

Sunyat-sen Memorial Hall 中山纪念堂

(Ladies and Gentlemen:

Our next destination is the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall. The Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, as its name suggests, is a structure built in honor of a person by the name of Sun Yat-sen. Do you know who Sun Yat-sen was?)

Sun Yat-sen was the forerunner of Chinese bourgeois democratic revolution. He was born on November 12, 1866 in a farmer’s family in the Cuiheng Village in Xiangshan County (the present-day Zhongshan City) in Guangdong Province. At the age of 12, he went to Honolulu, where his elder brother sent him to a missionary school. Later, he came back to Hong Kong to study in a college of Western medicine and, after graduation, practiced medicine in Guangzhou and Macao. So, ever since he was a child, he had been influenced by the Western ideas of Christianity and democracy and this had helped him make his mind to cure the ills of the old feudal China and turn it into a democratic and strong nation. At first, he had illusions about the Qing government and hoped to save this moribund regime through reforms. But, China’s defeats by foreign invaders and the corruption and incompetence of the Qing government intensified his patriotic indignation. He decided that the Qing court was rotten to the core and must be overthrown and replaced by a democratic republic.

So, in 1894, together with some 20 Chinese shop-keepers and farm-owners in Honolulu, he established the first Chinese bourgeois revolutionary organization –the Society for the Revival of China (the Xing Zhong Hui). In the following spring, he returned to Hong Kong and staged the first armed uprising against the Qing Dynasty

in Guangzhou; but it ended in failure. Then, in 1905, he went to Japan, where he founded China’s first political party called “China Revolutionary League”(the Tong Meng Hui), which later developed into the Nationalist Party (the Guomindang). Since then, he had made successive attempts to topple the Qing regime and finally succeeded in the Wuchang Uprising that broke out in October 1911. The Qing regime was overthrown and he was elected the provisional president of the interim government of the Republic of China in Nanjing. This political power, however, was soon taken over by the warlords. Then in 1920, Sun Yat-sen came back to Guangzhou to set up a new government called the South Revolutionary Government. In 1921, he proclaimed his extraordinary presidency in Guangzhou. In 1925, he died of illness in Beijing and was buried later in Nanjing.

Sun Yat-sen had devoted all his life to the cause of the Chinese democratic revolution, and the 1911revolution he led had put an end to the feudal monarchy that had existed in China for several thousand of years. To commemorate his great contributions to the Chinese revolution, people of Guangzhou had this memorial hall built in 1929-1931, at the original site of the former presidential house of the South Revolutionary Government, which was burned down in 1922 by a rebel warlord, Chen Jiongming by name.

The Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall is an octagonal palace-like reinforced concrete structure, 58 meters high with a floor space of 12 thousand square meters. It looks like a traditional Chinese palace in appearance but was constructed with modern architectural technique. In front of the hall stands a bronze statue of Sun Yat-sen, which is 5.5 meters high and weighs 3.9 tons. Up on the fa?ade below one of the eaves is written Sun Yat-sen’s motto, meaning “China Belongs to the People”in

English (or literally “Let Public Spiritedness Rule under the Sky”). Inside the building is a conference hall with a seating capacity of 3,238 people. And, thanks to the ingenious designing of the architect, the acoustics of the hall are excellent and there is no pillar to obstruct the spectator’s view because the eight pillars sustaining the four long-spanned steel trusses supporting the huge domed roof, are hidden in the walls. Today, the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall is still one of the main places for mass meetings or theatrical performances in Guangzhou.

At the back of the hall, there is a 2-storied building on each side. In the backyard are planted over 70 species of trees and flowers. Among them a kapok tree is already over 300 years old and the two magnolia trees on both sides of the garden are over 70 years old. These two magnolia trees are the oldest magnolia trees in Guangzhou and have grown up to 90 centimeters in diameter, each giving a shade of over 200 square meters.

The magnificent Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall was designed by a young Chinese architect, by the name of Lv Yan-zhi, who was born in Tianjin, graduated from the Qinghua University in Beijing and later studied architecture in the Cornell University in the USA. He died of lung cancer in 1929, at the age of 36, before the hall was completed.

(Here we are. This is the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall. We’ll stay here for 40 minutes and everybody please be back to the bus before 11 o’clock. Thank you!)







The Danxia Mountain 丹霞山




The Danxia Mountain is situates 45 kilometers to the northeast of Shaoguan City. Geological studies show that ,twenty five million years ago, this place was a vast expanse of a low-lying lake .Later, movements of the earth’s crust made it rise above the ground and the water receded away, thus turning it into a mountain and the former sediment at the bottom of the lake gradually oxidized and because red rocks. These red rocks and red precipices, being relieved against the green woods and the blue sky, look just like rosy clouds, hence the name “Danxia”, meaning “red clouds”in English.


In the 1930s, Professor Chen Guoda of the Sun Yat-sen University made an intensive investigation and study of the geomorphic features of the Danxia Mountain and other

red-rock mountain in South China. He denominated this kind of red-rock land configuration the “Danxia Landform”, which was soon approved and universally adopted by the academic

circles, thus making the Landform can be found in all continents of the world except Antarctica, such as the Great Canyon of the United States and the some areas in Saxony of Germany. But, the Danxia Mountain is the largest and the most beautiful and typical of its kind.


