的时候,他们总能找


-Lawyer: Mr Dufresne, describe the confrontation you had with your wife the night she was murdered. confrontation: 对审murder: 谋杀 Mr Dufresne,描述一下你太太被谋杀当晚,你曾和她谈过些什么? -Andy: It was very bitter. She said she was glad I knew, that she hated all the sneaking around. bitter: 苦的,痛苦的sneaking: 秘密的,不公开的 一些很糟糕的话,她说她很高兴我已知道,她不想再偷偷摸摸了。 And she said that she wanted a divorce in Reno. divorce: 离婚Reno: 里诺(美国有名的“离婚城市”, 在内华达州西部, 凡欲离婚者, 只须在该市住满三个月, 即可离婚) 她说她想离婚。 -Lawyer: What was your response? response: 反应 你当时有什么反应? -Andy: I told her I would not grant one. grant:同意 我对她说我不会同意的, -Lawyer: I'll see you in hell before I see you in Reno. Those were your words, according to your neighbors. neighbor: 邻居hell: 地狱 “在我看见你在雷诺市前,下地狱吧!”你的邻居曾听你说过这些话吧? -Andy: If they say so. I really don't remember. I was upset. upset:不高兴 随他们怎么说,我当时很不开心,什么都不记得了。 -Lawyer: What happened after you argued with your wife? argue with: 与……吵架 你和太太争吵后发生了什么事? -Andy: She packed a bag. She packed a bag to go and stay with Mr. Quentin. pack:塞满了...的 她收拾好行李,到Quentin先生家里去了。 -Lawyer: Glenn Quentin, golf pro at the Snowden Hills Country Club whom you had discovered was your wife's lover. golf pro: 【职业高尔夫教练】[Professional golfer –from Wikipedia] a golf pro 高尔夫球职业选手 Glenn Quentin,职业高尔夫教练,你知道他是你妻子的情人。 Did you follow her? follow: 追踪 你跟踪她了吗? -Andy: I went to a few bars first. Later, I drove to his house to confront them. They weren't home. bar: 酒吧confront: 面对 我先去了几间酒吧找,接着,我开车去了Quentin家,但他们不在家里。 I parked in the turnout and waited. park: 停车turnout:岔路口 我把车停在街角,等在那里。


四川大学外国语学院王明微 2014141051089 三幕式结构理论分析《肖申克的救赎》——用智慧改变人生 在西方的戏剧中,普遍使用“幕”(Act)作为大的单位。好莱坞许多电影会采用经典的三幕式结构,这意味着在电影的某些特定时刻会出现一些有着特定功能的特定事件,而这些事件往往大都为情节递进和人物塑造服务。创作者往往利用观众对故事进展的好奇心理和人物的移情作用来开展整部电影的叙事结构。本文就以影片《肖申克的救赎》为例,来分析这部影片三幕式结构的设置以及主人公安迪如何用智慧改变自己的人生。 电影剧本结构的定义是:一系列互为关联的人物、情节和事件按线性安排,最后导致戏剧性结局。这就意味着,故事是从开端向前发展直到结尾,在剧本的前几分钟需要向观众介绍三件事情:谁是主人公? 戏剧性的前提是什么? 戏剧性情境又是什么? 而这些设置就是为了激发观众的好奇心理和对人物的移情心理。经典的三幕式结构具体如下: 第一幕:建立起人物关系、介绍中心人物以及其所面临的主要问题,给电影打基础,引起观众注意。 第二幕:复杂的人物关系得到进一步发展,中心人物为解决他所面临的主要问题与困难作斗争,进一步通过矛盾与主要斗争开展情节。 第三幕:强化故事中出现的状况,使之达到一个高潮或是形成一种对抗的局面,中心人物用通常是用戏剧化的方式解决问题,最终获得精神上的满足。 在影片《肖申克的救赎》中第一个出现在银幕的人物就是中心人物安迪。这是好莱坞电影传统的叙事策略,首先把主人公推出来,从而利用观众对主人公的好奇心和移情作用以及对主人公命运的担忧,把观众逐步带入整个故事。 整部电影有了故事主人公,接下来就是设置戏剧性的前提,这部影片的戏剧性前提是: 安迪被冤枉入狱,他如何才能逃脱这样的命运实现自我救赎呢? 戏剧性前提要为电影引出一个大的方向和目标,主人公所有的言行都是为此而努力奋斗的。因此,影片中主人公出场遇到的困境就是被冤枉入狱,能够逃离这种命运便成为安迪所有行为动作努力的方向。他要逃离的是这种被禁锢下没有自由和希望的命运,而不仅仅是逃离肖申克监狱而已。逃离监狱只是主人公的外在动作,而逃离这种命运才是主人公最真实的内在渴望。观众被安迪的渴望深深吸引,想看看他能不能最终逃离这种命运,又或者不能逃离的话,他会经历些什么。他是最终洗刷冤情被放出来? 还是自己想方设法逃出来? 还是逐渐适应了监狱里的生活?……这种种的可能性,是吸引观众看下去的关键。


