


Unit 1

1、emulate(v.效仿、模仿)= imitate(v.模仿、仿效)

2、dedicated(adj.专注的献身的)= devoted(adj.献身的;忠诚的;v.献身于,致力于)

3、encompass(vt.包含;包围、环绕;完成)= include(vt.包含、包括)

4、inception(n.开创、开端)= beginning(n.开始;起点;v.开始;创建)

5、competence(n.能力、胜任;权限)= ability(n.能力、能耐;才能)

6、compliment(n.夸奖、称赞;恭维;v.称赞)= praise(n.赞扬;称赞;崇拜;vt/vi.赞美)

7、skyrocket(v.急升、猛升;激增、激涨)= rise suddenly(迅速的增加)

8、buck【v.(人坐在马背时,马)猛烈颠簸;】= resist(v.抵抗,反抗)

9、regardless of(不管、不顾)= in spite of(不管、不顾)

10、reach out to(递给...;主动联系)= give help to(给...帮助)

Unit 3

1、imminent(adj.即将来临的;迫近的)= impending(adj.即将发生的;迫切的;v.迫近)

2、dismantle(v.拆开,拆卸;废除)= cancel(v.取消;撤销;废除)

3、murky(adj.阴暗的、黑暗的;朦胧的)= gloomy(adj.阴暗的、幽暗的;令人沮丧的)

4、brim(v.含满;充盈;n.帽檐、帽边)= fill(v.充满;装满;挤满;弥漫、遍及)

5、suspicious(adj.怀疑的、猜疑的)= distrustful(adj.怀疑的;不信任的;可疑的)

6、vulnerable(adj.易受伤的;易受攻击的;感情脆弱的)= weak(adj.虚弱的;无力的)

7、flimsy(adj.脆弱的;易损坏的;不周密的)= fragile(adj.脆弱的、易碎的、易损坏的)

8、veteran(n.经验丰富的人;老兵;老手)= experienced(adj.老练、熟练的;富有经验的)

9、adversary(n.对手、敌手)= opponent(n.对手、敌手、反对者)

10、malicious(adj.恶意的;恶毒的;怀恨的)= hostile(adj.敌对、不友善的;怀有敌意的)

Unit 5

1、gauge(v.判定、判断;测量)= evaluate(vt.评价;估价;求...的值;vi.评价;估价)

2、surveillance(n.监视、监督)= monitoring(n.监视;监控;检验、检查;v.监视、监督)

3、stem(v.阻止、遏制、封堵;堵住、止住)= stop(v.停止)

4、outmoded(adj.过时的、废弃的)= outdated(adj.过时的;旧时的)

5、panacea(n.万全之策、万应灵丹)= cure-all(n.万应灵丹、灵丹妙药)

6、hindrances(n.障碍;障碍者)= obstacle(n.障碍、阻碍、干扰;妨碍物、障碍物)

7、unscathed(adj.未受伤的)= unhurt(adj.未受伤的)

8、refers to(指的是....)= means(v.意思是...、表示...什么的意思)

9、pop up(突然出现)= appear suddenly(突然、迅速出现)

10、under way(进行中;在行进;在航行)= in progress(正在进行;在发展中)

Unit 7

1、appropriate(adj.恰当的;合适的)= suitable(adj.适当的;相配的)

2、mitigate(v.减轻、缓解、缓和)= lessen(v.减轻、减少)

3、aforementioned(adj.上述的;前面提及的)= previous(adj.以前的;早先的;先前的)

4、deflect(v.使转向;转移;干扰)= redirect(vt.使改方向;重新寄送;adj.再直接的)

5、deleterious(adj.有毒的、有害的)= harmful(adj.有害的)

6、hazardous(adj.危险的、不安全的)= dangerous(adj.危险的、不安全的)

7、stall(v.拖延;拖住;延误;熄火;n.货摊、摊位;畜栏、牛棚)= stop(v.停止、中止)

8、conceivably(adv.令人信服地;可相信地;想象得到地)= imaginably(adv.可想象地)

9、in terms of(依据,按照;在....方面)=by way of(用....方式,借着)

10、ultimate(adj.最终的、最后的)= final(adj.最后的、最终的)


Unit 1

Starbucks realized early on that motivated and committed human resources were the key to the success of a retail business. Therefore the company took great care in selecting the right kind of people and made an effort to retain them .Consequently, the company's human resource policies reflected its commitment to its employees.

Starbucks relied on its baristas and other frontline staff to a great extent in creating the "Starbucks Experience" which differentiated it from competitors. Therefore the company paid considerable attention to kind of people it recruited . Starbuck's recruitment motto was "To have the right people hiring the right people".

Starbucks hired people for qualities like adaptability, dependability and the ability to work in a team. The company often stated the qualities that it looked for in employees upfront in its job postings. which allow prospective employees to self-select themselves to a certain extent.

Having selected the right kind of people, Starbucks invested in training them in the skills they would require to perform their jobs efficiently. Starbucks was one of the few retail companies to invest considerably in employee training and provide comprehensive training to all classes of employees, including part-timers.

Analysts said that Starbucks' biggest challenge in the early 2000s would be to ensure that the company's image as a positive employer survived its rapid expansion program, and to find the right kind of people in the right numbers to support these expansion plans. Considering the rate at which the company was expanding, analysts wondered whether Starbucks would be able to retain its spirit even when it doubled or tripled its size. By the early 2000s, the company began to show signs that its generous policies and high human resource costs were reflecting on its financial strength.