The Danxia Mountain covers an areas of 319 square kilometers, in which over

600red-rock peaks stand out well against the woods of green, a sight that reminds one of a large garden with many ruby sculptures; therefore it is also named China Ruby Park or literally China Red Stone Park. In 1995, the Chinese State Council approved of its being a geological nature reserve and, in2000; it was rated by the UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) as the world’s geological park.



[The Entrance to the Mountain]

Now we have arrived at the entrance to the Danxia Mountain. The gate structure here is constructed of red sand rocks. These Chinese characters are the name of the park, meaning “China Ruby Park”. The three big Chinese characters up on the horizontal beam, “Dan Xia Shan”, meaning Danxia Mountain, were written by Guan Shanyue, who was a famous

painter in China. We’ll follow the mountain road to climb the Zhanglao Peak, which is the main peak of the Danxia Mountain, 408 meters above sea level.




[The Elephants Crossing the River and the Beautiful Girl Blocking the River] Now we have come to the central area of the Danxia Mountain. The Danxia Mountain is rated first among the four famous mountains in Guangdong Province and its unique natural scenery gives free play to one’s fancy. Please look at the hill in the distance beyond the coming up to us. Their trunks, tusks, ears and eyes are all lifelike. So this sight is named

‘The Elephants Crossing the River”.

(On the Yangyuan Bridge) Please look to your right at the hill in the distance. It looks as if a young girl is lyingdown to sleep: From right to left, the outlines of her head, her neck, her chest and her belly are all clearly discernible. So, this sight is called “The Sleeping Belle”or “The Beautiful Girl Blocking the River”.




[The Yangyuan Column]

This hill is called Yangyuan Hill, meaning “The Hill of Male Sex “. It is so named because the stone column here, 28 meters tall and 7meters in diameter, is the very image of man’s external genitals. According to geological studies, this stone column was a part of the cliff and it is over three hundred thousand years since Mother Nature severed it form the mountain body and carved it into this shape. In the old days, men were regarded as superior to women and people often prayed for having highly worshiped by the pilgrims.



[The Yinyuan Cliff]

This steep face of rock is called Yinyuan Cliff, meaning Stone Cliff of Female Sex in English, because it is a strong resemblance of woman’s external genitals. It was found some one hundred thousand years ago. Just as God had sculptured the first man and his wife, Adam and Eve, in the Garden Danxia Mountain. What a wonderful world this is!




[The Jinshi Cave]

This cave is called Jinshi Cave, meaning Colorful Rock Cave in English. The inside of this cave is a Buddhist monastery consisting of the Thousand Buddha Hall, the Guanyin Hall and the Sakyamuni Hall etc. Among these halls, the Guanyin Hall for the Goddess of Mercy is the largest, 30 meters deep and 4meters high with adequate space to accommodate a hundred pilgrims at the same time. In this hall there are many images of the Goddess of Mercy in her different incarnations, 32 in all, which are all made to be lifelike of rock that shapes like a dragon. It is called “Bian Se Long ”, meaning “color-changing dragon”or chameleon, because its color changes according to its background. It is light green in spring, dark green in summer, yellowish green in autumn and brownish yellow in winter. Why is that? It is because on the surface of the rock is growing a kind of alga that is highly water-absorbing. The alga is lush and green when water is adequate in rainy seasons while in dry seasons, when water is insufficient, it turns yellow or brown. On the cliff outside the cave, there are two big Chinese characters “jin yan”, meaning “colorful rock cave”. They were written by Zhao Rulai, a man of letters of the Southern Song Dynasty (1127—1279AD), and are the earliest engravings on cliffs in the Danxia Mountain.




The Biechuan Temple

This is a Buddhist monastery called Biechuan Temple. Built in 1662, i. e. the first year in the reign of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, it was frequented by a large number of pilgrims and is one of the three largest Buddhist monasteries in Northern Guangdong (The other tow being the Famen Temple in Ruyuan Country and the Nanhua Temple in Qujiang Country). Up on the main gate of the temple, there are four Chinese characters: Bie chuan Chan Si, meaning Biechuan Chan Buddhist Monastery. They were written by Li Hanhun, who was then the gate, we can see many engravings on the red cliff. Among them the two big Chinese characters Dan Xia, 5-6 square feet each, are the most beautiful. They were written by an official of the Qing Dynasty.

The Biechuan Temple is constructed in more or less the same layout as other Buddhist monasteries. It consists of the Hall of the Heavenly Kings, the bell and drum towers, the Sakyamuni Hall and the Hall of the Goddess of Mercy and so on.


Now you can look around on your own for a while. We’ll meet half an hour later at the entrance and will go down-hill, by the same way as where we came up, to the pier to take a boat-ride on the Jinjiang River so that you may feast your eyes on the beautiful scenery along the river.

Kaiping Diaolou

——The watchtower-like Houses in Kaiping City

【What&How is Kaiing Diaolou】—【Outstanding Diaolou Structures】—【The Li Garden】

(Good morning! Ladies and gentlemen:

This morning we’ll drive 1.5hours to visit the unique “Diaolou”houses in Kaiping City. You fell puzzled when hearing the word Diaolou, don’t you? Now let me tell you something about the city of Kaiping as well sa what and how these houses are.

