


1. 名词解释(20分)5个*4=20分




5?片段赏析(20分)一个10分2个一个小说一个诗歌6. 论述题(20分)一个10分2个一个小说一个诗歌

The Outli ne of America n Literature

Realists: Henry James and his psychological realism

William Dean Howells and his moral realism

Local Colorism/Regio nalism: Mark Twain

Naturalists: Stephen Crane /Dreiser

The Modern Period 1914-1945

Moder n Poetry:

Imagism:Ezra Pound


Lyrical Poet : Robert Frost

Carl San dburg

Wallace Steve ns

Moder n Novelists:

Represe ntatives of the Lost Gen erati on:

(Jazz Age)F.Scott Fitzgerald/Ernest Hemi ngway/T.S.Eliot

Epitome of the Souther n Ren aissa nee:

William Faulk ner

The Leftist Novelists:

Joh n Dos Passos/Joh n Stein beck

The Jewish American Novelists in this period:

Eugene O Neill

Part I Term Defin iti on

1. American Naturalism:美国自然主义

1. Naturalism is a more deliberate kind of realism and this term describes a type of literature that attempts

2. Naturalism is a literary movement that used detailed realism to suggest that social conditions, heredity, and environment had in escapable force in shap ing huma n character.

3.Although n aturalist described the world with sometimes brutal realism, it sometimes also aimed at bettering the world through social

reform.4.It accepted the in terpretati on of Darwin leadi ng figure of this school.5.The represe ntative figure

is Stephe n Crane and his Sister Carrie.

Key words : Darwin ' Evolutionary Theory;environment and heredity; objectivity and detachment Theodore Dreiser; Sister Carrie, Stephe n Crane, etc.

2. American Realism:美国现实主义

1. 时间:In America n literature, the Civil War brought the Roman tic Period to an end. The Age of Realism

came into existe nee. 内战将浪漫主义结束,开启现实主义。

2.It came as a reacti on aga inst the lie of roman ticism and sen time ntalism. 反对浪漫主义和感伤主义

3. Realism turned from an emphasis on the stra nge toward a faithful of the ordin ary, a slice of life as it is really lived. It expresses the concern for commo nplace and the low, and it offers an objective rather tha n

an idealistic view of the huma n n ature and huma n experie nee. 现实主义从对奇异的强调转向对平凡的忠

禾口人类经验。 4.A realistic writer is more objective than subjective ,more descriptive than symbolism.

5.The represe ntative figures are Mark Twain, Henry James and Howells.

Key words : Mark Twain, Henry James and Howells ;reality; the depressed;

to apply scie ntific prin ciples of objectivity (客观)and detachme nt (冷静)to its study of huma n beings.

'evoluti onary theory and Dreiser is a



3. Modernism:现代主义

1.It was a complex and diverse (复杂多样的)international movement in all the creative arts (仓U造性艺术),

originating about the end of the 19th century.

2.It provided (出现)the greatest creative ren aissa nee of the 20th cen tury.

3.It was made up of many facets (方面),such as symbolism , surrealism (超现实主义),cubism (立体主义), expressionism, futurism (未来主义),etc.

4. Modernism implies historical discontinuity , a sense of alienation , of loss and of despair.

‘[souther n Ren aissa nce(南方文艺复兴,必考):

1. 时间:The Southern Renaissance is the revival of American Southern literature that began in the 1920s

and 1930s un til the 1950s.2.特色:Much of the writ in gs featured the struggle betwee n those who embraced social cha nges and those who were more skeptical.3. 观点:The writers attempt to come to terms not only with the inherited values of the Southern tradition , but also with a certain way of perceiving

and deali ng with the past.4. 代表人物:The represe ntative figures are William Faulk ner Williams and so



1. 时间,地点,影响:Imagism was a literary poetic moveme nt which flourished in London between 1909 ______ and 1917 a nd had an en duri ng and pervasive in flue nce on En glish-la nguage poetry in the twen tieth cen tury.

2. 意象主义三原则:Here are three imagist poetic principles:Direct treatment of the thing whether

subjective or objective ; Eliminate merely ornamental or superfluous words ; As regarding rhythm , to


compose in the seque nee of the musical phrase ,not in the seque nee of a metr ono me.3.

