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The Fisherman and His Wife

Title: The Fisherman and His Wife

Group Member: Alice, Patty, Sally, Smile, Teresa


Fisherman: A man who makes living by catching fish

Fisherman’s Wife: A women who is so greedy and bad tempered that never

satisfy with what she has

Alice: The fisherman and his wife’s daughter who is beautiful and kind-hearted Patty: A young and handsome servant of their family when they were rich later Golden Fish: A fish which is grateful and has magic power

Scene 1

(The scene is set at the door of the fisherman’s home, when he comes home without any fish. He hasn’t caught a single fish for two weeks in a row. He is hasitating whether to knock the door or not.)

Fisherman: (Talks to himself.) No fish again, but I have tried for the whole morning. Now my wife has a good reason to laid her tongue lashing on me. (Finally decided to knock the door)

Fisherman: I’m home, dear.

Fisherman’s Wife: Did you catch any fish today?

Fisherman: Ah...no, I didn’t.

Fisherman’s Wife: Then you’d better stay outside.

Alice: (Quietly) Come in, dad, come in.

Fisherman’s wife: No fish again. (Saying as pocking) You haven’t caught any fish for two weeks. Look at what am I eating, the hard, disgusting bread! If I keep eating this, my teeth would come off my mouth.

Alice: Mom, stop pocking my dad. You can’t grill him like that. It’s not his fault. It’s winter now, ane there is almost no fish in the sea.

Fisherman’s wife: What? You think I am grilling him? I’m telling the truth! Look at the hard bread we eat, I haven’t eaten meat for three months; and the shabby house we live, I can fell the wind come from the hole on the wall.

Alice: But we still have bread, right?

Fisherman’s wife: If things keeps going like this, we will starve to death.

Alice: But,mom. I...

Fisherman: Hey,hey. Stop, stop. All right, I will go to catch some fish now. Just wait, I will come back before dinner.

Fisherman’s Wife: If you can’t catch any fish today, I will not let you in.

(The fisherman leaves his home)

Scene 2

(The fisherman goes to the sea and starts to cast the fishing net)

Fisherman:(The first time, no fish. The second time, no fish either. The third time, before he cast his net, he said to himself) If I can’t catch any fish this time, I shall go

home any way. (Then he did his last try)

Fisherman: (sees a fish in the net) Oh, check it out! A golden fish. Now my wife won’t blame me. I can go home now. (Tries to drug the fish into the basket)

Golden Fish: Wait, wait, wait. Let me go, please.

Fisherman: Oh, God! You can talk?

Golden Fish: Yes, I’m a magic fish. I can talk as human.

Fisherman: So what? I can’t let you go, otherwise my wife wouldn’t let me go home. (Tries again to drug the fish into the basket)

Golden Fish: Wait, wait. If you can let me go, I can give you what you want. Fisherman: Really?

Golden Fish: Yes, I promise.

Fisherman: Can you give me a lot of money?

Golden Fish: God bless you! You will be the richest man in your village. But you hae to let me go at first.

Fisherman: OK, I trust you. (Drops the fish into the water)

Golden Fish: (says as swims back to the sea) Thank you, sir. You are so nice.

(A large amount of money appears in the basket)

Fisherman: Wow, it’s real. So much money! I’m rich now. I don’t need to catch fish for a long long time. I’d better buy some rum and brisket so that I can have a big meal tonight. (Went to home quickly)

Scene 3

(The scene is set at the fisherman’s home)

Fisherman: (Intends to knock the door but stops) I’d better keep some money for myself. She would not know if I keep money for myself. (Takes a roll of money from the basket. And then knocks the door) Dear, I’m home! Open the door!

Alice:(Opens the door) Shh...Dad, come in. Mom is still angry.

Fisherman: Thank you, honey. Don’t worry about me. Where is your mom? Fisherman’s Wife: In the bedroom.

Fisherman: Dear, I have a good news to tell you.

Fisherman’s wife: (Turns her head away. And keeps silent)

Fisherman: Well, you can guess.

Fisherman’s wife: (Turn away again.)

Fisherman: Show his wife the rum and brisket.

Fisherman’s wife: (looks surprising) Wow, where did you get these?

Fisherman: That’s not the surprise. (Show her the full basket of money) Fisherman’s Wife: Oh, dear. You knocked it out of the park. I love you!

Alice: Dad, where did you get these money?

Fisherman’s wife: Right, where did them come from?

Fisherman: Well, I will tell you. (Blah blah blah blah)

(The fisherman is very happy)

Fisherman’s wife: How stupid you are!

Fisherman: What? I’m stupid?

Fisherman’s wife: Yes, you are! How can you let it go like that? It is a magic fish?