【What&How is Kaiing Diaolou】

Kaiping is a small city in Guangdong Province, about 100 kilometers to the southwest of Guangzhou, with an area of 1659 square kilometers and a population of 680 thousand. It has long been known as the native land of a great many overseas Chinese, the number totting up to or even more than its domestic population. The Chinese, you know, are a nostalgic people having a strong feeling of wistful longing for home, so the overseas Chinese from Kaiping, no matter how long they had been away and how far they were away from home, would come back to buy a piece of land to build their house and to get married. Those houses built by the returned overseas Chinese during the late 19th and early 20th centuries are all watchtower-like, with thick solid walls, small and narrow iron doors and windows, and even with embrasures on the walls and an observation tower on the top.

So, “Kaiping Diaolou”is a proper name of the multi-storied defensive country houses of the returned overseas Chinese in Kaiping City. Built of stone, brick or

concrete, these buildings display a fusion of Chinese and foreign architectural and decorative forms, and reflect the significant role these emigrant Kaiping people had played in the development of the countries they resided, in South Asia, Australasia, North America and other regions of the world.

You may wonder why these returned overseas Chinese had their houses built into a structure of a watchtower. Well, the reasons are clear. First, public order at that time was bad and banditry was a real headache and the better-off returned overseas Chinese families naturally became targets for robbery; second, the Kaiping area is a stretch of low-lying land and folds were a frequent occurrence. So, these solid and high-rise buildings were good both for defense against bandits and for refuge from the floods.

Kaiping Diaolou is listed by the Chinese State Council as a key cultural relic protected by the state. Its total number amounted to 3, 300 in the peak years and now the registered number is 1833, and twenty of the better ones are inscribed on the World Heritage List by UNESCO. Org (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization). These buildings take three forms: communal tower jointly built by. Several families for use as temporary refuge, residential tower built by individual rich family and used as fortified residence, and watch tower for guarding against bandits. In the 1940s during the war of resistance against Japan, some of these towers became strongholds for people’s militia.

【Outstanding Diaolou Structures】

The Diaolou structures in Zili Village, 12 kilometers away from the Kaiping city center, are the most magnificent and best preserved. There are 15 in all, which are all listed as key cultural relics protected by the state. Among them the Mingshilou is the

best of all. Built in 1925, it is a 5-storeyed reinforced concrete structure, with an hexagon observation pavilion on the top and a blockhouse built on the outside walls at each of the four corners on the fifth floor. This huge and imposing tower is installed with heavy iron doors and strong iron windows, and is luxuriously decorated and well furnished.

Other well-known Diaolou structures are the Yinglonglou in Chikan Town, the Ruishilou in Yan’gang Town and the Fangshe Denglou in Tangkou Town. They were built in different years by different families and so are different in architectural style. The Yinglonglou, built during the Jiajing Reign of the Ming Dynasty in the middle of the 16th century (1522 - 1566), is the oldest Diaolou structure and is free from foreign influence in architectural style. The Ruishilou, a 9 –storied 25-meter high reinforced concrete structure, is the most luxury and is laid out and furnished in the traditional Chinese pattern. The Fangshi Denglou, a reinforced concrete structure built in 1920 by the Fang family, is typical of the Diaolou structure as a watchtower for it was located in an open land and was provided with electric

generator,searchlights and guns.

【The Li Garden】

Another tourist attraction in Kaiping City is the Li Garden. It was a private residential garden built in 1926 –1936 by an American Chinese, Xie Wei Li (谢维立)by name. The garden’s name “Li”(立)was derived from the name of its owner and it gives expression to the meaning of a Chinese idiom Xiu Shen Li Ben(修身立本), which is written on an archway in the garden, meaning that cultivating one’s moral

and character is the key to success in one’s life and work. This idea of the owner’s is also embodied in many other inscriptions and couplets written in the garden.

The Li Garden is laid out in the way of traditional Chinese gardening but many of its structures are built in Western styles, such as the two Roman-styled structures popularly known as the Bird’s Nest and the Flower & Rattan Pavilion. The garden covers an area of 19, 600 square meters, with a man-made stream running through and cutting it into two parts, which are connected by arch-bridges. Along the stream are pavilions, a hundred-meter-long corridor, archways, residential houses and other structures.

The residential buildings in the villa area are also combinations of Chinese and Western architectural elements. While their main structures are foreign-styled, some are roofed like a Chinese palace, and inside they are decorated and furnished with both Chinese and foreign artifacts: Western fireplace and pendent lamps, Italian ceramic tiles, Chinese wooden furniture, wall paintings depicting Chinese folk stories, Chinese gilded wood-carvings etc.

The Li Garden is indeed a paragon of harmonious combination of the Chinese and foreign cultures.

(Ladies and Gentalmen: We are now approaching the Zili Village and, in ten minutes, we’ll leave the bus for a close look at the Diaolou towers. We’ll stay in the village for one and a half hours and will be back to the bus at 11 o’clock. Since the billage is quite a big place and one can get happily lost, Iwould suggest you keep together.Miss Wang will be taking the lead, please follow her, and I will bring up the rear. Thank you!)
























