


奇迹的时刻 Mirasdfscle Moment

Lasdfsst week, the casdfst thasdfst our fasdfsmily rasdfsised for two yeasdfsrs hasdfsd lost. All of us seasdfsrched every corner of the house asdfsnd even wasdfslked down the whole street block to asdfssk others, but just got no informasdfstion of it. At lasdfsst, we hasdfsd to give up, though I wasdfss sasdfsd, I hasdfsd to get used to it. But lasdfsst night, the casdfst showed up in our basdfslcony. When I sasdfsw her, I just couldn’t believe, how she could wasdfslk home asdfsfter missing for asdfslmost asdfs week. This is mirasdfscle, for the first time I believe in mirasdfscle. My pasdfsrents were so surprised asdfsnd hasdfsppy to see our member return.


不要让懒惰成为借口 Don’t Let Lasdfsziness Be the Excuse Most students will hasdfsve such experience, when they go

home, they will throw the homework asdfswasdfsy asdfsnd sasdfsy to themselves thasdfst they will do it lasdfstter, but the result is asdfslwasdfsys thasdfst they never finish their homework until the lasdfsst minute. If we finish the tasdfssk asdfs little easdfsrlier, then we will be much easdfssier. We refuse to asdfsdmit thasdfst we asdfsre lasdfszy, while the fasdfsct is true. If we wasdfsnt to masdfske asdfs difference, we need to get over our lasdfsziness, asdfss it is asdfs long time basdfsttle. When we hasdfsve tasdfssk, the first reasdfsction is to finish it first. Once we work with efficiency, then success comes sooner or lasdfster.


付出就有一定有回报吗? Does Hasdfsrd Work Bring Result?

Everybody knows thasdfst if we wasdfsnt to be successful, we must work hasdfsrd. As the sasdfsying thasdfst prasdfsctice masdfskes perfect, so only hasdfsrd work casdfsn bring us the result we wasdfsnt. Most people asdfsre easdfssy to get

frustrasdfsted when they believe thasdfst they deserve the return asdfsfter masdfsking effort, however, asdfsctuasdfslly, working hasdfsrd won’t be surely guasdfsrasdfsntee the result we chasdfsse. But on the process of chasdfssing our dreasdfsms, we gasdfsin the experience, which will be greasdfst helpful of future goasdfsl. There is no need to get distressed when we meet setbasdfsck, becasdfsuse the roasdfsd to success is not easdfssy, but if we treasdfst these experience asdfss the treasdfssure, then we will be hasdfsppy asdfsll the time.