代表人物:The imagists were led by Ezra Pound and the represe ntative figures are D.H .L awre nce.Ezra Pound and so


6.Iceberg Principle:冰山原则

1.主要观点:Iceberg Prin ciple is that the full meaning of the text is n ot limited to movi ng the plot forward : there is always a web of association and inference , a submerged reason behind the inclusion of every detail.

2.提出者:It is a writing style coined by American writer Ernest Hemingway.

3. 举例:In Death in the Afternoon (午后之死),Hemingway outlined his t heory of omission ”r iceberg principle "4 海明威的观

点: He believed the deeper meaning of a story should not be evident on the surface , but should shine through implicitly.The dig nity of moveme nt of an ice-berg is due to on ly on e-eighth of it being above water.

7. Jazz Age:爵士时代

1.时间,地点:The Jazz Age describes the period of the 1920s and 1930s,the years between World War

I and World War II,particularly in North America,continuing through the Roaring Twenties and ending

with the rise of the Great Depressi on in America.2. 代表人物,特点:The represe ntative figure is F.Scott Fitzgerald with his novel The Great Gatsby,highlighti ng the decade nee (颓废)and hedo nism (享乐主义),as well as the growth of individualism.

8. Hemi ngway Heroes/Code Hero: 海明威式英雄

1. Hem in gway Heroes refer to some protago ni sts in Hemin gway's works.

2. As a concept from Hemingway' works , Code Hero is defined by Hemingway as a man who lives

correctly , followi ng the ideals of honour , courage and en dura nee in a world.3.It sta nds for a whole generation and this kind of hero is an average man of decidely masculine tastes , a man who is sensitive

and intelligent , a man of actions and of few words.For example , he uses his code hero , who is named in most of his no vels as Nick Adams to teach readers a creative and discipli ned way of life.

9. American Dream:美国梦

The American Dream is the faith held by many people in the United States of America that through hard

work,courage and determ in ati on one can achieve a better life for on eself,usually through finan cial prosperity.These were values held by many early European settlers,and have been passed on to subseque nt gen erati on s.America n dream means the belief that every one can succeed as long as he/she works hard eno ugh. It usually implies a successful and satisfy ing life.


10. Stream of Consciousness: 意识流

1.范畴:It is one of the modern literary techniques.

2. 风格:It is the style of writing that attempts to imitate

the natural flow of a character ' thoughts, feelings, reflections, memories, and mental images as the character experie nces them. Those no vels broke through the bounds of time and space, and depicted vividly and skillfully the uncon scious activity of the mind fast cha nging and flow ing in cessa ntly. 这些小说突破了时空的界限,生动而巧妙地刻画了心灵的无意识活动,瞬息万变,不断流动。

3. 举例:It was first used by the Irish no velist James Joyce.The moder n America n writer William Faulk ner successfully adva need this tech niq ue.

11. the Lost Gen eratio n :迷茫的一代

1.人物,地点,时间:The term Lost Generation was coined by Stein to refer to a group of American Literary

no tables who lived in Paris from the end of World War I to the begi nning of the Great Depressi on.2. 代表人物:The representative figures are F.Scott Fitzgerald ,Ernest Hemingway and T.S.Eliot and so on.3. 迷茫的原因:They were lost ”ecause after the war many of them were disillusioned with the world in

general. 4.It refers to a group of young intellectuals (知识分子) who came back from war, were injured (受伤害) both physically (身体上) and mentally (精神上).

12. Yoknapatawpha :约克纳帕塔法

I.Most of Faulkner's works are set in a small region in Northern Mississippi , Yoknapatawpha County , which is actually an imagi nary place based on Faulk ner's childhood memory about the tow n of Oxford in his native County.2.With rich imagination ,he turned the land ,the people and the history of the region into a literary creation and a mythical kingdom.3.This kind of stories deal with the historical period from the Civil War to the 1920s3.As a result ,the County has become an allegory and Faulkner has managed successfully to show a panorama of the whole Southern society.

