

31孙远工具箱s e v e n t e e n整理


What American schools do effectively teach is the competitive method. In innumerable ways children are pitted against each other—whether in classroom discussion, spelling bees, reading groups, or tests. Every classroom is expected to produce a scattering of A's and F's (teachers often grade A=excellent; B=good; C=average; D=poor; and F=failed). A teacher who gives all A's looks too soft—so students are aware that they are competing for the limited number of top marks.


The truth of the real world is that without standards and judgments, there can be no progress. Unless we are prepared to say irrational things—that nothing can be proven more valuable than anything else or that everything is equally worthless—we must ask the normative question.


But there are values that all American citizens share and that we should want all American students to know and to make their own: honesty, fairness, self-discipline, fidelity to task, friends, and family, personal responsibility, love of country, and belief in the principles of liberty, equality, and the freedom to practice one's faith.


There is no escaping the fact that young people need as examples principals and teachers who know the difference between right and wrong, good and bad, and who themselves exemplify high moral purpose.教育孩子家长作则

You can't expect children to take messages about rules or morality seriously unless they see adults taking those rules seriously in their day-to-day affairs. Certain things must be said, certain limits laid down, and certain examples set. There is no other way.


As any parent knows, teaching character is a difficult task. But it is a crucial task, because we want our children to be not only healthy, happy, and successful but decent, strong, and good. None of this happens automatically; there is no genetic transmission of virtue. It takes the conscious, committed efforts of adults. It takes careful attention.


Most people consider success and failure as opposites, but they are actually both products of the same process. As Yaz suggests, an activity which produces a hit may also produce a miss. It is the same with creative thinking; the same energy which generates good creative ideas also produces errors.

Many people, however, are not comfortable with errors. Our educational system, based on "the right answer" belief, cultivates our thinking in another, more conservative way. From an early age, we are taught that right answers are good and incorrect answers are bad. This value is deeply embedded in the incentive system used in most schools:


With this kind of attitude, you aren't going to be taking too many chances. If you learn that failing even a little penalizes you (e.g., being wrong only 15% of the time garners you only a "B" performance), you learn not to make mistakes. And more important, you learn not to put yourself in situations where you might fail. This leads to conservative thought patterns designed to avoid the stigma our society puts on "failure."

From a practical point of view, "to err is wrong" makes sense. Our survival in the everyday world requires us to perform thousands of small tasks without failure. Think about it: you wouldn't last very long if you were to step out in front of traffic or stick your hand into a pot of boiling water. In addition, engineers whose bridges collapse, stock brokers who lose money for their clients, and copywriters whose ad campaigns decrease sales won't keep their jobs very long.

Nevertheless, too great an adherence to the belief "to err is wrong"

can greatly undermine your attempts to generate new ideas. If you are more concerned with producing right answers than generating original ideas, you'll probably make uncritical use of the rules, formulae, and procedures used to obtain these right answers. By doing this, you'll by-pass the germinal phase of the creative process, and thus spend little

time testing assumptions, challenging the rules, asking what-if questions, or just playing around with the problem. All of these techniques will produce some incorrect answers, but in the germinal phase errors are viewed as a necessary by-product of creative thinking. As Yaz would put it, "if you want the hits, be prepared for the misses." That's the way the game of life goes.


As a matter of fact, the whole history of discovery is filled with people who used erroneous assumptions and failed ideas as stepping stones to new ideas. Columbus thought he was finding a shorter route to India. Johannes Kepler stumbled on to the idea of interplanetary gravity because of assumptions which were right for the wrong reasons. And, Thomas Edison knew 1800 ways not to build a light bulb.


Negative Feedback

Errors serve another useful purpose: they tell us when to change direction. When things are going smoothly, we generally don't think

about them. To a great extent, this is because we function according to the principle of negative feedback.Often it is only when things or people fail

to do their job that they get our attention. For example, you are probably not thinking about your kneecaps right now; that's because everything is fine with them. The same goes for your elbows: they are also performing their function—

no problem at all. But if you were to break a leg, you would immediately notice all of the things you could no longer do, but which you used to take for granted.

Negative feedback means that the current approach is not working,

and it is up to you to figure out a new one. We learn by trial and error,

not by trial and rightness. If we did things correctly every time, we

would never have to change direction—we'd just continue the current course and end up with more of the same.

For example, after the supertanker Amoco Cadiz broke up off the coast of Brittany in the spring of 1978, thereby polluting the coast with hundreds of thousands of tons of oil, the oil industry rethought many of its safety standards

regarding petroleum transport. The same thing happened after the accident at the Three Mile Island nuclear reactor in 1979—many procedures and safety standards were changed.

We learn by our failures. A person's errors are the whacks that lead him to think something different.


The creative director of an advertising agency told me that he isn't happy unless he is failing at least half of the time. As he puts it, "If you are going to be original, you are going to be wrong a lot."

One of my clients, the president of a fast-growing computer company, tells his people: "We're innovators. We're doing things nobody has ever done before. Therefore, we are going to be making mistakes. My advice to you: make your mistakes, but make them in a hurry."

Nature's Errors

[[Nature serves as a good example of how trial and error can be used to make changes. Every now and then genetic mutations occur—errors in gene reproduction. Most of the time, these mutations have a deleterious effect on the species, and they drop out of the gene pool. But occasionally, a mutation provides the species with something beneficial, and that change will be passed on to future generations.

The rich variety of all species is due to this trial and error process. If there had never been any mutations from the first amoeba, where would we be now?]]

If you're not making many errors, you might ask yourself, "How many opportunities am I missing by not being more aggressive?"

Remember these two benefits of failure. First, if you do fail, you learn what doesn't work; and second, the failure gives you an opportunity to try a new approach.

我们学不完,我们不象Aristotle,我们要怎么学Unlike Aristotle who is believed to have known everything there was to know at the time he lived, it is impossible for us to deal with the voluminous amounts of information which are produced daily. The lifelong learning which we have alluded to will not always be acquired through the traditional sixteen-week college course. We in the community college need to provide a smorgasbord of opportunities for individuals who wish to increase their mobility and options.


What I've missed is an education that integrates philosophy, history, literature and the other humanities into a coherent whole. Part of the fault is my own: I did not seek out some classes that I should have. But a large share of the burden lies with the university, which lacks a core curriculum—for example, "Great Books"—that could provide a general education.