北京市英语口语等级证书考试 概??述 一、总则 英语是学习科学文化知识,获取国外信息,进行国际交流的主要工具。为了全面提高北京人英语口语水平,北京市建立了英语口语等级证书考试及培训的制度。 北京市英语口语等级证书考试及培训重点是考查考生用英语进行口头交流的能力,而不是书写能力和笔译能力。要求考生能够听得懂,说得出。主要用以测试下列人员的英语水平: 1.各行业、各部门及各企事业单位的有关专业技术人员。 2.各行各业在职职工和全市广大市民。 3.面向本市教育系统的各级各类学校,包括小学、初中、高中、职业学校、民办学校、成 人院校及普通高等学校的在校学生。 4.英语自学者。 考试不受年龄、学历的限制,考试成绩合格者将被授予合格证书或优秀证书及证章。 考试范围以本大纲所规定的内容和要求为依据。 二、考试等级 根据用人单位的不同需求和英语学习者的不同水平,北京市英语口语等级证书考试由低到高分三个等级:初级(Elementary Stage)、中级(Intermediate Stage)和高级(Advanced Stage)。 三、评价目标 北京市英语口语等级证书考试重点考查考生用英语进行口头交流的能力,要求考生能够听得懂,说得出。考试总的评价目标是:通过初级考试的人员具有简单的英语会话能力,能听、会说,能够在一般交际场合和服务场合用简单的英语与外国人进行会话;通过中级考试的人员具有一定的听、说、读、写能力,能够在各窗口行业关键岗位以及各行业部门的一般涉外

岗位等直接与外国人进行交流;通过高级考试的人员能够用英语从事一般性公务活动并能承 担一般性会谈的口头翻译工作。 为达到上述目标,考试对考生应掌握的词汇量提出如下要求:1.参加初级考试的人员应能听会说600-900个左右的单词和一定数量短语。 2.参加中级考试的人员应能听会说1500-2000个左右的单词和一定数量的短语; 3.参加高级考试的人员应能听会说2500个以上的单词和一定数量的短语。 四、考试形式与结构 北京市英语口语等级证书考试采用考官和考生一对一进行口头交流的方式,但每个级别的考试在考试时间和考试形式方面有所不同。初级口试基本采用考官和考生会话的方式,包括让考生看图说话,回答考官提问,考试时间5—7分钟。中级口试除会话外,还要求考生讲述事先准备好的一个话题,考生讲述完毕后,考官还要就该话题向考生进行提问,考试时间8-10分钟。除上述要求外,高级口试还要求考生现场抽取一个话题(或一幅图片)进行即席发言,发言后,考官与考生就该话题或其他问题展开讨论。考试时间12—15分钟。三个级 别的考试结构如下表所示: 初级中级高级 5—7分钟8—10分钟12—15分钟 ●考官与考生会话 ●考生看图回答考官提问 ●考官与考生就日常话题进行问答●考官与考生会话 ●考生讲述事先准备 的话题 ●考官与考生就上述 话题及其它简单问题 进行讨论 ●考官与考生会话 ●考生讲述事先准备的 话题,并回答考官提问 ●考生就未事先准备的 话题进行发言(可借助图 片) ●考官与考生就上述话 题及其它问题展开讨论 ?? 五、合格及优秀标准 北京市英语口语等级证书考试依据不同级别总的评价目标确定了不同级别的合格标准。口试


黄山英文导游词简短 黄山:世界文化与自然双重遗产,世界地质公园,国家AAAAA 级旅游景区,国家级风景名胜区,全国文明风景旅游区示范点,中华十大名山,天下第一奇山。下面是由小雅WTT为大家带来的关于黄山英文导游词简短,希望能够帮到您! Mt.Huangshan Ladies and Gentlemen! Wele to Mt.Hangshan, which is lauded as“No.1 Mountain under the heaven. ”I am so glad to be your guide in this tour. My name is Wangyan. I hope I can provide a quality service to you. Now I"d like to introduce something about Mt.huang, Mt.huang is one of 10 major scenic resorts of China. And it is a frequent subject of traditional Chinese paintings and literature, as well as modern photography. In 1990, the UNESCO put it on the list of world natural and cultural heritages. The beauty of Mt.Huang lies in its“five wonder”, Pine trees with shapely foliage, rocks in hundreds of images, a sea of clouds, hot spring and snow of winter. Today I will mainly introduce pine trees to you. Follow me please! I will help you to find some fascination of Mt.Huang. Look at these pine trees, these


编号:上海的英文导游词 甲方: 乙方: 签订日期:年月日 X X公司

导游词的宗旨是通过对旅游景观绘声绘色地讲解、指点、评说,帮助旅游者欣赏景观,以达到游览的最佳效果。下面是关于上海的英文导游词,分享给你们。谢谢支持。 上海玉佛寺英文导游词 Ladies and gentlemen, today we are going to visit a famous Buddhist temple---the Jade Buddha Temple. Before visiting the temple, I’d like to say a few words about the religious situation in Shanghai. Our constitution stipulates that every Chinese citizen is ensured the freedom of religious belief. There are four major religions in practice in Shanghai, namely, Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, and Christianity, which is sub-divided into the Catholic Church and the Protestant Church. When it comes to Buddhist temples in China, they are usually classified into three sects, i.e. temples for meditation, for preaching and for practicing Buddhist disciplines. The Jade Buddha Temple is a temple for meditation, and is well-known


