


Molly: Oh, this is great! That?s incredible. There?s got to be 7 or 8 feet up there.

Carl: And 80 years of dust.

M: Look at all this height!We can put our bedroom upstairs and that?ll leave us with all this space.

Sam: For what?

M: Just for space.

Together: 1, 2, 3 and 4? And 5? Watch it, watch it.

C: God, this place is huge

M: It?s beautiful.

C: God.

M: You guys, it?s absolutely incredible.

C: Incredible.

S: A little paint…

C: Let?s see, you can then sell this tomorrow and double your money.

M: Car l, you?re obsessed.

C: a little bit.

S: Woo! look. Hey, it?s an Indian head penny. 1898. It?s good omen.

M: You are the good omen. Oh, it?s so great.

C: I had Rose moved you from 3 o?clock. to 4 o?clock …cause Gary Allen called late yesterday. He has to see you about the final painting bids for the loft. 3:00 is the only time he can make it. Sam? What are you doing?

S: I?m sorry.

C: Relax, man. This isn?t brain surgery you?re going into.

S: Pitching these Japanese guys makes me so nervous. That?s it.

C: S am, you?re gonna be great, OK?

S: I mean, what am I supposed to say. I mean, I can?t very well tell them my Swedish pompom girl joke you know.

C: Those are great. Where …d you get those?

S: Nice, huh? Molly. What do you think? Are they me?

C: Man, look at that. A Testarossa.

S: Pay off your Mustang first.

S: How are you feeling? What did the doctor say?

C: He said it was contagious that it was really.

S: No.

C: He said I shouldn?t be coming in today.

S: What about the rash?

C: The rash?

S: Mm-Hmm.

C: The rash is also incredible contagious. He said they?ve both been spreading.

S: No. On your genitals again?

C: Yeah, right on genital. Basically everywhere. He said that I shouldn?t touch anyone. Excuse me. I?m sorry..

S: You?re sick.

S: Morning, Paul.

Paul: Morning Carl, Sam.

Lady: Morning Mr. Wheat.

S: Morning Susan. You?re looking good.


S: Yeah…here it is.

C: Thanks.

Lady: Morning Sam.

S: Morning. Listen, the Kobiashi people.

Lady: They?re already here.

S: They?re early.

Lady: I know.

S: Come here. How long have they been here?

Lady: About 10 minutes. Andy Dillon called. And says he needs $900.000 transferred to Albany by 10:00.

S: By 10:00?

Lady: Yes.

S: Carl?

C: Yeah.

S: Dillon needs 900.000 dollars in Albany by 10:00. Can you transfer it to his pay roll account? C: Yeah. I need your Mac code.

S: OK. Discretion, right?

C: Got it. You bet. I?ll do it right now. Bill, I?ll call you back.

S: OK. Excellent, come on. It?s fine. Ah man. Can you get this?

M: Where are you guys from? The New Y ork City Ballet? Almost……Ah, ah!

S: Saved your life.

M: Sam, you shit, you scared me to death. Why did you do that?

S: Better than seeing this gorgeous body splattered all over the place. Look out, look out.

M: Ah……

C: Sam, Molly, you guys home?

M: Carl, did you invite him?

S: Slave labor

M: Carl?

C: What?

M: Here help.

S: Oh, my God, I?ve got it.

C: Right here.

M: Watch your toes.

C: Hey, where do you want this?

M: In the bedroom.

C: God, this place is going to look great.

S: Yeah.

M: You like it, huh?

C: Like? Like is hardly the word. I had no idea that it would be so beautiful. It?s incredible.

S: Molly, what about here?

M: Oh, let me show you. Can you help me lift this up?

C: What, here?

M: Yeah.

C: Wow!

M: Just finished it, what do you think?

C: Fantastic, I love it.

M: Sam, what?s this chair doing here?

S: What do you mean? I love that chair.

M: I know you love this chair, but we discussed this.

S: Well, I?ve had it forever. When I watch TV, I sit in it.

M: But this chair is ugly.

S: So?

M: And it doesn?t go with anything.

S: It goes with me.

M: You?re right, it does. We?ll paint it.

S: We?ll what?

M: Are you O.K.?

S: Hummum, I?m fine.

M: What?s the matter?

S: Nothing.

M: Are you worried about the promotion?

S: No, not really.

M: Then what? Moving in together?

S: No. I don?t know. It?s a lot of things. I just don?t want the bubble to burst. It seems like whenever anything good in my life happens, I?m just afraid that I?m going to lose it.

M: I love you. I really love you.

S: Ditto.

S: Oh Jesus, another one.

M: Ohh, don?t watch that.

S: I should cancel my L.A.trip, these things happen in threes.

M: Sam, get to sleep, besides you lead a charmed life.

S: Oh yes, so did they. Amazing, just like that, black out.

Song: Oh my love, my darling, I?ve hungered for your touch along lonely times.

And time goes by so slowly, and time can do so much. Are you still mine……

S: What are you doing?

M: Couldn?t sleeping.

S: I must have passed out. What time is it?

M: 2:00 a.m.

S: Oh, no. I hope this wasn?t your masterpiece.

M: Sam, not now.

S: Can I help?

M: Yeah, put your hand there, and just let the clay slid between your fingers.

(Song goes on.)

I need your love I need your love, speed your love to me. Lonely river flows to the sea, to the sea, to the open arms of the sea. Lonely river side, wait for me, wait for me, I?ll be coming home, wait for me. Oh, my love, my darling, I?ve hungered, hungered for your touch along lonely

your love, I need your love, I need your love, feed your love to me.

C: What?s the matter?

S: Hey Carl. A glitch, what?s up?

C: The, hum, Mark Greenbery and Larry War nekin account Mac code isn?t working.

S: I changed it.

C: You changed it? Why?

S: Nothing, I just wanted to nose around a bit.

C: Is something wrong?

S: Can you keep a secret?

C: Yeah, sure. What?s up?

S: There is too much money in this account.

C: Too muc h money? That?s impossible. How could it be?

C: Sam, this is going to take you hours. Let me do this.

S: It already has taken me hours.

C: Well, let me take it back and figure it out for you.

S: No, no, it?s O.K. It?s like a vendetta now. Thanks, though, I appreciated it.

C: O.K., your steps go blind, just shout.

S: O.K., adieus.

C: Listen, hum, I was wondering, what are you and Molly doing tonight?

S: We are going to the theater. She wants to see Macbeth. I thinks she likes the guys in tights personally. You want go?

C: No thanks. I want a full report though.

S: Later.

C: Yep.

S: Well, I loved it. I was speltbound the whole time.

M: I could tell. So could the rest of the audience with that resonating snore of yours.

S: Did I tell you what Moses said?

S: Yeah, about six times.

M: It wasn?t six times, Sam. Quit being so blasé about this.

S: O.K. Sorry.

M: It?s really important. I?m going to have two pieces in the gallery. The New York Times will be at the opening.

S: Molly, the New York Times is just some frustrated little critic with pimples on his ass who flunked out of art school. So who cares what they think?

M: Well, eight million readers love it.

S: Nah. They just read the sports page. Your work is very beautiful. It really is. And it shouldn?t matter what anyone else thinks, just what I think.

M: I want to marry you, Sam.

S: What? What?

M: Yeah. I?ve been thinking about it. I?ve been thinking about it a lot, and I think we should just do it.

S: Are you serious?

M: Yeah. What?s that look for?

S: You never wanted to talk about it.

M: Do you love me, Sam?

S: Now, what do you think?

S: What do you mean, why don?t I ever say it? I say it all the time, I feel it.

M: No you don?t. You say ditto, and that?s not the same.

S: People say I love you all the time, it doesn?t mean anything.

M: Sometimes, you need to hear it. I need to hear it.

M: Let?s go.

M: What should we do?

S: Let me handle it. What do you want?

Willy: Your wallet, give it.

M: Sam, just give it to him.

S: O.K. Just take the money. Just leave us……

M: Sam.

S: You son of a bitch.

M: Sam! Somebody help us! Somebody, somebody help us. Sam, give it, just give it. Sam.

S: Molly.

M: Baby hold on. You?re going to be OK. Somebody? Somebody help us. Oh, my God. Somebody help me. Please any body!

Strangers: Take it easy, all right? We?ll help you OK?

M: What should we do?

S: What?s happening?

M: Is he breathing? I don?t know if he is breathing. Don?t die, Sam. Hold on. Oh, my God. Come, man. All right here we go. Sam don?t? y ou leave me. Jesus.

Police: Miss Jesus, if you?ll just step this way, please.

Ghost: So, what happened to you?

S: What?

G: You?re new, huh? I could tell.

S: Are you talking to me?

G: Relax. It ain?t like before. It?s whole new ball of wax.

S: Who are you?

G: I?m waiting for my wife. She is in the cardiac wing. She is fighting it. Shot, huh? That?ll do it every time, poor bastard. You may as well get used to it. You could be here for a long while. Come here, I?ll tell you a secret. Doors ain?t so bad. Zip za p---they ain?t nothing, you?ll see.

You?ll catch on. This patient?s fibrillating. Let?s move it.

Dr: Give me the paddles.

G: He ain?t going to make it. I?ve seen it a million times. He?s a goner.

Dr: He?s still fibrillating. Clear.

G: You see? Here they come. Lucky bastard. It could have been the other ones. You never know. S: Who are…No! God help me! Help me.

Priest: I?ve sunk in an abysmal swamp, for there?s no foothold. I?ve reached the watery depths, the flood overwhelms me. I am weary with calling. As we say farewell to our friend Sam Wheat, we are reminded of his kindness, his generosity, his buoyancy of spirit. All that we treasured, our loved ones, our friends, our body, our mind, are but on loan to us. We must surrender them all. We are all travelers on the same road which leads to the same end. As our loved ones enter eternal life, let us remember that love too is eternal, that although we will miss him, our love will light the void and dispel the darkness.

M: I picked up your shirts today. I d on?t know why. Mr. Reynolds told me to tell you hello. I broke into tears. It?s like I think about you every minute. It?s like I can still feel you.

S: I?m here, Molly.

M: Iloyd, what?s the matter, kitty? Crazy cat. Sam? That?s really stupid.

M: I love this picture.

C: It?s great. Office.

M: Let me see that.

C: It?s um…

M: Sam?s address book.

C: Right. Dave Brubeck, New Port 88. should I toss them?

M: No.

S: No? Molly, we hated that concert.