Undergraduates are therefore denied the opportunity to pursue a comprehensive curriculum. Instead, they are left, like shoppers in a giant supermarket, to wander the aisles, picking products at random, never sure that their selections will add up to a nutritious meal. Laissez faire may work in the economy, but it's no way to run a university.


First, granting that our graduates know a good deal, their knowledge lies about in fragments and never gets welded together into the stuff of a tempered and mobile mind. Secondly, our university graduates have

been so busy boring holes for themselves, acquiring special knowledge and skills, that in later life they have astonishingly little in common in the way of ideas, standards, or principles, Thirdly, it is alleged that the past two decades have revealed a singular want of clarity about the great

ends of living, attachment to which gives significance and direction to a life.


But genuine education, as Socrates knew more than two thousand years ago, is not inserting the stuffings of information into a person, but rather eliciting knowledge from him; it is the drawing out of what is in the mind. "The most important part of education," once wrote William Ernest Hocking, the distinguished Harvard philosopher, "is this instruction of a man in what

he has inside him."

And, as Edith Hamilton has reminded us, Socrates never said, "I know, learn from me." He said, rather, "Look into your own selves and find the spark of truth that God has put into every heart, and that only you can kindle to a flame."


1. The development of information technologies.

Throughout the world, information and telecommunication technologies are bringing about a new industrial revolution which

already looks to be as important and radical as those revolutions which preceded it.


2. Internationalization is connected both with political situation and with the development of technologies.

Nowadays our world is becoming smaller and smaller, and turns into a "global village." International academic cooperation is an excellent basis for nation-wide cooperation and one of the key factors for sustainable development.


The learning community reflects a shift away from the typical lecture approach where the professor professes, i.e. imparts knowledge to the student and the student simply takes it down and takes it in. The new emphasis will be on learning, in addition to the lecture through student initiative in setting the program, acquiring knowledge through the Internet as needed, collaborating with peers in special projects, experiential learning through internships, study abroad, and many other out-of-classroom experiences.


The research role will continue to be a key function in the research university, but there will continue to be a shift in emphasis away from single investigator, working on a particular and narrow area, toward multi-disciplinary teams working on problems driven by societal need.


Training is intended primarily for the service of society; education is primarily for the individual. Society needs doctors, lawyers, engineers, teachers to perform specific tasks necessary to its operation, just as it needs carpenters and plumbers and stenographers. Training supplies the immediate and specific needs of society so that the work of the world may continue. And these needs, our training centers the professional and trade schools fill. But although education is for the improvement of the individual, it also serves society by providing a leavening of men of understanding, of perception, and wisdom. They are our intellectual leaders, the critics of our culture, the defenders of our free traditions, the instigators of our progress. They serve society by examining its function, appraising its needs, and criticizing its direction. They may be earning their livings by practicing one of the professions, or in pursuing a trade, or by engaging in business enterprise. They may be rich or poor. They may occupy positions of power and prestige, or they may be engaged in some humble employment. Without them, however, society either disintegrates or else becomes an anthill.

艺术/ 全面教育

In the liberal arts college, on the other hand, the student is encouraged to explore new fields and old fields, to wander down the bypaths of knowledge. There the teaching is concerned with major principles, and

its purpose is to change the student, to make him something different from what he was before, just as the purpose of the Y gym is to make a fat man into a thin one, or a strong one out of a weak one.


In general, certain courses of study are for the service of society and other courses are for self-improvement. In the hierarchy of our educational system, the former are the function of our professional schools and the latter are the function of the college of liberal arts.


There are, I think, several factors that contribute to wisdom. Of these I should put first a sense of proportion: the capacity to take account of all the important factors in a problem and to attach to each its due weight.


Comprehensiveness alone, however, is not enough to constitute wisdom. There must be, also, a. certain awareness of the ends of human life.


It is not only in public ways, but in private life equally, that wisdom is needed. It is needed in the choice of ends to be pursued and in emancipation from personal prejudice.


I think the essence of wisdom is emancipation, as far as possible, from the tyranny of the here and the now. We cannot help the egoism of our senses. Sight and sound and touch are bound up with our own bodies

and cannot be made impersonal. Our emotions start similarly titan ourselves. An infant feels hunger or discomfort, and is unaffected except by his own physical condition. Gradually with the years, his horizon widens, and, in proportion as his thoughts and feelings become less personal and less concerned with his own physical states, he achieves growing wisdom. This is of course a matter of degree. No one can view the world with complete impartiality; and if anyone could, he would hardly be able to remain alive. but it is possible to make a continual approach towards impartiality, on the one hand, by knowing things somewhat remote in time or space, and, on the other hand, by giving to such things their due weight in our feelings. It is this approach towards impartiality that constitutes growth in wisdom.


Computers enhance a student's learning experience in many ways. First of all, the computer has the ability to accommodate individual differences in learning speed because the user (the student) is the one who controls the pace of the lessons. In addition, because a computer Is nonjudgmental, the learner does not have to be afraid of reprisal or humiliation when making errors. For example, because computers can repeat information over and over, the user can ask for many repetitions of a lesson without fearing a judgmental response about his or her ability to learn. The beneficial effects of learning in a stress-free atmosphere

are well documented. A third advantage of CAI is that a computer can give a student immediate feedback. It can tell the student why she or he is wrong as soon as an error is made, and it can even provide an appropriate hint for figuring out the correct answer.

Not only do computers benefit students, they also make the teacher's job easier. One advantage lies in the preparation of instructional materials. Schools and colleges can purchase educational computer programs that can be adapted to any learning situation. These systems, called "authoring systems," are like skeletal lesson plans: The format of several exercises and tests is already planned out; all the teacher adds is the information he or she wants the students to learn (mathematical problems, vocabulary lists, and so forth). The authoring system automatically incorporates these teaching points into its preplanned format and then is ready to be used by several students for a long time. The system can also correct the students' work and determine and record grades. In addition, the computer offers numerous advantages to teachers in managing their classrooms. A computer laboratory (a room having one computer for every two students) can free the teacher to meet individually with students while the rest of the class is occupied with computer lessons. Finally, computers can help teachers keep student records and chart student progress, thereby cutting down on time-consuming paperwork."


