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The Role of Business Etiquette in

Business Activities


In today's market economy, commerce becomes more and more frequent, business etiquette in the corporate business activities and foreign exchange is particularly important.Meanwhile, good business etiquette can create a good atmosphere for business contacts; cooperation of enterprises laid a good foundation.I will mainly describe: In business negotiations, understand the necessary courtesy and etiquette, the negotiations must have the basic quality.

At first, I will introduce the importance of business etiquette and the impact of business negotiations.

The second, I will describe some basic business etiquettes, ceremonial roles in business activities and how to use business etiquettes correctly in business activities.

At last, I will summarize and emphasize the importance of


Key words: Business etiquette, Business activities, business negotiation

Abstract in Chinese…………………...…………………………………I Abstract in

English ……………………………………………………II


Introduction (1)

2 Business Etiquette (1)

2.1 The introduction of some basic business Etiquettes (3)

2.1.1 Table manners (3)

2.1.2 Instrument etiquette (4)

2.1.3 Conversation etiquette (5)

2.2 The characteristics of business

etiquette (6)

2.2.1 Normative........................... .. (6)

2.2.2 Restrictive (6)

2.2.3 Cultural (7)

2.3 The function of business etiquette (7)

3 Ceremonial Roles in Business Activities (8)

3.1 Business etiquette can regulate individual business



3.2 Business etiquette helps to improve the personal

qualities of



3.3 Business etiquette can pass valid value information (14)

4 Business Etiquette and Business Activities.................... (15)

4.1 Interaction with people skill (16)

4.2 Business etiquette and business activities




5 Conclusion (19)

Bibliography (21)

The Role of Business Etiquette in Business Activities

1 Introduction

With the modern social and economic development, business activities become globalized society activities during the operation of enterprises an important part, but also the whole social body movement foundation. The business negotiation is to make transactions between enterprises is the premise that all peoples in the economic interaction are an activity. Negotiations between people at least need to communicate, and communication needs based on equality and mutual respect basis. Etiquette is the distance negotiators narrow bridge and link the two sides, but also the right negotiating skills of expression. Negotiators etiquette, to a certain extent, reflects a country, a region, a corporate level of civilization and culture, social qualities and personal accomplishment, thus affecting the whole atmosphere of the negotiations and processes. However, different geographic regions of the world, economic and cultural development and customs are different; people have a business negotiation between the processes of adapting to each other.
