



)2.用“_____”画出文同在雨中观察竹子的语句,这句是__________描写。3.这单元《鱼游到了纸上》一文中年轻人先是“让鱼游到了心里”,而本文中的文同是让__________生在了心里,因此,他们两人作画都可以用__________这个成语来概括。4.“胸有成竹”的意思是__________________________________________________5.读了这篇文章,你明白了什么道理呢? 1.闻名





八年级上册英语阅读理解(共二十篇) A Many students in China are learning English. Some of these students are small children. Others are teenagers(十几岁的青少年). Many are adults. Some learn at school, others study by themselves. A few learn English language (语言)over the radio, on television, or in films. One must work hard to learn another language.Why do all these people want to learn English? It is difficult to answer that question. Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their subjects. They study their own language and maths and English ... Some people learn English because it is useful for their work. Many people often learn English for their higher sutdies, because at college or university(大学) some of their books are in English. Other people learn English because they want to read newspaper and magazines in English. ( )1. Many students in China are learning English, aren't they? ____. A. No, they aren't B. No, they are C. Yes, they are D. Yes, they aren't ( )2. If one wants to learn another language well, he must ____. A. learn at school B. study by himself C. work hard D. study hard ( )3. The sentence "It is difficult to answer that question" means ____. A. that question is not difficult to answer B. that question is difficult to answer it C. it is difficultly to answer that question D. it is hard to answer that question ( )4. "Their own language" means ____. A. Chinese B. English C. French D. Japanese ( )5. What's the Chinese of "study by themselves"? A. 和他们一起学习 B. 自学 C. 向他们学习 D. 通过学习 B Once upon a time, there lived a rich man. He had a servant (仆人). He and the servant loved wine and good food very much. Each time the rich man left his home, the servant would drink the wine and eat up all the nice food in the house. The rich man knew what his servant did, but he had never caught his servant doing that. One morning, when he left home, he said to the servant, “Here are two bottles of poison (毒药) and some nice food in the house. You must take of the m.” With these words, he went out. But the servant knew that the rich man had said was untrue. After the rich man was away from his home, he enjoyed a nice meal. Because he drank too much, he was drunk and fell to the ground. When the rich man came back, he couldn’t find his food and his wine. He became very angry. He woke the servant up. But the servant told his story very well. He said a cat had eaten up everything. He was afraid to be punished(惩罚), so he drank the poison to kill himself. ( )6.In the story, _______ liked wine and good food very much. A. the rich man B. the servant C. both A and B D. neither A and B ( )7.The rich man knew that it was _______ that drank the wine and ate up all the nice food.


2020初三英语阅读理解及答案 下面有一篇文章,希望同学们用10分钟将此题做完,然后对照讲解找到准确的答案。 Passage 1 If you look at the sky one night and see something moving and shining that you have never seen before, it might be a comet (彗星). A comet sometimes looks like a star. Like a planet, a comet has no light of its own. It shines from the sunlight it reflects (反射). Like the earth, a comet goes round the sun, but on a much longer path (轨道) than the earth travels. If a comet isn’t a sta r, what is it then? Some scientists think that a large part of a comet is water frozen into pieces of ice and mixed with iron and rock dust and perhaps a few big pieces of rock. When sunshine melts (融化) the ice in the comet, great clouds of gas go trailing after it. These clouds, together with the dust, form a long tail. Many people perhaps have seen a comet. However no one knows how many comets there are. There may be millions of comets, but only a few come close enough for us to see. An Englishman named Edmund Halley, who lived from 1656 to 1742, found out a lot about the paths that comets take through the sky. Some comets move out of our sight and never come back. Others keep coming back at regular times. A big comet that keeps coming back was named after Halley because


