





中国海员之家网站考试资料系列46 期航海英语试题 科目:航海英语试卷代号:903 适用对象:无限航区,近洋航区船舶二、三副 (本试卷卷面总分100 分,及格分数70 分,考试时间100 分钟) 答题说明:请选择一个最合适的答案,并将该答案按答题卡要求,在相应位置上用2B 铅笔涂黑。第1 题至88 题,每题1 分,第89 题至96 题,每题 1.5 分。 一、单项选择题 1. Information on the opening times and characteristics of radiobeacons can be found in which publications? A. List of Light B. Coast Pilot C. Sailing Directions D. List of Radiobeacons 2. Mariners not entering the port are ______ to keep at least one mile off. A. advised B. reported C. complied D. supplied 3. The velocity of the current in large coastal harbors is______. A. predicted in Tidal Current Tables B. unpredictable C. generally constant D. generally too weak to be of concern 4. A mercator chart is a______ A. cylindrical projection B. simple conic projection C. polyconic projection D. rectangular projection 5. Why does distance always have to be measured from the nearest scale on a Mercator chart? A. Because it is the most efficient way B. Because it varies with the change of latitude C. Because it varies with the change of longitude D. Because it is the most straight line 6. Who is responsible for the voyage plan? A. The person who has done the planning B. The master C. The navigation officer D. The owner 7. Charted depth is the______. A. vertical distance from the chart sounding datum to the ocean bottom, plus the height of tide B. vertical distance from the chart sounding datum to the ocean bottom C. average height of water over a specified period of time D. average height of all low waters at a place 8. Defense plans may cause the operation of electronic aids to navigation to be suspended with ______. A. no notice B. one day's notice C. a week's notice D. thirty (30)days notice 9. Periodic publications notifying change in, or additions to, previously published navigational date are______. A. Supplements B. Annual Summary C. Navigational Warning D. Notices to Mariners 10. ______is a full nautical record of a ship's voyage, written up at the end of each watch by the officer of the watch. 中国海员之家网站考试资料系列46 期航海英语试题第2 页 中国海员之家网站(http://www.seamancn. com )搜集整理,更多考试资料请到网站免费下载。 A. Sea Protest B. Deck Log C. Accident Report D. Seaman's Book 11. Do you need to measure oxygen levels before entering an enclosed space?


美国文学部分(American Literature) 一.殖民时期文学(The Literature of the Colonial Period) 1.本章考核知识点和考核要求: 1) 早期殖民地时期的文学的特点 2) 十八世纪美国文学的特点(重点是独立革命前后时期文学) 3) 主要的作家、其概况及其代表作品 4) 术语:the colonial period, American Puritanism, Puritans, Enlightenment in American, the Great A wakening 2.主要作家作品 John Smith第一个美国作家 A True Relation of Virginia and General History of Virginia. Anne Bradstreet 殖民地时期女诗人 The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung up in America (1650) Jonathan Edwards十八世纪上半叶大觉醒时代的代表人物 “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” Benjamin Franklin 本杰明·富兰克林,散文家、科学家、社会活动家,曾参与起草《独立宣言》。十八世纪美国启蒙思想代言人。 《穷查理历书》Poor Richard’s Almanac(收录格言警句) 《致富之道》The Way to Wealth 《自传》The Autobiography (富兰克林原意为写给儿子的家书) Thomas Paine 托马斯·潘恩,散文家、政治家、报刊撰稿人。 《常识》Common Sense ( Paine 最知名的政论文:It was inspired by the first battle of the Revolutionary War—the Battle of Lexington in Concord.) 《美国危机》American Crisis 《人的权利》Rights of Man 《专制体制的崩溃》Downfall of Despotism 《理性时代》The Age of Reason Philip Freneau 菲利普·弗伦诺,著名的“革命诗人”。 《蒸蒸日上的美洲》“The Rising Glo ry of America” 《英国囚船》“The British Prison Ship”(诗人自己被俘,关押于英国囚船的经历)


2017航海英语复习一 Key word 1: Sailing Direction (12) A147. ______published in England amplify charted detail and contain information needed for safe navigation.A.Admiralty Sailing Directions B.Admiralty List of Lights C.Admiralty List of Signals D.Admiralty Notices to Mariners 【知识点】航路指南的作用 【解析】amplify 详述 D3. The sailing directions contain information on ____. A. required navigation lights B. lifesaving equipment standards C. casualty reporting procedures D. current in various locations 【知识点】航路指南的内容 【解析】casualty 伤亡,事故 注:D中的current指的是“海流”。 