补充:Local Colorism (地方主义)

1.时间:Local colorism , also called regionalism , as a trend became dominant in American literature in the 1860s and early 1870s and

2. 特点:it is characterized by vernacular(本国语) language and satirical(讽刺的)humor.

3. 目的:The final goal of local colorists is to write or to present local characters of their regions distinguished from other.

4. 举例:The representative figure is Mark Twain.It is a unique variation of American literary realism. Key words: Mark Twain, local, people and landscape, realism, language, custom, etc.

Part II Multiple Choices

1. Which is not connected with Thomas Paine?

A. Common Sense

B. The American Crisis

C. The Rights of Man

D. The Autobiography

2. “These are the times that try men 's souls ”,these words were once read to Washington 's troops and did much to spur excitement to further action with hope and confidence. Who is the author of these words?

A. Benjamin Franklin

B. Thomas Paine


美国文学试题库 注:试题库内容仅作为学习参考使用,并不代表考试内容。任何一道题均可能变化为其它形式的试题。 1. Naturalism is evolved from realism when the author’s tone in writing becomes less serious and less sympathetic but more ironic and more_____________. A. rational B. humorous C. optimistic D. pessimistic 2.The impact of Darwin’s evolutionary theory on the American thought and the influence of the nineteenth-century French literature on the American men of letters gave rise to yet another school of realism: American___________ . A. local colorism B. vernacularism C. modernism D. naturalism 3. ____________were idealists, believing the church should be restored to complete “purity” and dreaming that they would build the new land to an Eden on earth. A. Calvinists B. Puritans C. Romanticists D. Transcendentalists 4. All of the following are the features of Puritans EXCEPT _____. A. wanting to make pure their religious beliefs and practices


第17单元20世纪美国诗人(1) I.Fill in the blanks. 1.Author_____Title_____(南京大学2007研) The apparition of these faces in the crowd; Petals on a wet,black bough. 【答案】Author:Ezra Pound;Title:“In a Station of the Metro” 【解析】题目节选自庞德的《在一个地铁车站》,该诗是以一个意象作为叙述语言的典型范例。 2.Ezra Pound’s lifelong endeavor had been devoted to the writing of_____,which contains_____poems.(国际关系学院2007研) 【答案】The Cantos;117 【解析】庞德把毕生精力都投入到写作《诗章》当中,《诗章》共包括117首诗。 3.Pound was the leader of a new movement in poetry which he called the“_____”movement. 【答案】imagism 【解析】庞德是意象主义运动的领军人物。 4._____was successful in two fields of activity which did not seem compatible with

one another:he was a very successful businessman and a very remarkable contemporary poet at the same time.(人大2006研) 【答案】Wallace Stevens 【解析】华莱士·史蒂文斯(Wallace Stevens)是美国20世纪的著名诗人。他集企业家和诗人于一身。 5.Winner of the National Book Award in1950and the Pulitzer Prize in1963,______ is the author of the five-volume epic Paterson which is a lucid statement of the author’s aesthetics. 【答案】William Carlos Williams 【解析】威廉·卡洛斯·威廉斯的代表作是《佩特森》,它清晰地表达了诗人的美学观点。 6.At the age of44,Wallace Stevens was finally persuaded to publish a book of poems,entitled_____. 【答案】Harmonium 【解析】1923年,44岁的华莱士-史蒂文斯出版了他的第一部诗集《风琴》(Harmonium)。 7.After his death,Wallace Stevens’s previously uncollected works appeared under the title_____. 【答案】Opus Posthumous 【解析】华莱士·史蒂文斯死后,其之前未收集的诗作集合成册于1957年发表,名为《遗作》(Opus Posthumous)。