上海市2017-2018学年七年级语文上学期期中试题 (考试时间:90分钟满分100分) 一、文言文阅读(27分) (一)默写(10分) 1.来日绮窗前,。(《杂诗》) 2.春蚕到死丝方尽,。(《无题》) 3.,月是故乡明。(《月夜忆舍弟》) 4.夜久语声绝,。(《石壕吏》) 5.,凭轩涕泗流。(《登岳阳楼》) (二)古诗词理解与掌握(3分) 酬乐天扬州初逢席上见赠 刘禹锡 巴山楚水凄凉地,二十三年弃置身。 怀旧空吟闻笛赋,到乡翻似烂柯人。 沉舟侧畔千帆过,病树前头万木春。 今日听君歌一曲,暂凭杯酒长精神。 6.“暂凭杯酒长精神”一句中“长”读音为_________,意思是____________。(2分) 7. 下面选项不正确 ...的是()(1分) A.首联暗含着诗人在长期谪居中积蓄的痛苦和愤激心情。 B.颔联写出诗人回到了久别的家乡后对人事全非的感慨。 C.颈联中“沉舟”“病树”喻指遭受贬谪已经亡故的友人。 D.尾联既有对友人关怀表达感谢,也有与友人共勉之意。 (三)课内文言文阅读(6分) 白洋潮 故事,三江看潮,实无潮看。午后喧传曰:“今年暗涨潮。”岁岁如之······ 立塘上,见潮头一线,从海宁而来,直奔塘上。稍近,则隐隐露白,如驱千百群小鹅擘翼惊飞。渐近,喷沫溅花,蹴起如百万雪狮,蔽江而下,怒雷鞭之,万首镞镞,无敢后先。再近,则飓风逼之,势欲拍岸而上。看者辟易,走避塘下。潮到塘,尽力一礴,水击射,溅起数丈,著面皆湿。旋卷而右,龟山一挡,轰怒非常,炮碎龙湫,半空雪舞。看之惊眩,坐半日,颜始定······

8. 下列选项没有 ..运用修辞方法的一项是()(2分) A.岁岁如之。 B.如驱千百群小鹅擘翼惊飞。 C.蹴起如百万雪狮······ D.万首镞镞,无敢后先。 9. 文章的主体描写白洋潮的壮观景象,从“”、“”等短语看出作者采用由远及近的空间顺序,清晰具体的描述潮水的变化。(2分) 10.文中划线句描写了观潮人的心理,侧面烘托了白洋潮的气势。(2分) (四)课外文言文阅读(8分) 高凤笃学 高凤①,字文通,南阳人也。少为书生,家以农亩为业,而专精诵读,昼夜不息。妻尝之田,曝麦于庭,令凤护鸡。时天暴雨,凤持竿诵经,不觉潦水流麦②。妻还,怪问,凤方悟之。其后遂为名儒,乃授业于西唐山中。 【注】①高凤:东汉名儒。②潦水:雨后的地上积水。 11.解释文中的加点词的意思。(2分) (1)家以农亩为.业()(2)妻还.() 12.对文中画线句的意思理解正确 ..的一项是()(2分) A.当时天突然下大雨,高凤举着竹竿读书,没有发觉积水把麦子冲走了。 B.当时天突然下大雨,高凤拿着竹竿读书,没有发觉积水把麦子冲走了。 C.当时天突然下大雨,高凤拿着竹竿读书,没有知觉积水把麦子冲走了。 D.当时天突然下大雨,高凤举着竹竿读书,没有知觉积水把麦子冲走了。 13.高凤“其后遂为名儒”,是因为他“”(用文中的话回答)(2分) 14.“高凤笃学”的故事给我们的启示是。(2分) 二、现代文阅读(27分) (一)11分藕与莼菜(叶圣陶) ①同朋友喝酒,嚼着薄雪藕,忽然怀念起故乡来了。若在故乡,每当新秋的早晨,门前经过许多的乡人:男的紫赤的臂膊和小腿肌肉突起,躯干高大且挺,使人起健康的感觉;女的往往裹着白地青花的头布,虽然赤脚,却穿着短的布裙,躯干固然不及男的这样高,但是别有一种健康的美的风致;他们各着一副担子,盛着鲜嫩玉色的长节藕。在产藕的池塘里,在城外曲曲弯弯的小河边,他们把藕一再洗濯,所以这样洁白了。仿佛他们以为这是供人品味的珍品,这是清晨的图画里的重


