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6.1 复习笔记


1. Speech act theory


2. Cooperative principle and its maxims


3. Gricean theory of conversational implicature





I. Pragmatics

1. Definition

2. Pragmatics vs. semantics

3. Context

4. Sentence meaning vs. utterance meaning

II. Speech act theory

1. Austin’s model of speech acts

2. Searle’s classificati on of speech acts

3. Indirect speech acts

III. Principle of conversation

1. Cooperative Principle and its Maxims

2. Violation of the Maxims

IV. Conversational Implicature

1. Definition

2. Characteristics of Conversational Implicature

(1) Calculability.

(2) Cancellability

(3) Non-detachability

(4) Non-conventionality.

V. Cross-cultural Pragmatic Failure

I. Pragmatics(语用学)


1. Definition(定义)

It is the study of how speakers of a language use sentences to effect successful communication.


2. Relation between pragmatics vs. semantics(语用学与语义学的关系)

(1) Once the notion of context was taken into consideration, semantics spilled over into pragmatics.

(2) What essentially distinguishes semantics and pragmatics is whether in the study of meaning the context of use is considered.

(3) If it is not considered,the study is confined to the area of traditional semantics;if it is considered,the study is being carried out in the area of pragmatics.




3. Context(语境)

(1) Definition(定义)

It is generally considered as constituted by the knowledge shared by the speaker and the hearer. Various components of shared knowledge have been identified, e. g. knowledge of the language. they use, knowledge of what has been said before, knowledge about the world in general, knowledge about the specific situation in which linguistic communication is taking place, and knowledge about each other.



(2) Significance(意义)

Context determines the speaker’s use of language and also the hearer’s interpretation of what is said to him. Without such knowledge, linguistic communication would not be possible, and without considering such knowledge, linguistic communication cannot be satisfactorily accounted for in a pragmatic sense.


4. Sentence meaning vs. utterance meaning(句子意义与话语意义)

While the meaning of a sentence is abstract and de-contextualized,that of an utterance is concrete and context dependent. The meaning of an utterance is based on sentence meaning: it is the realization of the abstract meaning of a sentence in a real situation of communication, or simply in a context.


II. Speech act theory(言语行为理论)


1. Austin’s model of speech acts(奥斯汀的言语行为模式)