M: Hey.

C: You wanted to save those?

S: Rolaids. Molly, what are you doing?

M: I just miss him, Carl.

C: Me, too.

M: Carl!

C: Yeah?

M: Wait a minute. Wait.

C: What?

M: Not that one.

C: Which? Oh, I?m sorry. I didn?t mean to put that on there.

M: That?s OK.

C: Hey, Molly, why don?t? you come? It?s like summer outside.

M: No, I?m really not up for it.

C: Come on. Just for a walk.

M: I don?t want to

C: Moll. You cant? stay in all day. It?s not healthy for you.

M: Look, Carl. I can?t do it.

C: Molly, you?re not the one who died.

M: I?m sorry.

C: Don?t apologize.

M: Shit. Maybe you?re right. Maybe just a short one.

C: That a girl.

M: I?m sorry.

C: Don?t worry about it.

S: Molly. What are you here doing? You bastard. You son of a bitch! What do you want? Molly! Molly!, get out! My God. NO, Molly! Look, no, no, please. He?s got a gun.

M: Hi, kitty.

S: You hurt her…

Willy: Shit!

M: Is somebody there? Hello?

S: Oh, my God! Let go! What are you doing?

Ghost: Like train? Stay out! This is mine.

Willy: Shit, it?s me. I couldn?t get it. She came home. Give me a couple of days, man. I?ll get back. Relax. I?ll get it.

S: Get what? Who are you? What do you want from us? No. You stay away from here. Do you here me? Stay away from here.

Kids: Teddy bear, teddy bear, turn around. Touch the ground.

Sister: Rosa Santiago? Please be seated. Our sister will be with us soon. Sister Oda Mae, grant us the gift of your all seeing presence. Appear before us now.

Oda Mae (a witch): Mrs. Santiago?

Santiago Buenos dios.

O: I?m Oda Mae Brown. I understand you wish to contact your husband. I believe he?ll be with us today.

Santiago: Thank you.

O: But you know Mrs. Santiago there?s no telling about that other world. So you?ve got to be a believer, Mrs. Santiago. Are you a believer?

Santiago: Si,Si, I believe.

O: Then let us begin. I can?t. It?s too difficult. I just can?t make contact. I don?t feel his vi. No, wait. I?m feeling something. Did he know someone by the name of Anna? Consuelo? Lucita? Julietta? Josefina? Linda? Maria?

Santiago: His mama! She is Maria!

O: Yes! Praise God. I know he was with his mama.

Santiago: Oh, my God.

O: It?s too difficult. It?s two of them. I?m not sure. I can?t do that. It?s so trying.

Santiago: Oh, I pay more. How much?

O: $20.

S: Way to go. Milk her for every penny.

O: Huh, yes. I…I believe we can start again. Praise the Lord. Thank you. Jesus. Welcome, Mrs. Santiago. You?re fortunate today. The spirits are churning.

Santiago: My husband?

Sister: Have mercy!

S: Oh, yeah, where?

Santiago: Julio?

O: Yes! I feel his vibration. I see him.

Santiago: How is he? How does he look?

O: Oh, he?s a handsome man.

Santiago: Handsome?

O: Mrs. Santiago, in our father?s kingdom we are all handsome.

Santiago: Oh, Julio.

O: Julio?s coming towards us. I see him! He?s coming. He?s here. He?s dressed in a black suit. Santiago: Black suit?

O: It could be blue.

Santiago: What a crock of shit!

O: Who is that? Julio? Where are you? Julio? Did you hear it? Damn! Where are you? Julio? Who are you? Whoa! Yon can hear me? Damn! Where are you? Julio? How are you? You can hear me? Don?t you h ear him?

O: Leave me alone!

S: Say it. Sam Wheat.

Sister: Talk to me. Oda Mae say something!

O: Sam Wheat!

S: Jesus.

Sisters: Sam Wheat!

O: I swear, no more cheating. I promise. I?ll do anything. I?ll do penance. But make that guy go away.

S: No way.

Sister: It?s O.K! All right, sister.

O: Thank you.

Sister: Yeah, you?re all right.

O: My mother had it, and my mother?s mother had it. They both had the gift an d they always said I had it, but I never did. I never had it. They told me what it was like, they told me all about it, but now that I?ve got it, I don?t think I want it. Do me a favor, just go away, find somebody else.

S: Somebody else, you are out of your mind.

O: I?m getting there fast.

O?s sister A: I think she hit her head harder than we think.

O?s sister B: She was talking to nobody that wasn?t there before she even hit her head.

Sister A: Well, I know she is, but you know just why she can do that?

O: Where exactly are you?

S: I am standing right beside you.

O: You are standing beside me?

The sisters: Oh, honey, we are right here.

O: Are you white?

S: What?

Sister A: White? You?re white, aren?t you?

Sister B: You know what I think?

Sister A: Yes, I am going to call the doctor right now.

O: I know it, a white guy. Why me?

S: Listen, damn it, you are going to help me. There?s a woman, her name is Molly Jansen, and she?s in terrible danger. The man who killed me broke into our apartment and he?s going to g o back, so you?ve got to warn her.

O: What makes you think she?s going to listen to me?

S: It?s just a phone call. Look, your are all I?ve got, now I?m not leaving until you help me. I don?t care how long it takes, coz I can talk forever.

M: Hello?

O: Uh, hi. Is this Molly Jensen?

M: Yes.

O: My name?s Oda Mae Brown. I?m a spiritual reader and advisor. A friend of yours gave me a message for you. I know this sounds crazy, but it?s not. You got to believe me. Just don?t be afraid.

M: Who is this?

O: I got a message from Sam.

M: What?

S: So go there.

O: Forget it. I?m not going anywhere.

S: I don?t care what you do. Second verse, same as the first. I?m en-er-y the eighth I am. En-er-y the eighth. I am, I am. I got married to the widow next door she?s been married seven times before. And ev?ry one was an En-er-y. en-er-y wouldn?t have a willy or a Sam. No sir. I?m her eighth old man. I?m En-er-y. En-er-y the eighth I am, I am.

O: All right! Stop singing! I?ll go anywhere you want to, just don?t sing anymore. I can?t believe this. I can?t believe I?m doing this. What am I doing downtown here. I never come downtown. I hate downtown. She probably not even there. Where are you? Oh, woof. Which building is it? S: Uh, push 3.

O: See, nobody?s there.

S: She is there, just wait. Wait.

O: No. I came down here, I did everything I said I was going to do, I pressed the button, she?s not there, I?m gone, good-bye.

S: Just wait. One minute.

O: I?m sorry.

S: (sings) Ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall, ninety-nine bottles of beer, take one down and you have ninety-eight……

O: Oh, alright, don?t sing, alright, alright.

M: Hello?

S: Molly, I …….

O: Shh, she can?t hear you. Hi, I?m, I?m Oda Mae, you know I called you last nigh t about your friend Sam Wheat.

O: I told you. Hey, Molly, Molly, Jesus! I know you are up there, I know you hear me. I am down here. Sam wants to talk to you and this is for real. Hey, you remember Saltfish on Montego Bay? How would I know that if he wasn?t here? Hey, Molly, I know about that green underwear that you wrote your name on? (to Sam) I?ll never get over that, I?ll tell you that. I know about the picture in Reno. Hey, Molly!

S: Remind her about the sweater she made in the closet that?s too big.

O: He just asked me to remind you of the sweater that?s in the closet that you knitted that?s too big. Four sizes. Hey, you hear me talking to you?

Man: I hear you.

O: Shut up. Nobody?s talking to you.

Man: Did you ever hear of a phone?

O: What to kiss my b utt. I?m not staying down here all day.

Man: Thank God.

O: Aw, man. Shut up. Molly I?m going to count to 3. And I?m out of here. 1, 2, 3.

S: No, Oda Mae. Wait.

O: No.

S: It?s Molly.

O: Molly? I?m Oda Mae Brown. I don?t know you or Sam. But let me tell you what he did. He kept me up all night. Singing That?s how he got me to go out with him.

M: Look. I?m sorry. I just—I just don?t believe in this life after death stuff.

S: Well, tell her she is wrong.

O: He says you?re wrong.

O: He just asked me to tell you that you?re wrong.

M: So where is he?

O: I can?t see him. I can only hear him.

M: So where is he?

O: I can?t see him. I can only hear him.

S: I?m right here.

O: That doesn?t help Sam.

S: I?m holding her hand.

O: He says he?s holding your hand.

M: What are you doing? What do you think you?re doing to me?

O: If you think I?m here for my health, you?re crazy.

M: Sam?s dead, OK? He?s dead.

S: Tell her I love her.

O: He says he loves you.

M: Sam would never say that.

S: Ditto, tell her ditto.

O: What he hell is ditto? Ditto.

O: Well, to tell you the truth, I don?t know how I am doing this. Confidentially, nothing like this has ever happened to me before, I mean nothing. Now, I can?t turn it off. Is this Sam? Is this you?

S and M (together): Yeah.

O: You look cute. White, but cute.

M: What I don?t understand is why did he come back.

S: I don?t know.

M: Why is he still here?

O: He is stuck, that?s what it is. He?s in between worlds. You know it ha ppens sometimes that, that spirits et yanked out so quick, that the essence still feels like it has work to do here.

S: Would you stop rambling?

O: You think I?m rambling? I?m answering questions. (to Molly) He?s got an attitude now.

S: I don?t have an att itude.

O: Yes, you do have an attitude. We are having a little discussion. If you didn?t have an attitude, you would not have raise your voice to me now, would you.

S: Oh, God damn it.

O: Don?t you God damn me. Don?t you take Lord?s name in vain with me, y ou understand? I don?t take that…

S: Would you relax?

O: No, you relax. You are the dead guy. You want me to help, you better apologize, coz I don?t take that from…

S: Ah, Jesus…

O: That?s it, I?m leaving.

S: I, I……

O: I?m leaving. Nobody talks to me like that, you understand me. Now, you better apologize. S: I?m sorry, I apologize, O.K.? Now, will you sit down? Please?

O: (to Molly) He?s apologized.

S: I need you tell Molly what I am saying, but you have to tell her word for word, all right? Word for word.

O: Yes. He wants me to tell you what he?s saying word for word.

S: Molly, you are in danger.

O: You can?t just blurt it out like that. And quit moving around, will you, coz you are starting to make dizzy. I?ll just tell her in my own way. Molly, you are i n danger, girl.

S: I know the man who killed me.