八年级英语阅读理解4 People enjoy sports. Sports help to keep people healthy, happy and to live longer. Many people like to watch others play games. They buy tickets or sit in front of TV sets. Often they get very excited when “their player or team” wins. People play different games in winter and summer. Swimming is fun in warm weather, but skating is good in winter. Some sports are so interesting that most people like them. Football, for example (例如), is played around the world. Swimming is very popular in all countries near the sea or in those with many rivers. How fun it is to jump into a pool or a lake! And for people in cold countries, like Norway or Canada, they like to skate or ski. Some sports go back thousands of years, like running or jumping. Chinese boxing (拳击), for example, has a long history. But basketball and volleyball are very new. And new sports or games come into the world almost all the time. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。 51.Why do people like sports? _____________________________ 52.What’s the meaning of “their player or team” in the first passage? _____________________________ 53.Which sport is very popular in the countries near the sea? _____________________________ 54.In what kind of country people like to ski? _____________________________ 55.What sports have a long history?


阅读下文理解? 别让委屈再版? ————陈之藩 ①记得在小学的?时候.每星期有作文?课。国文教师除了?在作文卷上有?批语外,还把全班的作?文排好了名次?,当堂唱名发还?。如名次排在后?面,显得非常难堪?,于是大家对作?文都很努力。我本来就喜欢?作文,再加上努力,所以作文发还?时,常是名字在前?几名之中。 ②一次作文,题目是“北风”还是“春风”我已记不清了?,作完后自己很?得意。当时觉得下星?期发还时,我一定是在前?几名之中。没有想到,不仅前几名没?有我,甚至中间也没?有,而是排在最后?一个。我根本不明白?是怎么回事了?。 ③下了课,去问国文老师??老师说:“这不像你这个?小学生作的,一定是抄自什?么杂志上的。”我惊讶得不得?了。我说:“确实是我作的?。”老师说:“你不可能作这?么好。你是抄的。你如果说你不?是抄的,拿出证明来!”我反抗也无从?反抗起,委屈地哭了一?场。 ④小时候的多少?事情,现在儿乎都忘?了,唯独这次所受?的委屈,总是记得清清?楚楚。 ⑤事情竟然无独?有偶,我在大学三年?级时,又出现了一次?类似的事。那是考交流电?路的课,有一道最低还?是最高劝率的?问题,教授所讲过的?是用微积分求?最大或最小的?方法。我在考试时,嫌那个方法麻?烦,竟异想天开?用几何作圆,利用切线的关?系,找出答案来。那一次考试,我又是很得意?,却没有想列这?一题竟然得了?零分。——教授说我不会?微积分;而这个几何方?法呢,一定是从别处?抄来的。于是我在小学?所受的委屈再?版了一次。 ⑥时光流水似的?逝去,我在美国当了?教授,又遇到一次类?似的事,不过我扮演的?不是学生,而是教师的角?色。 ⑦有一个美国学?生提交一篇学?期论文。当作期末考试?。我翻来覆去地?看他这篇论文?,发现不仅风格?清新,而且创新满纸?,令人不能相信?是一个大学生?所作。 ⑧我很自然地怀?疑他是从什么?地方抄来的。问题就这么极?端:如果是抄来的?,只有给不及格?;如果不是抄来?的,那就太好了。我到图书馆查?了两天最新到?的期刊,看看有无类似?的东西却不得?要领。于是请教一位?同事,问他该怎么办?。 ⑨我这位同事对?我提出的问题?,倒显得有些惊?异。他说:“如果你不能查?出你的学生是?抄来的,你就不能说他?是抄来的。你的学生并没?有义务去证明?他不是抄来的?,这是罗马法的?精神。文明与野蛮的?分际,就在这么细微?的差别上。我觉得这是常?识,你却觉得这是?个问题,好奇怪!”我不禁一怔:幸亏同事提醒?,否则,那种委屈又会?再版。