《肖申克的救赎》观后感 这是我第二次看这部电影。其实在很早之前我都一直想看它,但是碍于各种原因一直没机会,后来终于有机会了,但却没留下任何印象。而这一次,又完全是偶然,但是却给了我不少感触,收获颇多,觉得这是一部值得再看的电影。 我看过不少写狱中生活的电影,包括《越狱》,它们所反映的狱中生活都是恐怖的代名词。这部电影也不然。但是,它除了描述邪恶之外,更多的是人的希望,激发人积极向上的思想。 无辜的银行家安迪入狱,开始时努力适应新环境,但并不和别人打交道,但是两个月后还是开始和别人打起了交道,并和瑞德等人成为好朋友,狱中生活虽然很艰苦,但是其中不乏温馨的场面,譬如,瑞德他们一群人在夕阳的余晖下享受安迪的啤酒,享受心灵上的自由...... 虽然安迪在狱中也受了不少苦,但是他从未自暴自弃。 让我很有感触的还有老布,他是监狱中看管图书馆的,也是一名罪犯,在狱中呆了大半辈子,最终获假释时却不想出去。瑞德分析他是制度化了,在狱中他是有地位的,但是出去后他什么都干不了,更何况双手又有关节炎。所以,出狱后不久,老布便自杀了,我想也许死于他才是真正的一种自由。 其实,电影着重向人们传递一种生活的态度,一种永远心存希望的人生态度。可以说,被判无期徒刑的安迪甚至于鲨堡狱中所有的有罪的无罪的罪犯,他们的生活几乎是没有希望了,但是电影通过安迪这一任务,他的所作所为,像我们展示了希望的力量。 安迪在狱中写了六年的信,终于得到了200元的资助和一些别人捐的旧书,这是安迪的狱中图书馆的开始,后来他又坚持写信,又获得了另一笔500元的图书馆资助,后来他的图书馆越办越好,他还组织别人考学历,帮助汤米从ABC开始学习。 但是,他却从一开始就在为逃狱做准备,所以到最后,我们不得不佩服他的智慧,开始觉得他为典狱长洗钱是一种交易,自己可以好过些的交易,但是后来才知道,他在为以后做准备。 可以说,这部影片真的很精彩,他向我们展示了知识的力量和希望的力量。对于生活的态度更应该是积极的,就像安迪所说,就是因为在牢中,所以有些东西才有意义,因为他们可以告诉自已有些东西是石墙关不住的,有些东西是别人管不住的,那就是希望......所以,他重拾自己的爱好,甚至为了放几首音乐而被关禁闭两个星期。 影片结局安迪成功逃狱,这只管不住的小鸟终于自由了,瑞德也终于获得假释。最后的