Although the company did not reveal the amount it spent on employees ,it said that it spent more on them than it did on advertising, which stood at$68.3 million in fiscal 2004.

That the company was finding its human resource costs burdensome was reflects in the fact that it effected an increase of 11 cents on its beverage prices in mid-2004. Analysts wondered whether the company's cost problems could be met by a price increase,as customers already paid a premium for Starbucks beverages. On the other band,it would not be easy for the company to cut down on benefits, as it could result m a major morale problem within the company.

Unit 3

The powerful attack that targeted dozens of government and private sites underscored how unevenly prepared the U.S. government is to block such multipronged assaults. While Treasury Department and Federal Trade Commission Web sites were shut down by the software attack which lasted for days over the holiday weekend, others such as the Pentagon and the White House were able to fend it off with little disruption.

The North Korea link , described by three officials, more firmly connectde the U.S. attacks to another wave of cyber assaults that hit government agencies Tuesday in South Korea. The officials said that while Internet addresses have been traced to North Korea, that does not necessarily mean the attack involved the Pyongyang government. The

officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly on the manor.

South Korea intelligence officials have identified North Korea as a suspect in those attacks and said that the sophisticate of the assault suggested it was carried out at a higher level than just rogue or individual hackers. U.S. officials would not go that far and declined to discuss publicly who may have intrusion the intrusion or how it was done.

In an Associated Press interview, Philip Reitinger, deputy under secretary at the Homeland Security Department, said the far-reaching attacks demonstrate the importance of cybersecurity as a critical national security issue. The fact that a series of computers were involved in an attack, Reitinger said, "doesn't say anything about the ultimate source of the attack."

"What it says is that those computers were as much a target of the attack as the eventual Web sites that are targets," said Reitinger, who heads DHS cybersecurity operations."They're just zombies that arc being used by some unseen third party to launch attacks against government and non-government Web sites." Targets of the most widespread cyber offensive of recent years also included the National Security Agency, Homeland Security Department and State Department, the Nasdaq stock market and The Washington Post, according to an early analysis of the software used in the attacks.

The Associated Press obtained the target list from security experts analyzing the attacks. They provided the list on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the investigation. Other experts in cyber assaults said the incident shined a harsh light on the U.S. government's efforts to protect all of its agencies against web-based attacks.

Unit 5

Swine flu is killing young people rather than the very elderly, and although winter is just starting, more young people have already died of flu than normally die over the entire winter.

Nearly 5000 people worldwide are known to have died of swine flu so far. But on average 36,000 are said to die of flu each winter in the US alone. On the basis of such numbers, many have concluded -wrongly-that swine flu is less dangerous than normal flu.

These numbers should not be compared directly. The 36,000 figure comes from epidemiological studies. Because the timing of flu outbreaks varies from year to year, the normal number of deaths in any month can be compared with the number of deaths in the same month when there was a flu outbreak, says Lone Simonsen of George Washington University in Washington DC. Such studies reveal a bulge in deaths during and just after the flu season every year, mainly among the elderly. Many are clearly due to flu and other lung infections that can follow it, but more than half are not obviously connected,because flu often kills in indirect ways, by triggering heart attacks or strokes, for instance.

By contrast, the deaths attributed to swine flu are those directly caused by respiratory infection with the pandemic virus. Indirect deaths-the majority of the 36,000 figure for regular flu-are not being counted. The full death toll for 2009 H1N1 flu will not be known for a while, if ever. Perhaps there will be fewer deaths than normal because older people, more at risk from secondary events such as heart attacks, have some immunity to the virus. However, the total seems likely to be higher simply because the virus will infect far

more people than normal, and it kills directly more often.

The impact of a pandemic is not simply about the number of deaths, though. This pandemic, like previous ones, is killing mainly young people, not the very elderly as flu normally does. By early October, 76 children and adolescents in the US had already died of swine flu. That is more than the usual winter toll. and the winter has just begun.

Think of it this way. 2009 H1N1 flu is effectively two diseases: ordinary flu for most, a lung disease that can kill quickly in a few. Most of the severe cases are in cases are in babies, and adult aged between 20 and 50. The impact of the deaths of young adults, on dependent families and the economy, will be much greater than that of the deaths among the elderly.

Unit 7

Scientists have known for years that exposure to microgravity rapidly weakens bones, and the new research shows the effects can last for a year or more after astronauts return to Earth. The results stress the need to find ways to minimize the damage done during spaceflight, researchers said, because bone recovery on Earth may take a while.

Shreyasee Amin, an associate professor at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, and her colleagues studied 28 American astronauts-24 men and 4 women. Their preflight ages ranged from 36 to 53, and their missions in space lasted from 95 to 215 days.

The researchers measured the spaceflyers' bone mineral density一an estimator of bone strength一before launch, immediately after landing and again at various times between six and 18 months following their return to Earth.

For a control, the scientists took similar measurements from a sample of 699 people who had never been to space. By comparing the two datasets, the team was able to determine what the astronauts' bone density likely would have been, had they never flown in space.

The team found that some bones remained weak a year after the astronauts landed, despite intensive exercise and rehabilitation regimes. Hip bone mineral density in particular suffered, Amin said ,while other areas, such as the wrist, recovers faster.

Bones in the hips and legs need to be burden on Earth, because they lug so much weight around on a daily basis. But microgravity frees them of this burden and they seem to weaken as a result, researchers said.