O: He knows the man who killed him.

S: His name is Willy Lopez, and I know where he lives.

O: His name is Willy Lopez, he?s Puerto Rican, and he knows where he lives.

S: Write it down.

O: He wants you write it down.

S: Write it down.

O: I am not damn secretary.

S: Just do it.

O: He?s so testy. What is it you want me to write?

S: 303 Prospect Place, Apartment 4D.

O: 303 Prospect Place?

S: Yeah.

O: That?s my neighborhood.

S: Molly, he?s got my wallet, he?s got my keys, and he was in here.

O: He?s got his wallet, and his keys, and he was in here.

S: Yesterday, when you came back from your walk with Carl, you went up the stairs, you talked to Floyd (a cat), you went in took off your clothes…

O: Alright, alright, alright. When you came in yesterday from your walk with Carl, he was here. You took your clothes off, he saw everything.

S: Molly, you?ve got to go to Police. It was a set-up, I was murdered.

O: He wants you to go to the Police. He said it was a set-up, he was murdered.

S: There?s somebody else involved, I don?t know who.

O: Look, forget it, I don?t want no more to do with this.

M: Wait.

S: Where are you going?

O: What do you mean, where am I going? I?m leaving. I did everythin g I said I was going to do, and don?t be following me coz I am finished and I mean it. Have a nice life, have a nice death, good-bye.

C: Molly, there?s no one on earth besides you. Who wants this to be true more than me? But you got to be rational about this. Sam is no more in this room than. Look…I understand the need to hang on to him. I really do, but this is absurd.

M: I know this seems absurd, but it had to be real.

C: You believed some fortune-teller from Brooklyn who shows up at your door?

M: I watched her have a conversation with him.

C: I don?t buy it. Moll, not for a minute.

M: What about the things she knew.

C: What things?

M: The photo Sam took of me on our trip to Reno, Carl, we were alone. And the green underwear that I wrote my name in. she said Sam knew who killed him. Yeah, that he was set up.

C: This is getting deranged. We?re off the deep end.

M: She had a name and an address. Willy Lopez. 303 Prospect place apartment 4-D.

C: This is sick.

S: Oh, Carl

C: This is really sick. Oh, God. Moll y, I don?t understand how you could—you could swallow this crap. I mean…this guy may not even exist. Maybe she?s just trying to use you, to set someone up.

C: What do you mean find out?

M: She said Sam wants me to go to the police.

C: Sam wants you to go to the police. Jesus. Moll, are you out of your mind? What are you going to tell the police? That some storefront psychic has been communing with the dead? Do you know what that sounds like. You?re talking ghosts here for Christ?s sake. I?m sorry. This stuff just really gets to me. You know? It?s OK if you don?t believe me. I?m trying to, Molly. Look…if it still make you feel an better. I?ll go check this out, OK? I want you to try out get some sleep, OK?

M: All right.

C: I?ll call you in the morning.

M: OK.

C: Be careful.

M: Carl.

W: What the hell are you doing here?

C: Who have you been talking to, Willy?

W: Talking to, the hell you mean?

C: Some woman knows all about you. Everyth ing. Where?s she getting it from, huh?

W: Haven?t said a word to anybody.

C: She knows your name, God damn it. She knows where you live.

W: A lot of women know where I live.

C: This is not a joke. She knows about the murder. I want you to find this bitch, whoever she is, and I want you to…to just get rid of her, O.K.? I?ve got 4 million dollars stuck in a God damn computer. If that money isn?t transferred soon, I?m dead, we are both dead.

W: Why don?t you just tell them that you only launder money on the fi rst of the month?

C: What the hell is wrong with you, huh? Is everything a joke? You killed a man, you are suppose to steal his wallet, was that a joke?

W: Man, I did you a favor, man. That was a freebie.

C: Look, these are drug deals, O.K.? Just don?t blo w this for me, Willy. I lose my job, I go to jail.

80 thousand dollars, that money is mine. Look, just give me the keys to Sam?s apartment, I?ll get the address book myself, O.K.?

M: Look, I don?t even believe in this stuff myself. But she was real. You think I?d come down here if it wasn?t real? You know you told me if I had any new information that I should come, so here I am. I know how this sounds. I hear myself saying it. And I want to cringe. But this woman know things she couldn?t have known. Thin gs Sam only said to me.

Female policewoman: OK, according to this psychic lady, there are ghosts and spirits all over the place, watching us all the time? Hell, I?m never going to get undressed again. Excuse me. I got more important thing to do.

M: The gu y?s name is Willy Lopez. All I?m asking you to do is check it out.

Policeman: OK. Wait here. Let me see if the guy?s got a record all right?

M: Great. What are you doing? Where?s the file on Willy Lopez?

Policeman: There is no file on Willy Lopez. He was probably some old boyfriend. She was trying to get even with. This psychic woman?s got a record that goes back a long way. 1967, Shreveport, forgery. Selling false ID, serve one year. 1971, Baton Rouge arrested for fraud. Numbers racketeering, served 10 months, 1974.

M: Look, this is impossible.

Policeman: It goes on and on.

Policeman: A lot of times, they read the obits. She just had to see the word “banker”…boom. Hell, they even go through your…garbage to find things they can use…letters, old papers. It doesn?t take much.

M: No. it was real. She knew about a…a sweater I knitted. And songs we sang. Our trip to Montego Bay.

Policeman: I?m sorry. I know this is hard. People want so much to believe. They are grieving, they?re vulnerable and they will give anything for one last moment. Believe me. These people know what they?re doing. I know how you must feel. But you know you can press charges. M: No. Thank you.

C: Oh, God. Let this be it. Yes.

S: You God damn murderer. Why? I thought you were my friend. I had a life, God damn you. I had a life.

Eddy: Hello?

C: Eddy?

E: Yea.

C: It?s Carl Bruner.

E: What?s up?

C: I?m fine. Yep, everything is fine, we are all set.

E: Oh good.

C: Just let me know what you want me to do.

E: O.K., I want you to transfer the money from the twelve separate accounts into a single account under the name Rita Miller.

C: O.K.

E: Tomorrow, at five minutes before closing, at 3:55 p.m., transfer the full account to First Island Bank of Nassau, registry number 486: 9580. Call us when it?s done.

C: O.K. I?ve got it. Hum, just tell Mr. Balistrait that there won?t be any problems, O.K.?

E: yeah, I?ll do that.

C: Thank you.

E: Good work, Carl.

S: Molly, why can?t you hear me? I need you.

M: Who is it?

C: It?s Carl, Molly.

S: No, don?t open it, Molly. He?s a murderer.

C: I know it?s late. I?m sorry to disturb you. I just keeping thinking about you all the day. And I feel really lousy about what happened last night. Thi s supernatural thing just…

M: Don?t worry about it. It?s OK.

C: No, it?s not. You need me to hear you, and I don?t. I wasn?t there for you and that was…that was wrong. It?s just…I just…I want you to know that I?m your friend.

M: Thanks, Carl.

S: You were never our friend.

M: That really means a lot to me.

C: Me, too. I brought you some Japanese apple pears. I know you like them.

M: Thanks. That?s very sweet.

C: Can I come in for a second? It?s just been one of those days. Maybe just cup of coffee?

S: No, Molly.

M: You seem a little tense. Are you OK?

C: No, I?m fine. It?s just…what can I tell you? It?s been tough. It just still hurts so much.

S: You lying snake.

C: And on top of it, it?s stuff at work. They?ve given me my own accounts w hich is good. But I just haven?t really had time to adjust, kind of absorb everything. It?s no big deal. Yeah. Can I have just a little more cream?

M: Yeah.

C: Oh, shit. Jesus. I can?t believe I did that.

M: Are you all right?

C: Yeah, I?m fine. Oh, God!

M: Let me throw that in the washer.

C: No. Don?t worry about it. It?s OK. It?s just…

M: You want another shirt?

C: No, it?ll dry. It?ll just take a minute. There you go. Where were you today? I thought you were going to come into the bank. And sign those papers?

M: I was supposed to, but I didn?t have time. I went to the police.

C: You did. What did you tell them? What did you say? It was awful.

M: I felt really stupid. They brought out of a file on this woman and…at least 10 inches thick. C: A rip-off artist, huh?

S: No, Molly.

M: You knew the sad things. Is that I believed her.

C: Molly. Sometime we need to believe.

M: Why? What?s the point?

C: Molly, it?s not easy to face the realities of life sometimes. You got to give yourself that. What you?ve got to re member is the love that you guys felt. You got to remember how good Sam was. You were everything to him, Molly. You were his life.

M: I feel so alone.

C: You?re not alone, OK? You got your work. You?re incredibly talented. You?re young. You?re fantastically gorgeous.

M: I don?t know what?s real anymore. I don?t know what to think.

C: just think about Sam. Think about the time you guys had together. How wonderful that was. Yesh, let your feeling out, Molly. It?s OK. Life turns on a dime. You know? I mean…Peo ple think that…they?re there forever, that there?s always going to be tomorrow. But that?s bullshit! Sam taught us that. You have to live for now. For today.

M: I can?t. I?m sorry.

C: It?s OK.

M: I can?t. it?s just too soon.

C: It?s OK.

M: You have been great, Carl. But I need you to leave.

C: I understand totally. Please. Could we just have dinner tomorrow night? Just talk. Can I interest you in that?

M: Yeah. Sure. Great.

Ghost: Get off my train.

S: No. Show me how you do that. I want to learn, and I?m not leaving until you teach it to me. The ghost: Get off!

S: No!

G: Get off. You stubborn asshole. What are you doing? What the hell are you doing?

G: You are trying to move it with your fingers. You can?t push it with your fingers. You a re dead. It?s all in your mind. The problem is you still think you are real. You think you are wearing those clothes? You think you are crouched on that floor? Bullshit! You ain?t got a body no more, son. It?s all up here, now. You want to move it with your mind, you?ve got to focus. You hear what I am saying.

S: How? How do you focus?

G: I don?t know how you focus. You just focus.

S: How did you do that?

G: You?ve got to take all your emotions, all your anger, all your love, all your hate, and push it, way down here into the pit of your stomach, and then let it explode, like a reactor.

S: O.K., O.K.

S: Don?t laugh!

G: Way to go, kid.

S: I did it, I did it.

G: Way to go. From your gut like I told you. Give it time. What else have you got?

S: How long have you been here?

Ghost: Since they pushed me.

S: Someone pushed you?

