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Unit 1 Saying hello

重点单词:hi hello good morning how are you fine thank you goodbye balloon oh no my friend here 26个字母大小写

重点句子:Hi! Hello! Good morning! How are you? Fine, thank you. Goodbye.Thank you. Here’s a balloon. Oh, no!

Unit 2 Making friends

重点单词:afternoon I name what your nice meet you Pat Bill Dan Eddy Sam Ann Koko Tim Candy Pam

重点句子:Good afternoon. I’m Pat. My name is Dan. What’s your name? Nice to meet you. How are you?

Unit 3 My classroom

重点单词:light fan computer desk chair

book classroom what this in girl

king queen yes draw cut stick talk

sorry miss

重点句子:What’s this? It’s a desk. Sorry.

Yes! What’s this in my classroom?

Unit 4 My school things

重点单词:school thing ruler bag rubber pen pencil pencil-case sorry leg mother name like game

重点句子:This is my bag. My balloon. I like this game. Here’s a rubber.

Unit 5 Revision


重点句子:What’s your name?

Unit 6 Playing a game

重点单词:play game point look board door window sit down open book close stand up children please video good out

come sing Mr fan

重点句子:Point to the door. Look at the window. Sit down. Stand up. Open your book. Close your book. You’re out.

Unit 7 My body

重点单词:body ears eyes nose mouth finger draw Mimi sit zip little clap 数字1至10的认读,名词单复数

重点句子:Draw one nose. Six eyes. Number one. You win.

Unit 8 Fruit

重点单词:apple pear banana orange fruit salad lychee jam yellow hat red 以及a和an的用法mum

重点句子:A banana, please. Here you are. Here’s a banana. Here are two bananas.

Unit 9 Colours

重点单词:colour brown red yellow green blue

Ow egg in too up down

重点句子:This is red. It’s blue. Very good. Look at me. Ow! This is an apple, too. This bag is too big for me. This chair is blue.Look up. Look down.

Unit 10 Revision

重点单词:food noodles melon peach dumplings rice start again

重点句型:I like rice.