The team also found that women suffer less bone loss than men over the long run. But since there were only four female astronauts in the sample, the team isn't sure what to make of this intriguing result yet; they're still looking at the data.


Unit 1


It’s actually pretty natural, and almost unavoidable, for managers to form expectations of their workers. Research has found that in an organization, our expectations of others can be tied directly to productivity, profitability, and yes-motivation! If you have high expectations of your employees, you will possess a powerful and effective tool for improving performance and motivation within your organization. Performance is often a matter of expectations. Managers and supervisors form expectations of others, which then influence how they interact with those people. If you don’t expect much from your employees, they will sense that and perform poorly. Why? Because your expectations of them affect their desire to do well. The point is that people naturally try to live up to our expectations of them, or live down to them, whatever the case may be. So expect the best from your employees and don’t be surprised if that’s exactly what you get!

Unit 3


According to some media reports recently, the cyber attacks to Google and many American companies seemed to have originated in China. The Chairman of Chinese Internet Association refutes that it was an irresponsible prejudice to allege on that cyber attacks originated in China without thorough investigation, and was therefore absolutely arbitrary. With the rapid development on internet in the globe, it was difficult to determine the origin because of the ease of hiding identities online. The hacker may hide identities, log on the computer of a foreign country and commit cyber attacks to the computers in the third one. However, China’s information network, as well as many other countries, also faces severe threat of cyber attacks. Chinese government has always attached great importance to the security of the computer network and strengthened international cooperation to crack down on cross border cyber crimes, as well as enhanced its crackdown through consultation and collaboration with the International Criminal Police Organization. Therefore, it is wholly nonsense to allege on that cyber attacks originated in China judging merely from computer IP address of China.

Unit 5


Even in rich countries, it will be months before everyone who wants the vaccine can get it. Poor countries will get little if any vaccine. The pandemic vaccine should make you

and your family safe from this virus, but you may not get it for months, if you can get it at all. Some countries, including the US and the UK, have ordered enough to vaccinate everyone and immunization began this month. Most poor countries will get only a little, or none. In rich countries many will still get sick, and some will die, before they can be vaccinated. And yet even people who can get it are hesitating. Nearly half the parents in the US say they will refuse to vaccinate their kids, even though children are a priority group for vaccination, due to unfounded rumors about the risks of the various swine flu vaccines.

Unit 7

在失重的状态下,人体内的力量会发生急剧的变化.由于人的脊柱不再呈挤压状态,因此人们比通常要高一些(两英寸左右)。胸腔中的肺脏、心脏和其他器官都没有了重量,结果.胸腔和两肋处于放松和膨胀状态.同样.肝脏、牌脏、胃及肠的重量也消失了.同时.肌肉、骨骼开始以不同的方式发挥作用.我们的肌肉是用于在站立、坐下或活动身体某个部位时支撑身体的.但是太空中,在地面上用于支撑身体的肌肉不再需要起这种作用了,而且人们在太空舱里活动所动用的肌肉与在地面上走动所动用的肌肉完全不同,因此部分肌肉会迅速萎缩。During weightlessness, the forces within the body undergo dramatic change. Because the spine is no longer compressed, people grow taller (two inches or so). The lungs, heart, and other organs within the chest have no weight, and as a result, the rib cage and chest relax and expand. Similarly, the weight of the liver, kidneys, stomach, and bowels disappears. meanwhile muscles and bones come to be used in different ways. Our muscles are designed to support us when standing or sitting upright and to move body parts. But in space, muscles used for support on the ground are no longer needed for that purpose; moreover, the muscles used for movement around a capsule differ from those used for walking on the earth. Consequently, some muscles rapidly weaken.


Unit 1

What kind of practices differentiate people-first organizations? We can list at least four: (1)They value cultural diversity. They actively seek a diverse workforce based on age, gender, and race. (2)They are family friendly. They help employees balance work and personal responsibilities through programs such as flexible work schedules and on-site child care facilities. (3)They invest in employee training. These organizations spend heavily to make sure employee skill levels are kept current. This not only ensures that employees can handle the latest technologies and processes for the organization but that employees will be marketable to other employers. (4)People-first organizations empower their employees. They push authority and responsibility down to the lowest levels.


Unit 3

Why have such tactics-known in military parlance as "computer network attacks',一

not been used more widely? As revolutionary as it is, the internet does not make centuries-old laws of war obsolete or irrelevant. Military conventions, for example, require that attacks distinguish between civilian and military targets. In decentralized and interconnected cyberspace, this requirement is not so easy to satisfy:^cyberattack on a cellphone tower used by the adversary may affect civilian targets along with military ones. When in 2008 the U.S. military decided to dismantle a Saudi Internet forum-initially set up by the CIA to glean intelligence but increasingly used by the jihadists to plan on attacks in Iraq-it inadvertently caused disruption to more than 300 servers in Saudi Arabia, Germany and Texas. A weapon of surgical precision the Internet certainly isn't, and damage to civilians is hard to avoid. Military commanders do not want to be tried for war crimes, even if those crimes are committed online.