2017-2018学年度第一学期七年级期中质 调研 语文试卷 (考试时间:90分钟满分100分) 考生注意: 1.本卷共25题。 2.请将所有答案做在答题纸的指定位置上,做在试卷上一律不计分。 一、文言文阅读(27分) (一)默写(10分) 1.来日绮窗前,。(《杂诗》) 2.春蚕到死丝方尽,。(《无题》) 3.,月是故乡明。(《月夜忆舍弟》) 4.夜久语声绝,。(《石壕吏》) 5.,凭轩涕泗流。(《登岳阳楼》) (二)古诗词理解与掌握(3分) 酬乐天扬州初逢席上见赠 刘禹锡 巴山楚水凄凉地,二十三年弃置身。 怀旧空吟闻笛赋,到乡翻似烂柯人。 沉舟侧畔千帆过,病树前头万木春。 今日听君歌一曲,暂凭杯酒长精神。 6.“暂凭杯酒长精神”一句中“长”读音为,意思是。2分 7.下面选项不正确 ...的是()(1分) A.首联暗含着诗人在长期谪居中积蓄的痛苦和愤激心情。 B.颔联写出诗人回到了久别的家乡后对人事全非的感慨。 C.颈联中“沉舟”“病树”喻指遭受贬谪已 亡故的友人。 D.尾联既有对友人关怀表达感谢,也有与友人共勉之意。 (三)课内文言文阅读(6分) 白洋潮 故事,三江看潮,实无潮看。午后喧传曰:“今年暗涨潮。”岁岁如之······ 立塘上,见潮头一线,从海宁而来,直奔塘上。稍近,则隐隐露白,如驱千百群小鹅擘翼惊飞。渐近,喷沫溅

花,蹴起如百万雪狮,蔽江而下,怒雷鞭之,万首镞镞,无敢后先。再近,则飓风逼之,势欲拍岸而上。看者辟易,走避塘下。潮到塘,尽力一礴,水击射,溅起数丈,著面皆湿。旋卷而右,龟山一挡,轰怒非常,炮碎龙湫,半空雪舞。看之惊眩,坐半日,颜始定······ 8.下列选项没有 ..运用修辞方法的一项是()(2分) A.岁岁如之。 B.如驱千百群小鹅擘翼惊飞。 C.蹴起如百万雪狮······ D.万首镞镞,无敢后先。 9.文章的主体 写白洋潮的壮观景象,从“”、“”等短语看出作者采用由远及近的空间顺序,清晰具体的 述潮水的变化。2分 10.文中划线句 写了观潮人的心理,侧面烘托了白洋潮的气势。2分 (四)课外文言文阅读(8分) 高凤笃学 高凤①,字文通,南阳人也。少为书生,家以农亩为业,而专精诵读,昼夜不息。妻尝之田,曝麦于庭,令凤护鸡。时天暴雨,凤持竿诵 ,不觉潦水流麦②。妻还,怪问,凤方悟之。其后遂为名儒,乃授业于西唐山中。 【注】①高凤:东汉名儒。②潦水:雨后的地上积水。 11.解释文中的加点词的意思。(2分) (1)家以农亩为.业()(2)妻还.() 12.对文中画线句的意思理解正确 ..的一项是()(2分) A.当时天突然下大雨,高凤举着竹竿读书,没有发觉积水把麦子冲走了。 B.当时天突然下大雨,高凤拿着竹竿读书,没有发觉积水把麦子冲走了。 C.当时天突然下大雨,高凤拿着竹竿读书,没有知觉积水把麦子冲走了。 D.当时天突然下大雨,高凤举着竹竿读书,没有知觉积水把麦子冲走了。 13.高凤“其后遂为名儒”,是因为他“”(用文中的话回答)(2分) 14.“高凤笃学”的故事给我们的启示是。(2分) 二、现代文阅读(27分) (一)11分藕与莼菜(叶圣陶) ①同朋友喝酒,嚼着薄雪藕,忽然怀念起故乡来了。若在故乡, 当新秋的早晨,门前 过许多的乡人:男的紫赤的臂膊和小腿肌肉突起,躯干高大且挺,使人起健康的感觉;女的往往裹着白地青花的头布,虽然赤脚,却穿着短的布裙,躯干固然不及男的这样高,但是别有一种健康的美的风致;他们各着一副担子,盛着鲜嫩玉色的长节藕。在产藕的池塘里,在城外曲曲弯弯的小河边,他们把藕一再洗濯,所以这样洁白了。仿佛他们以为这是供人品味的珍品,这是清晨的图画里的重要题材,倘若涂满污泥,就人家欣赏的浑凝之感打破了:这是一件罪过的事情,他们不愿意担在身上,故意先把它们洗濯得这样洁白,才挑进城里来。他们要稍稍休息的时候,就把竹扁担横在地上,自己坐在上面,随便拣择担里的过嫩的“藕枪”或是较老的“藕朴”,大口地嚼着解渴,过路的人就站住了,红衣衫的小姑娘拣一节,头发银白的老公公买两支。清淡的甘美的滋味,于是普遍于家家且人人了。这种情形差不


