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Terms of payment: 支付条款

D/A: (documents against acceptance)商业单据是凭承兑交单交付款人,是指出口人的交单以进口人在汇票上的承兑为条件。

D/P: (documents against payment) 商业单据是凭付款交单交付款人,是指出口人的交单是以进口人的付款为条件。Down Payment: 首期付款

Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee: 不可撤销保证函

Pro forma invoice: 形式发票

Documentary L/C: 跟单信用证,是开证行凭跟单汇票或仅凭单据付款的信用证。

Clean L/C: 光票信用证,是开证行凭不附单据的汇票付款的信用证。

Bills of Lading(B/L): 提单

Compensation: 赔偿金

Process unit: 工艺设备

Delivery and terms of delivery: 交货及交货条款

General provisions: 一般规定

Components: 组件

Implementation: 履行,落实

Container vessel: 集装箱船

Incorporated parts: 配套件

DDP: 完税后交货

Packing and marking: 包装与标记

Design liaison and design review: 设计联络与设计总览Standards and inspection: 标准与检验

Erection, commissioning, and acceptance: 安装,调试与验收Liquidated damages and claims: 损失和赔偿金

Force majeure clauses: 不可抗力条款

Demurrage: 滞留费,滞留

Arbitration: 仲裁

Patent infringement, secrecy, licence: 专利侵权,保密,执照Termination for default: 违约终止

Coming into force: 合同生效

Miscellaneous: 其他事项

Contract amendments: 合同修订

Assignment and subcontract: 分配与分包

Termination for insolvency: 破产终止

Performance bond: 履约保证金

Change orders: 变更通知书

Governing language and unit of measurement: 合同语言与测量单位

Correspondence: 信件

Limitation of liability: 责任限制

Confidentiality-use of contract documents and information: 保密-合约单据与信息的使用

Spare parts: 零备件

Specimen: 样票
