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第一部分 听力(15分)

一、 选出你所听到的单词。(5分)

( )1.A.country B.map C.world

( )2.A.China B.Canada C.capital

( )3.A.famous B.place C.great ( )4.A.palace B.know C.about

( )5.A.leaf B.flag C.star

二、 选出你所听到的句子。(5分)

( )1.A. Look at the map. B. This is a map of China.

( )2.A. It has five yellow stars. B. It has stars and stripes.

( )3.A. What do they speak? B. They speak English.

( )4.A. It ’s very famous. B. It ’s very long.

( )5.A. This is a flag. B. A little flag inside it.

三、 听录音,给下列句子排序。(5分)

( )1. My mother likes to read books.

( )2. This is a map of the world.

( )3. I love my big family.

( )4. We like to have fun together.

( )5. This is the flag of the U.S..

第二部分 笔试(85分)


f__ th__ __ ( ) s__s __er (

) m__ th__ __ ( ) ch __ __d (

) c__ __sin ( ) br__th __ __ (

) gr__ __df__th__ __( ) f__m __ly (

) a__ __t ( ) un__ __e (

) sp_____k ( ) ab ___ ___t ( )

k ____ w ( ) q__ __en ( ) w ___ ___ld ( )


1.( ) A.sister B.aunt C.parents

2.( ) A.thin B.cook C.white

3.( ) A.have B.nurse C.worker

4.( ) A.know B.about C.speak

5.( ) A.star B.stripes C.flag

6.( ) A.famous B.live C.have

7.( ) A.Big Ben B.place C.Great Wall

8.( ) A.king B.queen C.president

9.( ) A.easy B.colour C.hard 10.( ) A.beach B.kangaroo C.beautiful 六、用所给单词正确形式填空。(10分) 1.have____ (单三) 2.go ____ (单三) 3.China_____(形容词)


5.leaf____ (复数)



8.have_________ (现在分词)

9.grandfather_________ (对应词) 10.country_________ (复数) 七、我会选 10分) 1.( ) a map of the world A. 美丽的海岸 2.( ) We speak Chinese. B. 那是对的 3.( ) China is our country. C. 这是一张地图 4.( ) This is a map. D. 一张世界地图 5.( ) It has five stars. E. 白金汉宫 6.( ) It has a leaf. F. 英国的首都 7.( ) It has stars and stripes. G. 自由女神像 8.( ) Niagara Falls H. 我们说汉语。 9.( ) Statue of Liberty I. 袋鼠生活在澳大利亚。 10. ( ) a beautiful beach J. 一样的颜色。 11. ( ) Buckingham Palace A. 红色,白色和蓝色。 12. ( ) the capital city of the U.K. B. 澳大利亚在哪儿? 13 .( ) Palace Museum C. 它有一片叶子 14. ( ) She lives in China. D. 它有五颗星星 15. ( ) red,white and blue. E. 它有星星和条纹 16. ( ) Washington,D.C. F. 中国是我们的国家。 17. ( ) Kangaroos live in Australia. G. 她住在中国 18. ( ) That ’s right. H. 故宫 19. ( ) the same colour I. 尼亚加拉大瀑布 20. ( ) Where is Australia? J. 华盛顿 八、选择填空。(23分) ( )1. What is the capital city_____ China ?A. of B. for C.with ( )2. We______ Chinese.A. live in B. say C.speak ( )3. Look ______ the map.A. at B. with C.