Ghost: Yeah, someone pushed me.

S: Who?

Ghost: What? You don?t believe me? You think I fell? You think I jumped? Well, fuck you! It wasn?t my time. I wasn?t supposed to go! I?m not supposed to be here! Oh, I?d give anything for a drag. Just one drag.

S: Are you all right?

Ghost: Who are you? Why are you hounding me? Who sent you? Leave me alone!

O: You need to concentrate, coz if you concentrate, he?ll probably appear. What?s his name again? Patricia (Orlando?s wife): Orlando.

O: Orlando, Orlando, is there an Orlando here?

Orlando (the ghost): I?m here.

O: He?s here.

Orlando: Oda Mae, I …

O: Sam!

Orlando: What the hell? Excuse me, I?m Orlando, and the line is over there.

S: Where did all these ghosts come from? You can hear me, too.

O: Hear them? Can I hear them? I hear them in the morning, I hear them in the evening, they come into the shower. Sam, what the hell did you do to me? Did you tell every spook in the world you met about me? I?ve got spooks from Jersey coming in here.

S: Jesus.

O: There?s stuff going on you wouldn?t believe, I don?t even believe it.

Orlando: It?s amazing. You really do have it.

O: Yes, I know.

Orlando: How do you like that?

P: Will you two please hurry it up?

O: Oh, chill out, Chill out.

S: Listen, I need your help again, Oda Mae. There?s something we need to do.

O: No, I?m not doing anything else with you, Sam. Look, you are holding on to a life that doesn?t want you anymore. It doesn?t want you. Give up the ghost.

P: Are you speaking to me?

suppose to be concentrating, aren?t you? Are you going to try it? Thank you very much. And Sam, are you going to get out of here, coz, h oney, I?ve got work to do.

S: Uh, huh.

O: Fine, then stay there. Excuse me, excuse me, you ready now? Let us do it.

S: Oda Mae, listen, I?ve got to talk to you now; I?ve got a plan. You see, I?ve figured this thing out, there?s something we can do. All we need to do…

S: Oda Mae, Oda Mae.

O: Patricia?

P: Orlando, is that you?

O: Patricia, where are you at? I can hardly see.

Patricia?s brother: Here, she?s here.

P: In front of you, I?m right here.

Orlando: Damn, baby, what did you do to your hair?

P: Orlando, you like it? It?s autumn sunrise.

O: Get out of me, you son of bitch! Don?t you ever do that to me again.

P: Orlando?

Orlando: I can hardly move.

Another ghost: Now, you should know better than that. Jumping into bodies wipes you out. O: Everybody out!

P: What happened to Orlando? Where is the insurance policy?

O: Are you deaf? I said everybody out. Everybody out. Get out, get out, get out. Everybody get out.

W: You the fortune-teller? That?s an interesting question, why don?t you tell me?

O: Who are you?

S: Willy.

O: Willy? Prospect Place Willy?

S: Get out of here fast.

Sisters: Oda Mae, sister!

O: I?m alright, alright.

S: Oda Mae, we are in trouble, so you?ve got to help me.

O: What do you mean we? Who?s we? You?re already dead. Don?t you understand? Th ese people were trying to kill me!

S: Yeah, you?re right, and they?ll be back.

O: Why don?t you find a house to haunt, you know, get some chains and rattle them or something.

S: Will you listen to me? I?ve a plan, and it will work, but you?ve got to get so me of your fake Ids. O: Forget it.

S: If you do this, they will never bother you again, I promise. Scout?s honor.

O: Alright. What exactly do I have to do?

S: You?ve got a nice dress?

O: I don?t see what?s wrong with What I am wearing.

S: Sorry, I made a joke. I loved your shoes.

O: No, I don?t think you do. You know, I think I?m going to go home. I?m going home because I don?t know anything about banking, I don?t know that this is going to work.

S: Oda Mae, will you just relax.

O: Listen, I am nervous.

S: I know you are nervous, but I will give hints, and that fake driver?s license is great.

O: Sam, I don?t think I should do this.

O: Uh: huh?

S: There is a stairway that says New Accounts.

O: I?m giving them no money!

S: Just do what I say. Don?t talk. Tell her you are here to fill out a signature card for a new account.

The bank clerk: Can I help you?

O: Yes, I?m here to fill out a signature card for a new account.

Clerk: And do you know your account number?

S: 92631043.

O: 926.

S: 31043.

O: 31043.

S: Rita Miller.

O: Who?

Clerk: What?

S: Tell her Rita Miller.

O: Rita Miller.

Clerk: Didn?t they have you sign a card when you opened the account?

S: Tell her Carl Bruner opened it for you by phone and asked you to come in today.

O: I t? Mr. Carl Bruner, he, he opened it for me by phone, that account, and now, he?s asked me

to come in today.

Clerk: Ah, I see.

O: Is that right?

S: Yeah.

O: Yeah.

Clerk: All right. Just sign this card on the bottom line, please.

O: May I use your pen? Thank you so much.

S: No, Rita Miller.

O: I?m so sorry. You know, I need another one, I?ve signed the wrong name.

S: Tell her to make sure it goes straight up the third floor file because you have a transaction to make.

O: Please make sure this goes right up to the third floor file because I have a transfusion to make. Clerk: A what?

S: Let?s go!

O: You know what I mean. Can I keep this pen?

Clerk: Ah, yes sure.

O: Bye-bye. I just love these pens.

S: What do you want to keep the pen for?

C: Carl Bruner speaking.

Phone: Hi, Carl. Mr. Balistrari. Carl, it?s me John.

C: John, sorry. What?s up?

Phone: I?ve got the info on the Bradley Portfolio.

C: All right. I?ll pick it up later. All right?

Phone: I?ll be here till 6:00.

O: You keep messing with me. You?ll be here by yourself.

S: Shh. Now tell the guard you?re here to see Lyle Ferguson.

O: Hi, I?m here to see Lyle Ferguson, please.

Guard: Do you have an appointment?

O: No. I?m here for my health.

S: Do say that. Tell him Rita Miller?s here.

O: You just tell him Rita Miller?s here.

Guard: Just one moment, please.

S: Don?t embellish.

O: Jawohl.

Guard: Excuse me?

S: Now, listen. This guy Ferguson?s a real jerk. I?ve known him for five years and he still thinks my name is…

O: Why are you whispering? Just be quiet and listen. He?s a social moron. Just tell the guard Ferguson knows you. You spent time with him and his wife Shirley at the Brewster?s Christmas party last year. Got it?

Guard: What is this in regards to?

O: What? He doesn?t remember me? Oh, we spent all that time at the Brewster?s? Christmas party last year. He and his lovely wife Shirley. It was beautiful. A big old tree and thousands of presents everywhere. Gas. I get a little gas from time to time. That?s all gas. Quit poking me! S: Well, don?t overdo it. Now listen. This?ll be easy. Ferguson was so drunk and he could?ve had a conversation with Tina Turner and not remember.

O: I don?t know, Sam.

S: Here we go.

O: Hello

Ferguson: Well, it?s been a lon g time.

O: Long time.

S: Ask how Bobby and Snoopy are doing?

O: How are Bobby and Snoopy doing?

Ferguson: Fine. Fine. Thank you. Thank you for asking. Uh how is your family?

O: Oh, couldn?t be better.

Ferguson: Well…wonderful!

S: Tell him you?ve been won dering how the did on the Gibraltar securities.

O: I was wondering how did you do on the Gibraltar securities.

Ferguson: The Gibraltar securities? Well, it looks like we topped out on that one huh?

O: We sure did.

Ferguson: That was a useful tip.

S: Good old Randy.

O: Good old Randy. Got a good old head on his shoulders.

S: Her shoulders.

O: Her shoulders.

Ferguson: So what. What brings you here today?

S: You?re closing an account.

O: I?m closing an account.

Ferguson: Do you have your account number?

O: Oh, yes. 936-31043. Is that all right?

Ferguson: Well Rita, it looks like you?ll be withdrawing $4 million from us today.

O: $4 million?

S: Say yes.

Ferguson: Is that correct?

S: Easy. Easy.

Ferguson: Yes. Well how would you like that?

O: 10s and 20s.

Ferguson: Pardon?

S: Tell him a cashier?s check.

O: I think better a cashier?s check.

Ferguson: A cashier?s check. Fine. Well, of course. Uh, you know. We require identification from everyone.

O: Oh, I see.

Ferguson: It?s just procedural. Thank you. I?ll be right back.

O: $ 4 million.

S: Shh.

C: Yeah, get me the first Island Bank of Nassau. It?s on the Rolodex.

Ferguson: Well, we have something for you to sign here. This officially closes the account. And here you are.

S: Now sign Rita Miller.

O: Rita Miller. That?s my name. That?s my name.

S: Oda Mae. I?ll be right back.

O: Just anywhere?

Ferguson: Right here. Fine. The check. This. Here you are.

A woman: The person you need is right down on the end.

O: Mama took the money that she made in the oil wells and she sunk it into gas pumps. You know, how they have at the gas station? It?s very very lucrative.

S: Oda Mae, it really adds up. Say good-bye.

O: It?s been a pleasure doing business with you. Now may I keep the pen? Say good night to Bobby and Snoopy for me. Bye-bye. Why are you rushing me? What?s wrong?

M: Excuse me, Lyle?

Ferguson: Oh, yes.

M: Molly Jensen. The woman you were just doing business with…

Ferguson: Yeah?

M: What did she want? Did it have anything to do with Sam?

Ferguson: Sam? Why? No, no.

M: That was Oda Mae Brown right?

Ferguson: No, her name was Rita Miller. She was closing an account. Is there a problem?

M: No. I guess not. Thank you.

Man: Carl, is something wrong?

C: Is somebody playing with the computers?

Man: What?

C: One of my accounts is closed.

Man: Which account? What?s wrong? You want me to call someone?

C: No, it?s OK. I can do it. I got it.

O: $ 4 million. What am I going to do with this money? I?m going to buy the block. I?m going to make my sister go to a f at farm. I?m going to buy the building.

O: Thank you so much.

S: Wait, Oda Mae, I?ve got an idea. (Please donate. )Take the cheque out of your purse.

O: No. If I endorse it, then if I drop it, somebody will get it.

S: It?s not your money. I never said you were going to get the money. This blood money, I was killed for this money. Now, endorse the cheque.

O: But Sam, what are you going to do with it?

S: Look over there, to your left.

