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A satisfactory quotation will include the following: a. an expression of thanks for the enquiry b. details of prices, discounts and terms of payment c. A statement or clear indication of what the prices cover
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
在当前的国家贸易中,使用实盘报价较多。但遇到 下列情况之一,实盘立即失效:
1)受盘人在实盘有效期外表示接受,发盘人不受约 束。
2)受盘人对实盘中的一项明确表示拒绝或修改,该 项实盘立即失效。
2. 虚盘(non-firm offer, offer without engagement)
(freight , insurance) d. An undertaking as to date of delivery or time of shipment e.The period for which an expression of hope that the
quotation will be accepted
Unit Seven Quotations, offers and counter-offers
Points for attention Sentence pattern Specimen letter Letter-writing guide Exercises
Points for attention
1. 实盘(firm offer) 即指有约束力的发盘。是发盘人有肯定订立合同的意图。实盘一旦由交 易的另一方(受盘人)有效接受,发盘人对其发盘的内容,在有效期内 不得随意变更或撤销,否则发盘人将承受违约的法律后果。实盘所列的 交易条件必须肯定、明确,不能含糊和模棱两可;也不应有任何保留。 实盘的内容一般应有:货物正确的品名、详细的品质规格、清楚的包装 情况、实在的数量、准确的装运时间和装运港口、完备的价格条款和支 付条件。另外,实盘还有两个内容:一个是明确提出这个发盘是个实盘 (firm offer or irrevocable).但即或有实盘或不可撤销字样,也不是构成实 盘的必要条件。如果具备构成实盘的上述必要条件,没有实盘字样也是 实盘。 另一个是发盘的有效期。根据各国法律规定和国际贸易惯例,实盘都有 有效期。有效期是对发盘人的约束,以便利受盘人凭以进行研究交易的 可能性。在有效期内,发盘人有必须承担成交的义务,但是超过了有效 期,既或受盘人再行接受,发盘人有权拒绝成交。在规定具体的有效期 时,要根据不同的商品,在不同的市场、不同的地理位置以及节假日等 情况。明确规定此期限的起止日期和地点以免误解。
When a buyer rejects a quotation or other offer, he should write and thank the seller for his trouble and explain the reason for rejection. Not to do so would show a lack of courtesy.
Dear Sirs, Re: Hog Casings We are in receipt of your letter dated June 6 and very pleased to be told that there are extremely brisk demands for captioned goods in Tokyo. In order to start a concrete transaction between us, we take pleasure in making you a special offer, subject to our final confirmation, as follows: Commodity: Salted Hog Casings Specification (cm.): 28/30 30/32 32/34 34/36 36/38 38/up Quantity (Barrel): 1 2 7 10 10 20 Price: US$__________CIF% Tokyo Shipment: September/October, 1997 Payment: by confirmed, irrevocable L/C payable by draft at sight to be opened 30 days before the time of shipment. Certificate: certificate of quality to be issued by the China Commodity Inspection Bureau, certificate of origin to be issued by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade. We trust the above will be acceptable to you and await with keen interest your trial order.
也称不受约束的发价。即发盘人有保留地愿按照一定条件达成交 易的表示。虚盘不必有完整的内容,没有时限的规定,而且也不 明确不肯定,如参考价、数量视我供应可能、以我最后确认有效 (Subject to our final confirmation), 以我货未售出为准(subject to unsold),此发价……可按市价增减 (We offer…subject to market fluctuation)等。在日常的业务中,外寄的报价单、价目单及形式 发票等,一般都注明“仅供参考”或“以我方最后确认为准”。 这就排除了接盘人只要接受就可以成交的权限。虚盘对发盘人来 说,较为灵活,可以根据市场的变化,挑选成交时机和对手,以 取得有利的交易条件。但是,受盘人有时把它看成一般的业务联 系,而不利于达成交易。