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1.Help others whenever you can you'll make the world a nicer place to live.

A. and

B. or

C. unless

D. but

2.These story books for children are awfully written. They are interesting exciting.

A. either, or B・ neither, nor C. both, and D. not only,

but also

3.一Would you like to go to the concert with me?

——I'd love to, I'm afraid I have no time.

A. so Be or C. and D. but

4.一Where was your brother at this time last night?

一He was writing an e-mail I was watching TV at home.

A. as soon as

B. after

C. until

D. while

5.you your brother can join us. We want one of you.

A. Both, and

B. Neither, nor

C. Either, or

D. Not only, but also

6.the story is short and there are no new words in it, it is difficult to understand.

A. But

B. Though

C. And

D. For

7.一Mom, shall we have supper now?

一Oh, we won't have supper your dad comes back.

A. until

B. since

C. while

D. after

8.He won't pass the exam he works hard.

A. whenever

B. because

C. if

D. unless

9.Tony is a quiet student, he is active in class.

A. so

B. and

C. but

D. or

10.They will lose the game hey try their best,

A. unless

B. once

C. since

D. after

11.You won't feel happy at school you get on well with your classmates.

A. though

B. when

C. unless

D. because

12.This is my twin sister, Lucy. Not only she but also I good at drawing.

A. is

B. am

C. are

D. can

13.The restaurant is nice and the food is not bad.I still prefer eating at home.

A. And

B. But

C. So

D. Or

14.Be quick, we'll be late for school.

A. and

B. or

C. so

D. but

15.The rain is very heavy we have to stay at home.

A. but

B. because

C. so

D. and

16.一I don't think your uncle really likes drama series.

一No,he still watches the programme.

A. and

B. so

C. or

D. but

17.You have coughed for several days, BilL Stop smoking,you'll get better soon.

A. but

B. after

C. or

D. and

18.一Rose Jack watched Prince William's wedding on TV


一What a pity! They missed the exciting moment.

A. Both, and

B. Not only; but also

C. Either; or

D. Neither, nor

19.The box was too heavy for me to carry,I pulled it into my room.

A. so

B. and

C. but

D. or

20.1 believe it I see it with my own eyes.

A. won't; and

B. will; but

C. will; until

D. won't; until

II.用适当的并列连词填空(and, but, so, for, or)。

1.Go along the street, you'll find the shop.

2.The weather was very cold, many people were ill.

3.People think we look the same, I can see that we're different.

4.I know him I can't remember his name.

5.You may go with him stay at home alone.

6.Lets take the stone away, there may be an accident.

7.The shop was quite new, it had opened only the week before.

8.My glasses were broken, I need a new pair.


I .单项选择。





5.Co句意为“你或者你弟弟可以加入我们,我们想要你们其中一位"。前后句表示选择关系,所以选either...or,意为“或者...... 或者

6.B。本题是考查引导词though的用法表示“虽然、尽管”的意思。注意选项D 作连词连接并列句不能放在句首。

7.Ao until用于否定句中,表示句子的动作直到until短语所表示的时间才开始发生,即表示动作的起点。While跟连续性的动词;since连接的句子主句一般用现在完成时,从句用过去时。