O: I know you don?t think I am giving this four million dollars to a bunch of nuns.

S: Oda Mae, if you don?t do it, they will track you down. Your only protection is to get rid of it. O: Oh Sam, come on, you a re killing me, it?s four million dollars!

S: Think of it this way, you?ll go to Heaven.

O: I don?t want to go to Heaven. I want to go to a bank and cash the God damn cheque. Nuns: Hello.

O: There, how?re you doing?

S: Now, endorse it, Rita Miller.

O: I know.

S: Make it out to Saint Joseph?s Hospital.

O: Why are you making me do this?

S: Give it to her.

O: I will, I will, I just want to feel it one more time in my fingers.

S: Give the lady the cheque.

O: I will.

S: Hand her the cheque, you can do it. Give her the cheque.

O: All right.

Nun: Bless you, child, bless you.

S: Give it to her. Let go. Let go! I?m proud of you, Oda Mae.

O: You know something, I don?t care if you are proud of me, you stay away from me from now on. What?s them nuns going to do it? She can?t even buy underwear? Nothing, I hate you, leave me alone, never talk to me again.

S: I think you?re wonderful, Oda Mae.

S: Go ahead, search, you?ll never find it. They are going to kill you, Carl. You and Willy. You?re going to be fertilizer. They are going to bury you right next to Jimmy Hoffa.

C: Who is doing that? Who is doing that?

M: Hey.

C: Hi.

M: Where were you, I thought we were having dinner?

C: I know, Molly. I am sorry, things were getting a little crazy, I just forget.

S: Yeah, had a little trouble at the bank.

M: God, you know I wish you would have called me, because I?ve been really worried.

C: Listen, Molly, I?ve got to ask you about something.

S: Yeah, he?s got to borrow four million dollars.

C: When you said that you thought that Sam was here, that he was talking to you, what did you feel? What did he say to you?

M: Why, what does that have to do with anything?

C: Just because…I want to know what he told you. I want to know exactly what he said.

M: Carl, let me go. Stop this. It do esn?t matter. It wasn?t real. What the hell happened to you


《美食总动员》观后感 引导语:相信很多人都看过《美食总动员》,那么相关的《美食总动员》观后感要怎么写呢?接下来是小编为你带来收集整理的文章,欢迎阅读! 篇一:《美食总动员》观后感《美食总动员》描写的是在世界闻名的美食之都——巴黎,有一只名叫雷米的小老鼠一心想成为一个伟大的厨师。但是,“理智”的亲人却时常提醒它不要妄想,还好,幸运的小老鼠遇到了一个在后厨帮工的年轻人——林贵尼。尽管他缺少厨艺的天赋,但他正拼命地想保住自己的工作。这两个家伙的相遇是一拍即合,一个“人鼠美食联盟”就这样形成了。小老鼠躲在厨师帽中,操纵林贵尼的手臂,帮助他做出一道又一道精美大餐。两个人的愿望终于实现,但接下来麻烦依旧不断。最后,功夫不负有心人,他们终于烹制出全巴黎最棒的普罗旺斯闷菜,并向世人展示了小老鼠爱厨房的无比热情…… 看这只名叫雷米的小老鼠,它的眼神中透露着无限的向往,那可不是一只普通的老鼠,它不吃人类丢弃的垃圾,它向往着美食世界。它在品尝美食的时候,会把眼睛闭上,用心灵去感受,在脑海中迸发出美妙的旋律。总之,它是一个有追求的老鼠,它是一只坚守着厨神的一句名言“人人皆可烹饪”的小老鼠。这部电影告诉人们:每个人都会有梦想,不管这个梦想离现实有多遥远。只要你坚持不懈,也许有一

天,奇迹就会发生。 篇二:《美食总动员》观后感今天下午,妈妈和棋友徐云浩的妈妈带我俩去汇泉影城看美国动画电影《美食总动员》。 这部电影讲的是有一只生活在巴黎郊区叫小米的小老鼠,在它生活的老奶奶家,它经常看烹饪节目,学会了厨艺,梦想成为伟大的厨师。但是它的爸爸说人类非常讨厌老鼠,更不可能让它去厨房,它的理想是实现不了的。后来,它们全家被老奶奶发现了,在躲避老奶奶开枪时,它掉进下水道,从下水道来到了巴黎最著名的餐厅。为了能进入厨房,小米吃了很多苦,后来认识了在餐厅打扫卫生的阿宽。它和阿宽成为好朋友,藏在阿宽的帽子里帮助阿宽做出了世界上最美味的菜,小米和阿宽的愿望都实现了。 这部电影使我感觉到一只小老鼠都会为自己的梦想吃那么多苦,我也要为实现自己的理想勇敢地面对困难,坚持到底。 篇三:《美食总动员》观后感之所以去看电影,因为每周末我都要做奶爸。我做奶爸喜欢带女儿到外面去玩,附近的各大公园都留下过我和女儿的身影。电影院倒是没去过,因为小孩很难有一两小时的漫长耐心。不过我女儿对动画片的兴趣似乎很大,在家看《米奇妙妙屋》时,半小时、一小时都能看下去,神情专注、眼睛都不眨。于是,今天我


《人鬼情未了》观后感 《人鬼情未了》观后感 认真看完一部作品以后,一定有很多值得分享的心得吧,这时我们很有必要写一篇观后感了。你想知道观后感怎么写吗?下面是为大家收集的《人鬼情未了》观后感,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。 关于爱情的故事我们已经传唱太多了,可是其中的爱情还是让我们有一种耳目一新的感觉。 故事情节其实是很简单的,维森被好友杀害后,他的魂灵在暗中帮助慕丽摆脱了仇人的追杀,并终于使杀人凶手得到了应有的报应。很常见的一个涉及人鬼的故事,只因为添加了爱情这味调味剂,故事就免于落俗了。 老式的留声机,昏暗的暖色调的灯光,缓缓转动的泥坯,《人鬼情未了》的乐声徐徐响起,把一切带入一个美妙的境界里。“闭上眼,感受细泥在指间滑过的那种感觉,”慕丽对森这样说。就好像杰克对露丝说:“闭上眼,让我带你飞翔。”氛围极美,优美的氛围,常常使人也变得优美。古人说:“景乃诗之媒。”而经典的爱情,本身就是一首值得仔细品味的诗。 爱情到底是什么呢?是天空中飘过的云朵?还是涨潮在沙滩上孤苦无依的贝壳?

或许爱情是一种亲身的体验,需要两个人的真切付出和感悟,它是一种任谁都说不出的感觉,100对恋人沐浴在爱情中就说得出100种感觉:有浪漫的,有痴缠的,有绚丽的,有伤感的,有隽永淡雅的,也有人鬼殊途的……世事沧桑,人潮汹涌,相信爱情的人已是越来越少,乏味庸常的现实生活和多姿多彩的银幕爱情使爱情的信仰者常常不得不面对一个悖论:橘红的`温暖和粉色的浪漫只存在于虚幻的光影世界中,越多的美丽色泽和感人画面,越反衬出这种爱的虚拟性质,即便不虚伪,起码也遥不可及;如果身边有爱,那绝不是电影中的样子,在大多数情形下,它呈现的是电影不愿表现的苍白和平庸。 然而,看过电影《人鬼情未了》后,你还是这样认为吗?还记得影片的结尾处吗?当萨姆的灵魂即将升天时,他的原形显现了,“萨姆!“莫莉含泪呼唤着她的爱人,现在她能够如此真切地看见萨姆了。这是上天的、美意,是他们生死不渝的爱情感动了上天。萨姆深情地亲吻着莫莉,现在的他不再怯于表白自己的爱了,他终于说出了“我爱你“,然后他的肉体毁灭,灵魂飞升,升入一片光体之中…… 从自然界的角度来说,刹那的光辉是不能够代表永恒的。然而在寂静的夜晚,在风尘仆仆的望不断的天涯路上,在心灵深处发出的震颤,刹那间便成为了永恒。 人鬼情未了,既然人是有灵魂的,那么生生世世的守候,就成为爱人们誓言的延续,人鬼恋情,灵魂之约,那一刻,即使阴阳相隔,缠绵的爱情依然无法阻断。

疯狂原始人经典台词 中英文对照

For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use 《疯狂原始人》讲述的是在史前一场地震过后,山洞人部落失去了自己的家园,族长Crug带领着族人在危险的野外跋涉,寻找新的家园。路上他们遇到了一个游牧部落落单的族人,后者凭借自己超前的思维和前卫的行为受到了山洞人的追捧并和Crug的长女暗生情愫。以下是谜语网小编为大家整理的有关疯狂原始人的经典台词,让我们一起在欢乐、诙谐、有寓意的对白中一起重温电影吧! Guy: This is called a brain. I think that's where ideas go. T h u n k:D a d,I d o n't h a v e a b r a i n. 小盖:这是大脑,我想的很多点子都来自这里。(傻蛋)坦克:老爸!我没有大脑! G r u g:A c a v e!E v e r y o n e i n s i d e! G r a n:I t l o o k s t h e c a v e h a v e a t o n g u e!V e r y m a g i c a l! 爸爸:是洞穴!大家快进去! 奶奶:这洞穴还有舌头,真神奇! E a p:W h a t i s t h a t G u y:f i r e T h u n k: F i r e i s b i t t i n g m e! 小伊:这是什么? 小盖:是火。(傻蛋)坦克:火怎么会咬人啦! G u y:I c a l l t h e m s h o e s.