现在咱们继续沿着中轴线行走,面前的建筑叫做天库,而它的正殿就是皇穹宇。皇穹宇建于明嘉靖九年,起初叫做泰神殿,到了十七年,改名为现在的皇穹宇,它的作用就是在平日存放圜丘坛祭祀主神的地方,所以这里也叫圜丘坛寝宫。殿内正面的圆形石台上安放的就是皇天上帝的神牌,而前边两侧的四个方形石台上安放的则是八位祖先神主,还有东西配殿用来存放从祀神位。而皇穹宇三个字也分别代表了至高无上,天,宇宙的意思,更加显示出它的神圣和至尊。 它是一座建筑艺术价值非常高的殿宇,总体呈圆形,下边是高85米的圆形须弥座,为青白石筑成,有东南西三个方向的出陛,也就是台阶,而在南向出陛还有二龙戏珠的丹陛石。上边是蓝色筒瓦单檐攒尖鎏金宝顶。而在殿内还有八根檐柱和八根金柱,大殿上架没有横梁承托,全都是靠各类斗拱层层上叠来支撑,步步收缩,从而形成了精美的穹隆圆顶。这里边还运用了物理学中的杠杆原理。这组建筑不仅十分精美,而且还有回音壁和三音石,这和刚才我们说的天心石合称天坛三大声学现象。回音壁就是皇穹宇的外墙,围墙建造的磨砖对缝,十分的平滑,是很好的声音载体,可以传声,在传递途中对声音损失极小,只要对着墙说话,就算相隔四五十米,见不到面,都可以清晰的听到对方说话。而三音石则是皇穹宇大殿正前方的三块石头,您站在第一块石头上拍手可以听到一次回音,第二块石头可以听到两次,而第三块就可以听到三次回音,所以称为三音石。在后来也有人把它叫做三才石,取天地人三才的意思。 也许您刚才就已经注意到了,天坛有非常多的柏树,不错,它就好像北京一个天然的氧吧。而在这许多古柏当中,有一株500余岁的桧柏,就是回音壁西墙外的这棵九龙柏。它的树干纹理非常的奇特,布满了沟壑,而且旋转扭曲,好像9条蟠龙缠绕嬉戏,所以叫它九龙柏真是一点也不过分。 在游览过了圜丘坛和皇穹宇之后,我们就即将走进祈谷坛了,而现在我们脚下连接两个祭坛的就是丹陛桥,也叫做海墁大道,而它也是皇帝登上祈谷坛的唯一通道,长360米,桥面上分为三条道,中间的是神道,东边是御道,西边的就是王道。而它作为通道为什么又要称为桥呢?这有两种说法,一种是说路面南低北高,步步高升,好像与天相连接的桥;而另一种就是说路面下边建有进牲门,类似立交桥,所以称之为桥。说到进牲门,就是在祭祀前,牛羊都要通过桥下的一个券门被赶到500米外的宰牲亭宰杀,制成供品,所以这个通道也被叫做鬼门关,因为一进去就有死无生了。 好,回到正题,现在呈现在您面前的就是祈谷坛的完整建筑群。前面的这个石台是具服台,在每年孟春祈谷祭祀之前,皇帝照例还是要来到这里搭建幄次,盥洗更衣,所以这里还有小金殿之称。 到此,祈谷坛的主体建筑祈年殿就出现在我们面前了。祈年殿下的基座是三层的圆形石台,而在正面三层石台阶中,分别装饰着巨大的浮雕,叫做殿前丹陛石雕。从下之上内容分别是瑞云山海,双凤山海,双龙山海。各层排水孔的图案和浮雕的内容也是对应的。东西两旁的配殿个有九间,原来是安放从祀牌位的地方,不过在家靖年间,把它们挪到了先农坛,所以现在这里也就没有什么实际用途了。而祈年殿本身就是一座极具中国特色的独特建筑。圆形三重檐攒尖屋顶向上层层收缩,都是用蓝色的琉璃瓦覆盖,以此来象征天。顶部是鎏金


( 英文导游词) 姓名:____________________ 单位:____________________ 日期:____________________ 编号:YB-BH-028131 最新故宫英文导游词The latest English tour guide to the Forbidden City

最新故宫英文导游词 最新故宫英文导游词1 Lying at the center of Beijing,the Forbidden City,called Gu Gong,in Chinese,was the imperial palace during the Ming and Qing dynasties. Now known as the Palace Museum,it is to the north of Tiananmen Square. Rectangular in shape,it is the world‘s largest palace complex and covers 74 hectares. Surrounded by a six meter deep moat and a ten meter high wall are 9,999 buildings. The wall has a gate on each side. Opposite the Tiananmen Gate,to the north is the Gate of Devine Might (Shenwumen),which faces Jingshan Park. The distance between these two gates is 960 meters,while the distance between the gates in the east and west walls is 750 meters. There are unique and delicately structured towers on each of the four corners of the curtain wall. These afford views over both the palace and the city outside. The Forbidden City is divided into two parts. The southern section,or the Outer Court was where the emperor exercised his supreme power over the nation. The northern section,or the Inner Court was where he lived with his