C18. For full information regarding the current circulation of the Indian Ocean, ______ Sailing Direction, Current Atlas, etc. A. watch B. look for C. see D. regard 【知识点】航路指南的内容 【解析】Current Atlas 潮流表 注:本题在词汇题里很具代表性,相关题目如下: A111. No navigational aids are shown and the chart is not kept corrected for alterations in depths inside the pecked lines. For more detailed information, the larger scale charts must be ___. A. referred to B. appreciated C. met with D. Concerned C177. No navigational aids are shown and chart is not kept corrected for alterations in depths inside the pecked lines.For more detailed information,the larger scale charts must be____. A. bought B. analyzed C. consulted D. Published B181. Ocean Passages for the World and Routeing Charts should be ______ for transoceanic information. A. looked B.consulted C.seen D.Reviewed B192. For details of these and other lights, the larger scale charts and Admiralty Lists should be _____. A. considered B. consulted C. concluded D. Commanded B251. For working details ______ Admiralty list of Radio Signal A. refer B.see C.watch D.Look C165. Admiralty sailing directions published in England are kept up to date by ____. A. corrections B. publications C. supplements D. alterations 【知识点】航路指南的更新与改正 【解析】supplement 补篇 B5. Every new supplement to the sailing directions ____ the previous one. A. enforces B. cancels C. Corrects D. replenishes(充装、装满) A19. In Admiralty Sailing Directions, BANDS is the word used to indicate ______ marking. A. horizontal B. vertical C. diagonal D. vertical or diagonal D20. In Admiralty Sailing Directions, STRIPES is the word used to indicate ______ marking. A. horizontal B. vertical C. diagonal D. vertical or diagonal 【知识点】航路指南用词 【解析】band 横纹;stripe 竖纹或斜纹 Key word 2: Mariner's Handbook (3) C38. The Mariner's Handbook ______ general information affecting navigation and is complementary to the


试题七 一.单项选择题 1. A synthetic mooring line is being heaved on a capstan.There is moderate strain on the line.The line begins to slip.Which of the following should be done?① Stop the capstan and take extra turns.② Have more than one seaman keep a substantial strain on the line and continue heaving easy. A. ① only B. ② only C. Both ① and ② D. Neither ① nor ② 2. ______Two degree on starboard. A. What rudder B. How heading C. Are you on your course D. How answer 3. You should plot your dead reckoning position ______. A. when you obtain an estimated position B. ONL Y in piloting waters C. at every speed change D. All of the above are correct 4. V essel must be ______duly qualified officers and crew. A. supplied with B. equipped by C. manned with D. fitted with 5. T he ship's officers must ______checking on the stowage of all the cargoes loaded on board. A. do B. be interested in C. have relation to D. be troubled with 6. Heavy fuel oils when spilled are ______. A. more harmful to sea life than lighter oils B. easier to clean up than lighter refined oils C. less harmful to sea life than lighter oils D. not a real threat to marine life 7.______will reduce the visibility. A. dust B. sea water C. land sand D. wind 8. The commander of a rescue unit designated to co-ordinate search and rescue operations within a specified area is the ______. A. General commander B. Commander general C. Search commander D. On-scene commander 9. Failure to comply with the clauses of charter party may result in action against the vessel. A. be making B. being taken C. be taking D. being made 10. Which of the following best indicates how many tons of cargo a ship can carry? A. Bale cubic B. Deadweight C. Gross tonnage D. Net tonnage 11. You are at anchor in fog on a 120-meter power-driven vessel. You hear the fog signal of a vessel approaching off your port bow. You may sound ______. A. one short,one prolonged,and one short blast B. one prolonged,one short and one prolonged C. one prolonged blast D. two short blasts 12. Fire hose couplings ______. A. are made of bronze,brass,or soft alloy metals B. should be painted red in order to identify hose lengths C. are specially hardened to prevent crushing D. should be greased frequently 13. A Doppler speed log indicates speed over ground ______.