料理鼠王观后感100字 美食总动员观后感

料理鼠王观后感100字美食总动员观后感 《美食总动员》描写的是在世界闻名的美食之都巴黎,有一只名叫雷米的小老鼠一心想成为一个伟大的厨师。下面是小编为大家整理的美食总动员观后感,希望大家喜欢! 美食总动员观后感篇一 一向对动画电影十分关注,本片也不例外。甚至在年就已经看过本片的先行预告片了,但是真正看到个不错的版本竟等了一年。不过看在是皮克斯的份上,也就算了。 动画电影一直在寻求突破,本片干脆来让人人喊打的角色成为主角。小老鼠雷米拥有异乎常鼠的嗅觉,并一心想成为一名伟大的厨师。但是他的家人告诫他毕竟是一只老鼠,是不会被人们所接受的。理想是美好的,但是现实是残酷的,老鼠天生就应该偷偷摸摸,厨房也成为了他们的禁地。由于居所被一个很猛的老太太发现(拿着猎枪胡扫),雷米在逃亡的时候和鼠群失散,独自一鼠来到了美丽的巴黎,他发现了他的偶像古斯特的餐馆,开始只是为了偷吃些食物,可是见到笨蛋的林贵尼把一锅汤搞糟的时候忍不住出手熬出了美味的浓汤(好像有句话说的是一只老鼠坏了一锅粥吧?汗!)。林贵尼为了成为大厨,决定一块和老鼠合作,做出美味的料理。 和老鼠的合作还挺愉快,不但料理做的好,林贵尼也抱得美人归,后来还发现自己是古斯特的儿子,即合法继承人,在继承了餐厅后,林贵尼觉得自己不再需要雷米了,并认为和一只老鼠合作是愚蠢的。人类总是那样的无耻,什么事都是有用的时候利用,失了才发现他的宝贵。最后,当传说中的最强美食评论家到来时,雷米带着大批老鼠军团做了个完美的料理,林贵尼也认识到了自己的错误,重新和老鼠雷米成为了好朋友。 故事是典型的动画式,哪哪都充斥着荒诞而又温馨的情节。一个人类眼中的四害,过街喊打的生物却出现在厨房,做出了人类都难以抵抗的完美料理,故事可以说是一次大胆的突破。观众能不能接受这个事实,以后再饭馆吃饭会不会留下后遗症,对本片是次严峻的考验,显然皮克斯又一次出色的完成了任务。动画中的人物色泽饱满,动感十足,可以说在技术上,皮克斯的功夫绝对是没话说,有了动画质量的保证。 接下来就是情节的突破。纵观这八年,从玩具总动员到海底总动员再到汽车总动员,哪一部不是在寻求突破?主人公一变再变,目的就是让人们看到一些不同的东西,此次来了只老鼠,非但没有被人喊打,而且还博得了阵阵好评。动画电影的故事大多比较老套,总是在搞笑之余来段煽情,最后结局总是完美,帅哥总是抱得美人归但是有很多人看过本片后依然

《中国合伙人》狂飙英文台词 口语如何逆袭成功

《中国合伙人》狂飙英文台词口语如何逆袭成功 5月18日,中国式传记片《中国合伙人》上映,仅仅10天票房已突破3亿。电影讲述了从20世纪80年代到21世纪,30年大变革背景下,三个好友为了改变自身命运,创办英语培训学校并最终实现“中国式梦想”的故事。三位主演邓超、黄晓明、佟大为在剧中都有大量的英文台词,在银屏上操作一口流利地道的美式英语,引起了不少人的正面评价,演员徐铮就忍不住大赞“英语说得也太牛了”。那么,他们的英文水平究竟如何?对英语口语学习又有什么体会呢? 黄晓明当年因为歌中一句英文“闹太套”(not at all)而被网友调侃,一度陷入“英语恐惧症”。但在《中国合伙人》中,黄晓明的大段纯英文台词都是“亲声”上阵。邓超也称,在拍片前,自己属于“英语C班”(差班)。而对于佟大为的英文水平,导演陈可辛更是戏言:“拍完中国合伙人,他泡个美国妞应该不成问题。” 据悉,三位主演为了“亲声”上阵,都跟着专门的英语老师苦练口语,邓超为了实现“零口音美语”,“连做梦都在说英语”。佟大为表示,“学英语的心得,就是要多听多说多练,就像戏里王阳说的:“你英语说得烂,难受的是听的人,你怕什么?” 其实,在现实中要想学好英语,跟影片中的三位主演一样,不是那么难的事。 首先,我们要明确,学口语最重要的、第一步要突破的是什么?是音标,词汇量,还是句式语法?答案都不是。第一步我们必须要敢说出口!就像佟大为在电影中说的:“你英语说得烂,难受的是听的人,你怕什么?”我们必须开口说话,才能知道自己说出来的话错误有多少。 其次,学习口语要选择系统地学习。一个好的学习体系能够帮助同学们在适当的水平学到适当的内容,不可拔苗助长,选择的等级高了,学习内容难度过大,学习很吃力,投入更多的时间参加学习,最后却不一定能学得会。选择的级别低了,知识内容太简单,整个课程下来都像在巩固基础,没有提升的部分,浪费时间和经历,耽误的时间还不如去做一些其他有意识的事。 最后,多听多练多问是学口语的必胜秘诀。英语是一门语言,口语是英语的根本属性,学好口语可不能偷懒哦。


《人鬼情未了》观后感 导语:爱情永远是人类热衷谈论的话题,自古以来有多少痴男怨女缔造了多少轰轰烈烈的爱情故事,本文是品才网小编精心编辑的,希望能帮助到你! 《人鬼情未了》观后感黛米·摩尔,这个女人有一种可以先入为主的霸道和魔力。这样说的原因当然是,影片伊始,女主角的形象就明显地先于任何人,跃然脑海中。我也不知道自己究竟应该怎样描述这样的一个女人,瘦瘦小小的身材,也算得上玲珑有致——尽管,那姣好的身材却被深藏在宽大的灰色男士衬衫里;明明有张天使的脸孔,却将头发剪的仿佛一个逃学书童,俏皮的齐刘海下一双典型西方人的眼睛,深邃又多情。 她就是带着这样一个有些惊人耳目,还有些矛盾的外表,出现在镜头里的。 我想,当她一出场,我就毫无疑问地喜欢上她了。而剧情的发展显然是非常的顺应我意,这样一个特别又迷人的女人是位艺术家,当镜头开始在房间中旋转,莫莉的双手从湿润的陶土上温柔的抚过,身后的唱片机流淌出缱绻缠绵的音乐。我不是男人,却也忍不住为那一刻的莫莉疯狂了,而疯狂过后细细想来,关于这部影片最初的期待就发生了变化,最初以为影片不过是一对恩爱小夫妻人鬼殊途之后再续前

缘的爱情哀歌,而莫莉的出场改变了这一切,试想,一场爱情中有了这样一个女人,她俏皮又不失成熟,随意又不减美丽,她不说话的时候优雅的像天鹅,一笑起来却又如婴孩般纯净无暇,有了这样一个女人,再平凡的爱情也注定了会不平凡,不是吗? 整个影片中最广为流传和赞颂的片段之一——山姆和莫莉伴随着Unchained Melody的旋律在房间里相拥缠绵,这段旋律随着影片的播出也着实取得了人人都“耳熟能详”的轰动,每当耳边想起Unchained Melody的旋律,眼前总是浮现出莫莉精致的脸庞与山姆深情的让人发狂的眼神。两位演员的演艺生涯其实都是在《人鬼情未了》之后达到了巅峰,我甚至一度觉得,影片即使在这时戛然而止也未尝不可,因为这样的爱情,叫人实在不忍打破。 上帝嫉妒幸福的人,山姆在一次意外中与歹徒搏斗中枪死亡,剧情急转直下,仿佛流畅的钢琴曲中错按了一个键,幸福毫无预兆的骤然停顿,哀伤才缓缓地散溢出来,弥漫了莫莉的整双眼睛。 故事就从这里开始,山姆的灵魂不肯离开莫莉,他整日守在莫莉的身边,却只能徒然地看着莫莉的悲伤,毫无办法。而就在这时候,莫莉却受到了来自杀害自己的凶手威利的死亡威胁,山姆焦急万分,为了保护莫莉和为自己报仇,他找到通阴阳的灵媒——黑人奥德美,恳求她的帮助。在她的努


Eep(白): With every sun comes new day. A new beginning. A hope that things will be better today than they were yesterday. But not for me. My name is Eep. And this is my family. The Groods. If you weren’t clued already, by animal skin, and sloping forehead, we are cave man. Most days we spend in our cave. In the dark. Night after night, day after day. Yep, home sweet home. When we did go out, we struggled to find food. In a harsh and hostile world. And I struggled to survise my family. We are the last ones around. The Gorts, smashed by a mammoth. The Horks, swallowed by a sand snake. The Erfs, mosquito bite. The Throgs, common cold. And the Groods……That’s us. The Groods made it, because of my dad. He was strong, and he followed the rules. The ones painted on our cave walls: Anything new is bad, curiosity is bad, going out at night is bad……Basically, anything fun is bad. Welcome to my world! But this is a story about how all that changed in a instant. Because what we didn’t know, was that our world was about to come to an end. And there were no rules on our cave walls to prepare us for that. Grug: You’re supposed to wait for my signal, Eep. Eep? Eep: We’ve been in that cave forever. Grug: Three days is not forever. Eep: It is with this family. Grug: Eep, will you come down here? You been so ……so dramatic. Grug: No, no, no, Sandy, come back here! Remember the signal, good girls wait for the signal. Ugga…… Ugga: As soon as I getSandy, I’ll go back in, and you can give the signal. Grug: No, but you’re already out now. Thunk: I’m waiting for the signal, dad! Grug: Never mind, Thunk. Just come out. Thunk: Yep……But if you don’t give me the signal, how do I know you’re my dad? Grug: The signal isn’t so you know it’s me. It’s so you know I wasn’t eaten by an animal. Thunk: Wait, then why is the signal an animal noise? I mean, doesn’t that just confuse things? I……I’m still waiting for the signal. Ugga: Mum, we’re ready to leave! Mum? Ugga’s mum: Still alive! Grug: It’s still early. Ugga’s mum: And you’re still fat! Grug: Breakfast formation! I want to see some real caveman action out here! We do this fast, we do this loud, we do this as a family! And never! not! be! afraid! Thunk: Yay! Breakfast…… Grug: Who’s up? We’ll flip for it. Call her in the air. Eep: Heads! (Ugga’s mum: Ah!!!!!!) Grug: Tails. Thunk’s in. Positions! Ok, Thunk, go! Come on, Thunk. Way to go! Take it to the cave! (Thunk was fallen on the ground.) Oh. Release the baby! Ugga: Get’em, Sandy, go! Ugga: Get them, mum! Ugga’s mum: Old lady down! Eep, avenge me! Eep: Thanks!


