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一. 概念:

名词表示人或事物的名称。例词:woman, people, desk, book,

二. 分类:


1.专有名词是个别的人、事物、地点等专有的名称,如:America , China。专有名词的第一个字母要。


①可数名词(cn), 有_________或___________两种形式。如:an orange, a book, two rooms ,

some printers. 注意; __________名词前必须+ 冠词a /an / the/one’s 来修饰它.


1. There is a book ( )

2. He is student ( )

3. Mr. Li is my teacher ( )

②不可数名词(Un ), 一般没有________形式,如money, water, weather, time, news,

③.还有一些词既可以充当可数名词,也可以充当不可数名词,如; chicken


In 1821, a former soldier named Charles Barbier visited the school. Barbier shared his invention called "night writing," a code of twelve raised dots that let soldiers share top-secret information on the battlefield without having to speak. Although the code ended up being too difficult for the average soldier, Braille picked it up quickly.







1. fish ___________

2. Chinese ___________

3. deer_______________

4. Frenchman_______________

5.child __________


7. boy______________ 8. bus________ 9.class _______________ 10. potato_________ 11. city_______ 12.box_____________ 13. wife__________ 14. country_________ 15. family____________



key钥匙jacket 夹克衫quilt被子orange橙子ruler尺子pen 钢笔


white白色的this这个that那个spell拼写apple苹果hour小时zero 零one 一two二three 三four四five 五six六seven七eight 八nine九ten 十first name 名字middle name 中间名字nice好的高兴的telephone number= phone number电话号码

family name = last name 姓


1. In autumn leaves in a tree turns y__________ and falls off the tree.

2. He left his k_______ in the car, so he couldn’t enter his house.

3. Chinese people avoid w_____, and they think red can bring them good luck.

4. I didn’t call her yesterday, because I forgot her p____________ number.

5. Mr. Green insists on writing letters with a p______ instead of sending emails to his friends.

6. Eat an a__________ a day can keep a doctor away from you.

7. The little boy can s_______ one ,two and three in English

练习2. 改错

1. There is a book ( )

2. They are student ( )

3. Mr. Li is my teacher ( )


(1)I have many hobbies I do for fun.I sometimes play golf with my sons.I play tennis with all the family.I like to collect music books.I also collect musical instruments from China like the erhu,the dizi,the xiao,the suona,and the pipa.These are the instruments of China which cannot be found in America.

(2)Of all the things we eat and drink,water is the most important.Not many people understand this,but it is quite true.The human body can go without food for a long time,but two or three days without water usually make people dead.


1. fish ___________

2. Chinese ___________

3. deer_______________

4. Frenchman_______________

5.child __________


7. boy______________ 8. bus________ 9.class _______________ 10. potato_________ 11. city_______ 12.box_____________ 13. wife__________ 14. country_________ 15. family____________


In our city there is a big_______(zoo). There are a lot of different___________ (animal) in it. There are some scary _______(tiger)and _________(lion). They like eating________ (meat)and they eat_________(many) meat every day.

There are also two big_____________ (elephant) and a baby(婴儿) one. Children like to ride (骑)one of them. The elephants are very kind and friendly. They eat much _________(grass )and __________(banana).
