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1、合作的重要性(importance of cooperation team spirit)

第一段:描述图画人(缺少了左右腿的人)事物(被丢弃的拐杖)动作(合作) AS is depicted in the cartoon, with the support of each others, Two single-legged men abandon the walking sticks and travel from north to south together with their bined legs.


The picture shows :even disabled people can make up a capable team. This can be illustrated by the example of ………With the perfect cooperation, these disabled people change disadvantages into advantages, the impossible into reality.


With cooperation ,a person or organization can not aomplish mush in the increasingly inter-dependent society we now live in. It is the cooperation based on the plementary advantages that will contribute to the ultimate suess. As we

all know ,many hands make light work, many hands make quick work. In conclusion, cooperation is an essential element of suess.

2 乐观心态是成功的关键(positive attitude or keep confidence)

第一段:描述图画人(进攻者 attacker 守门员 goalkeeper )物 (football) 事(幻想自己。。。。→主题→缺乏自信)

As is depicted in the carton, a fierce football match is going on. In the eyes of the attacker, the goalkeeper grows into a giant and it is hopeless to shoot in. Meanwhile, the goalkeeper sees himself as all extremely small one pared with the attacker.


The picture shows: We should have positive attitude when ing across some difficulties. Numerous examples can illustrate the power of confidence. For instance , There is a fierce petition in the entrance exams for postgraduate schools. It is not unmon to meet students who with confidence can often excel

in the exam eventually. Another case in point is Deng Ya Ping, who is very short, but bees a legend in world table-tennis field. Her perseverance and strong will enable her to win not only world champions ,but also respects from all over the world.


Without confidence, a person or organization can not aomplish mush in the increasing fierce society we now live in. It is the confidence that will contribute to the ultimate suess. As samnel Johnson puts it,

“self-confidence is the first requisite to great undertakings”.In conclusion, confidence is an essential element of suess.

3. 年轻人应该赡养父母(用于社会负面现象,“不公平竞争”“生物多样性减少”等)


As is depicted in the cartoon, a football match of supporting parents is going on. The old man in the center was kicked away as a football by his oldest son, while the other three children are guarding their own goals. It is obvious that none of them is willing to receive the old father.


The picture does reflect a thought-provoking social phenomenon. Nowadays many young people regard taking care of their aging parents as a burden and refuse to take the responsibility. As a result, the old are neglected and even abandonded when growing weak and helpless.


The phenomenon reflected in the picture is both immoral and illegal. It is well known that caring the old is not only a traditional virtue cherished by Chinese but alse a duty laid down in the constitution. In order to prevent such mistreatment represented in the picture, we should make efforts to promote moral education , and at the same time strengthen the