为什么这些在军事领域里被认为是“计算机网络攻击”的策略没有被更广泛地运用?尽管互联网带来了巨大的变化,但它并没有使悠久的战争规律变得过时或毫不相关。比如,按照军事惯例要求在攻击时区分平民和军事目标。在既相互分离又相互连接的网络空间里,这个要求并不容易满足: 在网络攻击敌人的手机塔时,也会影响到平民目标。在2008年美军决定解散一个沙特阿拉伯的网络论坛。这个由CIA创立的论坛本来是用来收集情报的,但是却越来越被圣战分子用来计划对伊拉克的攻击。这次解散不经意间造成了在沙特阿拉伯、德国、德克萨斯州的300多台服务器的中断。网络攻击当然不具备外科手术的精确性,且对平民的伤害很难避免。军事指挥官们不想因战争罪受到审判,即使这些犯罪是通过网络进行的。

Unit 5

At the start of the H1N1 pandemic, officials could already see the virus was easily transmissible-cases were accumulating fast, and it took only a few weeks for the virus to reach nearly every corner of the world. But while researchers knew from past pandemics that a new flu virus like H1Nl,against which humans have no immunity, could spread quickly, what they could not immediately gauge was whether it could also be deadly. Some past pandemics had been relatively mild, while others, such as the 1918 flu, which killed as many as 100 million people worldwide, had not. At the outset, there was no way to know which kind of virus H1N1 would turn out to be.


Unit 7

Exploration is an important survival strategy in evolution. The migration of expansive species depends on exploring their immediate or distant surroundings for new food sources or safe habitats;it can also come as a result of population pressures or environmental changes. The human species has added another reason for exploration, namely curiosity. This intellectual urge to explore the unknown led the great European explorers to the Americas, Australia and Antarctica between the fifteenth and seventeenth centuries. Inquisitiveness about nature is also the driving force behind humans exploring the polar caps, climbing mountain peaks and diving into the abysses of the oceans. Now, the ultimate frontier to explore in the twenty-first century is space.


这是考试范围,第一道大题选十个单词或词组,第二道答题选十个缩写词,第三道答题选六段翻译1.写出下列单词或词组的中文。 multimeter 万用表insulation 绝缘transistor 晶体管,三极管envelope 包络线spectrum 频谱 binary 二进制 antenna 天线harmonics 谐波attenuation 衰减capacitance 电容differential 微分bandwidth 带宽propagation 传播transmission 传输optical fiber 光纤 channel 信道 multiplex 多路复用 modulation 调制telecommunication 电信impairment 减损 sampling 抽样,取样 quantizing 量化 carrier 载波 encryption 加密 scheme 方案?计划?设计?系统?trade off 综合考虑?权衡?协调?state of art 技术发展水平performance 性能,效率 ULSI Very Large Scale Integration超大规模集成电路 fier Foundation for Instrumentation Education and Research 使用仪器教育和研究基金会 2.写出下列缩写的全称 DSBFC double-sideband full carrier双边带全载波调制 ITU International Telecommunications Union国际电信联盟 FFT Fast Fourier Transform 快速傅立叶变换 IFFT Inverse Fast Fourier Transform 逆快速傅立叶变换 LAN local area network 局域网 MAN Metropolitan Area Network 城域网 WAN Wide Area Network 广域网 WWW world wide web 全球网、万维网 HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol 超文本传输协议 GPRS General Packet Radio Service 通用无线分组业务 ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange美国信息交换标准码 ISDN integrated services digital network 综合业务数字网 ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line非对称数字用户环路 IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 电气与电子工程师协会 ISO International Standardization Organization国际标准化组织 FET field-effect transistor 场效应管 USB Universal Serial Bus 通用串行总线 GSM global system for mobile communication 全球移动通信系统 CPU CentralProcessingUnit 中央处理器 LCD Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示器 CDMA Code Division Multiple Accessing 码分多址技术 3. 将下列句子译成中文。 ㈠The ratio of the capacitance with some material other than air between the plates, to the capacitance of the same capacitor with air insulation,is called the dielectric constant of that particular material.


人文英语2 1、单选题 Have others review your résumé and offer helpful advice. A. 有一些人可以检查你的简历并提供帮助。 B. 让别人帮你检查一遍简历并提供有益的建议。 C. 有其他人帮你检查简历并给你提供建议。 答案:B 知识点:翻译技巧2 2、单选题 ---How long has your daughter been missing? ----- ______________ A. I miss my daughter a lot. B. We haven’t seen each other for two months. C. About half an hour. I’ve been looking for her everywhere. 答案:C 知识点:询问普通问题 3、单选题 — This is Huangdu Police station. What can I do for you? —_____ A. My daughter is missing. B. Who are you? C. No. 答案:A 知识点:提供帮助 4、单选题 —Why do you want to leave your previous job? — . A. I’m hoping to have a better position. B. I don’t want to work at all.

C. You won’t understand it. 答案:A 知识点:询问普通问题 5、单选题 — Our city is getting safer and safer. — _____________________ A. I hope there will be no crimes any more. B. Crimes are sometimes good. C. I don’t want to discuss this with you. 答案:A 知识点:表达愿望 6、单选题 If I _____ you , I would buy a house at the seaside. A. were B. was C. am 答案:A 知识点:虚拟语气,条件句 7、单选题 She __________ answer my phone call yesterday. A. doesn’t B. didn’t C. wasn’t 答案:B 知识点:一般过去时,一般现在时 8、单选题 If I ______________ you, I would buy a house at the seaside. A. were B. was