北京英语口语考试试题(中级) 第一部分Introduction and General Conversation (about 3 - 4 minutes) Good morning/afternoon! Sit down, please. (Take a seat, please./Please be seated.) What's your name? (Could you tell me your name?) * My name is Chai Qinghua . And what is your registration number (准考证号)? * My registration number is… Right. Can you hand me your mark sheet, please? (登分卡) (Can you give me the mark sheet, please?) * Here you are. Thank you. Now we are ready for the test. (Let’s begin our test.) First of all, I'd like to know something about you. Could you tell me sth. about you family (friends, work, study, hobby)? * Yes,of course. Where are you from? * I’m from Chao Yang District. How did you get here? Did it take long? * I came here by bus. It took me about an hour. Where is your hometown? (Are you from Beijing? Which part of Beijing are you from? Tell me something about your hometown. How do you like your hometown?) * Well, Beijing is my hometown. Beijing is the capital of China. It is both an ancient city and a modern city. It is also an international city. It is developing very fast. I like Beijing very much. There are many foreign companies in Beijing. So in the near future, if I want to have a job in these companies, I have to be good at English. How long have you lived in Beijing? (Have you been living in Beijing for many years?) * For about 18 years. Are you working or studying? (Are you a student? What is your job?) *I ‘am a college student . What is the name of your college? The Tongzhou college of Beijing university of technology . When did you begin to study in your present school? * I began to study here in September 2012. Is English an important course in your school? * Of course, it is a very important course in our school. Both teachers and students pay great attention to this course, because English is very important. How do you usually learn English on your own? * I often listen to English programs over the radio. * I often review what I have learnt in my English classes. What is your major(专业)? Do you like your major? Is it difficult to you? * I major is the Business Administration Management. I like my major very much. It is very interesting and practical. Some courses are easy to learn, but some are difficult.


山东旅游英语导游词#篇 山东,因居太行山以东而得名,简称“鲁”,省会济南。先秦时期隶属齐国、鲁国,故而别名齐鲁。山东半岛,与辽东半岛、雷州半岛合称”中国三大半岛”。下面是小编为大家整理的山东旅游英语导游词,欢迎参考! 篇#:济南趵突泉英语导游词 Welcome to the beautiful city JiNan which is the capital of ShanDong Province. Now we are in the BaoTu spring park in the center of JiNan .Built in ####, the BaoTu spring park is named after the BaoTu spring. Covering a total area of ##### square Meters including ##### square meters, the park is a traditional Chinese garden characterized by spring. The park has three gates, of which the EastGate(东门) is the main gate. On the doorhead is inscribed three Chinese characters(汉字) 趵突泉written by Mr GuoMoruo. The park features sightseeing, fish watching,tea sampling,stones and culture,especially Noted for its exquisiteness, cleanliness peacefulness, simplicity and elegance.The park is divided into ten major viewing areas, such as the


上海外滩英文导游词_外滩英语导游词外滩是上海的标志,许多游客去上海游玩都会去那里参观,导游带领各国各地的游客时,要用中英文做好解说。下面是学习啦带来的上海外滩英文导游词,仅供大家参考。 上海外滩英文导游词篇一游客朋友你们好! T o u r i s t s f r i e n d y o u a r e g o o d! 现在我们来到上海黄浦江畔的外滩,首先,我对各位的参观游览外滩表示欢迎,并预祝各位旅游愉快。 N o w w e c a m e t o S h a n g h a i b u n d a c r o s s t h e h u a n g p u r i v e r, f i r s t o f a l l, I t o y o u r v i s i t w e l c o m e d t h e b u n d,a n d w i s h e v e r y t r a v e l t i m e. 新外滩共有五条旅游路线,在您的左手边是被誉为万国建筑博览的壮观建筑群和宽敞的中山路,您的右手边是波光粼粼的黄浦江以及前程似锦的浦东陆家点缀金融贸易区,眼前为新颖独特的观光游览区。这建筑群、中山路、观光区、黄浦江、陆家嘴仿佛乐谱中的五线谱,勤劳上海人民则好似串串间符,正组成最新最华美的乐章,欢迎着各位来宾的光临。