In an atmosphere of computer monitoring, inept work stations, inflexible pacing, and nerve-wracking anxiety, workman's compensation claims based on job stress have more than doubled since 1980, and now account for approximately 15 percent of all occupational disease claims.


实用标准文案 2000/11/09 作者:夏寒Matlab的神经网络工具箱实用指南发布时间: :文章摘要第一章是神经网络的基本介绍,第二章包括了由工具箱指定的有关网络结构和符号的基本材料 。第三章以反向传播网络为例trainadapt和new、init、以及建立神经网络的一些基本函数,例如讲解了反向传播网络的原理和应用的基本过程。 :正文 静态网络中的批处理方式 通train函数来实现,虽然由于由于采用了更高效的学习算法,train 批处理方式可以用adapt 或train函数只能用于批处理方式。常是最好的选择。增加方式只能用adapt来实现,。让我们用前面用过的静态网络的例子开始,学习速率设置为0.1net = newlin([-1 1;-1 1],1,0,0.1); net.IW{1,1} = [0 0]; net.b{1} = 0; adapt用函数实现静态网络的批处理方式,输入向量必须用同步向量矩阵的方式放置: P = [1 2 2 3; 2 1 3 1]; T = [4 5 7 7]; 精彩文档.

实用标准文案 当我们调用adapt时将触发adaptwb函数,这是缺省的线性网络调整函数。learnwh是缺省的权重和偏置学习函数。因此,Widrow-Hoff学习法将会被使用: [net,a,e,pf] = adapt(net,P,T); a = 0 0 0 0 e = 4 5 7 7 注意网络的输出全部为0,因为在所有要训练的数据提交前权重没有被更新,如果我们显示权重,我们就会发现: >>net.IW{1,1} ans = 4.9000 4.1000 >>net.b{1} ans = 2.3000 经过了用adapt函数的批处理方式调整,这就和原来不一样了。 现在用train函数来实现批处理方式。由于Widrow-Hoff规则能够在增加方式和批处理方式中应用,它可以通过adapt和train触发。我们有好几种算法只能用于批处理方式(特别是Levenberg-Marquardt算法),所以这些算法只能用train触发。 网络用相同的方法建立: net = newlin([-1 1;-1 1],1,0,0.1); net.IW{1,1} = [0 0]; net.b{1} = 0;


GRE写作工具箱 写作工具箱(新东方—孙远) 下面的材料旨在丰富学生在是非问题写作方面的思想和语言,考生在复习时可以先分类阅读这些篇章,然后尝试写相关方面的作文题。 对于文章中用黑体字的部分,特别建议你熟读,背诵,因为它们在语言和观点上都值得吸收。学习语言的人应该明白,表达能力和思想深度都靠日积月累,潜移默化。从某种意义上说,提高英语写作能力无捷径可走,你必须大段背诵英语文章才能逐渐形成语感和用英语进行表达的能力。这一关,没有任何人能代替你过。 因此,建议你下点苦功夫,把背单词的精神拿出来背诵文章。何况,我并不是要求你背了之后永远牢记在心:你可以这个星期背,下个星期忘。这没有关系,相信你的大脑具有神奇的能力。背了工具箱里的文章后,你会惊讶的发现:I can think in English now. 经常有学生告诉我:不知道背诵什么好。现在我可以告诉各位:背诵下面的文章错不了,至少对GRE的写作来说有立竿见影的效果!可别再找借口了哦! ? 目录 1. Sectionone: Education 1.1 Proverbs 1. A graduation ceremony isanevent wherethe commencement speak er tells thousands ofstudentsdressed in identical caps and gowns that individualityis the key to success. 2. The primary purpose of aliberaleducation is to makeone’s minda pleasant place inwhich to spendone’s time. 3. Nextin importance to freedomandjusticeis popular education,wi thoutwhichneither freedom nor justicecan be permanently main


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按功能列出的推荐控件和组件:(windows程序用的控件和组件) 数据显示: DataGridView控件 DataGridView控件提供用来显示数据的可自定义表。使用DataGridView类,可以自定义单元格、行、列和边框。 注意DataGridView控件提供DataGrid控件所不具备的许多基本和高级功能。有关更多信息数据绑定和定位: BindingSource组件 通过提供当前项管理、更改通知和其他服务,来简化将窗体上的控件绑定到数据的过程。

文本编辑: BindingNavigator控件 提供工具栏式的界面来定位和操作窗体上的数据。 TextBox控件 显示设计时输入的文本,它可由用户在运行时编辑或以编程方式更改。 RichTextBox控件 使文本能够以纯文本或RTF 格式显示。 MaskedTextBox控件约束用户输入的格式信息显示(只读): Label 控件显示用户无法直接编辑的文本。 LinkLabel控件 将文本显示为Web 样式的链接,并在用户单击该特殊文本时触发事件。该文本通常是到另一个窗口或网站的链接。 StatusStrip控件 通常在父窗体的底部使用有框架的区域显示有关应用程序的当前状态的信息。ProgressBar控件向用户显示操作的当前进度。 网页显示: WebBrowser控件使用户可以在窗体内导航网页。


一、汇总功能 EXCEL工具箱可实现不同形式的汇总,考虑本次核准补录需求,特介绍基本汇总方式,以实现将相同格式、但不同文件的EXCEL文件合并为一个EXCEL文件。步骤如下: 1、将相同格式、但不同文件的EXCEL文件放入同一个文件夹下: 2、在该文件夹下新建一个EXCEL文件 3、打开新建EXCEL文件,选择工具箱-EXCEL必备工具箱: 4、选择“汇总”项下“表格合并”项:

5、出现如下窗口,数据来源选择“来自于同一目录下的多个文档”,根据要合并的EXCEL文件表头所在行选择指定范围,同时,由于每张欲合并EXCEL表行数的不确定性,指定范围应选择到“至倒数第1行”如下,点击确定: 6、选择欲合并EXCEL文件夹下所有文件,点击“选择多个文档”: 7、确定后弹出指定数据来源窗口,根据欲合并EXCEL 文件所在SHEET选择,一般说来所在SHEET为同一个,则在右边选择所在SHEET,勾选“连续选择模式”,如图:

8、点击“确定”,则系统会自动将相同格式、但不同文件的EXCEL文件合并为一个EXCEL文件,合成后只需进行相应的格式调整即可。 二、拆分功能 1、新建一个文件夹,放入需拆分EXCEL文件,打开需拆分EXCEL文件,同样点击工具箱-EXCEL必备工具箱,选择汇总项下分割表格选项: 2、根据欲拆分、EXCEL表格进行拆分,标题行应选择当前标题行所在行,以便于拆分后的表格均自带标题,分割原

则一般选择“按标志标志分割”,例如各支行欲按分理处对表格进行分割,则在“按标志标志分割”处对应填列分理处所在列数,点击“开始分割”,则会自动分割为不同的EXCEL 文件: 3、拆分后的EXCEL文件会按序出现在原EXCEL所在文件夹中。


matlab模糊控制工具箱的使用 本学期选修了周川老师的智能控制及应用这门课程,大三时候曾上过周老师的英文版的控制工程基础这门课程,比较喜欢周老师上课的风格,智能控制这门课也收获不小,模糊控制是课程中讲到的第一个智能控制算法。 模糊不是真的模糊,模糊是为了精确。模糊控制中涉及到一个隶属度的概念,通常我们认为一个事物属于一个概念与否是确定的,比如数字电路的0与1,但是实际情况或者人们的思维习惯却不是这样的。比如规定18到30岁为青年,那么还差一天到18岁的人算不算青年呢?照规定看不算,但是如果我们加入概率的概念,比如说这个人90%属于青年人,可能更符合人们的思维习惯。 L.A.Zadeh在其《不相容原理》所述:“随着系统的复杂程度不断提高,人们对其精确而有意义地描述的能力不断的降低,以致在达到某一个阈值之后,系统的精确性和复杂性之间呈现出几乎是相互完全排斥的性质”。我们通常所用的控制算法一般是建立在模型比较确定的情况下,而模糊控制不依赖于对象的模型就可以进行控制决策,而且对系统参数变化具有较强的适应性。 对于模糊控制的原理,我不是很清楚,也没有这个心情去搞清楚,感觉知道大概怎么用就可以了。Matlab中集成了模糊控制工具箱,可以使用图像界面进行模糊控制器的设计,极大的简化了设计过程。下面介绍利用模糊工具箱进行控制系统设计的过程。 在matlab的主窗口中输入fuzzy即可调出模糊工具箱界面,退出界面的时候会提示保存,保存格式为fis,如果我们将文件保存为njust.fis,那么下次使用这个文件的时候在主窗口中输入fuzzy njust即可。 模糊控制器的建立过程如下:(1)设定误差E、误差变化率EC和控制量U的论域为,一般为[-6 6]。(2)设定E、EC、U的模糊集。一般可设为{NB、NM、NS、ZO、PS、PM、PB}。(3)设定隶属度函数。有高斯型隶属度函数、三角型隶属度函数等。(4)设定模糊控制规则。常用的模糊控制规则如图1所示,当然可以根据特定的控制对象和要求进行相应的调整。


职业经理MBA必备实用管理工具书 行政总监 《企业行政管理工具箱》 行政总监必备书

目录 第一章行政部组织结构与责权 一、行政部组织结构图 二、行政部职责 三、行政部权力 四、行政总监岗位职责 五、行政经理岗位职责 第二章前台接待管理 一、接待主管岗位职责 二、接待专员岗位职责 三、客人来访登记表 1.公司前台来访客人登记表 2.前台接待来访记录表 3.物业公司前台来客登记表 四、前台接待日志表 五、函件收发登记表 1.信函与快件签收登记表 2.信函与快件寄送登记表 六、前台接待管理流程 1.预约客人来访接待工作流程 2.来电转接流程 七、收发文件管理流程 1.信函收发工作流程 2.接收信函、快件工作流程 3.寄送信函、快件工作流程 4.传真发文工作流程 5.传真收文工作流程 6.收文背签流程

八、前台接待流程 九、来电处理流程 第三章办公事务管理 一、办公事务主管岗位职责 二、办公事务专员岗位职责 三、行政办公秘书岗位职责 四、办公用品订购审批单 五、办公用品台账 六、报废物品清单 七、办公用品领用表 八、办公设备登记表 九、办公文书会签单 1.文件会签单 2.行文单 3.目录表 十、印章使用登记表 1.印章使用审批表 2.印章使用登记表 十一、文书档案借阅审批表 十二、办公用品管理流程 1.办公用品购买流程 2.办公用品领用流程 十三、办公设备购买流程 1.办公设备购买审批流程 2.办公设备询价流程 3.办公设备比价流程 4.办公设备采购流程 十四、文书档案管理流程 1.发文管理流程

2.收文管理流程 3.档案归档流程 4.档案借阅归还流程 5.档案销毁流程 十五、往来信件管理流程 十六、公司印章管理流程 1.制刻申请流程 2.使用流程 十七、公司证照管理流程 第四章行政人事管理 一、行政主管岗位职责 二、行政人事管理专员职责 三、费用报销标准 四、员工考勤登记表 五、年度考勤汇总表 六、员工请假申请单 七、员工加班申请表 八、员工出差申请表 九、差旅费报销清单 十、公司会议记录表 1.公司会议记录表一 2.公司会议记录表二 十一、提案管理记录表 十二、员工提案评定表 十三、员工奖惩记录表 十四、员工违纪处理表 十五、会议管理流程 十六、出差管理流程 十七、提案管理流程