2000年10月高级英语试题及答案 课程代码:0600 本试题分两部分,第一部分考核课程内容,1页至4页;选择题42分,非选择题18分。 第二部分考核水平,4页至8页;选择题20分,非选择题20分。本试题共8页,满分100分。考试时间150分钟。全部题目用英语作答(英语汉题目除外),并将答案写在答题纸的相应位置上,否则不记分。 Part One 1.The following paragraphs are taken from the textbooks, followed by a list of words or expressions marked A to X. Choose the one that best completes each of the sentences and write the corresponding letter on your answer sheet. One word or expression for each blank only. (0.5 point each, 12 points) . Programmers live in (1) fear of losing anyone's attention -anyone's. The (2) way to avoid doing so is to (3) everything brief, not to (4) the attention of anyone but instead to provide constant (5) through variety, novelty, action and (6). .But before he ever begins to write he will have (7) an emotional attitude from which he will never completely (8). It is his job, no doubt, to (9) his temperament and (10) getting stuck at some (11) stage, or in some (12) mood. .His car needs mechanics, and mechanics grow more expensive and less (13). The gadgets in the home are cheaper to (14) than repair. The more efficiently (15) the home seems to be, the more dependent it is on the great (16) corporations, as well as a diminishing army of servitors. Skills at the lowest level have to be (17) slavishly and exorbitantly (18). .It is only lately that I have (19) how much science of genetics is (20). Agronomists have taken to (21) all sorts of vegetables and fruits (22) their original nature. This sounds wonderful and often is insane. For the scientists have not as a rule (23) any interest whatsoever in the taste of the things they have (24) with! A.acquired B.avoid C.breeding D.changing E.constant F.discipline G.efficient H.escape I.found J.impersonal K.involved L.keep M.movement N.perverse O.premature P.replace Q.rewarded R.self-contained S.stimulation T.strain U.surest V.taken W.tempered X.wooed II. There are 15 sentences with a blank in each, followed by a list of words or expressions marked A to X. Choose the one that best completes each of the sentences and write the corresponding letter on your answer sheet. One word or expression for each blank only. (1 point each, 15 points) 25.In a hot summer day you would find the village children () in the small pond behind the woods. 26. I don't like the dishes in some Chinese restaurants abroad; for they () the local taste too much and the result is that the food is neither Chinese nor foreign. 27.Two pupils from the "Hope Schools" were () to represent Chinese children in the Euro 2000 ceremonies. 28. I think there is too much ( ) made by all people concerned, the parents, the media, and the authorities, about the university entrance examinations. 29. Suddenly the lights went out. She () in the dark for the matches. 30.He was very sad because he had tried very hard in the last three years but ()very little.


第二部分企业财务管理——第一章财务管理基础 【考试要求】 1.财务管理的含义、内容、目标、职能 2.货币时间价值基本原理及其计算 3.投资风险与报酬的关系及风险报酬率的衡量 本章内容中级资格与初级资格的考试要求基本相同,以下五项知识点存在要求层次上的差别:知识点中级初级 货币时间价值的复杂情况的计算与运用掌握熟悉 货币时间价值的特殊情况的计算与运用熟悉了解 单项投资风险报酬率的计算与运用掌握熟悉 投资组合的风险类型掌握熟悉 投资组合风险报酬率和必要报酬率的计算与运用熟悉了解 第一节财务管理概述 一、财务管理的含义 1.企业财务管理 以企业特定财务管理目标为导向,组织财务活动、处理财务关系的价值管理活动,是企业管理的重要组成部分。具体包括四层涵义: 1)导向:财务管理目标; 2)对象:财务活动和财务关系; 3)核心:价值管理; 4)地位:整个经营管理不可或缺的重要组成部分。 2.财务活动 1)资本筹集:通过金融市场和筹资渠道,采用发行股票、发行债券和银行借款等方式来筹集资本。 2)资本投入:运用所筹集的货币资金购置所需要的固定资产和无形资产等长期资产。 3)资本营运:在持续的生产经营过程中,购买材料、商品,不断调整资本,使资本处于持续的营运状态。 4)资本回收:按照规定的程序对收入进行分配,包括依法纳税,补偿成本费用,向投资者分配利润等。 3.财务关系 1)企业与投资者(股东)之间 2)企业与债权人之间 3)企业(作为股东)与受资企业之间 4)企业(作为债权人)与债务人之间 5)企业与税务机关之间 6)企业与职工之间 【例题1·单项选择题】(2013初) 企业运用货币资金购置长期资产所反映的财务活动是()。 A.资本筹集 B.资本投入 C.资本营运 D.资本回收 『正确答案』B 『答案解析』用货币资金购置长期资产所反映的财务活动是资本投入活动。