Part I Identification Directions: Decide whether the following statements are true or false. 1.( T ) Hurstwood is a character in Theodore Dreiser's Sister Carrie. 2.( F )In 1954, T. S. Eliot was awarded a Nobel Prize for his “mastery of the a rt of modern narration.” 3.( T )Hemingway believed that a man could find meaning in life by facing his death with dignity and courage. 4.( T )Literary naturalism may be regarded as the new development of literary realism, and was sometimes called “pessimistic realism.” The naturalistic writers were philosophical pessimists. 5.( F )Hemingway, Pound, Cummings, Dos Passos, and Fitzgerald, belong to the school of “Beat Generation”. 6.( F )William Faulkner's woks mainly concerned the decay in economy and moral in the American North. 7.( F ) Fitzgerald's fictional world is the best embodiment of the spirit of the romantic period. 8.( T )The narrator in T he Great Gatsby is a minor character named Nick Carraway, who is also a participant in the event. 9.( T ) Hemingway's novel The Sun Also Rises pained the image of the whole generation, the lost generation. 10.( F )In Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury, he used a technique called imagism, in which the whole story was told through the thoughts of one character. Part II Multiple choice: Directions: Choose the best answer and write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 1. ___________ showed great interest in Chinese literature and translated the poetry of Li Po into English, and was influenced by Confucian ideas. A. Ezra Pound B. Robert Frost C. T. S. Eliot D. E. E. Cummings 2. Ezra Pound's long poem____________ contained more than one hundred poems loosely connected. A. The Waste Land B. The Cantos C. Don Juan D. Queen Mab 3. In Paris, Ernest Hemingway, along with _____________, accomplished a revolution in literary style and language. A. Gertrude Stein B. Ezra Pound C. James Joyce D. all of the above 4. The Fitzgeralds lived so extravagantly that they frequently spent more money than F. Scoot Fitzgerald earned for parties, liquor, entertaining their friends and


I、Write the Names of the Authors、 1、Poor Richard’s Almanac 2、Common Sense 3、The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 4、A Streetcar Named Desire 5、The Waste Land 6、Sister Carrie 7、The House of the Seven Gables 8、The Great Gatsby 9、The Bluest Eye 10、 A Farewell to Arms 11、R ip Van Winkle 12、Raven 13、The Call of the Wild 14、The Marble Faun 15、Moby Dick 16、The Wing of the Dove 17、Of Mice and Men 18、The Bluest Eye 19、The Great Gatsby 20、The Bluest Eye 21、The Sound and the Fury II、Multiple Choices(Choose the best answer from the four choices)、 1、From 1622 until his death, , one of the greatest of colonial American, was reelected thirty times as governor、 A、Anne Bradstreet B、William Bradford C、Edward Taylor D、Thomas Pain 2、carries the voice not of an individual but of a whole people、It is more than writing of the Revolutionary period, it defined the meaning of the American Revolution、 A、Common Sense B、The American Crisis C、Declaration of Independence D、Defense of the English People 3、usually was regarded as the first American writer、 A、William Bradford B、Anne Bradstreet C、Emily Dickinson D、Captain John Smith 4、Anne Bradstreet was a Puritan poet、Her poems made such a stir in England that she became known as the " "who appeared in America、 A、Ninth Muse B、Tenth Muse C、Best Muse D、First Muse 5、_____ was the most leading spirit of the Transcendental Club、 A、Henry David Thoreau B、Ralph Waldo Emerson C、Nathanial Hawthorne D、Walt Whitman


美国文学选读第三版课后习题答案洁(部分) Unit 1 Benjamin Franklin Questions 1.Why did Franklin write his Autobiography? Franklin says that because his son may wish to know about his life, he is taking his one week vacation in the English countryside to record his past. He also says that he has enjoyed his life and would like to repeat it 2.What made Franklin decide to leave the brother to whom he had been apprenticed? His brother was passionate, and had often beaten him. The aversion to arbitrary power that has stuck to him through his whole life .After a brush with the law, Franklin left his brother. 3.How did he arrive in Philadephia? First he set out in a boat for Amboy, the boat dropped him off about 50 miles from Burlington, the next day he reached Burlington on foot, in Burlington he found a boat which was going towards Philadelphia, he arrived there about eight