八年级英语下册阅读理解20篇 新目标英语八年下阅读理解20篇 阅读理解1 Jack is a twenty-year-old young man. Two years ago, when he finished middle school, he found work in a shop. Usually he works until ten o'clock in (满意) him. her. And they talked about their and their future(未来 said t he girl. “What time is it now?” said Jack. “Where's yours?” stamp his foot The sound woke his grandma up. The old woman shouted downstairs, “It's twelve o'clock in the night, Jack. Why are you still jumping upstairs?” 1. Jack was ________ when he finished middle school. A. sixteen B. eighteen C. twenty D. fifteen 2. The old woman is satisfied with Jack because ________. A. he's her grandson B. he's clever C. he can keep quiet D. he gets home on time 3. From the story, we can know that Mary is Jack's ________. A. classmate B. colleague (同事) C. aunt D. wife 4. The word “stamp” in the story means ______ in Chinese. A. 盖印 B. 跺 C. 贴邮票 5. Jack stamped his foot on the floor in order (


小学三年级语文下册阅读理解训练题及答案 鸟从南方飞来,于是,小岛上挤满了各种各样的鸟。一眼望去,岛上密密麻麻的鸟窝一个挨着一个,数也数不清。窝里窝外,到处是玉白色、青绿色、淡灰色的各种鸟蛋。一个月后,各种各样的毛茸茸的小鸟陆陆续续地破壳而出。这是鸟岛上最热闹的季节。 1.这段话中共有()句话。第二句写()多,第三句写()多,第四句写()多,第五句写()多。 这段话是围绕第( )句话写的。 2.文中有些词语是表示多的意思,我能写出三个()、()、()。 3、第一句话和后面几句话之间是()关系。 “煮书” 爷爷的书房里挂着一张条幅,上面写着“煮书”两个苍劲有力的大字,我感到很奇怪:书只能读,怎么可以煮呢? 一天,爷爷刚刚写完一篇文章,正坐在藤椅上品茶。我指着条幅问爷爷:“书怎么可以煮呢?书放锅里煮,不是要煮坏了吗?” 爷爷笑了说书是精神食粮嘛既是食粮怎么不可以煮呢煮熟了吃下去才好消化吸收嘛 爷爷看见我疑惑不解的样子,便接着说:“你知道唐代诗人杜甫吧?他小时候读书,就能反复诵读品味,非把书读透不可。其实,这就是‘煮书’。这样,他做起诗来就感到得心应手了。所以他说:‘读书破万卷,下笔如有神’。我们学习语文,对那些好的文章也应该这么‘煮’,否则,就很难把语文学好。” “爷爷,你看我该怎么‘煮书’呢?” “你可以从‘煮’语文书入手嘛。语文课文都是范文,每天清晨起来,放声读上几遍,仔细品味一番,多有意思!这样煮下去,你不仅能体会到文章的情感,还可以牢记妙词佳句……好处可多啦。肚子里的词儿多了,今后说话和写文章还会犯愁吗?” 爷爷的话使我豁然开朗,“煮书”还真有道理哩! 1.从短文中找出与下面意思相近的词语,写在括号里。 A.指心里不明白,不相信。() B.形容运用自如,心里怎么想,手就能怎么做。() C.形容开阔或通达,一下子就明白了。()