肖申克的救赎影评(一): 《肖申克的救赎》:我们要救赎的,是我们本该拥有的 真正优秀的电影不是快餐文化,它能反映社会的现实、人性的本真和人生的价值,能够打动人们的内心,触动人们的灵魂,引发人们无限的思考和回忆。《肖申克的救赎》就是这样的一部影片。它几乎永远是影迷心中的经典、电影论坛里但是时的话题、影碟店内的畅销货、 在imdb排行版中,《肖申克的救赎》名列第一位,由于某些特殊原因无缘奥斯卡,因此能够说它是真正的无冕之王。那么这部电影究竟为什么具有如此之大的魅力呢?我想源于人类普遍的信仰和追求:期望、自由和友谊。 影片开始使用交叉剪辑的画面传递出这样一组画面:1947年的某夜,眼神中充满不解与愤怒的银行家安迪坐在车中,喝醉了酒,手中握着左轮手枪;房间内他的妻子和高尔夫教练的婚外情正在进行;然后是法庭上律师对安迪的严密盘问。透过可能性的整合,这组画面向观众传达出了一种因果关系,安迪因狠枪杀了他妻子和她的情人,最终被判两个无期徒刑。关押地点即在肖申克监狱(也翻译为鲨堡监狱shawshank),这正好能够切合观众的主观思维,即真有犯罪才存在救赎的前提。 期望是人类最完美的拥有,只要自己不放下,期望就会永远相伴相随。自由与期望相伴。 在肖申克监狱中关键的人物主要是监狱中神通广大的商贩瑞德(red)、图书馆管理员老布(brook)和典狱长。在安迪刚进监狱时,他的眼底竟然没有任何意识,像是灵魂被抽空了一般。瑞德和他的狱友打赌安迪将是第一个在监狱的夜晚哭泣的人,但是安迪只是持续着一开始的沉默和忧郁。而那个无助哭泣的胖子则被活活打死,让人第一次看到了影片中监狱的冷漠、无情和黑暗。无疑,监狱注定是一个没有期望的地方,那里只有严酷的体制、骇人的惩罚和高厚的墙壁,因为也许那里住的是所谓没有期望的人。 但是影片的高超之处在于创造了一种主题性的悖论,从而创造出了现实中的神话。当其他的囚犯问安迪为什么他会来到那里时,他回答道:我是无罪的。瑞德听后应到来那里的都是无罪的。这是其一,即为什么有罪的地方会关押着无罪的人。二是,监狱往往让人想到的是人生的日落,又怎样会有期望的燃起?会有日落后的太阳?


ANDY安迪 My wife used to say I'm a hard man to know. Like a closed book. Complained about it all the time. (pause) She was beautiful. I loved her. But I guess I couldn't show it enough. (softly) I killed her, Red. “我妻子曾说我是个难于理解的人,像一本合着的书,她总在抱怨。(停了一下)她很美,我爱她,但是也许我表示的不够。(轻轻地)是我杀了她,瑞德。” ANDY安迪 I didn't pull the trigger. But I drove her away. That's why she died. Because of me, the way I am. “不是我开的枪,但是我把她赶走的,那是 她死去的原因。因为我,因为我那样对她。” RED瑞德 That don't make you a murderer. Bad husband, maybe. “那你并不是凶手,顶多是个不好的丈夫。” Feel bad about it if you want. But you didn't pull the trigger. “你可以为此难过,但不是你开的枪。” ANDY安迪 No. I didn't. Someone else did, and I wound up here. Bad luck, I guess. “是的,不是我开的。别人杀了她,我却在这里受罪。我想是运气不好吧。”


从社会学分析《肖申克的救赎》 软件工程134班刘倩电影《肖申克的救赎》的故事起源于1947年,银行家安迪·杜弗伦的妻子有婚外情,被误认酒醉后为杀妻及其情人的凶手而被判无期徒刑。在肖申克监狱20年的牢狱生活他遭遇屈辱和打击,却始终不失希望,一直以自己的爱好专长在监狱中发光发彩。他自觉因为对妻子不够关心而引起这些悲哀的事件,所以承受20年的牢狱之灾只为赎罪。而坚忍20年后,就立志逃出这个魔窟,不愿承受强加在自己身上的罪责与惩罚,最终成功地过上了芝华塔尼欧的闲散生活。 下面我将从以下几个社会学的角度并结合自己的见解分析这整个故事。 一、社会文化与社会制度 文化是一个复杂的综合体,其中包括知识、信仰、艺术、道德、法律、风俗以及人作为社会成员之一所获得的各种能力和习惯。 社会制度是用来安排人们的活动、满足诸如秩序、信仰,生产等社会需要而设立的一套习俗、民俗、行为模式,如法律制度、家庭制度等。 若想清晰地理解这部电影,了解美国的社会文化背景是必不可少的。 在故事的开始就是审判的一幕,我们不解安迪为什么一直保持沉默,从一般思维考虑,被定罪是应该讲究真凭实据,而在当时,欧美法律体系中这种推理性的司法系统已经足够定罪,对无期徒刑的判决,安迪是无法做多余的挣扎。 入狱不久,安迪就遭受了狱中色情狂魔的屡屡侵犯。当时的美国监狱狱政混乱,狱警只要能在私底下得到好处,对狱霸的暴行从来不闻不问。之后安迪折磨的减轻得多亏美国监狱实施的狱政改革,肖申克开始实行狱外劳动制,让犯人在相当的监督下到狱外劳作,包括从事各种公共劳动。拿典狱长诺顿的话来说,“这是狱政的一大进步,他们将学到诚实劳动的价值。”然而,在狱政历史上受到积极评价的狱外劳动制却也打开了狱方贪污腐败的方便之门……这一系列的文化、制度背景为安迪的救赎路增加了不寻常的色彩。 二、社会角色与社会互动(同性恋、体制化) 安迪的入狱意味着他的社会角色从银行家瞬间中断,成为了阶下囚。和另外一位刚开始就表现惊恐暴躁,以至于被乱棍打死的囚徒相比,安迪只沉浸在个人的世界里,他悠闲的步调和白净的脸庞很快引起“三姐妹”的注意。欲用性的方式侵占。这不单单只是两个社会角色的冲突,还有两个角色间的道德观和荣辱观。“三姐妹”常年监禁,性生活得不到满足,他们摒弃了安迪本有的男性角色而赋予安迪新的身份,这也是他们角色不清的表现。 “体制化”是电影给我最深刻的一个词汇。图书管理员老布的死亡反映的就是由角色中断带来的社会互动问题。 影片里的瑞德说:“这些墙很有趣,刚入狱的时候,你痛恨周围的围墙,慢慢地你习惯了生活在其中,最终你会发现自己不得不依靠它而生存,这就叫‘体制化’。”