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 单选题 1(4分) : Which country controlled Austria? A: Germany B: Holland C: France D: Switzerland 2(4分) : What is the name of Rhett's 'fancy lady' friend? A: Belle Watling B: Melanie Watling C: India Watling D: Careen Watling 3(4分) : What was the name of Jane's bullying cousin? A: Henry B: Edward C: John Reed D: St. John Rivers 4(4分) : How did Sam and Ode deal with the money? A: saved it in a bank B: spent it on housing C: shopping D: donated 5(4分) : How many sisters did Scarlett have? A: three B: four C: one D: two 6(4分) : Who is the 'tubab'? A: Tom B: Smokey C: Joe D: Robert 7(4分) : What did Maria do in Von Trapp's family? A: servant B: governess C: guard D: babysitter 8(4分) : How long had Jane and Edward been married at the end of the book? A: 2 years B: 10 years C: 5 years D: 15 years 9(4分) : Where did Mr Rochester propose to Jane? A: The Library


那些年经典的欧美动画片台词 Lion King 《狮子王》: 1. Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance. 世界上所有的生命都在微妙的平衡中生存。 2. I laugh in the face of danger. 越危险就越合我心意。 3. I'm only brave when I have to be. Being brave doesn't mean you go looking for trouble. 我只是在必要的时候才会勇敢,勇敢并不代表你要到处闯祸。 4. When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world. 如果这个世界对你不理不睬,你也可以这样对待它。 5. It's like you are back from the dead. 好像你是死而复生似的。 6. You can't change the past. 过去的事是不可以改变的。

7. Yes, the past can hurt. But I think you can either run from it or learn from it. 对,过去是痛楚的,但我认为你要么可以逃避,要么可以从中学习。 8. This is my kingdom. If I don't fight for it, who will? 这是我的国土,我不为她而战斗,谁来为她战斗呢? 9. Why should I believe you? Everything you ever told me was a lie. 我为何要相信你?你所说的一切都是谎话。 10. I'll make it up to you, I promise. 我会补偿你的,我保证。


中国合伙人经典台词对白爱情电影英文独白精选《中国合伙人》是2016年由陈可辛执导的一部剧情片,由内地三大小生黄晓明、邓超、佟大为等担任主演。该影片主要讲述了由20世纪80年代至今,大时代下三个年轻人从学生年代相遇、相识,拥有同样的梦想至一起打拼事业,共同创办英语培训学校的创业励志故事,意为中国的美国梦。虽然是以美国梦为背景,但影片实际上讲述的是从上世纪80年代至今,30多年间大变革背景下,叁个小人物为改变自身命运,最终实现中国式梦想的故事。 中国合伙人最励志经典台词 1、如果皱纹终将刻在我们的额头,我们唯一能做的,就是不让它刻在我们心上。 2、我们这代人最重要的是:死缠烂打。 3、梦想是什么?梦想就是一种让你感到坚持,就是幸福的东西。 4、我们只有在失败中寻找胜利,在绝望中寻求希望。 5、我改变不了世界,是世界改变了我们。 6、千万不要跟丈母娘打麻将,千万不要跟想法比你多的女人上床,千万不要跟最好的朋友合伙开公司。 7、我觉得我的青春结束了,而且就埋葬在这。 8、男人的梦想最初都是从女人开始的。 9、小姐心态,寡妇待遇,妇联追求。

10、他不敢冒险,因为他害怕失败,害怕变回那个失败者,因为他配不上今天的成功。 11、我就是为了我自己,至少我敢承认。 12、我没有朋友,只有你们两个是我朋友 13、同演讲代替了性生活,在公共场合基本不说人话。 14、Too young,too naive。 15、你要是不答应我,我就拉你跳湖。 16、我们都在进步,可是你们却一直停滞不前 17、你除了拿麻袋装钱还会什么? 18、对他们来说,你可能是个英雄,对我而言,你只是个窃贼。 19、继上次钻了美国大爷的空子,这次他又要来钻国家的空子。 20、为什么是你?---为什不能是我你现在还是一个失败者吗? 我他妈至少奋斗过。


观《人鬼情未了》有感 英语142 孙雨乔14133218 在上电影艺术鉴赏课之前,我并没有看过《人鬼情未了》,但里面的歌曲与经典场面却都有很深的印象,这也许就是经典的影响力吧,“先闻其声,后观其影像”。 讲述的故事并不复杂,萨姆和米莉是一对即将结婚的恋人,他们买下一栋旧房子,打算重新装修一番然后入住。萨姆面对爱情也是非常认真。他总是“担心失去”,害怕美好的事物变成泡影。这是因为他太在乎米莉了,对于即将得来的幸福却又有一种不确定的感觉。萨姆和米莉看完莎士比亚的戏剧,走在路上,米莉突然对萨姆说:“我想跟你结婚。”这时一个劫匪突然持枪抢劫,在搏斗中,萨姆中枪身亡。但是他的亡魂却灵魂出窍,成了一个凡人看不到的“鬼”。一束天堂之光洒下,可是萨姆并没有上天堂,他想继续留在凡间。萨姆发现自己可以被任何东西穿透,还能看见凡人看不见的鬼,这让他感到非常惊恐。失去恋人的米莉整天郁郁寡欢,哪里都不想去,变成鬼的萨姆一直都陪在她身边,看着她的生活。在通灵人奥德美的帮助下,萨姆和米莉可以交流。奥德美也是影片的亮点之一,她喜感的表演、连珠炮式的说话都会让人喜欢上这个有点势力、有点爱碎碎念的黑女人。最后萨姆报复了害死自己的朋友卡尔,为自己报了仇。而萨姆也将离开米莉,萨姆俯下身,亲吻着米莉。这是个跨越时空的吻,也是最后的一吻,金光镶嵌着他们的轮廓,最后萨姆的背影消失在了苍茫的空灵世界里。多少观众被这个场景所打动,留下热泪。 一部歌颂伟大爱情的电影,即使看不见彼此,却仍然能感觉到爱人的存在,让人为之感动。 影片最让我印象深刻的是萨姆在生前从未说过“我爱你”。每当米莉对他说我爱你时,他总是说,我也是。而萨姆死后才明白,说出“我也爱你”的重要性,因为米莉想听到更为深情的承诺。这也让我想起,生活中,我们要积极与表达对父母的爱,对朋友的爱,对爱人的爱。 中国人总是比较含蓄的,不懂得表达爱,记得前几天有一家店在母亲节发起的活动,凡是母亲节带妈妈去店里吃饭,并且对妈妈说“我爱你”的,可以免费得到礼物。我很想带我的妈妈去这个活动,并不是因为礼物,而是因为想对妈妈表达爱意,却从来不好意思,想借这个活动来感谢妈妈。只可惜路途遥远没办法。有点遗憾。 如果你心中有爱,那就表达出来,不要等到没有机会了再后悔。若萨姆没有成为ghost而是直接上了天堂,他也会对于自己没有表达出对米莉的深爱而无比遗憾吧。


Guy: This is called a brain. I think that's where ideas go. Thunk: Dad, I don't have a brain. 小盖:这是大脑,我想的很多点子都来自这里。 (傻蛋)坦克:老爸!我没有大脑! Grug:A cave!Everyone inside! Gran:It looks the cave have a tongue!Very magical! 爸爸:是洞穴!大家快进去! 奶奶:这洞穴还有舌头,真神奇! Eap:What is that Guy: fire Thunk:Fire is bitting me ! 小伊:这是什么? 小盖:是火。 (傻蛋)坦克:火怎么会咬人啦! Guy: I call them shoes. Eap:I'm love it.But where my feet? 盖:我叫它们为鞋子 小伊:我好喜欢,那我的脚呢? Sandy:Release the baby! 小珊:放孩子咬它! Now we don't call it alive, it's just not to die 我们现在这不叫活着,这只是没有死去 Don't hide, don't be afraid of the dark,follow the lights,then you can find tomorrow! 不要躲避,不要害怕黑暗,向着太阳,你就能找到明天! 哥:你在那干吗呢?多危险啊?小伊 Melon brother: Xiao Yi, what are you doing over there? It's too dangerous! 小伊:我不知道 Xiao Yi: I don't know 瓜哥:你为什么不知道?停止寻找吧,恐惧能让我们活着,别不害怕。


对外经济贸易大学 2014 — 2015学年第二学期期末考试 论文题目 电影音乐的心理功能 课程代码及课序号 MUS106 课程名称 电影音乐赏析 学 号 201309019 姓 名 郭嘉明 学 院 英语学院 专 业 商务英语 考试时间

电影音乐的情感烘托作用 郭嘉明 摘要 电影音乐是一部电影的重要组成部分。它能使观众在接受视觉形象时,补充和深化对影片的艺术感受,在突出影片的抒情性、戏剧性和气氛方面起着特殊作用。一首好的电影音乐,对整个影片有着至关重要的影响。根据理查德·戴维斯在《电影音乐创作完全指南》一书,电影音乐的功能可分为三大类,即物理功能、心理功能和结构功能。其中,心理功能又分四个小类:铺设氛围、揭示人物情绪、暗示线索和掩盖线索。本文以若干影片中的背景音乐为基础,探讨这些音乐片段的心理作用,并了解电影音乐对于情感烘托的重要性。 关键词:电影音乐心理功能