2017-2018学年度第一学期七年级期中质量调研 语文试卷 (考试时间:90分钟满分100分) 考生注意: 1.本卷共25题。 2.请将所有答案做在答题纸的指定位置上,做在试卷上一律不计分。 一、文言文阅读(27分) (一)默写(10分) 1.来日绮窗前,。(《杂诗》) 2.春蚕到死丝方尽,。(《无题》) 3.,月是故乡明。(《月夜忆舍弟》) 4.夜久语声绝,。(《石壕吏》) 5.,凭轩涕泗流。(《登岳阳楼》) (二)古诗词理解与掌握(3分) 酬乐天扬州初逢席上见赠 刘禹锡 巴山楚水凄凉地,二十三年弃置身。 怀旧空吟闻笛赋,到乡翻似烂柯人。 沉舟侧畔千帆过,病树前头万木春。 今日听君歌一曲,暂凭杯酒长精神。 6.“暂凭杯酒长精神”一句中“长”读音为,意思是。2分 7. 下面选项不正确 ...的是()(1分) A.首联暗含着诗人在长期谪居中积蓄的痛苦和愤激心情。 B.颔联写出诗人回到了久别的家乡后对人事全非的感慨。 C.颈联中“沉舟”“病树”喻指遭受贬谪已经亡故的友人。 D.尾联既有对友人关怀表达感谢,也有与友人共勉之意。 (三)课内文言文阅读(6分)

白洋潮 故事,三江看潮,实无潮看。午后喧传曰:“今年暗涨潮。”岁岁如之······ 立塘上,见潮头一线,从海宁而来,直奔塘上。稍近,则隐隐露白,如驱千百群小鹅擘翼惊飞。渐近,喷沫溅花,蹴起如百万雪狮,蔽江而下,怒雷鞭之,万首镞镞,无敢后先。再近,则飓风逼之,势欲拍岸而上。看者辟易,走避塘下。潮到塘,尽力一礴,水击射,溅起数丈,著面皆湿。旋卷而右,龟山一挡,轰怒非常,炮碎龙湫,半空雪舞。看之惊眩,坐半日,颜始定······ 8. 下列选项没有 ..运用修辞方法的一项是()(2分) A.岁岁如之。 B.如驱千百群小鹅擘翼惊飞。 C.蹴起如百万雪狮······ D.万首镞镞,无敢后先。 9. 文章的主体描写白洋潮的壮观景象,从“”、“”等短语看出作者采用由远及近的空间顺序,清晰具体的描述潮水的变化。2分 10.文中划线句描写了观潮人的心理,侧面烘托了白洋潮的气势。2分 (四)课外文言文阅读(8分) 高凤笃学 高凤①,字文通,南阳人也。少为书生,家以农亩为业,而专精诵读,昼夜不息。妻尝之田,曝麦于庭,令凤护鸡。时天暴雨,凤持竿诵经,不觉潦水流麦②。妻还,怪问,凤方悟之。其后遂为名儒,乃授业于西唐山中。 【注】①高凤:东汉名儒。②潦水:雨后的地上积水。 11.解释文中的加点词的意思。(2分) (1)家以农亩为.业()(2)妻还.() 12.对文中画线句的意思理解正确 ..的一项是()(2分) A.当时天突然下大雨,高凤举着竹竿读书,没有发觉积水把麦子冲走了。 B.当时天突然下大雨,高凤拿着竹竿读书,没有发觉积水把麦子冲走了。 C.当时天突然下大雨,高凤拿着竹竿读书,没有知觉积水把麦子冲走了。 D.当时天突然下大雨,高凤举着竹竿读书,没有知觉积水把麦子冲走了。 13.高凤“其后遂为名儒”,是因为他“”(用文中的话回答)(2分) 14.“高凤笃学”的故事给我们的启示是。(2分) 二、现代文阅读(27分)