N e w b u n d a r t i c l e w e r e f i v e t r a v e l r o u t e, o n y o u r l e f t i s k n o w n a s t h e a l l n a t i o n s b u i l d i n g e x p o g r a n d b u i l d i n g s a n d s p a c i o u s z h o n g s h a n r o a d, y o u r r i g h t h a n d s i d e i s t h e s h i m m e r i n g h u a n g p u r i v e r a n d t h e b e a u t i f u l p u d o n g l u j i a o r n a m e n t f i n a n c i a l a n d t r a d e z o n e, t h e e y e s f o r n o v e l a n d u n i q u e t o u r i s m r e c r e a t i o n a l a r e a.T h i s c o m p l e x,z h o n g s h a n r o a d, s i g h t s e e i n g a r e a,t h e h u a n g p u r i v e r,a s i f t h e m u s i c l u j i a z u i,S h a n g h a i p e o p l e a r e i n d u s t r i o u s s t a f f l i k e c l u s t e r s o f o p e r a t o r s,i s b e t w e e n t h e l a t e s t a n d m o s t c o l o r f u l m o v e m e n t, w e l c o m e t o t h e g u e s t s. 外滩它过去曾是上海老城厢外的一块芦苇丛生的荒滩地。 T h e b u n d i t u s e d t o b e S h a n g h a i r e s i d e n c e s o f t h e a r u i n e d r e e d l a n d. 1840年第一次鸦片战争以后,紧锁的国门被殖民者洋炮轰开了,上海也被迫辟为商埠。从那时起,各式各样的西洋式建筑随着殖民者的抢滩而纷纷耸立,至本世纪30年代初,上海已从海滨小邑一跃成为远东最大的


Good morning,Ladies and Gentlemen:Welcome to Beijing,and welcome to today's Hutong tour!First of all,I would like to start with the term"Hutong",H-U-T-O-N-G what does Hutong mean? According to experts,the word Hutong originated from Mongolian language meaning"Well".In ancient times,people tended to gather and live around wells. So the original meaning of Hutong should be"a place where people gather and live." Nobody knows exactly how many Hutongs there are in nowadays Beijing. But one thing is for sure,if we connected all the Hutongs together,their total length would even be longer than the famous Great wall,which is about 4000 miles longer. Today you can find various Hutongs with different shapes,lengths or directions.The shortest one is only 40 centimeters wide, And some Hutongs have more than 20 turns.As we walk through the Hutongs,you may find most of them look almost the same with gray-colored walls and bricks. Actually inside those walls are the courtyard houses,where people live. In Chinese we call them"siheyuan". The gate building of each Siheyuan is the only thing that we can see along the Hutongs. Chinese people used to try to protect their privacy from being intruded by strangers. So the gate building,in old times,was a symbol to show the position of each house owner. look at thtis one nest door,it has the lion design,because that owner used to be a military officer. Interesting? Now let's see the doorway. Almost every doorway has a threshold,that high step over there. For what reason they put a big step at the door?You know Chinese people believe all the evil spirits are short. They can not jump over high steps. So the threshold is actually for warding off evil spirits. In old times,transportation was not as convenient as today,so street vendors played a very important role in Hutong life. They wandered from lane to lane selling various goods or providing all kind of services. People could judge the goods or services from their peddling or the sounds of their special instruments. The food they sold usually include baked pancakes,seasoned millet mush,or Youzhaguo,a kind of deep-fried twisted dough sticks,and all kinds of vegetables. But now,with modern life all around,it's hard for people to hear the traditional melodious hawking. Look at the crowd sitting over there!What do you think they are doing?Talking about Vic Tanny?Oprah's?Or just gossiping?Any ideas?Let's go and see! Oh,they are building a new Great Wall. But their bricks are Chinese Mahjong!A very popular pastime among the Hutong people,especially among the senior citizens who have retired. The main attraction of Hutong life is friendly and interpersonal communication.


此文档下载后即可编辑 一、短文朗读(共10分) 请听下面的短文,之后你将有90秒钟的时间熟悉这篇短文。在听到开始录音的提示后,请将短文朗读一遍,时间为90秒钟。 (M)It is my birthday today. Mom is cooking lots of different things. The apple pie and cookies taste sweet and feel soft. My friends are singing Happy Birthday to me. It sounds beautiful. Tom gives me a model plane. It looks so cool! Lily gives me some flowers. They smell really nice. Look, what is it in Mary’s box? A big chocolate cake. It tastes really good. I love chocolate cakes because I have a sweet tooth. I feel quite happy today! (答题准备时间:90秒) 开始录音: (答题录音时间:90秒) 二、听后选择(每小题1分,共6分) 请听一段对话,完成第1至第2小题。每小题1分,共2分。请根据听到的内容,在屏幕上点击正确的答案。注意:每段对话读两遍,每道题你将有15秒钟的准备时间和15秒钟的作答时间。 M: Mom, what are you doing? W: I’m cooking strawberry jam. Have a try. M: Oh, the strawberry jam tastes a bit sour. W: Okay. I’ll put more sugar in it. M: Thank you, mom. You know I have a sweet tooth. (再读一遍) M: Mom, what are you doing? W: I’m cooking strawberry jam. Have a try. M: Oh, the strawberry jam tastes a bit sour. W: Okay. I’ll put more sugar in it. M: Thank you, mom. You know I have a sweet tooth. (答题准备时间:30秒) 开始录音: (答题录音时间:15秒) 请听一段对话,完成第3至第4小题。每小题1分,共2分。请