历年英语专业四级单项选择题真题整理及答案解析 2006年 51. __dull he may be, he is certainly a very successful top executive. A Although B whatever C As D However 正确答案为D). however引导的让步状语从句,意思是无论(怎么样),从句需要倒装,即However+adj/adv+主+谓. However dull he may be=Dull as he may be. although和as引导让步状语从句,指”尽管”, whatever用来引导名词从句,意思是: 无论什么. 句意: 无论他多么地令人感到乏味.他还是一位非常成功的顶级行政人员. 52. If only I __play the guitar as well as you! A would B could C should D might 正确答案为B). could表示能够,是一种能力. If only引导的虚拟语气,表示”要是….该多好啊!”. 句意: 要是我能像你那样把吉他弹得那么好该多好啊! 53. The party, __I was the guest of honour, was extremely enjoyable. A by which B for which C to which D at which 正确答案为D). at which. 先行词the party作介词at的宾语. 即I was the guest of honor at the party. 关系代词指代the party. 54 It's high time we __ cutting down the rainforests. A stopped B had to stop C shall stop D stop 正确答案为A). stopped. It is (high) time的意思是到了做…的时候了. 从句中一般用过去时构成虚拟语气. 此句型为历年专四考试常考句型. 55 The student said there were a few points in the essay he __ impossible to comprehend. A has found B was finding C had found D would find 正确答案为C). had found. 考察定语从句的时态. 定语从句中的”找到问题”这一动作发生先于主句动词said,所以用had found构成过去完成时. 56 Loudspeakers were fixed in the hall so that everyone__ an opportunity to hear the speech. A ought to have B must have C may have D should have 正确答案为C). may. so that引导目的状语从句,表示为了让每个人都有机会听到讲座. 其他选项均不符合题意. ought to have done=should have done本应该做而实际未做. must have done 表示对过去的肯定猜测. 57 I am surprised__ this city is a dull place to live in. A that you should think B by what you are thinking C that you would think D with what you were thinking 正确答案为A). 本句中should表示惊讶语气, 故不能省略. 句意:你居然会认为在这个城市居住是很无聊的,这点让我很惊讶. 58 Susan is very hardworking, but her pay is not__ for her work.


高级英语复习资料 一, 单词 preoccupation ( n.) :a matter which takes up an one's attention令人全神贯注的事物 oblivious ( adj.) :forgetful or unmindful(usually with of or to)忘却的;健忘的(常与of或to连用) gigantic ( adj.) :very big;huge;colossal;immense巨大的,庞大的,其大无比的 heave (v.) :utter(a sign,groan,etc.)with great effort or pain(费劲或痛苦地)发出(叹息、呻吟声等) arresting (adj.) :attracting attention;interesting;striking引人注目的;有趣的 slay ( v.) :(slew或slayed, slain,slaying)kill or destroy in a violent way杀害;毁掉 linger ( v.) :continue to live or exist although very close to death or the end苟延;历久犹存 agony ( n.) :very great mental or physical pain(精神上或肉体上的)极度痛苦 demolish ( v.) :pull down,tear down,or smash to pieces拆毁,拆除;破坏,毁坏 humiliate ( v.) :hurt the pride or dignity of by causing to be or seem foolish or contemptible使受辱,使丢脸 totter ( v.) :be unsteady on one's feet;stagger蹒跚而行 lame (adj. ) :crippled;disabled;esp. having an injured leg or foot that makes one limp瘸的;残废的 shuffle ( n.) :a slow dragging walk拖着脚走 flicker ( v.) :move with a quick,light,wavering motion摇曳,摇动;晃动 recompose ( v. ) : restore to composure使恢复镇静 hug ( v.) :hold(someone)tightly in the arms搂抱;紧抱 peek ( v.) :glance or look quickly and furtively,esp. through an opening or from behind something(尤指从缝隙或隐蔽处)偷看;窥视 stoop ( v.) :bend(the head and shoulders)forwards and down屈身;弯腰 scrap ( n.) :a small piece;bit;fragment;shred小片;碎片 slam ( v.) :shut or allow to shut with force and noise使劲关(门等);砰地(把门等)关上 scrape ( v.) :(cause to)rub roughly(使)磨擦 indistinguishable ( adj. ) : that cannot be distinguished as being different or separate不能区别的,不能辨别的,难区分的 devoid ( adj.) :completely without;empty or destitute(of)完全没有的,缺乏的(后接of) ferocious ( adj.) :fierce;savage;violently cruel凶猛的,残忍的;凶恶的 hideous ( adj.) :horrible to see,hear etc.;very ugly or revolting;dreadful骇人听闻的;非常丑陋的;可怕的swarm ( n.) :a moving mass,crowd,or throng(移动的)大群,大堆


第一章财务管理概述 一、单项选择题(从每小题的各备选答案中选出一个你认为正确的答案,将其英文大写字母编号填入括号内,以后各章同此。)。 1.财务管理是企业组织财务活动,处理与各方面()的一项经济管理工作 A.筹资关系 B.投资关系 C.分配关系 D.财务关系 2.企业资金运动包括的经济内容有()。 A.筹集、使用、收回 B.使用、耗费、分配 C.使用、收回、分配 D.筹集、投放、使用、收回、分配 3.财务管理最主要的环节是()。 A.财务预测 B.财务计划 C.财务控制 D.财务决策 4.企业的财务管理目标是()。 A.利润最大化 B.风险最小化 C.企业价值最大化 D.报酬率最大化 5.筹资管理的目标是()。 A.追求资本成本最低 B.获取最大数额的资金 C.比较小的成本获取同样多的资金提高企业价值 D.尽量使筹资风险达到最小 6.直接影响财务管理的环境因素是()。 A.经济体制 B.经济结构 C.金融环境 D.竞争 7.企业价值是指()。 A.全部资产的帐面价值 B.净资产的帐面价值 C.全部财产的市场价值 D.净资产的市场价值 二、多项选择题(从每小题的各备选答案中选出你认为正确的多个答案,将其英文大写字母编号填入括号内,以后各章同此。)。 1.下列经济活动中,属于企业财务活动的有() A.资金营运活动 B.利润分配活动 C.筹集资金活动 D.投资活动 2.以企业价值最大化作为理财目标的优点是( ) A.考虑了资金的时间价值和风险价值 B.有利于社会资源的合理配置 C.有利于克服管理上的短期行为 D.反映了对资产保值增值的要求 3.协调所有者与经营者之间矛盾的措施包括( )。 A.解聘 B.接收 C.激励 D.规定借款的用途 4.以企业价值最大化作为财务管理的目标,其优点是() A.考虑资金的时间价值 B.考虑风险因素的影响 C.比较容易确定企业价值 D.充分体现了对企业保值增值的要求 5.在不存在通货膨胀的情况下,利率的组成要素包括() A.纯利率 B.违约风险报酬率 C.流动性风险报酬率 D.期限风险报酬率 6.影响财务管理的主要金融环境因素有()。 A.金融机构 B.金融工具 C.金融市场 D.利率 三、判断题(在每小题后面的括号内填入答案,正确的用“√”表示,错误的用“×”表示。以后各章同此。) 1.在协调所有者与经营者矛盾的方法中,“解聘”是一种通过所有者来约束经营者的方法。() 2.财务关系是指企业在财务活动中与有关各方面发生的各种关系。() 3.资本利润率最大化或每股利润最大化虽然没有考虑风险因素,但考虑了资金时间价值的因素。()