Andy is sorting books on the cart. He replaces a stack on the shelf -- and pauses, noticing a line of ants crawling up the wood. He glances up. The ants disappear over the top. He pulls a chair over and stands on it, peers cautiously over. 安迪在整理推车上的书,他在更换书架上的一摞书—他停了下来,注意到一行蚂蚁正在木头上往上爬。他抬起头看,蚂蚁消失在顶端。他拉过来把椅子站到上面,仔细地观察。 ANDY安迪 Red! “瑞德” Red steps in with an armload of files. Andy gingerly reaches in, grabs a black feathered wing, and pulls out a dead crow. 瑞德胳膊夹着文件走了进来,安迪小心的走近,抓着一只黑色的羽翅,他拖出一只死乌鸦。 RED (softly)瑞德(轻轻地) Is that Jake? “是杰克吗?” 123 INT -- WOOD SHOP -- DAY (1954) 123内景—木材厂—白天 Red is making something at his bench, sanding and planning. 瑞德在他的长凳上做东西,边打磨边设计。 RED (V.O.)瑞德(旁白) It never would have occurred to us, if not for Andy. It was his idea. We all agreed it was the right thing to do... “如果安迪没有想到,我们永远也想不到。这是他的主意。我们都认为这样做是对的。” 124 EXT -- FIELDS -- DAY (1954) 124外景—田地—白天 Low hilly terrain all around. A HUNDRED CONS are at work in the fields. GUARDS patrol with carbines, keeping a sharp eye. We find Andy, Red, and the boys working with picks and shovels. They glance over to the pickup truck. Hadley's chewing the fat with Mert and Youngblood. A WHISTLE BLOWS. 到处都是丘岭,一百多个犯人正在田地上工作。守卫们拿着卡宾枪巡逻,严密的监视着干活的犯人。安迪、瑞德他们拿着镐和锨在干活,他们不时瞥一眼停在那儿的卡车。哈雷和摩特与杨伯拉德则在一起嚼舌头,哨声响起。 GUARD守卫 Water break! Five minutes! “喝水时间!五分钟!” The work stops. Cons head for the pickup truck, where water is dispensed with dipper and pail. Red and the boys look to Andy. Andy nods. Now's the time. The group moves off through the confusion, using it as cover. They head up the slope of a nearby hill and quickly decide on a suitable spot. The guards haven't noticed. 犯人们停止干活,走向卡车,水在那儿用长勺和桶分发。瑞德他们看看安迪,安迪点点头。是时候了!他们利用混乱,穿过人群。他们走到附近的一个山丘的斜坡,找到一块合适的地方,守卫们并没注意到。Jigger and Floyd start swinging picks into the soft earth, quickly ripping out a hole. Red reaches into his jacket and pulls out a beautiful wooden box, carefully stained and varnished. He shows it around to nods of approval. 齐格尔和弗洛伊德开始挥镐锄土,迅速的挖出一个洞来。瑞德从夹克里取出一个漂亮的木盒,被用心的上了色和涂了漆。他让大家看看,大家点头称赞。 ANDY安迪 That's real pretty, Red. Nice work. “真漂亮!瑞德,干得好!” HEYWOOD海沃德 Shovel man in. Watch the dirt. “铁锨人来啦,看我的吧。” 124 CONTINUED 124 Heywood jumps in and starts spading out the hole. 海沃德跳进去开始住洞外铲土。 125 BY THE TRUCK 125卡车旁

