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Adults are often surprised by how well they remember someth ing they lear ned as childre n but have n ever practised in the mean time. A man who has not had an opport un ity _1_(go) swim ming for years can still swim as well as ever whe n he gets back in the water. He can get on a bicycle after several decades and still ride away. A mother who has not thought about the words for years can teach her daughter the poem _2_ (begi n) with “ Twin kle, twin kle, little star One expla nati on is the law of over lear ning, _3_ can be stated as follows: _4_ _4_ _4_we

have learned someth ing, additi on al lear ning will in crease the len gth of time we will remember _5_ In childhood, we usually continue to practise such skills as swimming, bicycle riding long after we have lear ned them. We con ti nue to liste n to and remi nd _6_ of poems such as “ Twin kle, twinkle, little star ” . We not only learn but overlearn.

The law of over lear ning expla ins _7_ crammi ng for an exam in ati on, though it may result in a pass ing grade, is not a satisfactory way to lear n a school course. It is by cram ming _8_a stude nt may lear n the subject well eno ugh to get by on the exam in ati on, but he is likely soon to forget what he has already lear ned.

1. to go

2. beg inning

3. which

4. as long as

5. it


ourselves 7. why

2 8.


There is a saying, ” Life is so short, how can we be annoying but kind?

Kindness is a way of putting your awareness of others needs _1_ action by giving someth ing of yourself. The kind acts you en gage in show that you have no ticed _2_ some one else n eeds, or would like. People do not always ask for what they n eed in words, so show ing kindn ess in volves un dersta nding and relat ing to others from the heart.

Think back to the times in your life whe n you _3_ (help) by the kindn ess of others——and

_4_ it meant to you. There are always opport un ities for simple kindn ess in our everyday life. The people and animals _5_ us need love and care just like we do. _6_ simple act of kindness such as a _7_ (help) hand or a smile goes a long way to brig hte n others ' days. Kin dn8__ _ometimes be as simple as a thought. When some one far away you know is sick or sad, send him/her love in your thoughts and if physically possible, make a phone call or be there to give cheers.

1. into

2. what

3. have bee n helped

4. what

5. around

6. A

7. help ing

8. can


Paris in the springtime was, is and always will be, something rather special. Why not _1_ (experienee) it for yourself with this excellent break for four days? This attractive city has someth ing _2_ (offer ) to every one and with prices at just £129.

Your break begins with comfortable bus transfer from local pick-up points and travel to Paris
