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Week One

Class ______ Name _________ Score _______



Mon ths ago, 1. 梁博还是个在大学学音乐的学生。_____ Now he becomes f he Voice of Chi na ”.

The lucky young man is the winner of the Voice of Chi na , the most popular TV show of last summer. People think Liang Bo ' voice is natural, clear and touching.

The 22-year-old boy was born in Cha ngchu n, Jili n. 2. __ 像很多其他年轻中国人一样,通过弹 __

吉他,他爱上了音乐。_ Liang Bo got his first guitar as a birthday gift when he was in middle school. 3. 他日夜练习。 4. I ca n 'live without my guitar. "He said.

Many people think Lia ng Bo is just like famous Chin ese rock sin gers such as Xu Wei, Wang

Feng and Zheng Jun. 5. But_the_young_man_doesn ___ 'twant_to_stand_in_others ____ ' shadows(—影子).

“like them, but I 'm not going to copy (复制)them. I will be who I am. "He said.

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Mon day


Skin-diving (潜水)is a new sport today. This sport takes you into a wonderful new world.

It is like a visit to the moon! When you are un der water, 1. it is easy for you to climb big ____________________ rocks,because you are no longer heavy.

Here, under water, everything is blue and green. 2._在白天,有足够的光线。_ When fish swim

n earby, you can catch them with your han ds.

3. When you have tanks(箱)of air on your back,you can stay in deep water for a long

time._But you must be careful when you dive in deep water.

4. _ 捉鱼是这项运动最有趣的部分之一。 _ Besides, there are many other uses of skin-diving.

5. _ You_can_clean_ ships_without_taking_them_ out_ of_ the_ water._ You can also get many things from the deep sea.

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1. _________ 一All_of_us ________ want_to_be_ healthy, _______________________ but_not_ all_of

us_know_how_to_stay_healthy. ________ The following

is what we should know.

Eat betwee n 3 and 5 meals a day. Breakfast, lu nch and dinner are n ecessary meals. Also,

try to eat some food whe n you are hun gry.

Drink more water. 2. ____ 每天喝八至U十杯水。_ It keeps your body active.

Sleep about 7 to 8 hours every night. 3. __ 记得不要睡得太多或太少。_

You can 'be healthy without doing exercise. Try to exercise for 30 minutes to an hour

every day such as running and swim ming. And kind of sport is good for your health.

4. Vitamins (维生素)are a necessary part of any healthy diet. Try to eat different kinds

of food to get eno ugh vitam ins. Eat a lot of vegetables and fruit.

Don'smoke and drink less alcohol (酒).5. _______ 抽烟和过量饮酒会使你不健康。 __

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Wedn esday


Can we make animals work for us? 1. Some scientists think that we can teach animals to

do a lot of things for us. They say that in a film or on TV, you may see elepha nts, mon keys,

dogs or some other animals doing a lot of things. If you watch carefully, 2._ you_may find_those ani mals are always give n a li ttle food to eat after they have done something.Scientists say that people can teach many differe nt ani mals to do some easy work if they know they will get someth ing to eat.

Weall know elephants are strong and can carry large logs (木头).Dogs can look after houses.

3. _我们甚至可以教会动物在工厂里工作。In America, for example, people have used apes (猿)to help make cars, and


5._Nowpeople_ are_ trying_to_ get them to do something just like men.

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