美国文学期末考试复习必备(精) 1. What’s Puritanism? A religious and political movement which appeals to the right of the individual to political & religious independence. It includes three parts: a code of values, a point of view & a philosophy of life 2. What are the basic Puritan beliefs? 1). Total Depravity 2). Unconditional Election 3). Limited Atonement 4). Irresistible Grace 5). Perseverance of the "saints" 3. What are American Puritan values? Sobriety thrift, Self-reliance Diligence, Struggle, simple tastes 4. What are the features of American literature in the Colonial Period? A. Humble origins: diaries, journals, histories, letters. Its various forms, occupy a major position in the literature of the early colonial period. B. in content: serving either god or colonial expansion or both C. in form: imitating English literary traditions. D. in style: tight and logic structure, precise and compact expression, avoidance of rhetorical decoration, adoption of homely imagery and simplicity of diction. E. Symbolism formed in this period ------To the pious Puritan, the physical, phenomenal world was nothing but a symbol of God. F. Simple, fresh and direct style


1. For Melville, as well as for the reader and _________, the narrator, Moby Dick is still a mystery, an ultimate mystery of the universe. A. Ahab B. Ishmael C. Stubb D. Starbuck 2. Naturalism is evolved from re alism when the author’s tone in writing becomes less serious and less sympathetic but more ironic and more_____________. A. rational B. humorous C. optimistic D. pessimistic 3. Dreiser’s Trilogy of Desire includes th ree novels. They are The Financier, The Titan and_____ . A. The Genius B. The Tycoon C. The Stoic D. The Giant 4. The impact of Darwin’s evolutionary theory on the American thought and the influence of the nineteenth-century French literature on the American men of letters gave rise to yet another school of realism: American___________ . A. local colorism B. vernacularism C. modernism D. naturalism 5. Robert Frost combined traditional verse forms -the sonnet, rhyming couplets, blank verse -with a clear American local speech rhythm, the speech of _______farmers with its idiosyncratic diction and syntax. A. Southern B. Western C. New Hampshire D. New England 6. As an autobiographical play, O’Neill’s ___________(1956) has gained its status as a world classic and simultaneously marks the climax of his literary career and the coming of age of American drama. A. The Iceman Cometh B. Long Day’s Journey Into Night C. The Hairy Ape D. Desire Under the Elms 7. Apart from the dislocation of time and the modern stream-of-consciousness, the other narrative techniques Faulkner used to construct his stories include_________, symbolism and mythological and biblical allusions. A. impressionism B. expressionism C. multiple points of view D. first person point of view 8. Stylistically, Henry James’ fiction is characterized by____________. A. short, clear sentences B. abundance of local images C. ordinary American speech D. highly refined language 9. One of the characteristics that have made Mark Twain a major literary figure in the 19th century America is his use of____________ . A. vernacular B. interior monologue C. point of view D. photographic description 10. It is on his____________ that Washington Irving’s fame mainly rested. A. childhood recollections B. sketches about his European tours C. early poetry D. tales about America 11. At the middle of 19th century, America witnessed a cultural flowering which is called “____________________”.



美国文学复习提纲 第一部分连线题(1*10=10’) 1. Thomas Jefferson The Declaration of Independence 2. Walt Whitman O’ Captain, My Captain 3. Mark Twain Jumping Frog 4. Robert Frost Mending Wall 5. Ezra Pound In a Station of the Metro 6. Carl Sandburg Chicago 7. Saul Bellow The Adventure of Augie March 8. Ernest Hemingway Men without Women 9. John Steinbeck The Grape of Wrath 10. Jack London The Call of the Wild 11. Sinclair Lewis Babbit 12. Flannery O’ Connor A Good Man Is Hard to Find 13. O. Henry The Last Leaf 14. Jerome David Salinger The Catcher in the Rye 15. William Falkner The Sound and the Fury 第二部分单项选择(1.5*20=30’) 1. Anne Bradstreet was a Puritan poet. Her poems made such a stir in England that she became known as the “________” who appeared in America. A. Tenth Muse B. Ninth Muse C. Best Muse D. First Muse 2. In American literature, the 18th century was the age of the Enlightenment. ________ was the dominant spirit. A. Humanism B. Rationalism C. Revolution D. Evolution 3. Which of the following stirred the world and helped form the American republic? A. The American Crisis B. The Federalist C. Declaration of Independence D. The Age of Reason 4. At the Reason and Revolution Period, Americans were influenced by the European movement called the ________. A. Chartist Movement B. Romanticist Movement C. Enlightenment Movement D. Modernist Movement 5. Thoreau was often alone in the woods or by the pond, lost in spiritual communication with ________. A. nature B. transcendentalist ideas C. human beings D. celestial beings 6. ________tells a simple but very moving story in which four people living in a puritan community are involved in and affected by the sin of adultery in different ways. A. Twice-Told Tales B. The Scarlet Letter C. The House of the Seven Gables D. The Marble Faun


