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Conversation A : At a Beach?

SUE: Daddy, when are you going to come in the water??

MARTIN: Not now. Maybe later.

SUE: May I go in the water??

MARTIN: Where is Alan? Is he in the water??

SUE: No, he's talking to that girl.?

MARTIN: Which one??

SUE: The tall girl.?

MARTIN: They are all tall. Which one??

SUE: She's the one with black hair.?

MARTIN: Who is that girl??

SUE: She's in Alan's class at school.?

MARTIN: Do we know her??

SUE: I know her.?

MARTIN: Do I know her parents? What's her name??

SUE: I don't know her name.?

MARTIN: Where is your mother??

SUE: She's talking to those women.?

MARTIN: Where??

SUE: Over there. See? She's talking to that short woman.?

MARTIN: I see. Yes, that woman is very short. I don't know her.? SUE: Mama works with her.?

MARTIN: Oh. Where are your friends??

SUE: They're not here.?

MARTIN: When are they coming??

SUE: They're coming this morning. But they're not here yet. See that man? He's my teacher.?

MARTIN: Which man??

SUE: He's the tall one. He has blue eyes.?

MARTIN: I can’t see his eyes. What color is his hair??

SUE: His hair is brown.?

MARTIN: I see two men with brown hair. Is he thin??

SUE: No, he's very big. He's big and tall.?

MARTIN: And he has brown hair. I see him. What color is his swim suit? ? SUE: It's red.?

EILEEN: Hello. You aren't swimming, Sue.?

SUE: Daddy doesn't want to swim.?

EILEEN: Can't you watch, Martin??

MARTIN: I don't want to move.?

SUE: Mama, you come in the water.?

EILEEN: Wait a minute. Who is that girl??

MARTIN: Which girl??

EILEEN: The girl is talking to Alan.?

MARTIN: Which girl is talking to Alan?

EILEEN: The tall one.?

MARTIN: Does she have black hair??


MARTIN: She's a girl in Alan's school.?

EILEEN: She's very pretty.?

SUE: She's beautiful. I want black hair.?

EILEEN: Your hair is very pretty.?

MARTIN: Yes, your hair is nice.?

SUE: When can we go in the water??

EILEEN: Let's go now.?

Practice 1:依照会话A回答下列问题:?

1.What is Alan doing??

2.What does the girl with Alan look like??

3.What is Sue's mother doing??

4.How do you describ the woman Sue's mother is talking about??

5.How does Sue' mother know her??

6.When are Sue' friends coming??

7.What does Sue's teacher look like??

8.What color is Sue’s teacher’s swim suit?

Practice 2:用形容词来描述人的外表。?


SUE: The tall girl.?

MARTIN: They are all tall.

SUE: She's the one with black hair.?

She's talking to that short woman.?

MARTIN: Yes, that woman is very short.?

SUE: He's the tall one. He has blue eyes.?

MARTIN: What color is his hair??

SUE: His hair is brown.?

MARTIN: Tall. Tall girl. Black. Black hair.?

Short. Very short. Very short woman.?

Tall. Tall one. Blue. Blue eyes.?

Brown. Brown hair.?

会话A : 在沙滩上?







