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Grammar—appositive clauses&predicative clauses




1. 同位语从句常放在名词之后,用来补充说明名词的具体内容。常用来接同位语从句的名词有news, idea, promise, question, doubt, wonder, fact, hope, wish, suggestion, advice, possibility, message, word, belief, information等。常用来引导同位语从句的连词有that, what, who, whether以及连接副词where, when, why, how 等。如:

The news that their children couldn’t come back on time worried all the parents.

I had no idea when the storm would end.

2. 不过有时候为了保持句子结构平衡,同位语从句也不一定直接放在名词后,而会出现隔离情况。如:

Word came that the sports meet had been put off.

Suddenly a good idea occurred to me that I could buy my teacher a gift.

3. 同位语从句前名词的数

同位语从句前的名词通常用单数形式,并且往往带有限定词加以修饰。如:Where did you get the idea that I could not come?

Give me your promise that you will come to our party this evening.

Exciting word came that I passed the exam.

II. 正确选用引导词



The idea that we play football after class is great.


The question whether you can go to an ideal university depends on your effort.

3.从句若缺少主语,宾语或定语用连接代词(what, who, whom, whose, which),若缺少状语用连接副词(when, where, how, why)引导。

I have no idea which mobile phone is the best—it’s a matter of personal taste.

At last I made a decision that I would never come back again.

The question what we should do with this situation is under discussion.

All of us had no idea why he refused our help.

The question why he didn’t attend the meeting puzzled us.

We can’t solve the problem how we can travel faster than light.

4.在名词doubt“怀疑”后的同位语从句用whether连接;在no doubt“不怀疑”之后的同位语从句用that连接。例如:

There is no doubt that we will win the final match.

I have a doubt whether he will finish the job on time.

III. 注意从句中的时态

一般来说同位语从句的时态要和主句的时态保持一致。但在表示请求、命令、建议等意思的名词后的同位语从句中的谓语动词应用(should) do,(如demand, wish, suggestion, advice,order等)后面的同位语从句要用虚拟语气。如

I have no idea when he will be back.

I accepted my father’s advice that I (should) apologize to my friend.

My teacher’s suggestion that he (should) learn English is reasonable.

Drill :巩固练习:

1. Tomorrow is Tom’s birthday. Have you got any idea ___ the party is to be held?

A. what

B. which

C. that

D. where

2. A warm thought suddenly came to me ______I might use the pocket money to buy some flowers for my mother’s birthday.

A. if

B. when

C. that

D. which

3. ---It’s thirty years since we last met.

---But I still remember the story, believe it or not, ____we got lost on a rainy night.

A. which

B. that

C. what

D. when

4. Nobody believed his reason for being absent from the class _______he had to meet his uncle at the airport.

A. why

B. that

C. where

D. because

5. We haven’t settled the question of ______it is necessary for him to study abroad.

A. if

B. where

C. whether

D. that

6. Do you have any idea ______is actually going on in the classroom?

A. that

B. what

C. as

D. which

7. Some researchers believe that there is no doubt ____a cure for AIDS will be found.

A. which

B. that

C. what

D. whether

8. Danby left word with my secretary ____he would call again in the afternoon.

A. who

B. that

C. as

D. which

9. Along with the letter was his promise__he would visit me this coming Christmas

A. which


C. what

D. whether

10. Some researchers have a doubt___ a cure for AIDS will be found.

A. which

B. that

C. what D whether

11. He can’t answer the question ____he got the money.

A. that

B. why

C. how

D. whether



用作表语的从句叫作表语从句,它位于主句中的连系动词之后。引导表语从句的词有从属连词that、whether、as though(if);关系代词who, what, which, whom, whose, whatever, whoever, whomever, whichever等;关系副词when, where, why, how, however, whenever, wherever等。可以接表语从句的连系动词由be, look, remain, seem等。That引导表语从句时,在口语中,间或可以省略。

The trouble is that we are short of money.

That is why he succeed.

At that time, it seemed as if I couldn't think of a right word anyhow.



that在引导表语从句时无词义,而whether有词义,意为、“是否”。这时主句的主语常常是些抽象名词,如question,trouble,problem,result,chance,suggestion,idea,reason等。表语从句对主句主语进行说明、解释,使主语的内容具体化。The trouble is (that) she has lost his money.

The question is whether we need more ice cream.