中华人民共和国海事局 海船船员适任证书全国统考模拟试题 科目:航海英语试卷代号:902 适用对象:无限航区、近洋航区船舶大副 (本试卷卷面总分100分,及格分为70分,考试时间100分钟) 答题说明:请选择一个最合适的答案,并将该答案按答题卡要求,在相应位置上用2B铅笔涂黑.第1题至82题,每题1分,第83题至94题,每题1.5分. 一.单项选择题 1.The characteristic of a lighted cardinal mark may be ________. A.very quick flashing B.flashing C.fixed D.occulting 2.________gives a description of the combined Cardinal and Lateral Buoyage system including textual and diagrammatic explanations of the five types of marks,lateral,cardinal,isolated danger,safe water and special marks. A.Ocean Passages for the World(NP136) B.Symbols and Abbreviations used on Admiralty Charts,Chart 5011 C.IALA Maritime Buoyage System(NP735) D.The Mariners Handbook(NP100) 3.A line of position from a celestial observation is a segment of a ________. A.Circle of equal altitude B.Parallel of declination C.Parallel of altitude D.Vertical circle 4.________is not contained in the NM Weekly. A. Amendments to Admiralty Sailing Directions B. Amendments to Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals C. Amendments to Admiralty List of Radio Signals D. Supplement to Guide to Port Entry 5.The Coast Radio Stations are found in ________. A.Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals B.Admiralty Maritime Communications C.Admiralty List of Radio Signals D.Admiralty Digital List of Lights 6.A chart has extensive corrections to be made to it.When these are made and the chart is again printed,the chart issue is a ________. A.First edition B.New edition C.Revised edition D.Reprint 7.When an azimuth of the Sun has been taken and the deviation of the standard magnetic compass computed,the watch officer should record the results ________. A. in the vessel's Official Logbook B. on the compass deviation card C. in the compass deviation log D. on a Napier diagram 8.The indemnity for damage to cargo shall be determined on the basis of the {difference} between the value of the goods before and after the damage. A. profit B. surplus C. balance D. interest 9.A decrease in barometric pressure is associated with all of the following except ________. A. rising warm air B. proximity to a low pressure area C. inward spiraling circulation D. clear dry weather 10.On a nautical chart,the inner ring of a compass rose indicates _________. A.True directions B.Compass error C.Deviation D.Magnetic directions 11.The height of a tide can be increased by_________. A.A storm surge B.A high pressure area C.The jet stream D.A cold front 12.That REMOVE ANY LIST ON THE V/L AFTER EACH W ATCH END means that _________.A.any list, no matter where it is posted, shall be removed prior to ending his watch by the OOW B.the vessel should not be removed C.any and all lists on board the vessel should be taken off D.the inclination of the vessel should be corrected prior to ending his watch by the OOW 13.Protection of cargo against tainting damage can best be obtained by _________. A. Ventilating the space. B. Not ventilating the space. C. Proper use of paper separation and dunnage. D. Segregation of cargo by using different hatches 14.Instructions for training of new seamen are usually found in _________. A.Decklogs B.Night Orders C.Standing orders D.Muster List 15.I'll have the damaged parts repaired in Hongkong and send you in due course the amount of expenses _________. A.Incurred B.Happened C.Spent D.Paying out 16.The issue of Notices to Mariners of charts and these aids(Radar beacons)may be delayed until such time as they are assessed to be _________. A.temporary B.permanent C.occasional D.steady 17.The Owners to have a ________upon all cargoes and subfreights belonging to the Time-Charterers and any Bill of Lading freight for all claims under this Charter. A. laden B. lading C. lying D. lien 18.We regret that in view of the above,we are not in a position to ________liability for the shortage.A.Consume B.Perfume C.Assume D.Confuse 19.The helm command CHECK HER means ________. A.test the steering control B.read the compass heading C.stop the swing using hard over rudder D.slow the swing using moderate rudder 20.Under the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act of 1936,a vessel will be liable for damage to a cargo when the damage arises from ________. A.Unseaworthiness when sailing B.Insufficient packing C.Quarantine delays D.Mismanagement of the vessel 21.The fitting that allows a boom to move freely both vertically and laterally is called the ________. A. swivel B. lizard C. spider band D. gooseneck 22.The vessel to be ________on the expiration of the Charter in the like goods order as when delivered to the Charterers. A. delivered B. redelivered C. taken over D. withdrawn


一、海图及海图作业50题 [251]To agree with larger scale chart,latitudes taken from this chart should be increased ______ about 8 seconds. A. with B. in C. by D. to [252]On this chart only the principle ______ to navigation are shown.A.equipment's B.tools C.apparatus D.aids [253]Many of the soundings shown on the chart are derived from _____.Undue reliance should not be placed upon them. A. complete and often very poor surveys B. correct and often very good surveys C. inadequate and often very old surveys D. adequate and present surveys [254]Lines on a chart which connect points of equal magnetic variation are called ______. A. magnetic latitudes B. magnetic declinations C. dip D. isogonic lines [255]Isogonic lines are lines on a chart indicating ___. A. points of equal variation B. points of zero variation C. the magnetic latitude D. magnetic dip [256]In which source could you find the number of a chart for a certain geographic area? ______. A. Chart No. 1 B. Catalog of Charts C. IMO Practical Navigator D. IMO Light List [257]How is the annual rate of change for magnetic variation shown on a pilot chart? ______. A. Gray