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教材共 6 个元:

Unit one What time is it?(第一元几点了?)

元目: 1. 能就具体及一些事情的安排做出、答,并合境用”Let’s ... .”(我一


2.能听懂、 time() , o’clock(整点) , when(什么候)及 1、5、20、30、50等与相关的 ,并能在相情景中合具体短行运用 .

3.能根据字母 a 在中音 /?/ (似音“ ”)的律拼 .

4.能理解内容 ,并能朗 .

Unit two What ’s for breakfast? (第二元早餐吃什么?)

元目: 1. 能用”What’sfor breakfast?”(早餐吃什么?)“I’m hungry.”(我了.)等日常交


2. 能听懂、指并出本元有关食物和料的及短.

3.能初步感知名的可数与不可数 ,用 a(一个) , an(一个) , some(一些) , a cup of (一杯) , a glass of(一杯)表达食物数量 .

4.能根据字母 i 在中音 /i/ (似音“一”)的律拼 .


元目: 1. 能在一定的情景中运用“ Would you like to ... ? ”(你愿意⋯⋯?)礼貌地方的意愿或出邀;能用”Can I use ... , please?”( ,我可以用⋯⋯?)提出自己的求并做出相回答 .

2.能听懂、有关餐具的 spoon(勺子) , bowl (碗) , chopsticks(筷子) , glass (玻璃杯), dish (), fork(叉子), knife(刀子), 洗漱用品的 towel(毛巾), soap(肥皂), shampoo

(洗) , toothbrush(牙刷) , mirror (子) , 能听懂、有关人物日常活的短,如: m (来到我的房) , read my books(我的) , ride my bike(我的) , play with my toys (玩我的玩具) , sit on the chair(坐在椅子上)等 ,并能在相情景中运用 .

3.感知元音字母 e 及字母合 ea 在中的音 /e/,能符合音的 ,如: bed (床) , pen(笔) , red (色)等 .

Unit four Where is my shirt? (第四元我的衫在哪?)

元目: 1. 能用”Where is ... ? Where are ... ”?(⋯⋯在哪?)某人某物在哪里 ,并用 on(在上面),

in(在里面), under(在下面) , behind(在后面)做答.

2.能用”Is this ... ?”(个是⋯⋯?)“Are these ... ?”(双⋯⋯?条⋯⋯?)某人某物是否是方的 ,

并能用”Yes, it is.”“No, it isn ’t.”和”Yes, they are”“.No, they aren’t.”做答 .

3.能听懂、衣物 shirt(衫), coat(外套 ,大衣), dress(衣裙) , cap(帽子),

jacket(克)以及 trousers() , shoes(鞋) , shorts(短) ,socks(袜子) , pants(休)复数衣物 .

4.感知字母 o 在中的音 /?/.(似音“奥”)

Unit five How do you go to school?(第五元你怎么去上学?)

元目: 1. 能听懂、会交通方式的相关功能句及其答.能在真情景中合理运用功能


2.能听懂、表达出行方式的固定短及表示地点、所的和固定搭配 ,并能正确写交通工具 .

3.能根据字母 u 在中的音 /?/(似音“阿”)正确拼 .

Unit six Which season do you like?

元目: 1. 能季 ,用”I like ... . ”(我喜⋯⋯)表达自己喜的季,并明理由或表达

常做的事情 .

2.能听懂、指认并读出表达四季的词和表达活动的动词短语 ,如: plant trees(植树) , go camping(去露营) , pick apples(摘苹果) , play in the snow(在雪里玩) .

3.感受字母组合 ar 在单词中的读音 /a:/(类似发音“啊”)

Unit Function Language and Key

Letters and sounds structure vocabulary

Unit one Talking about time-What time is it?thirty to fifty a: bad, bag, cat, jam, van,

-It ’s seven o’clock.o’clock apple, flag, glad, panda,

-When do you go home?go home, get up,happy, hand

-At five thirty.go to school, go to

-What time is it?bed, go to the

-It ’s nine twenty. It ’s drawing lessons,

time to go to bed.watch the cartoons

Unit two Having meals-What ’s for breakfast?bread, milk, eggs,i: fish, dish, big, gift, river,

-We have bread, milk,fruits, soy milk,king, six, film, it, sing

eggs, and fruits.noodles, fish, fried

-Can I have fish and rice, a hamburger,

rice, please? a hot dog, an egg,

-Yes. Here you are.an orange, a glass

-I’m hungry/thirsty.of water/juice/soy

-Have an orange/ a glass milk, a cup of tea

of water.

Unit three Unit four Invitation and e: bed, pen, red, pet, get, asking for-Yes, we’d love to.the spoon,the neck, leg, desk, vest, jello, permission-Would you like to use glasses, the bowl,yellow, egg, elephant,

the glasses?the chopsticks, the ea:head, bread

-No, thank you.bathroom, the

-Can I use the towel, the soap,

bathroom, please?the shampoo, the

-Sure. / Sorry you can ’t.toothpaste

. Talking about-Where is my shirt?coat, cap, dress,o: box, dog, ox, fox, long, where the things-It ’s under the bed.shirt, jacket,clock, mop, top, hot are,-Is this your jacket?football, watch