GMAT阅读理解练习题一篇(附答案) 大家在备考gmat阅读考试的时候,需要准备的复习材料很多,对于计划参加gmat 考试的人来说,要想在gmat阅读考试中获取好的成绩,做适量的练习是必须的,下面就通过解答下面的gmat阅读练习材料来总结一些解题方法吧。 Recent years have brought minority-owned businesses in the United States unprecedented opportunities—as well as new and significant risks. Civil rights activists have long argued that one of the principal reasons why Blacks, Hispanics, and other minority groups have difficulty establishing themselves in business is that they lack access to the sizable orders and subcontracts that are generated by large companies. Now Congress, in apparent agreement, has required by law that businesses awarded federal contracts of more than $500,000 do their best to find minority subcontractors and record their efforts to do so on forms filed with the government. Indeed, some federal and local agencies have gone so far as to set specific percentage goals for apportioning parts of public works contracts to minority enterprises. Corporate response appears to have been substantial. According to figures collected in 1977, the total of corporate contracts with minority businesses rose from $77 million in 1972 to $1.1 billion in 1977. The projected total of corporate contracts with minority businesses for the early 1980’s is estimated to be over 53 billion per year with no letup anticipated in the next decade. Promising as it is for minority businesses, this increased patronage poses dangers for them, too. First, minority firms risk expanding too fast and overextending themselves financially, since most are small concerns and, unlike large businesses, they often need to make substantial investments in new plants, staff, equipment, and the like in order to perform work subcontracted to them. If, thereafter, their subcontracts are for some reason reduced, such firms can face potentially crippling fixed expenses. The world of corporate purchasing can be frustrating for small entrepreneurs who get requests for elaborate formal estimates and bids. Both consume valuable time and resources, and a small company’s efforts must soon result in orders, or both the morale and the financial health of the business will suffer. A second risk is that White-owned companies may seek to cash in on the increasing apportionments through formation of joint ventures with minority-owned concerns. Of course, in many instances there are legitimate reasons for joint ventures; clearly, White and minority enterprises can team up (team up: v.(使)结成一队, 合作, 协作) to acquire business that neither could acquire alone. But civil rights groups and minority business owners have complained to Congress about minorities