Sunyat-sen Memorial Hall 中山纪念堂 (Ladies and Gentlemen: Our next destination is the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall. The Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, as its name suggests, is a structure built in honor of a person by the name of Sun Yat-sen. Do you know who Sun Yat-sen was?) Sun Yat-sen was the forerunner of Chinese bourgeois democratic revolution. He was born on November 12, 1866 in a farmer’s family in the Cuiheng Village in Xiangshan County (the present-day Zhongshan City) in Guangdong Province. At the age of 12, he went to Honolulu, where his elder brother sent him to a missionary school. Later, he came back to Hong Kong to study in a college of Western medicine and, after graduation, practiced medicine in Guangzhou and Macao. So, ever since he was a child, he had been influenced by the Western ideas of Christianity and democracy and this had helped him make his mind to cure the ills of the old feudal China and turn it into a democratic and strong nation. At first, he had illusions about the Qing government and hoped to save this moribund regime through reforms. But, China’s defeats by foreign invaders and the corruption and incompetence of the Qing government intensified his patriotic indignation. He decided that the Qing court was rotten to the core and must be overthrown and replaced by a democratic republic. So, in 1894, together with some 20 Chinese shop-keepers and farm-owners in Honolulu, he established the first Chinese bourgeois revolutionary organization –the Society for the Revival of China (the Xing Zhong Hui). In the following spring, he returned to Hong Kong and staged the first armed uprising against the Qing Dynasty


上海外滩英文导游词_外滩英语导游词 外滩是上海的标志,许多游客去上海游玩都会去那里参观,导游带领各国各地的游客时,要用中英文做好解说。下面是带来的上海外滩英文导游词,仅供大家参考。 上海外滩英文导游词篇一游客朋友你们好! Tourists friend you are good! 现在我们来到上海黄浦江畔的外滩,首先,我对各位的参观游览外滩表示欢迎,并预祝各位旅游愉快。 Now we came to Shanghai bund across the huangpu river, first of all, I to your visit welcomed the bund, and wish every travel time. 新外滩共有五条旅游路线,在您的左手边是被誉为“万国建筑博览”的壮观建筑群和宽敞的中山路,您的右手边是波光粼粼的黄浦江以及前程似锦的浦东陆家点缀金融贸易区,眼前为新颖独特的观光游览区。这建筑群、中山路、观光区、黄浦江、陆家嘴仿佛乐谱中的五线谱,勤劳上海人民则好似串串间符,正组成最新最华美的乐章,欢迎着各位来宾的光临。 New bund article were five travel route, on your left is known as the "all nations building expo" grand buildings and spacious zhongshan road, your right hand side is the shimmering 1 / 23

huangpu river and the beautiful pudong lujia ornament financial and trade zone, the eyes for novel and unique tourism recreational area. This complex, zhongshan road, sightseeing area, the huangpu river, as if the music lujiazui, Shanghai people are industrious staff like clusters of operators, is between the latest and most colorful movement, welcome to the guests. 外滩它过去曾是上海老城厢外的一块芦苇丛生的荒滩地。 The bund it used to be Shanghai residences of the a ruined reed land. 1840年第一次鸦片战争以后,紧锁的国门被殖民者洋炮轰开了,上海也被迫辟为商埠。从那时起,各式各样的西洋式建筑随着殖民者的“抢滩”而纷纷耸立,至本世纪30年代初,上海已从海滨小邑一跃成为远东最大的都市。 1840 years after the first opium war, keep the doors were opened, the colonists shelling Shanghai also forced to bi commercial port. From then on, all kinds of western architecture with the colonists were "" subordinate to the stands, 30 s, from Shanghai has little beach towns have had become the far east. The largest cities 眼前这些具有欧洲文艺复兴时期风格的建筑,虽然不是出自同一2 / 23


北京故宫英语导游词 Ladies and Gentlemen: I am pleased to serve as your guide today. This is the palace museum; also know as the Purple Forbidden City. It is the largest and most well reserved imperial residence in China today. Under Ming Emperor Yongle, construction began in 1406. It took 14years to build the Forbidden City. The first ruler who actually lived here was Ming Emperor Zhudi. For five centuries thereafter, it continued to be the residence of23 successive emperors until 1911 when Qing Emperor Puyi was forced to abdicate the throne .In 1987, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization recognized the Forbidden City was a world cultural legacy. It is believed that the Palace Museum, or Zi Jin Cheng , got its name from astronomy folklore, The ancient astronomers divided the constellations into groups and centered them around the Ziwei Yuan. The constellation containing the North Star was called the Constellation of Heavenly God and star itself was called the purple palace. Because the emperor was supposedly the son of the heavenly gods, his central and dominant position would be further highlighted the use of the word purple in the name of his residence. In folklore, the term ”an eastern purple cloud is drifting” became a metap hor for auspicious events after a purple cloud was seen drifting eastward immediately before the arrival of an ancient philosopher, LaoZi, to the Hanghu Pass. Here, purple is associated with auspicious developments. The word jin is self-explanatory as the imperial palace was heavily guarded and off-explanatory as the imperial palace was heavily guarded and off-limits to ordinary people. The red and yellow used on the palace walls and roofs are also symbolic. Red represents happiness, good fortune and wealth. Yellow is the color of the earth on the Loess Plateau, the original home of the Chinese people. Yellow became an imperial color during the Tang dynasty, when only members of the royal family were allowed to wear it and use it in their architecture. The Forbidden City is rectangular in shape. It is 960 meters long from