首先说在前面的是,发这个文章是为了帮助大家解决一些考试的疑惑,最重要的是帮助大家从不了解这个考试,到知道如何入门,如何复习,如何合理的安排时间,如何安排你的G,T考试,申请的时间等等….其实考G,T不是出国的全部,但是是必要的窍门砖,是一个门槛,申请看的内容包括G,T成绩,但是更重要的是我们本身的学术能力和研究潜力,这些才是关键,所以这个计划最重要可能不是帮助你拿到一个很高的分数,真的,但是我相信会帮助大家拿到一个可以申请的分数,在一个有限的时间内,有效率的去拿一个可以申请的分数~~~~ 托福GRE同时备考之GRE篇 PART 1,GRE考试内容简介: 现行的GRE国内考试由两部分组成,笔试和AW作文的机考部分,即每年6月份和10月份的两次笔试考试,6G的AW部分要在4月30号前完成作文考试,10G的AW考试要在9月22日前完成作文的机考。这是每年两次GRE考试的时间。 AW作文的部分分为两部分,就是ISSUE和ARGUMENT, 都是上机考试,每个部分都是有200多道的题库,ISSUE有244道,ARGUMENT有242道,其实正式考试的时候,ISSUE是从题库中抽取两个题目,选择一个题目来进行答题,时间为45分钟,而ARGUMENT则是只抽取一个题目,时间为30分钟。 而笔考的部分包括VERBAL和QUANTITATIVE两部分,即语文和数学,VERBAL部分包括,类比,反义,填空,阅读四个内容,QUANTITATIVE部分则是30个数学的选择题,考试的时候一共是4个SECTION,VERBAL两个,QUANTITATIVE两个,每个时间都是30分钟。 PART 2, 复习的材料和书籍: 单词部分,红宝和逆序两本,如果背熟了的话,个人认为就足够了,如果是考机考的话,可能需要看看蓝宝之类的,那个似乎很有用~ 笔试的题目部分,包括类反,填空,阅读,都是真题为主,如果上XDF,那么会有黄皮书的教材,那个是真题打乱了顺序的,如果是自己DIY学习那么直接用真题就可以,包括NO题目,大白本的几个90-94,95-03,然后似乎还有一些新题,有装订成册的那种,如果没有买到,可以去STEVEN整理的真题集中营去找,很全~~~而作文的部分就是G版的作文电子书,在G版的作文版有下载,这些题目都怎么做我会在后面具体的去说~~~ 还有XDF的问题,好多人都说XDF好,必须上,而有的人不在意,我觉得这个问题因人而异,XDF好在很多人一起上课,一起努力,那个氛围很好,这个班最大的作用其实不是本质的提高你的能力,如果是指着上一个G班就去考试,那我告诉你,基本不可能,XDF告诉我们的是考试的题型,怎么做题,怎么准备,怎么复习,说白了就是入门,帮助我们初步和系统的了解这个考试,但是真正的去提高是我们课下或者之后的努力和复习,当然不去XDF,在坛子自己DIY复习一样可以,道理是一样的~~~如果有时间和精力可以去一个G班,如果没有也没有关系… 其中可能大家想知道其他的一些笔考和作文的参考书,kizenliang同学整理的两个帖子介绍的很详细~~~ https://www.360docs.net/doc/316493469.html,/thread-856361-1-1.html----笔考复习书籍和材 料 https://www.360docs.net/doc/316493469.html,/thread-857506-1-1.html AW作文机考复习书籍和


Word控件工具箱的使用和实例(多选题制作) 2010-07-27 07:41:48 来源:IT部落窝浏览:4246次 word中的控件工具箱是做什么的,如何使用? Word的控件工具箱在哪里呢?单击菜单“视图——工具栏””项中点“控件工具箱”就可以调出控件工具箱。 Word控件工具箱是做什么的呢?word控件工具箱主要在VBA中窗体内使用,每个控件都是一个工具模块,具体功能通过设置属性和写入VB代码来实现。有些控件也可以在w ord文档中使用。 word控件工具箱其实就是VBA的可视化界面,需要掌握一定的VBA知识,懂一些代码,才能更好的驾驭Word的控件工具箱。 举一个很简单的例子,打开word后,打开控件工具箱,双击命令按钮,页面上就会多出一个Commandbutton,双击“commandbutton”,在end sub上面加这样一行MsgBox 保存退出VBA编辑器,单击一下控件工具箱上第一个钮退出设计模式,现在单击一下页面上的Commandbutton按钮,就会弹出一个提示框 下面我们就利用Word的控件工具箱来制作一道多项选择题。下面是具体操作步骤: 第一步,启动Word,新建一空白文档,输入“计算机的软件系统包括( )”并根据情况设置好字体、字号和颜色。 第二步,依次单击菜单栏中的“视图→工具栏→控件工具箱”命令,在弹出的控件工具箱中选中“复选框”按钮,然后在文档拖拉出一个复选框。 第三步,在拖拉出的复选框(checkbox1)上单击鼠标右键选择属性,打开“属性”对话框,

将其中“名称”修改为“duoxt11”,“Caption”后面的字符修改为题目相应选项字符(如“系统软件”),然后再设置“font”选项设置合适的字体、字号等。其他属性可采用默认值。 第四步,将上面设置好的复选框复制三个,分别将“名称”修改为“duoxt12”、“duoxt13”、“duoxt14”,“Caption”属性分别修改为“应用软件”、“杀毒软件”和“工具软件”。 第五步,选择“控件工具箱”的“命令按钮” ,在文档中添加一个按钮,和上面3中的操作一样将其“名称”修改为“duopd11”,“caption”属性修改为“判断”(也可以修改“font”属性来设置字体、字号等)。然后双击该按钮,进入“VisualBasic编辑器”状态,将下述代码输入到Priv ate Sub Private Sub duopd11_Click()和End Sub代码中间,输入完成后,关闭窗口返回。 If duoxt11.Value = True And duoxt12.Value = True And duoxt13.Value = False And duoxt14.Value = False Then MsgBox "恭喜你,选择正确。", vbOKOnly, "结果" Else If duoxt11.Value = True And duoxt12.Value = False And duoxt13.Value = False And duoxt14.Value = False Or duoxt11.Value = False And duoxt12.Value = True And duoxt13.Value = False And duoxt14.Value = False Then MsgBox "选对了一个,还有一个,再努力一下就胜利了。", vbOKOnly, "提示" Else MsgBox "选择错误!还需要继续努力啊!", vbOKOnly, "提示" End If End If

培训讲师必备工具箱(doc 94页)

培训讲师必备工具箱(doc 94页)

《培训师的工具箱》 本书目录: 第一章:培训讲师起步必读 第一节:培训讲师的20个经常性错误第二节:成人学习的基本原则 第二章:培训需求分析 第一节:培训需求的信号 第二节:培训需求评估 第三节:需求分析的信息来源 第四节:需求分析的步骤 第五节:培训需求的调查技术 第六节:明确培训内容 第七节:制定培训目标 第三:学习风格与培训方法 第一节:考尔勃的四种学习风格 第二节:培训方法 第三节:培训教案设计策略 第四章:培训计划制定