Environmental quality 环境质量Acid rain酸雨 Sulfur dioxide二氧化硫Nitrogen oxide 氧化氮Automobile exhausts汽车尾气Infectious diseases传染病Waterborne diseases通过水传播的疾病 Carbon dioxide二氧化碳Environmental disturbance环境破坏 Aquatic life 水生物 Detection limits 检出限Qualitative 定性的Quantitative定量的Characterization 表征性能描写Unpleasant odors 难闻的气味Trace l level 痕量微量Carbon oxide碳化物 Carbon monoxide 一氧化碳Carbon dioxide 二氧化碳Sulfur oxide 硫化物 Sulfur dioxide二氧化硫 Sulfur trioxide 三氧化硫Nitrogen oxide 氮化物 Nitrous oxide一氧化二氮 Nitric oxide一氧化氮 Nitrogen dioxide 二氧化氮Ethane 乙烷 Propane 丙烷Photochemical oxidants 光氧化剂 Ozone臭氧 Aldehydes 乙醛 Sulfate salts硫酸盐 Hydrogen sulfide 硫化氢Ammonia氨气 Sulfur acids 硫酸 Nitric acid 硝酸 Primary air pollutant一次污染物Second air pollutant二次污染物Biofiltration生物过滤 Volatile organic compounds挥发性化合物Trickling filter滴滤器 Municipal sewage treatment plant市政污水处理厂 Wastewater treatment plant污水 处理厂 Rendering plant 炼油厂 Ethanol 乙醇 Biodegradation 生物降解 Bioremediation 生物治理 Suspended solid(SS)悬浮颗粒 物 Volatile suspended solid(VSS) 挥 发性悬浮颗粒物 Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)生化需氧量 Heavy mental重金属 Domestic sewage 生活废水 Chemical oxygen demand (COD) 化学需氧量 Sewage 污水、废水 Microorganism微生物 Microbe微生物 Bacteria(复数) Bacterium(单数)细菌 Oxidizer氧化剂 Oxidant氧化剂 Dissolved oxygen溶解氧 Residence time 停留时间 Eutrophic lake富营养化的湖泊 Sanitary sewage 生活污水 Aeration tank 曝气池 Sedimentation tank 沉淀池 Eutrophication 富营养化 Adsorption 吸附 Activated carbon 活性炭 Activated sludge活性污泥 Coagulation 絮凝、凝固 Flocculation 混凝 Sedimentation 沉淀、沉积 Hydrophilic 亲水的、吸水的 Oxidizing agent 氧化剂 Reverse osmosis 反向渗透 Membrane膜 Groundwater地下水 Surface water 地表水 Aluminum sulfate 硫酸铝 Screening (用拦污栅)隔离 Turbidity 浊度,浑浊性 Colloidal胶体 Chlorine dioxide 二氧化氯 Ultraviolet light 紫外线 Limestone 石灰石 Incinerator 焚烧炉 Hazardous waste 危险废物 Refuse垃圾、废物 Environmental protection agency 环保部 Hydrogen sulfide 硫化物 Decontamination 净化,消 除……的污染 Aerobic 需氧的 Anaerobic 厌氧的 Decibel meter 分贝仪 Subsonic 亚声速的 Supersonic 超声速的 Muffler消声器 Ecological disruptions 生态破坏 Aquatic ecosystem 水环境系统 Environmental impact assessments环境影响评价 Kinetics 动力学 Steady-state 稳态的 Point source discharge点源排放 Receiving water收纳水体 Nitrogen oxide 氮氧化物 Photochemical oxidant 光化学氧 化剂 Carbon monoxide一氧化碳 Coliform bacteria 大肠杆菌


2010年全国高考英语试题单项选择分类汇编 一、冠词 1.(北京卷35). First impressions are the most lasting. After all, you never get __ second chance to make __ first impression. A. a; the B. the; the C. a; a D. the; a 2.(福建卷21).It's good feeling for people to admire the Shanghai world expo that gives them Pleasure. A.不填,a B. a,不填 C. the ,a D. a, the 3.(江苏卷 21). The visitors here are greatly impressed by the fact that_____ people from all walks of life are working hard for_____ new Jiangsu. A.不填; a B. 不填;the C. the; a D. the; the 4.( 辽宁卷22). There are over 58, 000 rocky objects in _______ space, about 900 of which could fall down onto _______ earth. A. the; the B. 不填; the C. the; 不填 D. a; the 5. (山东卷22). If we sit near _______ front of the bus, we'll have _______ better view. A. 不填;the B. 不填;a C.the; a D. the;the 6. (四川卷2)In most countries, a university degree can give you flying start in life. A. the; a B. the; 不填 C.不填; 不填 D.不 填; a 7.(浙江卷2) Many lifestyle. patterns do such __ great harm to health that they actually speed up __weakening of the human body. A. a; / B. /; the C. a; the D. /; / 8.(重庆卷27) Everything comes with price; there is no such thing as free lunch in the world. A. a, a B. the, / C. the, / D.a, / 9.(上海卷26)It took us quite a long time to get to the amusement park.