《美国文学》期末考试试卷(B卷) 1.Poor Richard’s Almanac ( ) 2.The House of the Seven Gables ( ) 3.“Raven”( ) 4.My Antonia ( ) 5.Babbitt ( ) 6.A Streetcar Named Desire ( ) 7.Maggie: A Girl of the Streets ( ) 8.A Farewell to Arms ( ) 9.The Call of the Wild ( ) 10.Long Day's Journey into Night ( ) https://www.360docs.net/doc/3315419418.html,mon Sense ( ) 12. “Rip Van Winkle”( ) 13. Walden( ) 14. The Song of Hiawatha( ) 15. Uncle Tom’s Cabin( ) 16.The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn( ) 17.Sister Carrie( ) 18.The Waste Land( ) 19. A Farewell to Arms( ) 20.The Great Gatsby( ) 1.defined poetry as the rhythmical creation of beauty. 2.While working for the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise, Samuel Langhorne Clemens adopted the pseudonym , the way of a boatman taking soundings, and meaning two fathoms. 3.Ezra Pound initiated a campaign for , which emphasized the direct treatment of an object or situation. He also advocated the language of common speech, but always the exact word. 4.Fitzgerald summarized the experiences and attitudes of the 1920s decade in his masterpiece novel _________. 5.is the first American to win the Nobel Prize for Literature for his vigorous and graphic art of description and his ability to create, with wit and humor, new types of characters. 6.The first of American literature was not written by an American, but by ___________________, a British captain, who thus became the first American writer. 7._________________ has been considered the “Father of modern American Poetry.\


作家作品 Naturalism 1、Stephen Crane斯蒂芬·克莱恩1871-1900 战争小说之父 Maggie: A Girl of the Streets《街头女郎麦琪》(美国文学史上首次站在同情立场上描写受辱妇女的悲惨命运), a pioneering work of sociological naturalism;关于南北战争的The Red Badge of Courage《红色英勇勋章》,奠定了他在美国文坛上不可动摇的地位;优秀短篇小说集The Open Boat《海上扁舟》和blue hotel 《蓝色旅馆》; wounds in the rain 《雨中的伤痕》The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky《新娘来到黄天镇》 2、Theodore Dreiser西奥多·德莱塞1871-1945美国文学史上最杰出的现实主义小说家,一位以探索充满磨难的现实生活着称的美国自然主义作家. Sister Carrie《嘉莉妹妹》,真实再现了当时美国社会;Jennie Gerhardt《珍妮姑娘》,被称为《嘉莉妹妹》的姐妹篇;Trilogy of Desire欲望三部曲(Financer金融家,The Titan巨人,The Stoic斯多噶);An American Tragedy《美国悲剧》是德莱赛成就最高的作品,是人们清晰地看到了美国社会的真实情况,“至今依然具有巨大的现实意义” 在《美国悲剧》中,Dreiser intended to tell us that it is the social pressure that makes Clyde's downfall inevitable. Clyde's tragedy is a tragedy that depends upon the American social system which encouraged people to pursue the "dream of success" at all costs. 1、Naturalism emphasized heredity and environment as important deterministic forces shaping individualized characters who were presented in special and detailed circumstances. 2. The effect of Darwinist idea of "survival of the fittest" was shattering. It is not surprising to find in Dreiser's fiction a world of jungle, where “kill or to be killed” was the law. Dreiser's Writing Features: ?As a naturalist writer, Dreiser stressed determinism in his novels which deals with everyday life, often with its sordid side. ?As a naturalist, he developed the capacity for photographic and relentless (无情的) observation, thereby truthfully reflecting the society and people of his time. ?His narrative method is natural and free from artifice. Modern Poetry 3、Robert Frost罗伯特·弗罗斯特1874-1963 20世纪最受欢迎的美国诗人, 美国文学中的桂冠诗人田园诗;自然诗?He used symbols from everyday country life to express his deep ideas. His graceful and traditional poetic style is highly appreciated in the country. A Boy's Will少年心愿and North of Boston波士顿之北were published and highly acclaimed in England. Mending Wall修墙,After Apple-picking摘苹果之 后;Mountain Interval山间The Road Not taken没有选择的道路;