第一节:培训项目合作建议书 第二节:培训计划的基本内容 第三节:随机性培训计划与年度性培训计划示例 第四节:培训费用预算 第五章:培训准备 第一节:开班计划书 第二节:培训场地布置 第三节:教具示例 第六章:培训实施 第一节:教学技巧 第二节:表达技巧 第七章:培训评估 第一节:反应层次的评估 第二节:学习层次的评估 第三节:行为层次的评估 第四节:结果层次的评估

第八章:培训师工具箱速查表 第一章培训讲师起步必读 本章提纲: 第一节:培训讲师的20个经常性错误 第二节:成人学习的基本原则 本章概述: 本章主要就讲师经常出现的错误与成人学习的基本原则进行了介绍,作为应该了解的最基本的问题,讲师需要在今后的工作中严格贯彻本章所阐述的这些原则并尽量避免第一节中提到的这些问题。 第一节培训讲师的20个经常性错误 在《培训探密》中,盖瑞?凯朗特总结了新入行的培训讲师师经常出现的二十个错误。凯朗特认为,甚至一些经验丰富的讲师也有可能犯下同样的错误,这二十个错误可以形象表述为十个“笨蛋”与十个“可怜的结局”,如表1-1与表

Deep learning toolbox(深度学习工具箱)

Github中的Deep learning toolbox https://https://www.360docs.net/doc/316493469.html,/rasmusbergpalm/DeepLearnToolbox#deeplearntoolbox 深度学习工具箱包括Deep Belief Nets(DBN), Stacked Autoencoders (SAE堆栈式自动编码器),Convolutional Neural Nets (CNN卷积神经网络),Convolutional Autoencoders (CAE卷积自动编码器) and vanilla Neural Nets(?神经网络). 深度学习是机器学习的一个新的分支,着重学习深层次化模型的数据,其灵感来自于人类大脑的明显深(分层,分层)架构。Learning Deep Architectures for AI(人工智能深结构学习)这篇文章很好地概述了深度学习的理论。 作为非正式的介绍,可以看一下以下Geoffrey Hinton(杰弗里辛顿)和Andrew Ng.(吴恩达) 神经网络的下一代(辛顿2007) 深度学习的近代发展(辛顿2010) 非监督特征学习和深度学习(吴恩达2011) 如果你的研究中要使用到深度学习工具箱,请引用Prediction as a candidate for learning deep hierarchical models of data这篇文章。 目录包含在工具箱内 NN/ - A library for Feedforward Backpropagation Neural Networks NN/- 前馈反向传播神经网络模块


职业经理MBA必备 实用管理工具书《品质管 理工具箱》 目录 第一章质量管理部的组织结构与责权 一、不同产品线的质量管理部组织机构 二、单一产品、单一工厂的质量管理部组织机构 三、不同产品、单一工厂的质量管理部组织机构 四、不同制造部门工厂的质量管理部组织机构 五、按工作事项划分的质量管理部组织机构 六、大型企业质量管理部组织机构 七、质量管理部的职责 八、质量管理部的权力 九、质量管理部经理的岗位职责 十、质量管理部副经理的岗位职责 第二章进料检验管理 一、进料检验主管的岗位职责 二、进料检验专员的岗位职责 三、进料检验记录表

四、进料检验报告表 五、进厂零件质量检验表 六、进厂零件检验报告表 七、进厂材料试用检验表 八、材料不良改进通知表 九、进料检验日统计表 十、原材料供应商质量检测表十一、外协厂商质量检查表 十二、供应商不合格品记录表十三、供应商物料拒收月统计表十四、供应商质量评价体系表十五、供应商综合评价表

十六、进料检验流程 十七、检验状态标识流程 十八、供应商评价流程 第三章制程检验管理 一、制程检验主管的岗位职责 二、制程检验专员的岗位职责 三、制程检验标准书 四、制造流程检验标准表 五、生产过程检验标准表 六、产品质量检验标准表 七、作业标准书 八、操作标准通知单 九、质量管理标准变动通知单 十、生产流程检验记录表 十一、生产过程记录表 十二、巡检记录表 十三、制程巡回检验表 十四、产品质量抽检记录表 十五、产品别不良记录表 十六、操作者自主管理查检表十七、设备维护检查表 十八、制程抽检日报表 十九、月份层别统计表 二十、质量检验分析标准表 二十一.制程别统计分析表 二十二、制程异常反应表 二十三、质量异常报告单 二十四、质量异常统计表 二十五、制程质量异常处理表

2021年经验技巧 GRE满分女生分享复习秘笈

经验技巧 GRE满分女生分享复习秘笈 学习有技巧有方法是一个学习者的必备工具,好的方法和技巧会帮助到你半只脚踏进成功的大门,以下是给大家的经验荟萃:GRE 满分女生分享复习秘笈。希望可以帮到大家 叶佳雯,女,毕业于杭州外国语学校,现在是复旦大学英语系二年级学生,在GRE考试中获得满分的好成绩。成功于汗水中汲取养分,叶佳雯的成绩离不开她平时的辛勤努力和经验积累。下面是叶佳雯在GRE考试中的学习心得,与大家共勉。 我开始准备考G是在大一上学期。当时之所以想到要考G,是因为觉得大一的课程比较松,学的东西不够多,知识吃不饱,多了很多时间出来。与其把这些时间浪费掉,还不如攻下GRE。我从来没想过自己会考满分。相反,考G对我来说,是学习英语的一种鞭策,我觉得它有助于我克服人所常有的惰性,去刻苦努力地学一点东西。报考前,父母让我三思,因为五年内的G成绩到时候都会一并寄到美国的大学,如果这次考不好,留下一个不良记录,就得不偿失了。 但我当时觉得,如果总是给自己这样的消极暗示,那就什么事都不要去尝试了。我报的是 ___11月到1月的班,然后在3月考了G 笔试,刚好是大一下学期开学后一个月。我自己觉得,之所以后来

考得还不错,最大的原因是因为 ___应试。相反,我更多地是把准备考G当成促使自己提高英语水平、锻炼思维能力、丰富知识的一种学习途径。这种心态使我能创造出适合自己的一套方法,而不是盲目相信网络上别人的经验。 第一阶段 可能是从小养成的习惯,在学习上我比较注重个人自己的学习,对老师的依赖性不强,所以在去 ___读G前,我自己已经把单词背得八九不离十了,各类型的题目都做了两三百道。当时用的书是俞敏洪老师的红宝书99版和其他一些参考书。 首先来说一下对红宝书的使用。第一遍看红宝书是一个非常非常痛苦的过程,因为我每个单词都用Webster重新查了一遍,以最适合自己记忆的方式对释义进行了校对和修改。六七千个单词要一个个地这样修改过来,功夫无数。当时大一的课程虽然松弛,但是也还是有学业负担的,我的日子过得很苦,每天早上雷打不动六点起床,晚上总要到凌晨两三点才睡觉(精神可嘉,十一点半睡觉较科学)。 ___,一天也只能看掉两三百个单词,有时候其他事情一多,连两三百个都看不了。


