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1. frustrating a. 令人沮丧的

2. memorize v. 记忆,背诵

3. pronunciation n. 发音

4. flashcard n.认卡

5. solution n. 解决办法

6. not at all 根本(不)全然(不)

7. end up 结束,告…终

8. laugh at sb. 笑话;取笑(某人)

9. take notes 做笔记,做记录

doing sth. 喜欢做…乐意做…



(1)I think I can study English by watching English movies because I like watching English movies.


(2)I don’t think I can get an English tutor because I want to learn by myself at home.


(3)I think surfing the internet is a bad way because you have to use a computer and always waste your time. 我认为沉溺于网络是不好的,因为你不得不去使用电脑和浪费你的时间



Some are singing and dancing under a big tree . Some are drawing by the lake.


Your son will be all right by supper time. 你的儿子在晚饭前会好的。

How many English songs had you learned by the end of last term?



The monkey was hanging from the tree by his tail and laughing.猴子用尾巴吊在树上哈哈大笑。

The boy’s father was so thankful that he taught Edison how to send messages by railway telegraph.


One by one they went past the table in the dark. 他们一个一个得在黑暗中经过这张桌子。

(5)表示“根据”、“按照”的意思。如: What time is it by your watch? 你的表几点了?

(6)和take , hold等动词连用,说明接触身体的某一部分。如:

I took him by the hand. 我拉住了它的手。

(7)用于被动句中,表示行为主体,常译作“被”、“由”等。如: English is spoken by many people. 英语被许多人所说。(即“许多人讲英语。”)


1) by the way : 意为“顺便说”、“顺便问一下”,常做插入语。如:

By the way , where’s Li Ping , do you know? 顺便问一下,李平在哪儿。你知道吗?

2) by oneself : 意为“单独”、“自行”。如:I can’t leave her by herself. 我不能把她单独留下。

3) by and by : 意为“不久以后”、“不一会儿”。如:

But by and by , more and more people began to study English.




1)作主语 Fighting broke out between the South and the North. 南方与北方开战了。


Would you mind turning down your radio a little, please?


Babysister’s job is washing,cooking and taking care of the children。练习:

一. Match the questions and answers

1. Have you ever worked with flashcards?

2. Do you ever ask the teacher for help in your

English class?

3. Do you like to work in a group?

4. Does reading aloud help you?

5. Do you like to study grammar?

6. What helps you study for a test?

a. No, grammar is too boring.

b. Yes, reading aloud helps my pronunciation.