lines on the uppermost inset chart B. Red lines on the main body of the chart C. In parenthesis on the lines of equal magnetic variation D. Annual rate of change is not shown. [258]Charted depth is the ______. A.vertical distance from the chart sounding datum to the ocean bottom,plus the height of tide B.vertical distance from the chart sounding datum to the ocean bottom C.average height of water over a specified period of time D.average height of all low waters at a place [259]Chart correction information is NOT disseminated through the ______. A. Summary of Corrections B. Local Notice to Mariners C. Daily Memorandum D. Chart Correction Card [260]All straight lines represent great circle tracks on a chart based on a(n) ______. A. Mercator projection B. polyconic projection C. orthographic projection D. gnomonic projection [261]A revised print of a chart is made ______. A. after every major hydrographic survey of the area covered by the chart B. when there are numerous corrections to be made or the corrections are extensive C. when a low-stock situation occurs and minor corrections are made D. every two years to update the magnetic variation information [262]A Mercator chart is a ______. A. cylindrical projection B. simple conic projection C. polyconic projection D. rectangular projection [263]______ chart 3994,positions read from this chart should be shifted 0.03 minutes Northward. A. To consider B. To check C. To examine D. To agree with [264]The changes in the channel's sands and buoys on this coast are ______ this chart can not be considered as a safe guide of the channel.A. frequent B. so frequent C. frequent that D. so frequent that [265]______ is a term denoting the determination of a ship's position by observations of Celestial or terrestrial objects,or by a combination of both. A. Course-planning B. Position-fixing C. Radar-plotting D. Stowage-plan making [266]A chart position enclosed by a semi-circle is a(n) A. fix B. estimated position C. dead reckoning position D. running fix [267]A true bearing of a charted object,when plotted on a chart,will establish a ______. A. fix B. line of position C. relative bearing D. range [268]Admiralty Charts are published in ______. A. U.S.A B. China C. U.K D. Japan [269]Attention is ______ the advice on the use of charts in The Mariner's Handbook Chapter 3,Section 1.A. fixed to B. needed for C. pushed to D. drawn to [270]Distance along a track line is measured on a Mercator chart by using the ______. A. latitude scale near the middle of the track line B. longitude scale near the middle of the track line C. latitude scale at the midlatitude of the chart D. latitude or longitude scale at the middle of the scale [271]Entering from sea,a daymark on the port side of the channel would be indicated on a chart by a ______. A. red triangle with the letter R B. white triangle with the letters RG C. green square with the letter G D. white square with the letters GR [272]Magnetic information on a chart may be ______. A. found in the center(s) of the compass rose(s) B. indicated by isogonic lines C. found in a note on the chart D. All of the above [273]My position has been obtained ______ astronomical observation.A. with B. from C. on D. by [274]Navigational charts are ______ frequent changes,the important one of which are promulgated by Admiralty Notices to Mariners. A. published with B. combined with C. in connection with D. subject to [275]On the south and the east coasts of Block Island are circles with a dot in the center and labeled CUP. This is a ______. A. conspicuous object B. steep depression in the surrounding hills that resembles a cup C. domed structure useful for navigation D. calling-up-point used for traffic control [276]Solid green arrows on the main body of a pilot chart indicate ______. A. prevailing wind directions B. prevailing ocean current directions C. probable surface current flow D. shortest great circle routes [277]The agonic line on an isomagnetic chart indicates the ______. A. magnetic equator B. magnetic longitude reference line C. points where there is no variation D. points where there is no annual change in variation [278]The buoy symbol printed on your chart is leaning to the northeast. This indicates ______. A. you should stay to the north or east of the buoy B. you should stay to the west or south of the buoy C. the buoy is a major lighted buoy D. nothing special for navigational purposes [279]The chart of a beach area shows a very flat slope to the underwater beach bottom. What type of breakers can be expected when trying to land a boat on this beach? A.Surging B.Spilling C.Plunging D.Converging [280]The chart symbol indicating that the bottom is coral is ______. A. C B. Cl C. Co D. c [281]The charts sold are of ______. A. newly edition with up to date correction and in reasonable prices. B. the current edition and incorporate the last Notices to Mariners correction C. the current edition and incorporate the latest Notices to Mariners correction at the time of sale. D. brand-new one with up to date correction and clean writing [282]The compass rose on a nautical chart indicates both variation and ______. A. deviation B. annual rate of variation change C. precession D. compass error [283]The description Racon beside an illustration on a chart would mean a ______. A.radar conspicuous beacon B.circular radiobeacon C.radar transponder beacon D.radar calibration beacon [284]The maximum difference between mean time and apparent time is ______. A. equal to the longitude expressed in time units B. about 16 minutes C. the difference between the GHA of mean sun and the first point of Aries D. 15°of arc [285]The numeral in the center of a wind rose circle on a pilot chart indicates the ______.