窗体”工具栏控件和“控件工具箱”控件基础 在工作表菜单“视图——工具栏”或在菜单栏点击右键,在下拉菜单中有两个内容比较相似工具栏,即“窗体”工具栏和“控件工具箱”工具栏。 其中,“窗体”工具栏有16个命令按钮,依次为:标签、编辑框,分组框、按钮、复选框、选项按钮,列表框、组合框,组合式列表编辑框、组合式下拉编辑框,滚动条、微调项,控件属性、编辑代码,切换网格、执行对话框。 “控件工具箱”是提供ActiveX控件的工具栏,有15个命令按钮,依次为:设计模式、 属性、查看代码,复选框、文本框、命令按钮、选项按钮、列表框、组合框、切换按钮、数值调节钮、滚动条、标签、图像,其他控件。其中某些控件看上去与“窗体”工具栏中的控件相同,功能也相似,还有一些控件(例如,切换按钮和图像控件)在“窗体”工具栏 上不可用。“控件工具箱”还包含通过其他程序安装的自定义ActiveX控件,例如:通过Microsoft Internet Explorer安装的Active Movie控件。 一、一些概念 控件是放置于窗体上的一些图形对象,可用来显示或输入数据、执行操作或使窗体更易于阅读。这些对象包括文本框、列表框、选项按钮、命令按钮及其他一些对象。控件提供给用户一些可供选择的选项,或是某些按钮,单击后可运行宏程序。 Microsoft Excel 有两种类型的控件。ActiveX控件即控件工具箱控件适用于大多数情况, 与 Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) 宏和 Web 脚本一起工作。“窗体”工具 栏上的控件与 Excel 5.0 以后的 Excel 早期版本都是兼容的,并且能在 XLM 宏工作表中使用。 ActiveX控件一般为完全可编程的对象,开发者能够使用它们在原应用程序基础上创建自 定义的应用程序。 二、Excel中的两类控件 ◆窗体工具条中的控件 这类控件在Excel工作表中是可用的,它们不是ActiveX控件,与控件工具箱中的控件不 一样,并且不如ActiveX控件灵活。但是,对大多数Excel用户来说,这种差异基本上不 妨碍他们对控件的使用。 您如果需要在工作表中录制所有的宏并指定给控件,但又不愿在 VBA 中编写或更改任何 宏代码,那么您可以使用“窗体”工具栏中的控件。您还可以在图表工作表中使用“窗体”工具栏上的控件。 可以在工作表窗体上使用这些控件,而其他用户则可以使用Excel来填写工作表窗体。您 能通过菜单“视图——工具条——窗体”命令打开窗体工具条,接着只需在该工具条中单击您想使用的控件,然后在工作表中单击即可放置控件在工作表中。您能在该控件上单击右键,选择“指定宏”将宏程序指定给控件。如果该控件是一个命令按钮,在您放置控件


为什么我的自定义控件不能正确地显示在 工具箱中 当在Visual Studio .NET 2003 中为智能设备自定义控件添加设计器支持时,您可能会碰到以下问题:在设计时无法将一个图标与控件相关,以便显示在工具箱中当添加到工具箱中时,该组件变灰原因使用独立于控件项目的设计项目。Visual Studio .NET 自动将项目的默认命名空间作为位图的名称。“默认命名空间”默认为项目名称。这可能会产生问题,因为设计项目的名称与运行时项目的名称略有差别。没有设置正确的ToolBoxItemFilterAttribute 值解决方案提供以下示例:Runtime https://www.360docs.net/doc/316493469.html, Project:MyProject类名称:MyProject.MyClass设计https://www.360docs.net/doc/316493469.html, 项目名称:https://www.360docs.net/doc/316493469.html, 设计项目中的BitMap 名称:Foo.bmp 设计程序集中的位图名称:MyProject.Design.MyClass.bmp—这样会产生问题,因为该位图需要以下名称:MyProject.MyClass.bmp 在以上示例中,将设计项目的默认命名空间设置为“MyProject”而非“MyProject.Design”就可以解决这个问题。检查程序集中位图名称的最简单方法是运行ILDASM 并打开Manifest。该清单的尾部列出了嵌入式资源。如果您创建了一个从Component 类派生的自定义组件,则您的代码必须包括以下语句,这样您的组件才能出现在工具箱中: 1

ToolBoxItemFilterAttribute(“NETCF”,ToolBoxItemFilterType.R equire)ToolBoxItemFilterAttribute(“System.CF.Windows.Form s”, ToolBoxITemFilterType.Custom) 2

超高频 RFID 智能工具管理

1.RFID智能工具车 1.1产品简介 铨顺宏智能工具车是一种基于无线射频识别RFID技术,并利用现代计算机技术、无线传输技术实现自动识别和信息化管理于一体的智能化硬件解决方案。该方案在传统工具的基础上进行改进,保留工具车原有全部属性,集成ThingMagic 核心模组,性能优异,读取稳定可靠,应用于可移动式盘存读取,可实现工器具的快速领用、归还、清点,同时,工器具远程可监控,大大提高工具的使用安全性。 1.2技术特性: 1)内嵌ThingMagic-Micro高性能模组,具备读取速度快、灵敏度高,工具信息批量获取能力强等典型特征; 2)可全自动记录工具的取用情况,免人工登记操作,提高效率,减少出错率; 3)一键盘点,快速实现工具车内所有工具的盘存; 4)未归还工具预警,快速锁定未归还工具,提醒及时处理,避免工具丢失以及可能造成的安全隐患; 5)工具使用记录可查询,使用人员信息可追踪; 6)工具车自带大容量可充电电池,可持续工作时间长,满足全天候工作要求。