电影音乐的心理功能 电影音乐,即为电影而创作的音乐,是电影综合艺术中的一个重要组成部分。电影能从无声发展到有声,这也正是人们对动效和声音的需求,期望能有除了摄影美术之外的表达形式。电影音乐在电影艺术中的作用不言而喻。有人说“音乐实际上为观众提供了无意识的支持。它不总是显露的且你不需要知道它,但它却起了它应有的作用。”(美,赫尔曼) 曾有人做过一个实验:为人们放映《加勒比海盗》的同时,将国际声道的声音频道全部关掉,结果不出20分钟,有人就看不下去了。这说明电影音乐对一部影片的成功是大有助益的。而在所有电影音乐所起的功能中,心理功能是影片中最普遍最常见的。它分四个小类:铺设氛围、揭示人物情绪、暗示线索和掩盖线索。我将以几部影片为例着重分析“铺设氛围”及“揭示人物情绪”的功能。 在影片《指环王》中,为铺设氛围而创作的音乐随处可见。Howard Shore,这位出色的电影音乐家,用他那些绝佳的作品,为我们带来了一场听觉的盛宴。夏尔——这里有如世外桃源,风景优美,看上去赏心悦目,居住在这里的霍比特人也是一个善良淳朴的种族——这时的背景音乐,The Shire,听起来也令人心旷神怡,表达了一种和平,欢快而又深沉的情绪,让观众也喜欢上这安宁的地方,并担心苏醒的恶魔将会破坏这里的祥和。而另一首音乐,Foundations of Stone,却展现了和平的另一面——战争与邪恶。万人颂的气势衬托了战争的庞大与惨烈,给人以一种紧张感。而其中35秒到50秒这一段,更是在魔戒出现,尤其是弗罗多被魔戒引诱的时候反复使用,来表达弗罗多内心对魔戒的渴望及犹豫。战争之后短暂的安宁,则由Evenstar来表现。在如精灵般的吟唱声中,人们表达着对死者的哀悼,以及对战争的憎恶。同时,我们听着这首曲子,也能感受到胜利曙光就在前方的隐含之意。总体说来,大气的场面配上恰到好处的背景音乐,让《指环王》在魔幻电影之林中脱颖而出。 除了纯乐器伴奏的电影音乐外,主题歌曲也可以起到揭示人物情感的作用。美国故事片《人鬼情未了》讲述一对真诚相爱的年轻人的生死之恋。山姆和莫莉沉浸在热恋的幸福之中,山姆的朋友卡尔谋财害命,指使人杀死了山姆。山姆虽死可魂灵犹存,并时时保护着莫莉。最后山姆的魂灵终将卡尔打死,和莫莉紧紧地相拥在一起。这部影片中有一首美妙、悠扬、动听的男声独唱,就是那首广为流传的《奔放的旋律》。这首具有美国黑人音乐特色的歌曲,是一首纯朴的爱情之歌,它在影片中多次出现,特别是前后的两次尤为感人。前边一次,莫莉——这个美术学院雕塑系的学生在做陶罐,山姆从身后爱抚地搂住她的腰,此时,两个热恋中的年轻人不顾手中的泥浆,相拥在一起热烈亲吻。他们身后的自动唱机这时正在放送这首歌,歌声像是在祝愿这对年轻人的幸福。最后的那次是在当山姆报了杀身之仇,卡尔受到应得惩罚之后,莫莉不顾山姆已是鬼魂,与他紧紧地拥抱在一起——此时这首歌在画外响起,美妙悠扬的


MAN ON TV: (FRENCH ACCEN T)Although each of the world's countries would like to dispute this fact, we French know the truth: 尽管世界各国想争论一个事实但我们法国人知道什么是真的 The best food in the world is made in France. The best food in France is made in Paris. And the best food in Paris, some say, is made by Chef Auguste Gusteau. 世上最好的是法国菜法国最好的菜在巴黎有人说巴黎最好的厨师是古斯特 Gusteau's restaurant is the toast of Paris, booked five months in advance. And his dazzling ascent to the top of fine French cuisine has made his competitors envious. 古斯特餐厅是巴黎的骄傲座位得提前五个月预定,注定会被法国美食杂志评为第一, 这也使其竞争对手眼红不已 He is the youngest chef ever to achieve a five-star rating. 他是有史以来拿到五星评价最年轻的大厨 Chef Gusteau's cookbook, Anyone Can Cook! Climbed to the top of the bestseller list. 古斯特的食谱:《人人会做菜》也爬上了畅销书排行榜第一名 But not everyone celebrates its success. 但不是人人都追捧他的成功 Amusing title, Anyone Can Cook! [美食评论家安唐·宜格] 令人发噱的书名《人人会做菜》 What's even more amusing is that Gusteau actually seems to believe it. 更滑稽的是,他似乎也相信这一点 I, on the other hand, take cooking seriously. 而我却把烹饪认真地当回事儿不…我不认为每个人都会做菜 And, no, I don't think anyone can do it. (CLATTERING ) REMY: This is me. 这就是我 I think it's apparent I need to rethink my life a little bit. 显然我该重新思考我的一生 What's my problem? 什么问题呢? First of all, I'm a rat. Which means life is hard. 首先,我是只老鼠,这表示生活很艰苦 And second, I have a highly developed sense of taste and smell. 第二,我的味和嗅觉相当灵敏 (SNIFFING ) 面粉,鸡蛋,糖 Flour, eggs, sugar, vanilla bean... 嗯~,香草 Oh! Small twist of lemon. 哦~,还有点儿柠檬味 Whoa, you can smell all that? You have a gift. 哇~,你都能闻得出来。你真有才! REMY: This is Emile, my brother. He's easily impressed. 这是我哥哥艾米,两三下就能让他信服


励志电影《中国合伙人》的60 句经典台词 1.梦想是什么,梦想就是一种让你感到坚持就是幸福的东西! 2.千万别跟丈母娘打麻将,千万别跟想法比你多的女人上床,千万别跟好朋友合伙开公司。 3.小姐心态,寡妇待遇,妇联追求。 4.到底是我们改变了世界还是世界改变了我们! 5.We are too young too naive 6.如果额头终将刻上皱纹,你只能做到,不让皱纹刻在你心上。 7.有些事情只有停下来才能看那清楚。总有些更重要的事情 赋予我们打败恐惧的勇气。 8.爱情就像录像机,有时候要按快进,有时候要按暂停,生 活也一样。 9.我们只有在失败中寻找胜利,在绝望中寻求希望。一点点 语录网 10.其实我们追求的不是成功,而是自己的尊严。 11.掉在水里你不会淹死,呆在水里你才会淹死,你只有游, 不停的往前游。 12.女生找男生,如果只看长相那叫好色,如果男生跟女生,

如果只看长相,那是审美! 13.Now Chinese Students abroad do not want to stay in the United States, but would like to return to China. 14.我们改变不了世界,是世界改变了我们。 15.成东青说,我不知道成功的公式,但是我知道当你在梦想的前进的道路上感到了曲折,那么你已经走在了成功的笔直的大 道上。 16.假如生活欺骗了你,你也要欺骗回生活。 17.曾经我一直追求与众不同的,可是到后来才发现,大多数人的平凡的选择才是最好的。 18.真正的感情它自己会安安静静的来,一点都不折腾。 19.我们这代人最重要的是,最重要的是……死缠烂打。 20.有些事情只有停下来才能看清楚,总有些更重要的事情赋予我们打败恐惧的勇气。 21.What do you think of USA.美国人民需要我! 22.如果说把英语比成肩头的鸟,那过了四级你肩上就有四个鸟,过了六级就有六个鸟,过了八级你就有八个鸟……过了托福 那你……就是个鸟人。 23.对他们而言你是个英雄式的人物,但对我而言,你就是个窃贼! 24.男人的梦想最初都是从女人开始的。 25.Do you have a dream ? 春梦算吗?


篇一:百年情书观后感 “意映卿卿如晤:吾今以此书与汝永别矣!吾作此书时,尚为世中一人;汝看此书时,吾已 成为阴间一鬼 ...... ” 中学时代便在课堂上所学的一篇课文 《与妻书》,大学毕业后听的三首台湾流行音乐 (齐豫 唱的 《觉》、童安格唱的《诀别》及李建复唱的《意映卿卿》 ),再到现在纪念广州起义一百 周年的电影《百年情书》,恍如一段交错时空的爱情扑面而来,情缘魂梦系 …… 音乐缠绕:交织的爱情对话 “意映卿卿,再一次召唤你的名,今夜我的笔沾满你的情,但是 我的肩却负担四万万个情,钟情如我,又怎能抵住此情,万万千千 ……”声音宽厚而凭借着一 鸣惊人的李建复,深情款款的从林觉民的角度演绎这份生死之情, 既有关于爱妻的苦苦爱恋 与别舍,更有关于革命的决心;而童安格创作演唱的《诀别》 ,则进一步的以林觉民的口吻 向爱妻表示那份爱与决心, “烽火泪,滴尽相思意,情缘魂梦相系,方寸心,只愿天下情侣, 别再有泪如你” ——犹记第一次听到这句 “别再有泪如你”时,泪水在别知别觉里流洒。 的坚持,我留守着数别完的夜和载沉载浮的凌迟,谁给你挑选的权利,让你就如此地离去, 谁把我无止境的付出,都化作纸上的一具名字 ”,惋惜,成为了天咨询! 穿越百年的爱情,《百年情书》便是依照林觉民写给妻子的绝笔书改编的献礼广州起义 100 周年的作品,林觉民与意映之间的爱情故事, 与林觉民被妨碍而参加革命, 成为影片的两条 并行别悖的线索,爱情因为战争、动乱、自我牺牲而升华,而牺牲又为爱情添色很多,即使 是在梦里眺望,还是低低切切,无悔无怨。 “结缡十五年,原约相守以死,我今背盟矣!手 写此信,我尚为世间一人;君看此信,我已成阴曹一鬼,死生契阔,一复何言 ……”也想起谭 嗣同就义前的这封写给爱妻的信。 "意映卿卿如晤 ……”还记得上高一的时候,学校发了一本对于学文言文的书,当我独自一 人翻阅到《与妻书》时(貌似比较靠后的) ,便被其中的情感所深深打动。至今我还记得开 头的这一句,虽然其他的我都差不多不记得。 现在看《百年情书》仍给我的心灵带来了别小 的冲击,也为他们的那颗赤子之心而由衷敬佩, 别禁怀起想年少的我也曾指点江山、 壮怀激 烈。儒家向来恪守着修身齐家治国平天下的宗旨, 我想那似乎是天下太平时的一种理念。 但 假如生逢乱世的话,就只能独善其身了。 而天下有识之士更是以救国存亡、 民族大义等疾走 奔呼,甚至抛头颅洒热血。 “书声雨声读书声,声声入耳;家事国事天下事,事事关 怀。 ”, 我想这才是那一代读书人的真实写照,别为名别为利,只为中华崛起而读书。书生意气,指 点江山,大方激昂,或者心怀天下,投笔从戎,报效祖国。 在这个跌宕起伏、战火纷飞的动荡年代,每一位热血少年总是怀揣着崇高的理想和远大的 抱负,全身心地投入到学习中。但他们读书并别像如今的我们那样, 不过为了改变自身命运, 为了今后能寻份好工作,然后结婚生子,再终其一生。 (何况在这场赌博中我们差不多是以 惨败降幕。)他们个个肩负道义,以大无畏的精神,前仆后继,恰似救世主普通只为拯救天 下苍生而来。所谓天下兴亡,匹夫有责,我想这句话能够表达古往今来无数仁人志士的心声! 百年情书观后感 只是,更加喜欢的是齐豫唱的那首《觉》 恒,再多的难舍和舍得,有时候别得别舍 “觉:当我看见你的信,我难道相信,刹那即永 ,齐豫的带有丝丝缕缕忧伤的声音里,将意映的 忧伤化为缕缕的歌声,爱与放手,又心有别甘的追咨询 你的别得别舍和遗弃基本上守真情