滨州学院2007-2008学年第一学期期末考试 英语专业(本)2005级《高级英语》试卷(B) (答案一律写在答题纸上,在本试卷上做答无效) I. Multiple Choice: (30%) Section 1: Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined part (20%). 1. The US launched military attacks on Iraq for the purpose of establishing its possession of weapons of mass destruction. A setting up B building C constructing D ascertaining 2. Artificial diamond is indistinguishable from genuine one, but much cheaper. A differential in B indifferent to C differentiable from D identical to 3. I was offered my teaching job back but I declined. Later I became a geologist for an oil company. A received B accepted C hesitated D refused 4. The glaring of the sun makes all stars invisible. A coldness B darkness C brightness D hotness 5. Tony became disdainful of his friends when he succeeded in the attempt. A scornful B proud C thankful D grateful 6. Motors and bicycles threaded their way among the throngs of people entering and leaving the market. A swarm B crowds C flock D herd 7. Police followed the would-be thieves and caught them red-handed. A enraged B likely C attempted D timid 8. The news was such a shock that it still hasn’t really sunk in yet. A collapsed B been comprehended C been soaked D been leaked 9. Shakespeare was one of the most prolific writers in England. A creative B productive C ingenious D inventive 10. The hypothesis proposed for the origin of the solar system was to be discussed this week. A protected B provoked C stated D approved 11. The buildings collapsed in the earthquake. A broke down B turned down C put down D kept down 12. Tom’s answer was equivocal whenever the teacher asked the same question of him. A identical B different C ambiguous D difficult 13. There were incessant demands for the resignation of the Georgian president from the office for his inefficient running of state affairs.


测绘工程专业英语考试重点Geomatic测绘学 Geosciences地球科学 Geodesy大地测量学 Cadastral surveying地籍测量Geodetic surveying 大地测量Marine survey 海洋测量Geological survey 地质测量Control survey 控制测量Horizontal survey 水平测量Vertical survey 高程测量Topographic survey 地形测量Tacheometry 视距测量 Contour等高线 Chart图表 Fieldwork外业 Officework内业 Elevation高程 Basic point 基准点 Benchmark 水准基点 Stations 测站 Geoid 水准面 Vertical垂直 Theodolite经纬仪Monumentation埋石 Latitude纬度 Longitude经度 Prime meridian 本初子午线Gravity field 重力场 Curvature 曲率 Fixed error 固定误差Proportionnal error 比例误差Multiplication constant 乘常数Angle 角度 Zenith distance 天顶距 Circle 度盘 Azimuth方位角 Triangulation 三角测量Traversing 导线测量Triangulateration 边角测量 Control network 控制网 Forward intersection 前方交会 Resection 后方交会 Side intersection 侧方交会 Traverse angle 导线折角 Open traverse 支导线 Close traverse 闭合导线 Close loop traverse闭合环导线 Connecting traverse 符合导线 Coordinate increment坐标增量 Trigonometric leveling 三高程测量 Horizontal 水平距 Rod plate 尺垫 Coordinates 坐标系 Geodetic 大地基准 Origin 原点 Parameter 参数 Map projection 地图投影 Equidistant projection等距投影 Equivalent projection 等积投影 Orthographic projection 正射投影 Differential correction 差分改正 Real time kinematicRTK实动定位 Cartograph制图学 Raster 栅格光栅 Embed 嵌入 Resolution 分辨率 Data classification 数据分类 Topological relationship 拓扑关系 aerial photogrammetry 航空摄测量 Remote sensing 遥感 InSAR干涉合成孔径雷达 Prism 棱镜 Blunder/gross error 粗差 Index error 指标差 Standard deviation 标准差 Mean square error中误差 Calibrate 校准 Normal equation 法方程 Space segment 空间部分 -------------------------- settlement observation 沉陷观测 deflection observation 挠度观测 property line survey 建筑红线放 样 cross-section survey 横断面测量 geoid undulation 大地水准面差 距 orthometric height 正高 very long baseline interferometry 甚长基线干涉测量 connecting traverse 附合导线 zenith distance 天顶距 hydrographic survey 水道测量 工程测量engineering survey 施工放样construction layout or setting-out survey 竣工测量as-built survey 参考椭球reference ellipsoid 参 考 卫星激光测距satellite laser ranging(SLR) 重力场gravity field 测量平差adjustment of observation or survey adjustment 多余观测redundant observation 点位中误差mean square error of a point 粗差检验gross error detection 自动目标识别automatic target recognition(ATR 水准尺level lod 平面控制网horizontal control network 地籍测量cadastral surveying or property survey 1. Surveying is the art of making such measurements of the relative positions of points on the surface of the earth that, on drawing them to scale, natural and artificial features may be exhibited in their correct horizontal or vertical relationships. 测量是测定地面上各点的相对位置,以便根据它们之间正确的水平或竖直关系,按比例展示出天然地物