2.RFID智能工具箱 2.1产品简介 铨顺宏智能工具箱是一种基于无线射频识别RFID技术,并利用现代计算机技术、无线传输技术实现自动识别和信息化管理于一体的智能化解决方案。该方案在传统工具箱的基础上进行改进,保留工具箱原有全部属性,集成工控RFID读写设备,RFID识别性能优异,硬件性能具备工业级应用的稳定性,支持WIFI和蓝牙通讯,应用于户外巡检使用的工具管理,与外业人员的手机协同作业,可实现工器具的快速领用、归还、清点,同时,工器具远程可监控,大大提高外业人员作业的安全可控性。 2.2技术特性

1)内嵌ThingMagic-Micro高性能模组,具备读取速度快、灵敏度高,多标签读取能力强等典型特征; 2)支持WIFI、蓝牙数据透传,与安卓手机协同可实时将工作现场数据发送给后台管理系统,实现现场和远程管理; 3)一键盘点,实现工具箱内所有工具的盘存; 4)未归还工具预警,快速锁定未归还工具,提醒及时处理,避免工具丢失以及可能造成的安全隐患; 5)支持工具箱多层设计,存储容量大,可管理工具多,利用率高; 6)自带大容量可充电电池,采用触发或定时盘存机制,超低功耗,可持续工作时间长,满足全天候工作要求。 3.1电力巡检 RFID电力设备手持设备终端巡检系统针对巡检工作实际需要及特点,具有路线安排、数据记录、工作状态监督、数据汇总报告等功能,并可与电力设备企业现有信息系统无缝连接,有效的了解、检查巡检工作状态、及时的发现电力设备的缺陷情况,提升电力设备、电力设备设备运行安全性、降低生产运营成本、提高工作效率,具有低成本,轻便易操作,设备使用时间长等显著优点。 3.2航空航运 通过RFID航空行李分拣系统的构建,也可以覆盖物流环节中收发货物品的确认、快速收货、快速发货、卸货装盘统计、准确快速搬运装卸的各个环节,最终建立一个快速、统一、无缝的可视化RFID智能管理系统,实现RFID物流管理中的准确、高效率和实时管理功能。ThingMagic超高频RFID设备凭借快速读取---750标签/秒的高速读取能力,和行业皆知的防碰撞算法的无漏读能力,且支持行业的全协议,在机场行李分拣、邮包分拣、药品分拣、大型仓储商品分拣等其他货物自动分拣系统和物流业的其他环节中发挥着巨大的作用。


31孙远工具箱s e v e n t e e n整理

竞争 What American schools do effectively teach is the competitive method. In innumerable ways children are pitted against each other—whether in classroom discussion, spelling bees, reading groups, or tests. Every classroom is expected to produce a scattering of A's and F's (teachers often grade A=excellent; B=good; C=average; D=poor; and F=failed). A teacher who gives all A's looks too soft—so students are aware that they are competing for the limited number of top marks. 标准和道德 The truth of the real world is that without standards and judgments, there can be no progress. Unless we are prepared to say irrational things—that nothing can be proven more valuable than anything else or that everything is equally worthless—we must ask the normative question. 道德 But there are values that all American citizens share and that we should want all American students to know and to make their own: honesty, fairness, self-discipline, fidelity to task, friends, and family, personal responsibility, love of country, and belief in the principles of liberty, equality, and the freedom to practice one's faith. 教育孩子老师作则 There is no escaping the fact that young people need as examples principals and teachers who know the difference between right and wrong, good and bad, and who themselves exemplify high moral purpose.教育孩子家长作则 You can't expect children to take messages about rules or morality seriously unless they see adults taking those rules seriously in their day-to-day affairs. Certain things must be said, certain limits laid down, and certain examples set. There is no other way. 重视教育 As any parent knows, teaching character is a difficult task. But it is a crucial task, because we want our children to be not only healthy, happy, and successful but decent, strong, and good. None of this happens automatically; there is no genetic transmission of virtue. It takes the conscious, committed efforts of adults. It takes careful attention. 失败,错误与成功 Most people consider success and failure as opposites, but they are actually both products of the same process. As Yaz suggests, an activity which produces a hit may also produce a miss. It is the same with creative thinking; the same energy which generates good creative ideas also produces errors. Many people, however, are not comfortable with errors. Our educational system, based on "the right answer" belief, cultivates our thinking in another, more conservative way. From an early age, we are taught that right answers are good and incorrect answers are bad. This value is deeply embedded in the incentive system used in most schools: 不敢失败和保守的态度


部分用户在安装本功能后,发现不能正常使用,现将解决方案介绍如下: 一、安装后未出现本工具提供的功能: 原因1:office绿色版、精简版不支持COM加载宏 解决办法:安装通常版本的office,不要安装绿色版、精简版。 原因2、由于某次EXCEL出错,导致本工具箱受到牵连,被EXCEL禁用(目前反映最多的情况),或者被无意中屏蔽。 解决办法:从EXCEL中取消对本工具箱的禁用。 EXCEL 2003版为例详细说明操作过程(特别感谢Martin.Zheng用户提供的方法),其他excel2000等版本请参照处理;(EXCEL 2007/2010在加载项管理中进行处理,下面单独介绍。) 在EXCEL中依次点击菜单:帮助、关于Microsoft Office Excel(A),如图: 出现以下窗体,点击“禁用项目” 选中“EXCEL必备工具箱”,点击“启用(E)”即可。 然后关闭EXCEL,再次打开时,哈哈,本工具又回来了。 注意:不同excel版本出现的名称可能不出现“EXCEL必备工具箱”字样,只出现:EXCELTOOL.dll 如下图: 在EXCEL2007/2010中的处理方法: 首先进入EXCEL选项并进行加载项管理: 请选择COM加载项,并点击“转到(G)...”,注意:不是点击“确定”,然后出现以下界面: 勾上“EXCEL必备工具箱”,并点击确定即可。 一般情况下这样就可以解决问题了,但有时EXCEL非常顽固,那么必须强制“启用”才能恢复正常: 也是进行加载项管理,但这次是在“管理(A)”右边选择:禁用项目,然后点击“转到(G)...”,出现下面窗口: 选择EXCEL必备工具项,点击“启用(E)” 原因3、由于Adode Reader7.0版、8.0版deng存在严重漏洞,导致office的COM组件被禁用而受到牵连,详情请参阅:https://www.360docs.net/doc/316493469.html,/s/blog_5488e3a90100cn08.html
