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1.我们直飞香港We flew direct to Hong Kong.

2.飞行员成功的按时着陆了The pilot succeeded in landing on time.

3.我们乘公共汽车和出租车游览了城市We toured the city by bus and by taxi.

4.上周末,我们乘坐长途汽车游览了颐和园然后绕着湖散步Last weekend ,we took a tour by coach to the Summer Palace and went for a long walk around the lake.

5.我们最好回去学习We’d better get back to work.

6.只要你好好学习,就没有什么好担心的There’s nothing to worry about as long as you work hard.

7.在考试结束后,有一个毕业生聚会After the exam ,there’s the school-leavers’ party.

8.你坐错位置了You’ve taken the wrong sea t.

9.请把你的票准备好Please have your tickets ready.

10.我真笨How stupid of me!

11.那真好that’s very good of

12.在这漫长旅途中我将有可以说话的人了I’ll have someone to talk to on the long journey.


1.......什么样子what are......like

2.在英国一个班有多少学生How many pupils are there a class in English?

3.大部分的英国学校都有运动场Most English schools have sports grounds.

4.我希望有一天我可以参观Susie的学校I hope I can visit Susie’s school one day.

5.这意味着可以和更多的人一起玩This means more people to play with.

6.如果明年我通过了考试,我将在这里直到我十八岁If pass my exams next year ,I’ll stay here until I’m eighteen.

7.上课前,我们老师检查学生出缺席情况Before class ,our teacher checks which pupils are present or absent.

8.每节课坚持一小时Each lesson lasts for an hour.

9.放学前我们还有两节课We have more lessons before school finishes.

10.有一些人学习德语而不是法语Some people learn German instead of French.

11.幸运的是我们不是没科都要考试It’s lucky we don’t have exams in every subject.

12.在学年期间,通常有参观博物馆和夏令营活动During the school year there are usually visits to museums and to camps for activities.

13.每学期有一次家长会,这样我们的父母和老师可以谈论我们的进步Once a term,there is a parents’ meeting,so our parents and teachers can talk about our progress.

14.在一天开始的时候,班级老师会与学生见面并检查谁在上课或谁缺席Class teachers meet the class and check who is present or absent at the start of the day.

15.有三节40分钟的课,中间有20分钟的休息时间There are three forty-minute lessons,with a twenty-minute break in between.

16.学生可以参加任意多的俱乐部,但他们必须至少参加一个Students may join as many clubs as they like,but they must join at least one.


1.我们现在对医学懂得更多了We know more about medicine today.

2.因为我们知道怎样处理普通的疾病,所以不怎么害怕生病There’s less fear of getting ill because we know how to deal with the ordinary diseases.

3.人们所做的运动不像过去一样多了People don’t take as much exercise as they used to.

4.更多的财富有时候意味着更少的健康Sometimes more wealth means less health.

5.当私家车的数量翻倍时,污染也翻倍了,甚至更严重When the number of cars is doubled ,the pollution is

also doubled , or even worse.

6.人们很少说他们有足够的空闲时间People seldom say they have enough spare time.

7.记得要大点声说Remember to speak up!

8.照顾我们不仅仅是一个全职工作Looking after us was more than a full-time job.

9.因为我的家庭负担不起,所以我没有被送去上学I wasn’t sent to school because my family couldn’t afford it.

10.我高兴看到她每天忙着工作I’m happy to see she is busy working every day.


1.注意一下!Please pay attention for a moment!

2.在我出发之前,有几条规则和建议。Before we set off,there are a few rules and suggestions for you.

3.你们不准走得离山上的小道的边缘太近,因为可能会掉下去摔伤You mustn’t walk too close to the edge of the hill path because you might fall and hurt yourselves.

4.你们不准独自离开You mustn’t go off on your own.

5.别一次把水都喝完Don’t drink all your water in one go.

6.你们必须当心下落的石头You must be careful of falling stones.

7.我们必须保持营地干净We must keep the camp clean.

8.让我们整理一下继续往前走。Let’s tidy up and move on.

9.你千万别做出任何突然的举动或发出声响。You mustn’t make any sudden moves or make a sound.

10.在森林里没有人比熊跑的更快。No one can run faster in the forest than a bear.

11.我看到一只小熊在玩树枝和石头。I saw a baby bear playing with some sticks and stones.

12.我要是伸出手的话,就能摸他。If I reach out ,I can just touch him.

13.我一动不动的站着。I stood very still.

14.每当听到突然的声响,我都会心惊胆战。Every time there was a sudden noise,my blood went cold.


1.他们几分钟后就会赶上来They’ll catch up in a few minutes.

2.我以为我们说好了要在一起的I thought we had an agreement to stay together.

3.他们走得比我们慢They were walking more slowly than us.

4.他跑下台阶时摔倒了He fell over when he was running down the steps.

5.我们最好送你去医院We’d better get you to hospital.

6.用我的手机求助I’ll call for help on my mobile.

7.Tony,告诉所有人我们必须停止散步回家去Tony,tell everyone we have to call off the walk and go back home.

8.由于有了更好的医疗保健,大多数人都活得更健康、更长寿Thanks to better health care,most people are living healthier and longer lives.

9.更重要的是,将来会有越来越多的人庆祝他们的一百岁生日It is even thought that in the future more and more people will celebrate their hundredth birthdays.

10.为了保持健康,你每天至少要走一万步To keep fit you have to walk at least 10,000 steps every day.

11.再过去,人们的工作需要更多的体力劳动In the past,people’s jobs required more physical effort.

12.你现在做的运动和过去做的一样吗? Do you get the same amount of exercise today as they did in the past?

13.吃太多不该吃的食物会损害你的健康Eating too much of the wrong food will harm your health.