美国文学选择题及答案 1. William Faulkner is the author of ______. a. Far From the Madding Crowd b. Sound and Fury c. For Whom the Bell Tolls d. Scarlet Letter 2. Robert Frost is a famous_______. a. novelist b. playwright c. poet d. literary critic 3. The Old Man and the Sea is one of the great works by ________. a. Jack London b. Charles Dickens c. Samuel Coleridge d. Earnest Hemingway 4. _______refers to some contrast or discrepancy between appearance and reality. a. Allegory b. Conflict c. Irony d. Flashback 5. The great transcendental work by Henry David Thoreau is______. a. Nature b. Walden c. Experience d. Essays 6. Mark Twain shaped the world’s view of America and made a combination of _____and serious literature. a. American folk humor b. funny jokes c. English folklore d. American values 7. Who was the first American to achieve an international literary reputation after the Revolutionary War? a. Fennimore Cooper. b. Nathaniel Hawthorn. c. Walt Whitman. d. Washington Irving. 8. I Have a Dream is addressed by _____. a. Abraham Lincoln b. John F. Kennedy c. Martin Luther King d. Ralph Waldo Emerson 9. Which of the following is NOT a poem by Emily Dickinson? a. This is my letter to the world b. I heard a Fly buzz—when I died c. This is just to say d. Because I could not stop for death 10. Eugene O’Neil is an American ______. a. novelist b. playwright c. poet d. essayist 11. The period from 1865—1914 has been referred to as the _______in the literary history of the United States. a. Age of Realism b. Age of Classicalism c. Age of Romanticism d. Age of Renaissance 12. With “Collected Poems”, ______won the second Pulitzer Prize. a. Ezra Pond b. e. e. cummings c. Robert Frost d. William Cullen Bryant 13. Grass is a poem written by _______.


云南师范大学美国文学期末考试试卷模拟试题一 学院:外语学院专业:英语年级:________ 班次: 学号:姓名: 考试方式(闭卷):考试时量:150 分钟试卷编号(卷) I. ( ) 1. Franklin’s autobiography, published after his death, has become one of the classics of the genre. ( ) 2. In Catch-22, Yossarian devises multiple strategies to fly combat missions, but the military bureaucracy is always able to find a way to make him stay. ( ) 3. Eben kills the infant in Desire under the Elm and confesses his crime in the end of the play. ( ) 4. “Dreams” has the meaning to encourage other black people not to give up hope or lose their ideal of a better world, for without hope, life is unbearable. ( ) 5. The Scarlet Letter, published in 1850, is an American novel written by Nathaniel Hawthorne and is generally considered to be his representative work. ( ) 6. Ralph Waldo Emerson was an American essayist, philosopher, poet, and leader of the Imagist movement in the early 19th century. ( ) 7. “The Fall of the House of Usher” is one of Poe’s poems. ( ) 8. Saul Bellow’s perceptions center around the black people, the big city, and the spirit of American life in the second half of the 20th century. ( ) 9. In The Scarlet Letter, Pear is Hester’s illegitimate daughter. ( ) 10. Some present-day critics consider Pound’s Cantos the best long poem in modern literature. ( ) 11. In 1895, Stephen Crane published Maggie: A Girl of Street, which exerted great influence on Theodore Dreiser’s realism. ( ) 12. The setting of The Flowering Judas is the Mexican Revolution is the 1920s. ( ) 13. Fitzgerald’s fictional world is the best embodiment of the spirit of the romantic period. ( ) 14. William Faulkner’s woks mainly concerned the decay in economy and moral in the American North. ( ) 15. In Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury, he used a technique called imagism, in which the whole story was told through the thoughts of one character.