文言文19-22 节选

《欧阳修家教》 先公四岁而孤:指失去父母的孩子,即孤儿。古代多指失去父亲的孩子。 家贫无资:贫:贫穷。资:钱财。 太夫人以荻画地:以:用。荻:与芦苇相似的草本植物。画:划。 教以书字:以:用。书:书写。教他用荻书写汉字。 使学为诗:使:让,派。为:写,做。 及稍长:等到(他)稍微长大的时候。(稍:渐渐地) 就闾(lǘ)里士人家借而读之:就:动词,接近,靠近,(此引申为)去。乡里,街坊。((欧阳修)便就近到乡里的读书人家去借书来读。) 假而读之:借。 或因而抄录:或:有时。因:凭借。 以至尽夜忘寝食:达到尽头 唯读书是务:唯:只。是:无意义。务:致力。(唯....是.....为固定搭配) 中心意思是逆境出人才,不怕困难,不怕贫寒,只要有意志就一定能成功。 译文: 欧阳修四岁时父亲就去世了,家中十分贫穷,没有钱供他读书。(他的)母亲用芦苇秆在沙地上写字,教给他写字。还教他诵读许多古人的诗文,让他学习写诗。到他年龄大些了,家里没有书可读,就到邻里的读书人家去借书来读,有时进行抄写。还没抄完,他就已经能背诵其中的文章。就这样夜以继日、废寝忘食,只是致力读书。从小写的诗赋文字,下笔就有成人的水平那样高了。 启发: 个人在年幼时家境不好,表面看上去是悲惨的,但对于有志气的孩子来说却不见得是一个坏事。因为家境的窘迫会使孩子较早地品尝世态炎凉和生活艰辛,促使孩子早懂事,早立志——穷人的孩子早当家嘛!从现实看,一些富足人家的子弟因为眼前吃不愁、穿不愁,倒是少了许多学习的动力,使将来有所成就缺少了思想和性格基础。 《司马光幼时》 1.凛然:严肃庄重的样子。 2.瓮wang:一种口小腹大的盛器。 3.足跌:失足。 4.迸:水涌出。 5.生:长到。 6.退:回去。 7.自是:从此。8.释:放下。 9.至:甚至。10.没:沉没。 11.皆:全,都。12.闻:听。 13.去:离去。14.戏:玩耍。 15.《左氏春秋》:是左丘明给《春秋》作注的一部史书。16.如:像。 17.之:它,指《左氏春秋》。18.了:清楚。 19.大旨:大意,主要意思。 句子 即了其大旨:(司马光)就明白了其中的主要意思。 众皆弃去:很多小儿都扔下他离去了。 译文: 司马光长到七岁时,严肃庄重的样子如同大人,听讲《左氏春秋》,十分喜爱,回去之后让家人讲给他听,马上了解它(指《左氏春秋》)的大意(大概意思)。从此手里不放下书本,甚至不知道饥饿口渴,寒冷炎热。一群人在庭院里玩耍,一个小孩站在缸上,失足掉了进去,


A Many students in China are learning English. Some of these students are small children. Others are teenagers(十几岁的青少年). Many are adults. Some learn at school, others study by themselves. A few learn English language (语言)over the radio, on television, or in films. One must work hard to learn another language.Why do all these people want to learn English? It is difficult to answer that question. Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their subjects. They study their own language and maths and English ... Some people learn English because it is useful for their work. Many people often learn English for their higher sutdies, because at college or university(大学) some of their books are in English. Other people learn English because they want to read newspaper and magazines in English. ( )21. Many students in China are learning English, aren't they? ____. A. No, they aren't B. No, they are C. Yes, they are D. Yes, they aren't ( )22. If one wants to learn another language well, he must ____. A. learn at school B. study by himself C. work hard D. study hard ( )23. The sentence "It is difficult to answer that question" means ____. A. that question is not difficult to answer B. that question is difficult to answer it C. it is difficultly to answer that question D. it is hard to answer that question ( )24. "Their own language" means ____. A. Chinese B. English C. French D. Japanese ( )25. What's the Chinese of "study by themselves"? A. 和他们一起学习 B. 自学 C. 向他们学习 D. 通过学习 B Once upon a time, there lived a rich man. He had a servant (仆人). He and the servant loved wine and good food very much. Each time the rich man left his home, the servant would drink the wine and eat up all the nice food in the house. The rich man knew what his servant did, but he had never caught his servant doing that. One morning, when he left home, he said to the servant, “Here are two bottles of poison (毒药) and some nice food in the house. You must take of them.” With these words, he went out. But the servant knew that the rich man had said was untrue. After the rich man was away from his home, he enjoyed a nice meal. Because he drank too much, he was drunk and fell to the ground. When the rich man came back, he couldn’t find his food and his wine. He became very angry. He woke the servant up. But the servant told his story very well. He said a cat had eaten up everything. He was afraid to be punished(惩罚), so he drank the poison to kill himself. ( )26.In the story, _______ liked wine and good food very much. A. the rich man B. the servant C. both A and B D. neither A and B ( )27.The rich man knew that it was _______ that drank the wine and ate up all the nice food. A. the cat B. himself C. nobody D. the servant
