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2009─2010年 第 二 学期 《 大学物理》双语补考试卷

注意:1、本试卷共 6 页; 2、考试时间: 120 分钟 3、姓名、学号必须写在指定地方 4、可以携带计算器

Ⅰ. Filling the Blanks

(每小题 2 分,共 20 分)

1.一空气平行板容器,两板相距为d ,与一电池连接时两板之间相互

作用力的大小为F ,在与电池保持连接的情况下,将两板距离拉开到4d ,则两板之间的相互作用力的大小是

2. There is a point charge of electric quantity 3Q at the center of a cube, the electric flux through one surface of cube is

3.如图1所示,真空中有两个点电荷,带电量分别为2Q 和-Q ,相距2R 。若以负电荷所在处O 点为中心, 以R 为半径作高斯球面S ,则高斯面上a 、b 两点的电场强度大小分别为 、________________

4. As shown in the figure 2, in the vacuum let the metal sphere with radius R be grounded, place a point charge Q with a distance r (r>R) away from the center O of the sphere, the total induced charge on the surface of the metal sphere is

a Figure 1

5. 如图3所示,AOC 为一折成∠形的金属导线(AO =

OC = L ),位于xoy 平面上. 磁感应强度为B 的匀强磁场垂直于xoy 平面. 当AOC 以速度v 沿x 轴正向运动时,导线上A 、C 两点间的电势差U AC = ,当以速度v 沿y 轴正向运动时A 、C

两点中 点电势高.

6.有一由N 匝细导线绕成的平面正三角形线圈,

边长为a, 通有电流I ,置于均匀外磁场B 中,当线圈平面的法向与外磁场方向夹角为300时,该

线圈所受的磁力矩M m 为________________

7. The period of a pendulum(单摆) is measured to be 3.0s in the reference frame of the pendulum. The period when measured by an observer moving at a speed of 0.95c relative to the pendulum is

8.把一个静止质量为0m 的粒子,由静止加速到0.6v c =(c 为真空中的光速)需做功为 Ⅱ.Choose the Correct Answer

(每小题 3 分,共 30 分)

1. 如图4所示,在真空中半径分别为R 和2R 的两个同心球面,其上分别均匀地带有电量+2q 和-

2q ,今将一电量为+Q 的带电粒子从内球面处由静止释放,则该粒子到达外球面时的动能为: ( )


02Qq R πε. (B)

04Qq R


(C) 08Qq R

πε. (D)




2.In following statements which one is correct ( )


Figure 4

Figure 3

(A) The electric potential is definitely zero at the point where the electric field is zero.

(B) The electric potential is non-zero at the point where the electric field is not zero.

(C) The electric field is definitely zero at the point where the electric potential is zero.

(D) The electric field is definitely zero in this area where the electric potential is constant

3.有两个长直密绕螺线管,长度及线圈匝数均相同,半径分别为r 1和r 2.管内充满均匀介质,其磁导率分别为μ1和μ2.设r 1∶r 2=1∶2,


数之比L 1∶L 2与磁能之比Wm 1∶Wm 2分别为: ( )

(A) L 1∶L 2=1∶1,Wm 1∶Wm 2 =1∶1

(B) L 1∶L 2=1∶2,Wm 1∶Wm 2 =1∶1 (C) L 1∶L 2=1∶2,Wm 1∶Wm 2 =1∶2 (D) L 1∶L 2=2∶1,

Wm 1∶Wm 2 =2∶1

4. One circular wire loop carries a clockwise current I in a uniform magnetic field B directed to the right as in the figure

5. If B increases, what will happen to the net magnetic force and the torque on the current loop, respectively? ( ) (A) increase, increase (B) both keep the same (C) keep the same, decrease (D) keep the same, increase

5. 尺寸相同的铁环与铜环所包围的面积中,通以相同变化率的磁通量,则环中: ( ) (A) 感应电动势相同,感应电流相同 (B) 感应电动势不同,感应电流不同 (C) 感应电动势相同,感应电流不同

Figure 5
