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PEP新版小学五年级上册英语教案(全册) Lesson 1: Hello!


1. 掌握问候语“Hello! How are you?”和回答语“I’m fine, thank you.”“Nice to meet you too.”的用法。

2. 学会用“Hello! How are you?”来问候别人并回答。

3. 通过图画、表演和问答等多种形式,培养学生的听说能力。


1. 学会用英语问候和回答。

2. 掌握询问和回答“how are you?”的用法。


1. 掌握回答“How are you?”的表达方式。

2. 学会用英语进行简单的问答。


1. 课件或黑板。

2. 图片或卡片,用于展示问候语的表达方式。

3. PPT或者小黑板,用于设计练习。


1. Greetings: Say “Hello!” to the students.

2. Sing a Hello song together.

3. Review the greetings from last lesson.

Step 2: Presentation

1. Show the pictures or cards with different greetings.

2. Teach the students to say “Hello! How are you?” and “I’m fine, thank you.”

3. Explain the meaning of the words/phrases and the usage.

Step 3: Practice

1. Divide the students into pairs.

2. Let the students practice the dialogue in pairs.

3. Have a few pairs to demonstrate it in front of the class.

Step 4: Game

1. Play a game called “Guess the Greeting”.

2. Show a picture or card with a different greeting on it.

3. Let the students guess what the greeting is in English.

Step 5: Consolidation

1. Have the students repeat the dialogue with the teacher or with a partner.

2. Select a few students to perform the dialogue in front of the class.

1. Review the dialogue at home.

2. Draw a picture and write a short dialogue using the greetings learned in class. Lesson 2: How old are you?


1. 学习并掌握数字1-12。

2. 掌握及灵活运用询问年龄的句型“How old are you?”并用“I’m _____.”回答。


1. 学会能正确书写并使用数字1-12。

2. 学会询问“How old are you?”并回答“I’m _____.”。


1. 图片或卡片,用于展示数字1-12。

2. PPT或者小黑板,用于设计练习。


Step 1: Warm-up

1. Greetings: Say “Hello!” to the students.

2. Sing a Hello song together.

3. Review the greetings from last lesson.

Step 2: Presentation

1. Show the pictures or cards with numbers 1-1


2. Teach the students to say the numbers in English.

3. Write the numbers on the board and drill their pronunciation.

Step 3: Practice

1. Divide the students into pairs.

2. Let the students practice asking and answering “How old are you?” using the numbers learned.

3. Have a few pairs to demonstrate it in front of the class.

Step 4: Game

1. Play a game called “Number Race”.

2. Say a number in English and let the students race to write it on the board.

Step 5: Consolidation

1. Have the students repeat the dialogue with the teacher or with a partner.

2. Select a few students to perform the dialogue in front of the class.

Step 6: Homework

1. Review the numbers at home.

2. Write a short paragraph about your age using the sentence pattern “I’m _____ years old.”.

Lesson 3: My Family