电影《肖申克的救赎》英文台词 打印版

The Shawshank Redemption Mr Dufresne, describe the confrontation you had with your wife the night she was murdered. It was very bitter. She said she was glad I knew, that she hated all the sneaking around. And she said that she wanted a divorce in Reno. - What was your response? - I told her I would not grant one. "I'll see you in hell before I see you in Reno." Those were the words you used, Mr Dufresne, according to the testimony of your neighbors. If they say so. I really don't remember. I was upset. What happened after you argued with your wife? She packed a bag... She packed a bag to go and stay with Mr Quentin. Glenn Quentin, golf pro at the Snowden Hills Country Club whom you had discovered was your wife's lover. Did you follow her? I went to a few bars first. Later, I drove to his house to confront them. They weren't home. I parked in the turnout and waited. With what intention? I'm not sure. I was confused drunk. I think mostly I wanted to scare them. When they arrived, you went up to the house and murdered them. was sobering up. I got back in the car and I drove home to sleep it off. Along the way, I stopped and threw my gun into the Royal River. I feel I've been very clear on this point. Well where I get hazy where the cleaning woman shows up the following morning and finds your wife in bed with her lover riddled with point 38-caliber bullets. Does that strike you as a fantastic coincidence, Mr Dufresne, or is it just me? Yes, it does. Yet you still maintain you threw your gun into the river before the murders took place. That's very convenient. It's the truth. The police dragged that river for three days, and nary a gun was found So there is no comparison could be made between your gun and the bullets taken from the bloodstained corpses of the victims. And that also is very convenient. Isn't it, Mr Dufresne? Since I am innocent of this crime So I find it decidedly inconvenient that the gun was never found. Ladies and gentlemen, you've heard all the evidence. You know all the facts. We have the accused at the scene of the crime. We have footprints. Tire tracks. Bullets scattered on the ground bearing his fingerprints. A broken bourbon bottle, likewise with fingerprints. And most of all We have a beautiful young woman and her lover lying dead in each other's arms. They had sinned. But was their crime so great as to merit a death sentence? While you think about that... think about this A revolver holds six bullets, not eight. I submit that this was not a hot-blooded crime of passion. That at least could be understood, if not condoned. No. This was revenge of a much more brutal, cold-blooded nature. Consider this Four bullets per victim. Not six shots fired, but eight. That means that he fired the gun empty and then stopped to reload so that he could shoot each of them again. An extra bullet per lover right in the head. You strike me as a particularly icy and remorseless man, Mr Dufresne. It chills my blood just to look at you. By the power vested in me by the state of Maine I hereby order you to serve two life sentences back-to-back one for each of your victims. So be it! Sit. We see by your file you've served years of a life sentence? - Yes, sir. - You feel you've been rehabilitated? Oh yes sir. Absolutely, sir. I mean, I learned my lesson. I can honestly say that I'm a changed man. I'm no longer a danger to society. That's God's honest truth. Hey, Red. How'd it go? Same old shit, different day. Yeah, I know how you feel. I'm up for rejection next week. Yeah, I got rejected last week. It happens. Hey, Red, bump me a deck. Get out of my face, man! You're into me for five packs already. Four! Five! There must be a con like me in every prison in America. I'm the guy who can get it for you. Cigarettes, a bag of reefer, if that's your thing a bottle of brandy to celebrate your kid's high school graduation. Damn near anything within reason. Yes, sir! I'm a regular Sears and Roebuck. So when Andy Dufresne came to me in and asked me to smuggle Rita Hayworth into the prison for him I told him, "No problem." Andy came to Shawshank Prison in early for murdering his wife and the fella she was banging. On the outside, he've been vice president of a large Portland bank. Good work for a man as young as he was Hey, Red You speak English, butt-steak? You follow this officer. I never seen such a sorry-Iooking heap of maggot shit in all my life. Hey, fish! Come over here! Tak'in bets today, Red? Smokes or coin? Bettor's choice. Smokes. Put me down for two. All right, who's your horse? That little sack of shit. Eighth. - Eighth from the front He'll be first. - Oh bullshit! I'll take that action. - yeth, me too. You're out some smokes, son. Let me tell you. Oh Heywood, If you're so smart, you call it. I'll take that chubby fat-ass there. The fifth one from the front. Put me down for a quarter deck. Fresh fish today! We're reeling them in! I admit I didn't think much of Andy first time I laid eyes on him. Looked like a stiff breeze would blow him over. That was my first impression of the man. What do you say? Red
