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系别。.。.。。.。。. 管理信息系









Financial statementanalysis— theuse of fina

ncial accounting information

Manyyears.Reasonable minimumcurrent ratio was co nfirmedas 2。00。Until themid-1960s, the typical enterprisewill flowratio control at2.00 or higher。Since then,many companies thecurrentratiobelow 2.00 now, manycompanies can notcontrol the currentratioover2。00。This shows th at the liquidity of many companieson the decline.

In theanalysis of an enterprise’sliquidity ratio,it i snecessary toaveragecurrent ratio withthe industry to compare.In some industries,the currentratio below2。0is considerednormal,but someindustrycurrent ratio must bebig2.00。In general,the shorterthe operatingcycle,the low er the current ratio:thelonger the operating cycle,thehigher thecurrent ratio.

The current ratio comparedto thesame enterprise indifferent periods,and comparedwith the industry average,will helpto dryto determine the highor low current rati o.Thiscomparisondoesnot explain why or whylow.We

canfindout the reasons from the by-point analysis of t he currentassets and current liabilities。The main reason for the exception of the current ratio should beto find out the results of a detailed analysis of accounts receivable and inventory.

Flow ratiobetter than workingcapital performance ofenterprise short—term solvency.Working capitalreflect onlycurrentassets andcurrent liabilities,theabsolute nu mberof differences. The current ratio is also consideredthe relati onshipbetween the current assetsize and thesizeofthe cur rent liabilities, make theindicators morecomparable. For ex ample,the current ratio between General Motorsand Chrysler Motors Corporation.The comparisonbetween the two companiesworkingcapitalis meaningless,becausethetwo companies of different sizes.

Inventory using LIFOFrancewill flow ratio cause problems,this is because the stock is undervalued。Theresult willbe tounderestimate the currentratio.Therefore,when compared to using the LIFO methodbusinesses and other costs of t heenterpriseshouldpay particular attentionto this。

Compare thecurrent ratio,analystsshould calculate theaccountsreceivable turnoverrate and commodity inventory turnover. This calculation enables theanalysis of proposed liq

uidity problems exist in should

Received the views of the accounts and(or)Inventories。Views or opinions on the current ratioof accountsreceivableandthe deposit will affecttheanalyst. Ifthereceivables I receivable and liquidityproblems, requirecurrentratio higher.Third,theacid test ratio(quick ratio)

The current ratio is theevaluationof the liquidity conditionsin the current assets and current liabilities.Often,people expectto get more immediatethan the currentratio reflect the situation. The acid testratio(liquid rate) on the relationship of current assetsto currentliabilities.

To calculate the acid test (quick)ratio.From the currentassetsexcludinginventorypart.Thisis because of the slowflow ofinventory,the inventory may be obsoleteinventorymay alsobeusedas aspecific creditor's security. For example, the winery's products to Tibet for a longperiod oftime before sold.If you calculatethe acid test (liquid)toincluding wineobstruct inventory will overestimatethe enterprise mobility. Inventory valuation,because the cost data may berelatedto t he current price level difference。..

Section VI analyticalscreeningprocedures
