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1the iceberg model of culture implies that it is very difficult to understand a culture thoroughly

文化的冰山模式意味着要彻底理解文化是非常困难的。(T )

2culture is inn ate as soon as a pers on is born


3people may sometimes get con fused about his or her cultural ide ntity



4scholars prefer the term subculture to

co-culture in describing a culture which exists wit nin a domi nant culture


5 a person could be a member of several

different subgroups at the same time

一个人可以同时成为几个不同的子组的成员。 (T )

6 Intracultural communication occurs when the sender and the receiver from different races exchang messages

文化的交流是发生在不同种族交换消息的发送 者和接收者 (F )

7 communication and culture are inseparable and strougly connected


(T )

message ・ this activity

is 发送者必须选择言语或非言语的发出故意这活 动被称为解码

8 The sender must choose certain words or nonverbal to send

an intentional called decoding

9 The process of communication has nine

comp onents :se nder,e ncodi ng,message,cha nn

el, no ise,decodi ng,feedback,a nd con text


信道、噪声、解码、反馈和上下文。(T )

10No two of us can assume that our sen sati ons are the same



11people may possess differe nt sensing of the same smell 人们可能对同一气味有不同的感觉。


12Our percepti on are in flue need by who we

are,i nclude ing the accumulati on of our experie nee

我们的感觉被我们是谁的影响,包括我们的经验的积累(T )

13we give meaning to or decode the information that we have selected and orga ni zed duri ng the selecti on stage

我们在选择阶段对我们选择和组织的信息给予意义或解码。(F )

14the psychological filters refer to the

psychological factors」ncludi ng the attitudes,beliefs,a nd dispositi ons of the

in dividual

心理过滤指的是心理因素,包括个人的态度、信念和性格。(T)15eth nocen trism,stereotypi ng,prejudice

and racism are lear ned


(T)16although stereotypes are con sidered as being n egative judgeme nts,they can also be positive


17whencommunicating with people from other cultures,a n in dividual sometimes is likely to treat them as his people and to assume there is only one way of doing thi ngs:that is his way



18assumption of superiority may lead to asumi ng similarity in stead of differe nee


(F )

19economy is not the reason for the

persiste nee of eth noeen trism,stereotypi ng,prejudice and racism


20an exacti ng style of comm uni cati on can be

found in Japa n,chi na,a nd some Native American cultures

一个严格的沟通方式,可以发现在日本,中国, 和美国本土文化(F )

21The self-effaceme nt verbal style emphasizes the
